Second Date Update: Soulmate Psychic

Published Jun 10, 2024, 3:06 PM

One of our listeners had a GREAT first encounter with his date, but it was his FIRST TEXT after it ended that wrecked things… Hear what he sent coming up in your Second Date podcast!

Second Date updated.

I saw something on Instagram recently that basically sums up what I think a lot of our listeners are feeling with the online dating apps. It was a guy who says, I think my favorite part of online dating is when you match with someone and you're talking and it's going great, and three weeks later, someone somewhere loses interest and you just never talk to them again, and you just keep doing that over and over and over until you're ninety and you're single and you die alone.

It's so true. Wow, what a romantic look, Brooke.

Aren't you upset that you got married and missed the peak era of dating apps?

Why did I do that?

Well, we have a guy on the phone who says he also has become pretty frustrated with the online dating experience. His name is Steven, So Steven, welcome to the show man.

How you doing yo?

You sound down? Yeah?

I am down.


Buddy probably just closed his Tinder arap right now before he got on, So it's not going so well for you.

Huh No, I mean I just can't beat anybody. Honestly, I was so tired. I did something pretty desperate recently. That's kind of why I.

Called oh, oh you did something desperate. Desperate it's on ad online.

It said soul mad psychic.

Oh that's a good catchy phrase. Yeah, what does that mean?

And for fifty dollars the person was able to draw your soul date.

For you, draw.

Like a sketch of them. That's actually great because then you can see like when you see them in real life.

Then you know, why do I feel like they stock your social media and then draw your eggs?

But you're right, if you see them out in the world, you could just hold up this photo and be like, what, we're mad. You don't bring a photo around with you. You just know in your head.

Okay, wait, wait, you all believe that someone can do this, Well, if it's a psychic, yeah, yeah, okay, I'm going to go with sure.

Brook already does a believe in your soulmate before she even knows anything about it.

It doesn't sound like either.

Well, well, we don't even know what the story is. So you actually signed up and did this.

I did this. Twenty minutes later, I get to sketch email to me.

Oh, it's just even over it's online.

No, no, it was a phone conversation.

Oh okay, took to her, and then she draws.

What kind of questions did she ask you?

Well, she's asking me my interest, she's asking me you know, but she's not asking for a physical description of your perfect woman.

She's trying to get to know you.

Yeah, exactly, Okay, she's asking you about you.

But then she's drawing the lady of yours.

So what did you think of the picture?

So she's very pretty, that's.

Good, shocking, she didn't draw an ugly person that is so weird.

Well, that's very lucky for him. I'm sure she draws a lot of ugly people for other people. But what did you do with the photo?

I put it off their refrigerator.

Oh okay, okay, I didn't know what to do with it away online. I mean, you can put it on your dating app and say this is what I'm looking for.

Yeah, now you're thinking brook, okay, you fill in the for me. Well, did anything come of it?

So, like a month later, I'm at this wedding and I see it a woman and this a shoots exactly like the picture.

No way? Really?

Yeah? Yeah, what'd you do?


First they try it to freak out. I'm like, oh my god.

Yeah, well, now you must feel the pressure on you. So what do you do?

So I build up enough confidence and I go over there and I ask her to dance.

Oh, why aren't you awing yet? This is happening. Yes, yes, And what did she say when you asked her to dance?

She said, yes, that we're dancing.

Oh my god, it's happening. So now you've opened the door for true love to step through. But the big question is did you tell her about the soulmate photo that was sent to you?

Well, I I told her I have a surprise for you.

Oh no, you're going to se What do you mean you told her that?

I just couldn't hold it in. It's too weird, it's too coincidentally.

Wait, so that night, we're still at the wedding reception and you're going to pull out the picture on your phone.

No, I know, I didn't even have a copy of it. Honestly, I'll text it to you.

I told her I'll text it.

What was her reaction though?

Did she lack?

I want to know what the caption was when you texted the phone.

The caption was, isn't this crazy? This looks just like you?

Okay, Oh my god, how long does it take her to respond.

To your isn't about my first reaction? Is I have a stalker?


Or are you still waiting for a reply?

Oh yeah, she responded, She's like, wow, that's crazy. Okay, But then it was kind of a different vibe from then on. She I could tell something changed now and she wasn't as into me.

Oh no, maybe you have android because that happens, and you sent in and got blurry gobble.

I don't know, I don't think that was it.

Yeah, okay, So looking back on the events that unfolded, do you feel like maybe you shouldn't have sent her the picture?


Yeah, he should have just brought her back to his apartment so she could have seen it.

On the fringe.

So at this point, where are you at now?

I mean, what are you gonna do? She woke it back to me. Really I had to move on from there.

Yeah, you couldn't do it.

So did you call this a lady Gann and you have a new picture drawn up?

Or I'm I'm kind of just back on the apps.

So I'm like, I'm thinking maybe I need to find out when older. But you found her?

So wait, wait, wait, are we gonna call this girl.

For you, I mean yeah now, because it's been a couple of months. I need yeah.

I mean you need closure, man.

I know anyone would I need closure.

From what he met his so many brook and she's ghosting.

For threes okay, his life. I feel like we're trying to force something here, but I'll be on board.

She'll give us answer.


Did we ever get the girl's name? By the way, her name is zoey okaye. Well, we're gonna come back and call your soulmate Zoe and try and get you your second date update right after.

This second date update.

You believe in love at first sight?

Yes, Jeff?

What about Okay? So yes? From Jose and from the girls? What about love at first sketch?


Cause. Months ago, one of our listeners, Steven, paid a professional psychic to draw him a photo of his future soulmate before he's ever met her. He hung it up on his fridge, and wouldn't you know, just a short while later, he ends up meeting a woman who looks just like that photo when he was at a wedding. Her name was Zoe, and they danced and got to know each other. Everything was on the up and up until he got home and texted her the soulmate's sketch picture. Ye really cooled off after that. It got me thinking though, like, how could we help him when we get her on the phone, and maybe we could say that he drew the picture after he met you, just from memory. He's a really good artist that it's not like a soulmate thing.

I think he just apologizes and says I didn't that's.

Your answer to everything. Apologize for what he did.

It's a good photo. It has to be flattering it.

I mean, you can't lie, Like, how long is he going to keep up that he's a good artist?

Yeah, you know, it just came to him in a moment of inspiration. That's the point. I'm not an artist. It was the heavens that just guided my hand in that exactly. Sadly, though, Stephen is back on the dating apps now, looking for older women and long distance stuff, whatever he can get because he's so dejected.

Let's not say that, but we won't.

Bring that up.

I'm just saying his mind is still wondering, though, what about my soulmate Zoe? Isn't that right, Stephen? You've never forgotten about her?

Well, I didn't forget. This wasn't that long ago.

Yeah, but a couple of months she could be in a relationship already.


Well, I'm glad that we're going in with the positive attitude.


I promise I will keep trying. Nobody in this room is going to believe in love except for me and Jose, So we're gonna do our best. Let's call Zoe and see what she has to do.

The weight of love on your shoulders. It must be hard, it's difficult.

Here we go.

Hello, two rings, she answered. I knew it, Zoe. Thank you for answering the phone right now. This is Zoe right, Yes, okay, you know that too. That was luck on that one. But as you're on the radio right now with a show called Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.

Oh Zoe, how you doing?

I mean, I'm okay, okay?


Why am I.

Being cold right now?

Well? Some might say it's fate that brought us to you today, but others would just say it's one of our listeners named Stephen who asked us to call you.

No, no, thank you?

No, wait, hold on, do you remember Stephen?

No, I'm not no.

Wow, that's a picture really worked, I guess. Yeah, well, so, Zoe, we're doing a segment here called a second Date Update where we're trying to help Steven get in touch with you again because it's been a while since you've chatted since the wedding.

Yeah, no, there's a reason why we haven't chatted.

Okay, Okay, Well do you do you want to tell us? I mean it seems like it's very clear why you're not calling him.

I mean clear to him. We don't we don't know what you're thinking.

Yeah, I don't think it's clear to him that I'm not really up for him wanting to date my mom.

So why wait, did he hit on your mom at the wedding reception or something?

As far as I know, he hasn't met my mom, But I don't know if he told you.


Wait, hold on, this is a lot. What we know is that you guys met at a wedding. You guys danced and had a good time. After the wedding, he texted you a photo that looked a lot like you and then and we thought that.

Was the reason. Yeah, call his back that it freaked you out.

Yeah, well, I.

Mean that was creepy anyway, but.

So where did your mom come into play here?

Yeah, that's weird.

Yeah. So at the wedding, he said he was surprised that I was single because he thought I was pretty whatever and yeah, and I was like, oh, yeah, it's crazy. Even my mom's dating, she's on the apps. Whatever. I laughed about it, and he texted me that photo. Whatever. But after that, my mom matched with him on one of the apps.

Oh my god.

Really, your mom tells your matches?

Oh yeah, I mean my mom and I are fairly close, and she showed me who she matched with.

Are you thinking that he went and like matched with her on purpose?

I don't know that it matters, probably to her.

Yeah, I don't even care how it happened. It's just the fact that it happened.

Yeah, okay, well we don't know everything about how stuff happened the way that it happened. The only person who has the answers to that would be Steven.

Yeah. He may not even know, yeah, because he.

Didn't mention anything like this when we talked to him. But he is on the other line right now waiting to speak with you.


What why?


That's how the segment works. Steven are you there.

This is awkward. Sorry.

Yeah, did you know that you had matched with her mom?


I told you guys, I was like back on the apps and looking for maybe someone older.

Yeah, you said, yeah, you didn't say you met her family.

You didn't say you went just one generation up.

Oh, so why's your mom got that young of a dating pool? You should check her job for the competition. Let mom live.

Okay, so you two need to talk about this clearly, dude, what.

Is actually wrong with you? Like you're gonna you're gonna call the station and you're going to tell them like you're trying to figure out what's wrong. But clearly what's wrong is you're trying to get with my mother after trying to get with me.

We didn't know you were responding to me. You're being kind of cold. I didn't know what to do.

Yeah, for good reason.


The first straw was you sending me that creepy picture anyway, so obviously I was going to be stand offish. And then my mom showed me her dating app with you on it.

Wait, have you been talking to her mother?

And we changed the messages?

Okay, did you send is a date going to happen between you and Zoe's mom. Is that on the books?

Well, I didn't want to ruin things with Zoe.

And I oh's prioritizing you Zoe is send the mom the same picture you sent Zoe.

I'm not going to make that stick again.

No way, okay, le Okay, Stephen.

I even showed her the picture that you sent her to me and she still isn't you. So you guys can just go have.

She said she's still into me?

Yeah, yeah, you go enjoy yourself.

Oh guys, we did it.

We found a soul.

Mad my god, this is so weird.

So you're saying you ship the relationship with your mom and Steven.

I mean, I don't know what else I can do. I can't just tell my mom who she can and can't date, So like, how am I supposed to talk to her about that.

At this point? Do we have a double date.

Or I don't know?

I mean, I'm in default to the love expert on the show, as do you think that we should do in this situation?

I mean it's I don't.

She doesn't know perfect great ideas. Okay, Zoe dinner with either of them? Well she probably should because soon Stephen could be your stepdad. I have to be around a Thanksgiving cable.

You need to set out with your mom if you got the same age ring.

Okay, I mean we would normally offer to send Steven out with Zoe, but I guess Steven will offer to send you out with Zoe's.

Mom on first insulting. I am sorry, Zoe.

Why is that insulting?

Because that'd be great.

Great, Zoe's already turned him down. He's a free agent. He can date whoever he wants. Zoe, will you ask your.

Mom for us?



No, forget all you guys. I'm sorry. This can't get anywhorse.

Yeah, darn.

Actually I'm actually worried that it can.



Is your grandma still alive? Because you never know?


Rooking Jeffrey in the morning.

Wow, who knew fifty bucks on a soulmate's psychic picture could work not once, but twice? Talk about value? Getting your money's worse.

I did not even think about that. It's actually twenty five bucks per person.

At this point.

That's great.

You could call it a family deal.

You really could, if you think about it. Zoe was just the bread crumb that led Steven to his eventual destinyl.

Psychic, big families, so that this can happen.

I mean, what if I know we're all skeptical, but what if they really are meant to be? Would that Second Date update update be the most anticipated one we ever did on this show. Turn this into a movie we will be at.

Have you guys not been following this the Miley Cyrus family drama right now? Oh my god, Her mom Tish got married to a guy that her younger sister was dating. The whole thing is a hot mess. Those two aren't talking. It doesn't end well. I'm just telling you.

I heard it's a hot and I like that. It truly is, and we can turn your life hot too. If you email us for help with your dating life, we'll call that person who's not calling you back. Go and check out all of our Second Date podcast wherever you get yours at Brook and Jeffrey

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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