Second Date Update: Surprise Party Shocker

Published Dec 5, 2023, 3:04 PM

One of our listeners wandered into an unlocked front door before his date started and what he saw on the other side threw his entire night for a loop!

Second date up date.

One of our listeners, Chris says his first date got derailed before it even started.

Just like most of the segments on this show.

I was going to say that what people were used to.

I feel for you, Chris. I have been there. In fact, I'm there right now.

It's good.

Stay in Chris. Do you feel this segment tanking as we speak?

I think we can get it back on track.

Okay, my host faces say different.

But you're a lot more hopeful and optimistic than we are, Chris.

But tell us about the girl that you were supposed to go out with. What's her name?

Yeah? Sure, name's Kayla.


We met at a dating app then online.

How long did you guys chat before you actually met up?

Like two or three weeks? So you know, I guess a decent amount of time we got to know each other, at least a little bit.

Is that the normal amount of time that you guys do two three weeks before you meet up?


I try to me as soon as possible so I don't waste my time. Okay, she's ours.

Yeah, a solid connection, though you make sure it's two three weeks if you're just looking up like Alexas.

Yeah, fair, So you actually like her?

It sounds like, yeah, yeah, it was one of those auts where we were trying to date, not just get down to it.

Gotcha good, and so I mean the conversation leading up sounds like obviously it was good.

Yeah, yeah, it was good. She's super cute, Like first just saw our pictures. She had like freckles, she was wearing like all these cute like old band T shirts that she sort of like cut up and anyway, whatever my type.

Okay, and you're not one of those guys that sees like a girl wearing like a rolling Stone shirt Ramones and it's.

Like okay, I was like, you're not even in Nirvana.

Tell us about the date and how it got derailed.

Well, all right, so we scheduled that I was actually going to pick her up for our first date.

Oh may.

She definitely trusts you then.

So yeah, so I got there like I'm a pretty punctual person. I got there ended up being like twenty minutes early. Okay, oh wow, okay, So I was like I'll go up, I'll knock on the door, like to see what's going on or whatever.

Ooh, I don't know. Twenty minutes early for a date is really early.


Yeah, like I'm not going to be ready no exactly, Like and then it's like awkward because you have to answer the door. If you're knocking on the door, it's like different if you send a text and you're like, yo, i'm here. I'll just wait for you until you're ready. Let me know.

Yeah. I thought about doing it, and I was like, oh, I'm going to be a gentleman. I'll just walk up to the door instead of using a cell phone about it. Okay, but it got it got way weirder though. Okay, So I go up and the door was actually like cracked open. So I sort of nudged it open just a little bit to give like a hey, you know, I'm here. Yeah, And as I nudged it open, twenty ish people jumped out and screamed surprise what what?


Yeah exactly, I'm really confused.

Were you the wrong house?


So it turns out her friends were throwing her a surprise party a week before her birthday. Wow, they were throwing her off a scent by doing it a week early.

Yeah, Well what do you do? Do you stay for the party or do you just leave?

Well, she's obviously not even there yet if they're all waiting for.

Her, right, Yeah, yeah, she wasn't she was not there yet, so awkward. Yeah, so, I you know, they didn't like ask me a lot of questions. They just sort of were like getting getting you know, she's on her way here. Yeah, I didn't like fully have time to make the decision of.

Like, OK, so then you're just like put in with the crowd of people and you're now waiting to surprise her for her party.

With a group of people I've never metol that's hysterical.

So what happened when she came into the door.

So she comes in the door, everyone jumps out yell surprised. You know, she's like looking around obviously very surprised, and then sees me in the middle of it, and she looks even more surprised.

Probably not how you envisioned your first date.

Now, that's so funny though.

Was it a great party?

Did you have a great Did she have a great time?

Yeah, she seemed that a really great time. I mean, I know, I talk to people a pretty decent amount, and like I hung out with their dog for a while with the big big dog.

Fan it's doghole? Is that great? I have a weird feeling.

About it, really why I think it sounds good.

I'd rather do that than like an awkward dinner date with someone, Like.

You're with friends, you guys are all drinking and the mood is super high.

And you're with their friends and they're all hanging out with each other and he's over on the couch, just sitting at the door.

No, but here's the thing. If you can find a person who can hold their hone in a party, it is so attractive. I agree that you don't have to babysit them the whole time.

Uh yeah, I mean it was cool, But like every now and again, they'd be like, wait, so how do you know her? I'm a little confused, And I was like, I don't know. Do I bring up the dating app? I was like, I would usually find a way to sort of like hear the conversation.

You don't want to tell them, oh yeah, I'm from one night stand dot com.

You also don't want to be like, I'm your cousin. Oh my god.

But if it was one of my friends, I'd be stoked, like this is so.

Date. Just like the.

Party sounded fun, but we're able to ever get any like alone one on one time to actually connect with her.

Yeah, so like we got on the beer pongk table together one but that was fun.

Oh okay, but.

Actually yeah, like I ended up staying till the end, So we got like almost a half an hour to sort of like chap. It was. It's like it's like post party, like, you know, she's pretty tired. I was pretty tired. It was a lot, like it was a lot. Yeah. Yeah, but we decided next week we're going to go out on like a real date.

Okay, So how did it end? Did you just leave?

Yeah? I just you know, she gave me a hug goodbye. But I mean, you know, when I was leaving, like she seemed happy about the party, but she also seemed like genuinely happy that I actually made the decision to stay.

And like, you know, okay, so what's happened since?

Well, yeah, that's the thing. Nothing. Now. I texted her, you know, that week to make plans. I didn't hear back, and now it's been two weeks and oh so I'm like, you know, I'm just racking my brain, like what you know. In my head, I'm like now I'm thinking about who is at the party. I'm like, was there like an ex boyfriend or something that maybe she rekindled with.

Did someone say something bad about you?


Do you think it's gonna be weird when we call her in a couple of minutes and all shout surprise, Because.

That's my plan.

We're gonna play a song, we'll come back, we'll call Kayla for you and try and get your second date update.

Okay, hey, I appreciate it.

All right, hold on second date update.

If you're just joining us, surprise, it's a second date update.

We're supposed to wait till she was on the phone.

Well, it's a second date update minus the date part.


But there was a lot of party.

Yeah, because one of our listeners, Chris unknowingly scheduled to meet up on the exact night Kayla's friends planned a surprise birthday.

Party for her.

Yeah, So he showed up, got rushed in and told to hide behind a couch along with forty other people that he didn't know, and he's surprised. Kayla ended up hanging out for about three hours, mostly with Kayla's dog, but yeah, also with some of her friends and even her at one point, and Chris, how did you say it ended that night between you guys?

I felt good. It was weird, obviously, but she was happy I was there and that we were definitely hanging out the next weekend.

And you didn't get any of her friends any reason for them to be like stay away from him, like he's like red flags.

You know, I didn't do anything embarrassing. You know, I watched my limits on drinking, you know, very careful.

Like maybe it's just a scheduling thing. I mean, she did say it was her birthday the week after because they were doing the party a week before. Maybe she's just been too busy.

Yeah, I mean that's it's definitely possible. I get that. But like she's not responding even to text.

Brook what a dumb suggestion that? Yeah, to be positive, I hope you feel embarrassed by that.

I don't, okay, but you know you should a numb to embarrassment. At this point in my life, it doesn't happen anymore.

Well, now you just made it sad.

Okay, let's just call Kaylen and hopefully put some positivity into this call.

All right, you ready to do this, Chris?

I hope so here we go.

Hello, Hey, is this Kayla?


This is is this.

Right now?

With work and Jeffrey in the morning.

Yay, I'm sorry what birthday?

We heard?

It's your birthday.

I'm sorry this is a joke or something.

I don't I just don't know, you know, it's it's not a joke, it's actually it's actually something that we're doing called a second date.


We're all wondering about a hangout that you had recently with one of our listeners named Chris.


He reached out to us and told us, you guys are supposed to go out on a date, but then it kind of got derailed because as your friends through your surprise birthday party.

And he, like he said, he got like swept up into the party somehow, which is I thought it sounded like a really cute night and you must have been so excited your friends. Are you a surprise party? That's so cool?

Really weird.

Well, don't worry.

Sorry, we didn't mean this blindside you and surprised you with all that stuff. We're just really trying to help our listener Chris understand what happened at the party, because he felt like, you guys were getting along and you were supposed to hang out the next weekend and that never happened.

So he's just a little bit confused.

Yeah, I guess that's in the air these days. Yeah, And I don't mean you gubes at all. I don't know You're not being mean to.

This. Is you mean? Yea that?

Yeah, You're fine. Chris is just confused, you know, And I feel like you could understand that, Like he said that you he left you on such a happy, positive note. You guys had a great hug, and then it's just silence sense. Uh.

Yeah, I mean it was such a weird thing that had happened because basically I was not only surprised that there was a surprise party, but then I was like it was a double air of surprise because Chris being there, and so it was like just a clown car full of emotions, I suppose. And it was super nice that he stayed, but it was weird because I guess he left and then he came back.

You mean to the party.

I mean I didn't see him, but I just assumed he did that.

What do you mean assumed?

Well, because there was a gift from Chris that was on the present table, and I mean he didn't know that there was going to be a surprise party, at least he said he didn't, and my friend said he didn't.

That's so sweet though, So you think he like rushed out in the middle of the party to go get you a prize. I think that's so kind.

Yeah, but it wasn't because when I opened up his presence in it was skims shapewear.

That is hard to get your hands on though it's a Kim Kardashian line of shapewear.

Is supposed to like slim you down.

Yeah, yeah, was it lingerie though it just buys skims because they do all sorts of difference, It.

Was shapewear, and I was so like horrifically offended.

You know.

He obviously he looked at me and then he was like, I'm just gonna go run out and get shapewear for her.

Why would he do that?

That is that's really odd, especially for a first possible gifts.

But is it one of those things where he just saw like it's a Kim Kardashian line and he figured like if I was gonna buy a girl makeup and I saw Kim k on it or something like maybe.

I didn't look at it, maybe he didn't know it was shapewear. Maybe he thought it was just.

Like trying to look I want you to know he never told us that he bought you a gift or anything about.

The skims, and he went on and on about how cute and hot you were when we talked to him.

I mean, I was really mortified and really embarrassed, and I'm I just don't want to have to think about it about him anymore.

So you know, well, I'm sorry sorry to do this to you, Kayla, but we do have one more surprise. Chris is on the other line listening, and he wants to talk to you.

Hey wait wait what Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm like, this is blowing away. I never left the party, I promise you.

Like so what you already had a gift with you and you showed up to a party that you didn't.

Know was going to happen.

No, wait, hold on you guys, this is this is Chris. Did you set this up to get me on the radio like this?

Like I wanted to not when I couldn't get figured out any other way to like try to figure out like what I possibly did to make you not like even respond to text like let alone not go out with me again because you got you bought me.

You must have left and got me some present that is demonstrative of how you look at my body or like it was just so weird and inappropriate and inappropriate.

Dude, what were you thinking?


I don't even know what I wouldn't even know where to buy shapewear like this is I don't know. I guess I'm sort of figuring out based on what everyone's saying what shapewear is. But look, all right, time embarrassing. I liked you a lot, like upon meeting you, and like there was this whole table of presents, like from all your awesome friends, and I was like, I don't have anything for her. It's her birthday, and like this is my first impression on her. And I don't know, like I didn't think I drank too much, but maybe I just put something in my head. I was just crossed off one of the names on the gifts and I put my name on it. I know it was why it's not a cool I know it's not a cool move, but I promise you it was like done with like the best intentions, Like I I didn't open I didn't open it first.

Because it's wrap.

Someone else's gift.

But who the hell has given you your birthday? Probably close friends?

I didn't. I don't even remember what the name was on it. I just I just popped my name on there, and like I was very specific with it. I put you know, some like our first date, like winky face.

Tayla, we want to hear from you. What what do you think about that?

My jaws just on the ground. So you're saying that president wasn't from you, but to take credit for a president somebody else is giving you but it backfired on you.

Is that better or worse than what you originally saw?

I mean, just like swimming in confusion.

Right now, I will say I will say it means that he is not some weirdo who's giving you shape like that.

I would have never I would have never looked at you and been like, oh man, she needs to alter anything about her appearance or about yourself as a person, like at all.

No, he just needs to alter the name on this happy birthday.

I mean, it sounds like he made a drunken, dumb mistake that he thought was going to.

Impress and it backfired in the absolute but overall he seems like a pretty cool guy. And we'd like to send you guys out on another date. If you're up for a Kayla, we'd pay for it no presence.

Yeah, that's actually a good thing this time. That typically isn't.

What do you think I will go out on a date with Chris if he helps me figure out who gave me shakes?

All right, Chris for a little detective work, I'm in.

Yeah, that's the least of what I can do.

Well, I'll say that you've now made a new listener.

Oh the mess too, listeners total.

Wait, we did it the phone.

That's freaking Jeffrey in the morning.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

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