If someone stood you up for a date, is there anything they could do to make you forgive them? One of our listeners accidentally no-showed a date and now he wants a chance to explain!
Second date date. Imagine you're a guy who finally gets a date with a really great girl who's maybe a little bit out of your league. That's exciting, but she tells you, yeah, sure, I'll slum it with you for just one night, and the date night, you blow it for the dumbest reason ever. Oh no, that's what one of our listeners, Lou, says happened to him when he met a hottie online. So let's ask him about it. Lou, First of all, thanks for slumming it by calling a radio show. You're out of our league, so I really hope we don't blow it with you. Oh I don't think. So. There's a lot of tears to keep track of here. For me, you're always at the bottom. We always are. So tell us who is this lady that you met online? Her name is Kelly. Okay, okay, Kelly's a hawk girl name m Yeah, that's why I always think anyway, So she worked out like all the time. She's like really in shape and all that stuff. You talk to her about her, you just assume because we talked a little bit about that. You know, she never eats sugar and never eats brand and um, she's really strict about her diet. I get that. I mean I'm not quite as good to look amazing, and those are the things that you have to sacrifice. That's why I've never been willing to do it. Yeah, so we hung out, went out to dinner, and I even got the you know, the califlower appetizer we had sus lifestyle. Yeah, yeah, I was only in any you know. And then we went over to we went bowling over at Cosmic Bowls, you know, and they got the neon lights and the loud music. You know. We were having like a good time. That is good. And that's where you can like order some mozzarella sticks for yourself on the side and eat them over the bathroom. I tell them, hey, leave them over on stall too, I mean, lose. Not to insult you or anything, but you sound like a guy who likes to, you know, get down on some good food. Right. Well, yeah, I was definitely in the monster realistic neighborhood there thinking about that kind of thing. But the thing is the bowling. It ends like at eleven o'clock and I was like, I thought the date went well, and I was thinking we just call it a night. We were having a good time, but out of nowhere, she was like, hey, what are we gonna do now? Like wan, I'm thinking that's a fast ball belt, hied, So I just said, fast out of the park guys. Belt. Yea belt, that's like the perfect place to hit the ball. It's a layup. Are you a little bit older than no? Well I did have a couple of years on it, but not that much. But girls say like, what are we doing now? After a date, you know, after we're having a good time, You're like, well, I just said, well, you know you want to come over? Yeah, okay, but you know, she needed to get coffee first, So we just went to one of the gas stations and got some coffee and gas station coffee twenty four hours. She suffered from harber the rest of the evening. Cafe a couple of pans. It's not easy to get a coffee, I guess atven thirty. Yeah, yeah, but not all. I mean maybe that's not even a thing. Like was it was? She fine with that, like when Miami in the eighties, you just gotta figure out a place to get that, right, Yeah, drugs. So we we went back from my place and it was like a great night we hung out. She stayed in night. Did you use air quotes when you say hung out like this is uh yeah, this is a good clue. Even fathers they say, Okay, what was it like the next morning? Even the morning was fun and we decided we would hang out again that night. Oh wow, that's a lot. She must really like you. I don't understand. In your email, you said that you screwed up when you met her, like this sounds like the best date you've ever had. Well, you got, well hang out, you got to game. Ain't over yet. So I told her, you know, just meet me back at my place here at six and we can go out. Okay. I did some stuff during the day, but I was so beat. I would ended up like just sitting on a couch and boom, I fell asleep at like five thirty. Oh no, oh my god. Yeah horrible. And I woke up at like nine thirty. It was like a bunch of mixed mistext and calls. You stood her accident and I called her back and said, hey, you know, I fell asleep. I can't believe it. And I haven't her or anything since. So she was just like standing outside of your place wondering where the hell you were for who knows how long? But yes, and I'm wrong, I admit it. But now when you if you fumble like that and you and you at least sports analogies here, yes, but you gotta at least come clean. And so, oh my god, I'm so sorry, I asleep. Could we go out tonight tomorrow? Make it up to you? But I just got completely you know nothing? Yeah, and so how well how long has it been since she responded to your text or your calls? I've been like five days? Okay, I mean like I would be angry after five days. I'd probably cool off by then, but she may also be feeling like god, he was asleep, like he can not like keep up, you know. Yeah. And if you say she's like already some like out of your league like super Girl, she may have just moved on to another guy already. Bro Like yes, you could say she was out of my league, but she wasn't out of my league that night. I'll tell you that we got our own. You know what, Well, we're gonna do some work here. We're gonna try and give you another fastball belt high when we call her ages jab, I'm just going off of what he's saying. Take this into overtime and get the two point conversion when we do your second right after this second. If you missed it, we've been talking to a super youthful, fresh and hip bursting with energy mail named Lou. Is that why we're playing the baby music who fell asleep at five thirty right in the middle of people's Court, didn't even get to see Judge Wappner's verdict before Lou conked out and ended up missing his date with Kelly. And what do we know about Lou so far? We know he's maybe a little older, he says, by a few years, Luke. And he didn't say decades. No, no, my spidy senses we're talking to this assumptions here. But he is dating a younger girl who he says is out of his league. So, like I said, he fell asleep right before she was supposed to come over and they were going to hang out and now hasn't talked to her in almost a week. Oh my gosh, Lou, still awake, My man, I'm still here, all right, Blue, All right? Are you feeling optimistic about this? Well? I am, because technically you could say I kind of blew the second date because we did hang out the night before, right, yeah, great first day. No one's arguing. Yeah, listen, in my mind, I won game one. It's a seven game series. Yeah, I mean the boy. Yeah, okay, did you do that many sports references when you were hanging out with her. It's not good when in game two the Yankees fall asleep and don't show up. Yeah, but if you throw a tough lefty game three, you're back in its Game three, Jeffrey, all right, this is gonna be our rumble in the jungle. All right, Sony things I need to google. We're gonna reach out to Kelly and try and get you another date here, Okay, okay, that'd be great. I'm gonna be your tough lefty today. We're gonna Oh, he's got a screwball. I thought we were looking for a line drive. No, that's fine, fastball. Is that what we want? I think we're We should be done with the sports references for the rest of this segment, actually for the rest of the entire show. Okay, let's call Kelly and see what she has to say. Here we go, Hello, Hey, is this Kelly? Yes? This please Okell you don't have to sound so skeptical. We're a very kind morning radio show. We're nice people. Most of us. We're called Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning. Okay, okay, do you ever listen not really, like not to answer, just not to radio in general, because it's such an outdated form of technology. It's really popular. Yeah. I didn't really listen to radio on that m Yeah, okay, that's all right. Not to keep giving you blast from the past. But we heard about a date that you went on about a week ago with a guy named Lou. Oh god, oh god, he said, wait what yeah, yeah, okay, wait are you mad at him? Because I'd be kind of mad. Well, I don't know what he told you about it, but I mean it was not I mean, a date was cool. But then like, yeah, we heard a little bit from Lou about how your at least your first date night went, and that sounded really great with dinner and bowling. Oh he is so mad at himself that he screwed everything. Yeah, yeah, I mean, honestly, sounds like that second date is where everything kind of fell off the rails. Well, it was never on the rails. He was to sleep sleep a wheel yeah. Yeah, Um, he's not really my normal type that I normally go out with. He's definitely a little older. Um, and I thought that would be fun and he was too. Good time we had, we had fun, okay we I mean like the next night when you were supposed to meet him at his apartment or something and you're just standing outside. Oh my god, how long did you wait out there? Um? Like about twenty five minutes, that is all. Yeah, and it took me like two hours to get ready, Like I had a lot of time, and I was looking good, you know. And I'm not really really mad. I just think if five thirty at night, like who falls asleep at five thirty? Well, it sounds like you wore him out the previous day. Yeah, he was exhausted from the night before, from all the good times. That could be true. That could be true. But you know, I was just thinking, well, maybe going now was an older guy wasn't going to be best for me because I'm a very active person, go out a lot, do a lot of stuff. I need somebody who just can keep up with me. Oh so in your life, thought maybe trying out an older guy would be a thing for you? Or was that just like a one off situation. Well, I mean I felt like I was trying, you know there and kind of got burned a little bit with that whole falling asleep thing. I mean, that whole senior citizen lifestyle got to I mean you got to understand though, like he you know, he was busy all day. I don't know, I fallen asleep even, you know, when I was younger, my twenties, like i'd be twenty two, and that's from like day drinking. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get that. But I guess, you know, like if you're starting out, like with a new relationship and the possibilities, it's just I think that that requires like a little extra effort, and if it's not interesting enough to be able to stay awake, then I don't really have Well, if you want some extra effort, then I think Lou might be your guy, because he went through the effort of reaching out to a radio show to get in touch with you super super early in the morning. Yeah, which might not be the style of a young person, but it's his style. And he's on the other line right now and wants to talk to you. He's yeah, really blue, Oh my god, Hey, Hey, what's happening, Kelly? How are you? I thought we were having a good time. I you know, listen, I just simply dozed off on the couch. I had a great night the night before, you know. And yeah, I know, like you texted me all that, and I appreciate that, like you're kind of owning it. That's cool. But I don't know, I'm just kind of rethinking maybe it's not the best fit. Oh well, you can't. You can't go by just a dozing off on, you know, And you gotta, you gotta. You know what I heard the song You Are So Beautiful by Joe Cocker, you know that one. I don't know that, so that's an ancient reference there and the Little Rascal singh every original one from the sixties. It's a beautiful song and it just basically says that, you know, you're so beautiful, you mean everything to me, and I just feel I feel horrible that you had to wait. And uh, I was listening and listen, you took you two hours to get ready, so you must have been excited to go out again. So just by one little fumble here, I wish you give me another shot. You know, you are so beautiful to be? Can't you see me hopeful? You know everything on me? Oh so beautiful to me? Wow, I'll tell you they're not playing out of the clubs now, yeah? Do you do you have any CARDI B in your repertoire or something or Kelly doesn't do Alifa have a song about like lowering your standards for an older man. How did that feel to you that song? Did it help or did it hurt? I think you remember like hearing my grandpa sing that song. I'm gonna go with hurt. Then, well, I guess it's worth asking. What was your relationship with your grandpa? Like your grandpa? Okay, okay, he's trying to be I think romantic and make up for his mistake. Look, if you can take age out of it, he is sweet, he is vulnerable, he is honest. Unfortunately, you can't just take age out of it. That's just part of life. But yeah, there are positives to dating an older man if you think about it, there are. I mean, that's the whole reason that you went out with him in the first place, right, Yes, that is true. Okay, I don't know a situation. Okay, I'm gonna throw us out there but some girls like older guys because they tend to have more money, or they've been in a career losability would wisdom, wisdom. They like to do things first class because yeah, things like bad seats and when the airplane hurt their backs, so that's nice, they won't. Yeah, older men tend to like younger women because they can recognize the signs of a stroke jump to action. So, Kelly, let's more strength for CPR two. We would like you to be that that lady for lou and we would pay for another date if you would agree to what don't she a caretaker? Tell you what? Why don't we go? We'll go out for karaoke, drink. I even bought a new coffee machine just for you, new coffee machine, or it's for you, Lucy. You could stay up later. I assure you I won't fall asleep again. Okay, that's a good deal. All of that to consider, and we'll give you a date on us. Kelly, what do you think? All right? All right? I give it another choy, but a number shut some wheat grass or everybody brooking Jeffrey in the morning. Looks like everybody on the text board agrees this is probably not gonna end up being a long term thing. Yeah, but good for old people, right. They need a victory every once in a while. Though, just it was even for a day, you know, a pity victory. Yeah, it's like volunteering at an old folks home. You did something nice for them for one day. That's exactly So whatever they end up doing for their next date, whether that's shuffleboard or plinko or shut in the park, it'll be over by seven pm. Yeah. True. We wish him the best us. We hope that they keep us updated. If you ever want to listen to any of our second date updates, remember we have the podcasts up. They're available online app Brooke and Jeffrey wherever you get your podcast emailed a show, we'll call the person wasn't calling you back Brooke and Jeffrey in the Morning