Second Date Update: Standup Standoff

Published Jan 17, 2025, 4:44 PM

We had a problem with today’s Second Date Update that we’ve NEVER experienced before and it probably says a lot about why one of our listeners is asking us for dating help.

Hey, you found it. It is the home of the Second Date, Up Date. It's Brook and Jeffrey in the morning. Thank you so much for being here on the podcast. And I just got to say huge, huge, huge thank you to every single person that's here, to the people that comment, the subscribe, that like, that share, the people even that give us hate comments. Yet I'm fine with that too, because we are sitting at number five today on the top comedy podcast. So excited, and it's all because we have truly the best listening in the world.

You guys are the best. It makes me teery. Thanks for putting up with us.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. And uh okay, I'll stop being emotional. And here's your brand new Second Date.

Second Date updated, even though we already have one in our midst. I'm told we are not allowed to say the famous words tell me a joke, funny guy. Oh yeah, that's never fun, because on the phone we've got a stand up comedian. Hey, Jester, I don't say that to all the stand up comics that you meet.

I've never uttered that sentence in my life.

I get it.

Help me a joke, funny.

Guy, Yeah, tell me a joke. Funny guy. So it's like, you're a comedian, tell me a joke. I'm like, you tell me we're good somewhere.

I'm not gonna be like, make me a sandwich.


I don't know how it was, but let's ask the actual stand up comic who's on the phone right now to get a little bit of help. His name is Darren. Darren, welcome the show.

Hey, how's it going?

Hey? Hey, you're hilarious.

Did you like that one that was open?


That was good.

I liked it.

I liked it a lot.

Darren, How long have you been doing the stand up comedy thing?


What's your goals?

I've been doing stand up comedy for about ten years now, and my goal is just to make people laugh. I like to just let people just escape from their reality for a little while.

It's the opposite of our show to bring people right back down to reality.

Like minded brother, Good luck out there, man. Yeah, that's better than me.

What am I saying?


Who are we calling today?


You met a girl recently?


I actually met her at a stand up show.

Oh wow, there's always girls hanging out at the end of every comedy show waiting to get the comedian right, because there's nothing sexier than a guy or a person that can make you laugh.

Was she a groopye, bro?

I mean, a lot of these girls are kind of on the sleeezy side, but this was a classy girl though, So she was a rare breed.

What's this classy girl's name?



And so Darren and Aaron okay.

Oh that's funny. Think about that.

That makes your celebrity nickname really easy. Then it's Darren. That's great.

So what was it like.

Did you strike up conversation first or did she approach you?

Yeah? I had seen her around at a few different shows, but I hadn't really talk to her, and she saw me do my act and she came up to me and told me I was funny, and that was the first time I actually asked her out. But at that point she told me she doesn't date comics.

Oh that's a smart, smart choice.

It is a smart Yeah.

How did you respond to that?


I told her that fine because I work construction.

Okay, that was good laugh for sure.

Yeah, she thought that was funny, and so I finally I get her to want to go out with me and I don't want to take her to a bar, though, you know, I want to take her somewhere nice.

Yeah, okay, okay, because it's almost like just taking another comedy club.

Comedy culture is a huge bar.

I think a bar first date is great.

But yeah, it's like taking it's like taking them to work. Yeah, you don't want to go to your own work?

Okay, somewhere nice, would you do?

So? I booked this city bus tour just like goes around the city.

Okay, Oh, like the red buses the two stories, yeah.

Or they have the ones that can go in the water.

To Darren no offense. I thought you were saying that you were classing it up, and city bus tour doesn't come to mind when.

I think it's got a up upper deck.

It's a British bus.

But this is a very classy that's.

A double.


Why do I feel like one of your comedian friends is the tour guide?

Yeah's corner.

I didn't even know who was doing the joke, so it was just like some guy doing all kinds of corny stuff and yeah, impressed.

That's kind of a funny date, like you get to see the whole city, you know, A lot of time to talk and things to talk about.

How was it? How did it go?

It went good. It was going good at first. You know, we're going to all these cool places, We're seeing all these different sites. Yeah, but then I thought it would be funny to get off the bus right before it left for the next stop.

Wait what wait with her? You mean like, oh, we're gonna get off the bus and go get a drink.

No, she was still on the bus.

Were you laughing? As the bus pulled away with her, she says, she doesn't want a data comic. This is what's the reason.

Yeah, that's true. You think you're funny, and you're not being funny.

No, it was kind of funny when I pretended to run after it.

Oh my god, what did her face look like?

Was pretending you smaller and smaller imagining it?

She was definitely surprised, and she had to wait for me, like at the next stop, and she wasn't thrilled about that.

Did you tell her it was a joke or did you say.

Oh my god, No, I did tell her it was a joke. I thought it was funny, but I ended up having to apologize. I felt bad. She didn't laugh No, she did not think it was funny so funny.

Usually when you explained the joke afterwards, they really burst into laughter.

I just mentioned the thought of this gave her the ick.

Do you think you gave her?

No, not that watching a man chase a bus exactly. It was so sucific.

I don't know if bad did it, but I don't usually run, so it could have.

I've seen some dudes that are like, why are you flailing like that? Maybe the unattractive running the thing? Okay, alexis thing?

Though, since it was a hop on, hop off bus, did you were you able to get it back on track, like go take her?

I only did dinner or a drink.

No, not really.

We didn't end up doing anything afterwards. I was kind of thinking maybe we should have just gone to a bar.

It's your home, it's your safe place.


And also you're like, at least a second date, I'll do that. But here we are, kay. So that was how it ended.

Yeah, I mean I liked her. She was nice, she was very smart. She was not like a lot of the other girls in the comedy scene.

So how long has it been since you and Aaron hung out?

It's been like three weeks now, have.

You heard from her at all or seen her at the club, because it sounds like she was going to the comedy club.

She hasn't been around lately, so I haven't seen her.

Scared her right out of the entire comedy scene.

Watching movies.

Well, maybe we can cheer her up and hopefully get her to agree to another date with you when we come back and do your second date update right after this second date update. Quick recap if you're just joining us. We got Darren on the phone, who's a stand up comedian and convinced a girl at one of his shows to go out on a date with him.

Yea, even though she said she doesn't date sleazy comics. Shen't say slezy, Well that's implied. Oh so Darren took her on a classy date on a public bus tour, Yeah, where they learned about museums and landmarks and bridges, all the sexy stuff.

Technically it's a private company that runs those, Jeff the tours.

Yes, well, just so you know, thank you for that foot in the city. Excuse me, but yeah, it was a hop on, hop off bus, so he thought it'd be funny to hop off without her, and now weeks later, he's still trying to recover and get himself another dates. So that's where we're at.

If people miss the first part, he did meet back up with her that night, It's not like that was the last time he saw her. Yes, how do you feel it about that whole revisit of your date there, Darren Darren? Oh?

Sorry, what's that?

That revisit of your date there?

Darren? Uh?

You know, I thought it was okay. I mean the part where I got off the bus obviously wasn't the best idea, but overall I didn't think it was that okay.

Listen, obviously you're a top tier comedian. The bust thing is hilarious. If this girl doesn't have a good sense of humor, do you really want to date anyways?


That's true. That's a good point.

I got your back.

This might be the problem with the mindset.

Of I think we're gonna watch a movie and Will Ferrell is gonna be chasing after like a city bus one day. We're all going to be like, oh, Darren Darren called this Kevin Hart movie city Bus Tour.

Heartthrob. We think Will fare.

That's a good point.

We're hot.

We're just let's just talk to your date, Aaron. We'll see if she answers and hopefully get an explanation for why she hasn't talked to you in three weeks.

It's a long time.

Goody, good luck.

To you too.


Hey, you guys, it's break a leg.

I mean they say break a leg because you hope to get cast.

It's an acting thing, not a stand up comedy stage thing.

If he's auditioning for sn L, then it's break a leg.

All right, Well we're going to break a body part and.

In here.

Hello, Hey is this Aaron?

Is this she?


Aaron, You're on the radio right now with a show called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.

Welcome to the show.

What's what's going on?

We're doing a segment called a second date Update. It's a very unfunny segment that we do because we heard you're not really into laughing and stuff a lot, but we're trying to help hook you up with let's what she said earlier.

Wait what you love laughing and you go to lots of comedy shows, but.

You don't date people that make you laugh?

How did you guys get my number?

We got it from Darren, who you went on a date with about three weeks.

Ago, Darren the comedian.

My god, Okay, yeah, was that like, oh my god, No, it didn't sound like it.

I just it's kind of wild that he would give my number to a radio station, don't you think.

Well, not really, because we do this segment like three times a week.

This has been going on for decades at this point. But the reason that he gave us your number is because he had a really nice time with you when the two of you went out on that bus tour.

Oh and he said nice things about like how class you were and smart, and.

It sounds like he's probably told you a lot already. I don't know exactly how much she shared with you about our first date.

Just at the highlights. It was a city bus tour. There was an awkward moment that we kind of mentioned before about him like hopping on and all the bus as like a joke, and as.

You drove away, still on the bus, he thought that'd be funny, and he said that you didn't find that very humorous.

Yeah, okay, good, so he did tell you that.

Yeah, I mean, like I like to laugh and everything, but just imagine being in my shoes watching your date kind of like sort of not pointing and laughing, but like being outside of a bus watching I mean I was horrified. Like I we drove together, so I was like, am I gonna now be stuck alone in the car when I get.

Back to it in like panic mode?

It's not funny to you.

No, And we definitely don't have that much history to even be kind of pulling those types of situations.

Yeah, but he did say that he apologized that night.

I mean he did.

He definitely did, and he caught up with me, So it ended up being fine. And like, I don't want to like hurt anybody's feelings. I just I think the best way to say it is like we just don't really.

Vibe comedians still have feelings.

Yeah, fine, so what.

Are you gonna do?

Look, I understand that sentiment. That's really nice of you to like keep his feelings in mind. But he's really confused. He's hoping to get a little bit of insight as to why you've, you know, not talked to him in the last three weeks, so that maybe he could find some closure.

All right, Well, since he decided to call you, guys and ask for it. I mean, I'll tell you, but honestly, I think he's funnier on stage than he is in person. And that's it's only like on stage when it's scripted and they've had time to rehearse this bit that they're like funny, And maybe I just didn't get to see that side of him. So I don't want to say like, he's not a funny person. I'll just say he's not my kind of comedy.

That's a great observation most people, you know, It's like these guys are practicer jokes for months.

Sometimes it's still not fun to hear you hear you're not funny.

That sucks.

Yeah, oh, actually he does. Yeah he he kind of does know that now because the way that the segment works, Aaron is we have Darren listening on the other line.

Oh oh, I bet he's just laughing and laughing right already set with this.

Yeah, yeah, fel Bro, is that Darren? Are you there? You're cracking up?


Sorry, So what happened? What?

Wait? What are you listening?

You didn't hear her?

Yeah, I was busy. I was doing something around the house. You guys are taking forever.

Okay, it's kind of important. The whole reason you call this well so that you could hear her explanation.

But another eighty D comedian because you already have one of those, Darren, talk to Aaron.

Hey Darren, it sounds like maybe you didn't hear any of that, so that's.

Probably for the best. But yeah, I was just wondering, like, you know what happened?

Oh god, Okay, we've gotten over this.

Already, all right, that's a good question. It's a very important question. Maybe if you tell the story a few more times, it'll sink in for him.

But go ahead, erin, Daren. When you hopped off of the bus, the tour operator really put me at ease, like both with jokes, and he was also just really really nice. And I think it's probably it's probably fair for me to tell you that he asked for my phone number.

Oh my god.

The tour guide.

Yeah, I just thought he was so funny and like, oh god, we have been out a couple of times and I just don't wait for anybody.

Else, right, this is the tour guide from the bus with the pretzel jokes and the kazoo.

Yeah, I've got a laugh of just thinking about it. I heard what he says.

That's you're going to go. That's he's not even a real comedian. I'm out there every day grinding holding my craft. This guy is a half? Are you kidding me?


Well, Darren, Darren, while you're honing your craft working in a quiet room, he's out there actually performing every day.

It's a lot of crowd work, doing.

Observational humor for people on the sidewalk museum jokes.

Do you know how hard it is to make history money?

She's got his back too.

Does that hurt worse? And her just not going out with you?

Darren? Well, I mean she said she doesn't date comics. I guess she's sticking with that. This guy is definitely not.

One, all right, he got a good one in there. Look, Darren, this is the point where normally I'd ask to send you two out on a date, and we'd offer to pay for it. But I think before I do that. Now that you've heard, well, I guess kind of heard. You missed most of it. But now that you know that the girl that you dated is hooking up with the corny tour guide from the bus, do you still want us to ask her out for you.

Anybody who's into tour guide humor, I'm gonna have to probably pass on.

I wanted like a joke off between the two of us, his jokes, and she clearly.

Thinks this guy's better. Oh you know, if he doesn't have any jokes, we have a joke off.

Maybe Darren quick hop off the phone and then back on like you did on the on the bus.

We'll stay here try it.

Are you gone?


I guess good luck Aaron with your new boyfriend.

Oh no, I'm devastated it didn't work out with Darren.

Not the only one with jokes, Rookie Jeffrey in the morning.

Man, this was a big win for bus tour guides everywhere.

Hey, yeah, I mean, dad, humor is on top again.

Yeah, male and female bus tour guides, you really are natural comedians. You're out there educating the public about mid century architecture and making people laugh and stealing our dates right out from under us. So we salute you. Good for you.

Yeah, I'm impressed that you really defended Darren as long as you did, since he couldn't even follow the phone call to begin.

Yeah, dude, I mean.

Got him a great shot. Yeah, but at the same time, I can't blame him for tuning away from us. I've been there before for sure, mid conversation sometimes all right, I'm not even listening right now.

You're the one talking most of the time.

Yeah, and I hate it. So I'm gonna stop talking and just encourage you to go online and find our podcast. You can find all of our second dates and all of our show content wherever you get yours at Brooke and Jeffrey, and we will help you in your dating life. We'll try it, you know, we'll be here. I don't know how much help will be, but email the show. We'll call that person who's not calling

You back Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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