Second Date Update: Split Like A Banana

Published Aug 23, 2023, 12:30 PM

Always make sure you clean out your car before a date, or you might end up like the listener in today's Second Date...He forgot about something he had in his car and is worried that's what ruined his night!

Second d date. Hey, what should a sick bird do?


Get tweetment? I'm sorry, but one of our listeners emailed the show saying he's worried he may have made a bad joker too when he was on his date, and I just wanted to throw one out there.

You better, you better were he may be coming for your job.

I just didn't want to. I didn't want to feel self conscious about it. When he told us his name's Kyle Kyle, Welcome to the show.

Hey, how you doing?

Oh man? You can barely contain your laughter, right.

Kyleakny Kyle? What did Sushi A say to Sushi B?

I want to know what?

I have no idea what sabb.


See, there you go, Kyle. Your jokes couldn't possibly have been much worse than those. And Brooke promises to laugh when.

She hears you say I don't.

But okay, well we'll get to that in a minute. But first, tell us about the lady you went out with. What's her name?

Well, her name is Sasha.


I met her at a friends She was wearing a beautiful red dress, but she looked really, really worn out.

Yeah I didn't either.

I could see through her, like the bags underneath her eyes, that she was pretty special.

Wow, none of these sounds like compliments.

Bro, Well I was you know, I want to know more about her. I didn't know why she was so tired.

I guess standing out is standing out?


Did you ever find out why she looks so tired?


Yeah, she's actually a paralegal. So she was up working on this big case with her boss.

Okay, I mean so you actually read it, right, I guess, which is a positive?

Yeah? Called it?

Okay, So how did you parlay a conversation about how exhausted she looked into a date?

So I I asked her, you know, if she was so tired, I could carry her into the the bedroom and lay.

Her down to sleep.

But she really didn't think that was funny. I got it.

Yeah, okay, I would be appalled. Yeah, I like it now now that I know you're kidding.

Yeah, Corners, I was kidding, you know.

Okay did she laugh?

Did she know? Not?

At first?

But then I said she could carry me?

Okay, all right? You know what, guys, he's one of those funny guys that you have to be there.

You know, she was there, and she didn't laugh, right, And she'd been up all night. She's exhausted. She's at this party and then to crowd.

Okay, at the end of the day, you ended up getting a date with her, right, Kyle?

Yes, Well, yeah, I got her number from a friend and texted her and eventually we go out.

Oh you did go out? Interesting? And what was that? Like, I'm just shocked, Jeff, Okay, just let me right now. Well, sometimes that's all the date is for people. We've had a lot of those.

So what was you guys do for your day?

So I picked her up and we went out to dinner. But on the way to dinner, she noticed that I had a bunch of like kids toys in my back seat, and she asked about them, like I think she thought that I had a family, any adults should ask, And I explained to her that the toys are for this toy drive at the church I go to. But I guess when I explained it, I was kind of nervous or something, and maybe she thought it was lying.

She's like, why do you also have a bunch of ice cream and like children's music playing everywhere you go?

Why does this van have no windows? What next?


Where where did we go from her thinking that maybe you had a family.

Okay, So we had dinner. It went really good. You know, she's into sports. She likes football, and I like football as well, so that's something that I figured we could bond over.

Okay, that's good. Did that carry the conversation for a while.

Yeah, well, her favorite team is like a rival of my favorite team, So there was like some banter back and forth.

I always think it's cute when couples have that. You know, they're like going for opposite teams.

Couples fight with each other. Well that's good. At least now you guys are starting to vibe a little bit on the connections.

Yeah, it was good, playful banter between us.

Okay, and then I will say it is nice when they can make couples.

Bets, you know, and it shows that like you both truly love the sport that you're reading for different things. You're not just some bandwagoners going yeah you know Alexis.

Than that.

She was a jersey. It just does football. But how did the night end for you?

Kyle? So after dinner, I drove her home and again, you know, I thought everything went well, so I leaned in to give her a kiss, saying that she just kind of turned her head and jumped out of the car and took up I was stopped. I mean, you know, she just kind of said all right, good night and just kind of jumped out of the car.

The kiss was a joke. Also, get it all kidding aside. That's kind of rough when you physically move in, they physically move away.

But it's a first date, you know, like everybody has different comfort levels on a first date, so it doesn't necessarily mean she didn't like you.

Yeah, okay, So which part of that night are you thinking may have been the dagger for you?

Oh gosh, in hindsight, I guess it's probably maybe the kid's toys in the car. I think said either family or something, cheating on my wife. I don't know, excuse Yeah, I mean I even had my friend call her a vouch for me, let her know that I'm married, I don't have any kid.

Okay, well, okay, that's one of those protests too much.


Well, now we're going to have an entire radio show call her and say the same thing, so hopefully it'll work better. When we play a song we come back, we'll call sauce for you, and we'll try and get you a second date up date.

Okay, thank you?

All right, hold on there.

Everybody knows the secret to any good relateationship is what Brooke, don't say water.

Bed please, I trust communication.

Respect. I was looking for one thing.


Yes, I was going for good communication. Eventually he got it. But unfortunately for Kyle, communication was a little bit off during his first date with Sasha because he made some jokes that she didn't quite get. Honestly, I'm not sure if we really got them either, but he made them. Also had to explain why there was a bunch of children's toys in the backseat of his car.


I often do too, We've all been there. He actually had a legit reason, yeah, donating them to charity charity he works with. And he also missed out on a first kiss. I guess she didn't read that right, but clearly communication was off. But Kyle is hoping that we can get things back on track and realign with this second date. Am I right, Kyle?

Yeah, I'm really hoping that we can straighten us out and move forward with this beautiful girl.

I guess O clarify that's actually true. We're not calling her tired girl anymore, which is already We're a movie beforeward.

It is a little early yet tired You don't want to promise anything the answer.

We want to ask her that off the get Yeah, I wouldn't ask you if I were you.




I'm glad that we communicated about that before the call, and this is going to make things go so much smoother. I'm ready to dial her number right now. Are you ready, Kyle?

Yeah, I'm ready.

All right, here we go.

Hello, Hey, I'm looking for Sasha. Hi, Hey, Sasha. My name is jeff from the radio show brook and Jeffrey.

In the Morning.

I'm sorry, who are you?


Do I need to speak louder? My name's Jeffrey from Brooklyn Jeffrey in the Morning. It's a radio show. We're just not that popular.


What's going on?

We're doing something called a second Date Update, and we're trying to help one of our listeners get in touch with you because you went out with him the other night. His name is Kyle.

Why did he contact Yeah, he's a listener of ours.

He's been trying to get in touch with you after your date. But he's been having a hard time doing that, so he's using us to reach you.

I see.

It sounds like he's had quite a few people call you. He also told us that his friend called you as well. Yeah, that happens, Okay, Okay, it's probably a lot.

So all that's checking out. We're we're trying to understand how you feel about Kyle. Like, how did that date go?

I mean, when I first met him, I thought he was kind of corky, but I actually thought it was kind of cute.

You're talking about when you met him at the party.

Yeah, like when he came on to me. I can see that keeping a little nervous and a little corky at the same time. But like I said, I thought it was cute.

Sweet, Okay, But did that same feeling not continue when you went out to dinner with him?

Yeah, So when we went out to dinner, that's when it kind of all went left.


When we were at dinner, he just embody language kind of change, you know, he kept adjusting, you know, down there, so.

Hold on during dinner.

Yeah, I know it's imbalancing to day, but he looks physically uncomfortable.

Are you sure?

Sometimes we just adjust because it's fun or is.

It more like an itching thing?

You know, I don't want to say, but I mean it looked like it was frequent and it looked like he was adjusting. Yeah, that would.

Make it really hard to concentrate on, like conversation.

Anything else, right, you know, I don't think he noticed that. I noticed, but it kind of threw me off understandable.

I mean, what do you think was going on?

I don't I don't know. I didn't know if he just didn't bathe down there. I mean, it could have been a bathroom thing, because even on the way home, he just said that he had to make like a pit stop randomly, and then after we made that stop, I was like, okay, he just ran out.

The car.

Had to go weird. Okay, yeah, Well, I mean, aren't you curious a little bit about what was going on?

I mean not really, but.

Okay, I'm the only one that wants to know. That's enough of it, yes that I need in order to let you know that Kyle's been on the other line listening this entire time and he wants to talk to you.

Wait, what are you talking about?

He is, at least I think he's still there, Kyle hands back on the phone. We want to talk to you again.

Hi, Sasha, how you doing?

Oh wow?

Oh hey guy, I'm so sorry. I apologize. I thought we were having a good dated Just.

Hear what you said.

Be kind. He's embarrassed.

What was going on there? Do you know that you were doing that?

Yeah? I guess I kind of made known that I was a little bit uncomfortable. I was trying to, you know, just ignore it.

Why were you Why were.

You doing there?

Kyle? I mean, it's is just it's really embarrassing.

You know.

I didn't really I didn't really want to talk about this on the radio.

I mean, if it's a medical thing, you can just say that we can move on.

Bro. Yeah, I mean well, I mean no, it's not not really anything medical.

I guess did you hurt yourself like I'm worried about.

I mean, I was just, God, this is so embarrassing. So, like before the date, a friend of mine told me to put a banana down in my pants and said it would give me some confidence during the day. No, what, Yeah, So you know, I thought like having that down there would make it seem like a Johnson was like, you know, bigger.

No, you actually had a banana in your pants at dinner.

Like well, when I when I sat down, then it like it squeezed out of the banana. Did we wishing mess?

It's got a little fruit salad down here now, So.

So you had smashed banana in your pants at that point? Can you that?

Why did you sit at the dinner table the entire time just adjusting the smushed banana? Why didn't you like fix that?

So we were vibing off the conversation about football and I didn't want it to stop.

He stands up and some banana.

Mash comes out of his legs.

Get up.

At some point walked the bar. How did you keep it in your pants? You were in tidy whities that would like carry it?

Do you think, Yeah, I don't want to, you know, get in the specific spot. It's kind of embarrassing. But yeah, that's why I had eventually stopped at the restroom on the way home.

That's when he got out and cleaned up. So, I mean, Sasha, now now we're getting the truth of what was really happening. Is that changing your opinion a little bit about Kyle?

It is?

It is?

I wish you would have told me.

But how I gotta stand up for him on that one? How the hell do you approach that conversation a first date? I mean, like he has a lot of regret and he's learned a lesson, I think, is where we're at at this point, and he was just trying to impress you.

That's you.

Maybe guess he shouldn't have told me because that that probably has been weird too.

Yeah, yeah, at least it wasn't.

Can you imagine? Hey, Sasha, I got a banana.

In my pants. That line's worked for some people before.

Yeah, guys, I'm still here the phone again, going one more date?


I mean, Sasha, look at the confidence that it's taken him to stay on the line and put himself out there like this. Yeah, I mean that says a lot about who he is, and I think maybe you should give him one more shot at another date, and we would pay for it, and we'll pay for the fruit. No, we're not paying for any fruit. No, No, just the date.

You're laughing, Sasha, I don't mind going on a second date.

Just make sure you leave the banana at whole.

Okay, trying to impress you should have to tell me like a literal banana.

Hannah, Yeah, that's something I can't agree to him not bringing a banana this but if.

The day goes, I might even actually bring the banana on a third date.

Oh that just got weird.

Take it as a positive.

It got weird and I like it.

Freaking Jeffrey in the Morning.

Remember I talked about this on the show a while ago, But I stuffed my pants for one week in middle school with a sock because I was a late bloomer and got kind of self conscious about it. And that eighth grade choice would have been a better decision than what Kyle decided to do on his date, aka mister banana paper.

Do you think his friend was joking him and like Kyle, Kyle missed it. Yeah, you know, like took it too literal.

Kyle did have a big problem with like communication and understanding what was jokes and what was serious. Yeah, his friend may have been messing with him, and it totally screwed him over on the day because when you think about it, there's a lot of curve in banana.

Yeah, well somebody saw that shape at one side. Yeah, there's a lot happening there there, you know what he is the most endearing banana pants guy that I've ever heard like.

And he's honest. Yeah, And that's the thing. When you tell the truth and you come clean and be honest, that really sets you free. On this show.

I hope we get an update update from those.

I don't know if I want an update update, especially after what she said is going to happen during date three. I don't want to know. I kind She can d M you directly at Brooke Fox Fox on Instagram. You can reach out to Brook and give her all the weird details about what do you guys do with that banana? Only her, not everybody else, box how do you use your banana? But if you want to get a second date up, so you can always email the show and we'll call the person who's been calling you back

Brooking Jeffrey in the morning,

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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