The guy on the phone says a random child walked up to their table during a romantic dinner and said something that threw off their ENTIRE EVENING. Is a kid really to blame for him not getting a Second Date?
The second date date. What's the fastest you've ever gone from dating app to first date?
Wow, that's interesting because usually it takes some your sweet talking and finagling little get to know you. You make a couple jokes, exchange a couple picks. But Gabe says they only sent two messages before they agreed to meet up to record.
What one the messages it had to be more than how are you Wow?
I don't know what it says. It either screamed super charming or super desperate? So which one of those would you say describes you the best?
I would say definitely super charming.
You know, it's okay if you're both desperate at the same time. It cancels each other out like two negatives.
Gabe gave a lot of people can relate. I had a girl snap me the other day, Hey, I got a pack of butt lights?
Can I come over?
And I was like, WHOA well, stranger danger?
That's yeah, I know.
She obviously was yes and gave. By the way, that was his mom to you're already starting off on a higher level than us. Tell us about the woman that you met online? Right?
Yeah? So I met this girl in Abby up a dating app, and we didn't really mess her around with this small talk right away. And I'm like that anyway, so it was kind of perfect. She's like, Hey, I'm not a big texture or pen pal person. Let's just meet.
Oh wow, doing is that the first message she set you? Or had you messaged her first?
No, that was on her dating profile.
Oh okay, so it wasn't special treatment for you.
Correct. She's very blunt into the point, which I really loved.
So what did you write to her to make her interested in meeting up with you in person?
Well? I think it wasn't much. It was like, I agree with you, let's not get stuck on this app in text, let's meet in person. And she had an amazing so I knew I was there was attraction, So I'm like, great, let's meet.
That's awesome because you have the entire rest of your lives to talk and bore each other and get to know each other that way. Let's just cut right to the June room.
I don't know that your total strangers like you, don't.
I mean, it's one thing when you're like set up on a blind date by a friend, you just there's some like, well, somebody's vouching for this person.
True, this is like out of the blue internet stranger.
Yeah. I didn't really feel if she was a stranger. Like she had a nice listing, the stuff on her profile. I kind of had an idea of who she was, you know what I mean, Like I kind of knew, at least in writing, what kind of person she was. So I felt comfortable in a big deal.
That's great. So that is good. Yes, yeah, a little little danger is exciting. So what did you guys end up doing?
I mean you obviously met right, Yeah, so we met up at a restaurant.
Are really jumped right into it. I thought for sure it would be coffee.
Yeah, it was. It was dinner and she getting to know her a little bit. At dinner. She's a very to the point person, but still friendly. She wasn't like ameanor and is. Then she is a very beautiful, great smile.
That'd be kind of funny.
She sits down, She's like, all right, let's get these appetisers going. Don't look at me, don't talk to me. Let's first, yeah, let's eat and then we'll go from there.
But it's so different, like you're going into a dinner where you know nothing about this person all the other days are you know some history right, a little bit.
But if you get to know people, then that gives you reasons to not like that, safer to do that. I get it, just like I've never yeah want that. No one should ever ask me anything. But did it work out well for you? Gab and have you? Yeah?
What was the conversation?
Like, it was a great conversation. We talked about family and what she's into and what she does outside of work. So it was a nice flow. I mean, I'm not gonna lie. And then actually, something really cute happened. Some little kid came up to our table. He was in a like a Superman cape, you know. He came kind of running up and she was playing along like, hey, Superman, are you here? Can bring a villain? Like she was like playing into this kid.
She said, God, some parents like this is a restaurant.
Basically I would have been the same way, like kids, go scram go with your parents. You're interrupting our day. So like she was like charming actually, and so I was like, oh and look at I want to have kids one day, and so I'm like maybe this would be a great mom.
It's a future milk. You didn't tell her that.
That's usually a turn off when you hear that on a first date you're going to be a great mom.
Yeah, No, I held off on that.
Yeah, it's a sweet thought.
How did the dinner end? So it ended?
I thought pretty well, And I said to her, you know, I'm thinking i'd want another day with you, and she kind of laughed and says, we'll see, but in a cutey way. But now it's been here, we are a week and a half later and nothing. She hasn't responded to me, So.
Maybe she wasn't being as cutesy as you thought when she said that.
Yeah, did I do something wrong? Did I say something? I'd like to know where I stand.
I feel like it's going to be easy if this is a direct person.
I'm just gonna say.
That easier to pick up and then it should be a short phone call.
Yeah, but she might be brutally honest, so prepared for that.
But you would think if she was that brutally honest, she would have just told him directly, we're not going to hang out again. Hanging Yeah, I don't know. Could have been her kid actually in real life, and she just wanted to like from Mommy's on the date.
I told you sit in booth number four, Honey.
That could have been her little test and you failed.
Super Boy, God, that really was her kid, then you know that's pretty impressive. Bravo to her. I didn't see that coming, but the kid didn't look like her by the way, it didn't look like her, so I didn't think that.
You better go check your bill make sure you didn't pay for kids.
We're gonna find out for sure when we come back. We call this woman and we interrogate her on if she's a mom or not, and if she wants to go out with you again.
I think we get come in a little looser than that.
We're coming hard and fast, like Superman, can we do your second date update right after this.
Look, it's a kid a restaurant and he didn't get kicked out Because one of our listeners, Gabe, was on a date with a woman recently when a super child swooped up to their table. Yeah, and the woman he was with, named Abby treated him really nicely.
Shocking, played along, even got into the game of pretend.
Yeah, like who's the villain? Ah broccoli is my kryptonite. No, and when he suggested afterwards that they hang out again, Abby replied, we'll see.
She thought was flirting until she stopped calling him.
Yeah yeah, directly to the point. And hopefully it's not going to take superhero strength to get Gabe another date here, because looking around the room, I don't know if we have it in a Yeah.
To be honest, Alexis said she lifted one weight in a jim yesterday.
I did. I'm a little I might be able to pull for you.
Wow, two and a half pounder. Good for you, any chance? Never mind, I would have given us more credit. Gabe. On a scale of one to ten, how confident are you that we're going to get this done for you?
Probably a six?
I thought you.
Said ten.
Well yeah, then thinking at you guys, I just feel like I've done something wrong and I'm a little nervous about it.
Okay, so you're the reason it's a six. I like that we blame you, all right, We're gonna put all the blame on you if this goes wrong, but if it goes right, one hundred percent of the credit goes to us. I like that deal. Let's call this lady for you. See, we can get another date. Here we go.
Hey is this Sabby?
Hey Abby. You may or may not know us, but we're a radio show called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning, and we were hoping we could take a second of your time to talk, uh date life.
What Hi? Hi?
Abby? Sorry? I almost called you Gabby because I mean it kind of makes sense.
You were laughing at what I said. Sorry, I probably talked to her a little bit. I like talking around her. Serious, Gabby, what's up?
You know what?
I'm mashing the name up with the guy that you went out with recently.
Either, this is all awful.
I'm sorry, Abby. You know what, At this point, we're just gonna have Alexis takeover. Run the combo people one. Where's four of us, a whole room full of us together?
We make more from you.
Well, we're a morning show. It's a radio show.
I'm on the radio.
We got there when we're doing a segment called a second Date Update, and we're trying to help out one of our listeners named Gabe, who you met at a restaurant recently.
Yeah, yeah, I know.
Did you have a fun time with Gabe?
Look here this is the all I like getting to know him. I found him to be interesting at first, but then he said a bunch of things that are pretty out putting to me, and I'm just gonna leave.
It at that.
Oh I'm sorry.
Yeah, yeah, I mean one of the good things he said about you is he loved how honest you were, and so I don't I don't know that he would be hurt to hear what you have to say.
Yeah, he's just a little clueless. I don't think that he realizes that he said anything that could have come across offensive.
One of the things that he sent to me at first was you look nice in this light.
Okay, okay, Well, because it's in this light, that's the thing.
There was no light. It was super dark where we were, Like, I looked nice in the dark.
That look.
I've heard you say this before, like, oh, the lighting in here is perfect for me, and things like that.
I can say that about myself.
He said more than that. We haven't even gotten to.
The other things he said.
Okay, there's more.
He said, I bet you're so pretty that the guys online are throwing themselves at you. What the guys in person don't like.
I think that's a little bit of a stretch.
I think that maybe you were hurt from the lighting comment and then you're like, so now you're looking for the backhanded compliments.
No, like I have nothing else to offer except my look, Like, come on, well you.
Know what's interesting.
He didn't even bring up your looks when we talked to him about what.
She has other things to offer.
He talked about how lovely and and and how great she was with the kid and what a good person she said.
Kid, you did mention a good moment where a kid came up to the table and you were really playful.
Yeah. He was like so impressed that I shockingly be good with kids, Like, of course, I'm good with kids.
It seems like.
Every time hold on, you were offended that he said that you seem to be good with kids.
Yeah, like, why wouldn't I be.
I don't think he meant it as a surprise. He just has never met you before, so everything's new.
And he's blue expectations.
But I just think you give him a chance, Like he's nervous, he's trying to be nice to you.
I don't see it that way at all.
Well, you don't have to take it directly from us. You can actually hear it straight from Gabe's mouth because he's on the other line listening right now, wanting to talk to you and not compliment you in any way. Well, I don't know that, Gabe. Are you there?
Hey guys, Hey, Abby, Hey, here we are.
Like this award.
He's clearly a little bit scared.
So there's another person on the line too, good guy, the one you went out with. This is like a crazy party.
Gabe, talk to Abby, tell her what you meant.
So. I didn't mean anything like negative or derogatory. I was trying to compliment you. I was trying to be flirty. I was trying to be duty cheeky, you know what I mean. And I don't remember you having an ego like you do now I will say that that's but I mean, I just I'm shocked to hear all this. And when I said you look good in this light, you took it in a way that I meant that had nothing to do with what you thought. It was like, maybe you have some insecurity issues. I don't know.
Oh, so that's what I'm talking about.
Okay, let me just jump in really quick. I think what he meant by that is I'm really, really sorry.
All you have to do is bring Jeff on every date you ever go on, and he will interpret in the correct way.
Men have a hard time expressing what they really feel inside, so I can translate he's deeply apologetic.
I am not hearing that at all, Like, GiB why.
Are you saying things like that, You're being like, you're like accusing her of having.
A big ego and being insecure. Why would you even mention that?
Again, I was being trying to be cute and flirty, and now I'm hearing the side of her like which came out of nowhere. She didn't say any of this during our dinner. I'm just glad I didn't say anything wrong, truly, because yes.
I can understand gave you. You're feeling a little bit attacked because she's she's she thinks that you're being insulting and you don't feel that way. Maybe this is a good chance to hit the reset button and try complimenting her in a totally non offensive, completely one hundred percent safe way. Every let's give it a shit.
Do not say you're smart for a woman, Don't say that.
Don't don't say what Brooks husband tells to her.
I will compliment you right now again Abby, like I did a few times. You are remarkable, You are gorgeous and an incredible soon to be mother. And how you kind of played with that young kid who came over with the super mother?
What I now to?
Where are you getting this?
What's wrong?
Like what's happening here? No?
Enough? Honestly, this has been enough. I didn't need to engage in it a second time, quite frankly. So I'm just word of advice next time you go out with a woman, a beautiful woman, a lovely woman. I mean, maybe you just try not to shame her all the time. Okay, I don't.
Think it's not a bad piece of advice of course.
Gave you can compliment her on that nice piece of advice that she gave you.
That was a wonderful piece of advice. Abby. I'm going to take it to heart, and I'm going to make a note in my journal about it when I write tonight. So I appreciate that, and I wish you the best. You're You're beautiful, You're charming. I don't have an ego.
We're done wonderful.
Gonna ask we still need to.
I think technically their chemistry is off, like no one's done anything crazy.
This happen if they texted before they went on.
It's a good point. But we would love to offer to send you guys out to meet up one more time. Well it's a no from Abby. It sounds like, but Gabe, I haven't heard from you. Are you still in a solo date by yourself?
Oh yeah, I mean if you guys are paying, I wouldn't mind that. That's nice.
Okay, practice, yes, by yourself, maybe across from a mirror is at.
A lowlit diner, just talking to himself.
Getting super offended by the things that he said.
Brooking Jeffrey in the morning.
Okay, Well that was one of those second dates that escalates quickly and we don't know what to do with it.
You know, it's like, how could two opposite people just find each other? Yeah, I know, they just don't go well together.
They did, Brook, though. I do have to give it to you here because for what you were very calm and rational and all when talking to the callers today and not emotional and controller like normal. I was impressed, is what I'm trying to say.
That is what we call it backhand compliment. Jeffrey.
No, I'm just.
Saying that you were so poised that I hardly even noticed your mismatched outfit. Okay, you can't to that I'm giving you a compliment. I said, I did not know that it's getting the years round.
If it was anyone else, i'd take offense to it.
But jeff and I don't really care about his opinion.
I think that you're hearing what you want to hear that. Yeah, and just the fact that you're hearing it all at your age is so let's give a lost everybody.
I can't let's get I can't hear.
That studio loves you. That's what I'm trying to say. Remember, if you want to get a second date up that you can email the show. We'll call that person wasn't calling you back. Check out all our second date updates on our podcast where we get your Is that broken?
Jeffery, Brooke and Jeffrey in the Morning