Second Date Update: Snacks and Secrets

Published Feb 24, 2023, 3:00 PM

The woman in today’s Second Date says it only took a singular, cheeky one-liner to get a guy interested in her.... We're going to find out what those magic words are!

Second. D you know there's something that I learned in boy Scouts that I've applied into my dating life. Interesting, Well, it's not what you're probably thinking, which as I can tie a slip knot with my tongue, it's ABP. Always be prepared, all right, And I really think people can take that motto into their regular lives too. Yeah, I think it's a it's a good thing to know, like, if you're pregnant, bring a hospital bag everywhere you go because you never know when that baby's going to come shooting out of the typically how it works. Yeah, yeah, that's a good idea. Or when you're at work, you never know when you're going to be fired. Now is happening now? Oh no, we're at I'm just saying. But that goes for dating too. And one of our listeners, Ben, was extra prepared for his He didn't even realize that he was strapped. So Ben, welcome to the show. Hey, how's it going, guys man. We'll get into what you were packing in just a second, but first, what do you want the deets on the girl that you met? Tell us about her? Yeah? Yeah, so I met this girl named Terry. We actually met online sorry, did you say Terry or carry Harry? Now I heard Harry. I heard Harry. I think Terry, Terry. You spell it for us, p r R Harry, Okayrry oh Ry, he said Terry. Okay, So where did you meet Terry? We met online? I thought her profile and I just thought she was really cute, and she also had this joke and her bio that was really cute and funny. So that's sure. You can't just tell us that without telling us a joke. It already sold me. I don't care what it is. Y'all probably think it's stupid. I thought it was hilarious. All her bio was was I'm intelligent, but she spelled intelligent row that's funny. And then you put in like fantasies like ha ha okay, yeah right, so that wasn't just an accident. Isn't it funny that you have to put the haha because they know there's gonna be just so you know that wrong. So you reached out to her then, yeah? Yeah, So we chatted a little bit and then we actually agreed to like meet up on a date, and we actually both knew this restaurant. It was a really fancy restaurant that we had never been to, but we both independently kind of always wanted to go there. I have it like a foody spot, ye person, I mean, but a fancy restaurant for a first date. Yeah, super fancy and also super hard to get a table that makes you look good though, if you're able to slide in actually get a reservation, how did you do it? Well, they actually don't take reservation. That's the problem those places. They're the ones that loved to watch you wait for three hours side? How bad do you want to mock you? So did you show up early then or what did you do to get your you guys a table? We showed up kind of like on the early side, and they were like, well, they're at the table, but it's gonna be a fifty minute wait for a table, like an hour, I mean, I feel like that's to be expected on one of those like super popular places. Yeah, like on our first day, what do you do? Just sit on the bench and like that's not enough time to like do something else. I can get a child's menu and color that inway. What did you decide to do there? Ben, Well, we talked about it and we were both like, not that long. It was a nice day. So we hung out outside and we we suck it out. Oh that was a good idea. That's awesome. How did that go? It went well. The only issue was that since we're both so excited to eat at this restaurant, that we didn't really have a lot of food that day. Yeah, you want to say space, you're like hungry before they call your name, and like, we've already gone through the menu, we know exactly what we wanted. But luckily I stuck my hands in my pocket and I realized I had two granola bars. Oh is that where you were strapped with the Yeah, he always be prepared. Yeah, that was perfect. And then when I brought out I was like, oh my gosh, look what I have. And you should have even look in her eyes. He looked at me like I was a savior because we were so starving. Yea perfect. It's like a prince charming night and shining armor moment. Come into the rescue. You gotta starting on this guy seriously. So at that point, what do you not even need to go into the dinner anymore? Or do you actually go into Well, we ate the granola bars and then time flew by and next thing we knew and they call their names, so we got great. So how did dinner go? Dinner went great? The food was literally incredible. You'll have to go to play. I'm so happy. And the conversation was also good. Everything was just going really well. It was a little expensive, but we both knew it was gonna be expensive. Did you did you cover the bill or did you agree to split it since it was a place you both wanted to go? I actually covered the bill, which I'm kind of regretting, but you know, now he's back, everything sounds really good. How did everything end? So we got our check and you know, I think we're going well. So we ended up actually just walking around this really nice park that was in the area, and we walked in. I was like, hey, do you want to go to my place? So? Are you going a drink or something? And he was like, yeah, sure, I'm down a lot of time together, she said yes, yeah, and you were feeling the vibe correctly, yeah, which good on you. Yes. So is this a situation where she ended up staying the night? No, but there was a kid that okay, why is she not calling you back? That's what I'm calling you, guys. I don't know. Okay, it's true. I guess we have more work to do, so we'll try and get prepared. Oh yeah, if you have granola bars, Jeffrey, please share. Let's all reach into each other's pockets and see what. Then when we come back, we'll call Terry for you and get your second date up date. Okay, all right, thank guys. All right, hold on second. One of our listeners, Ben went into his first date with a secret weapon in his pants. Yeah, he did, not just one, but two of them, and his date, Terry was thrilled about it, talking about granola bars left over from the last time that Ben wore those clothes. Good thing, they never aspire, I mean, and they're kind of nice when they're a little warm. Yeah. Yeah, it did save them while they were waiting fifteen minutes to get a table at a very popular restaurant. So that helped kicked off a really fun date night that ultimately ended back at Ben's place. Now, Terry did not stay the night, but Ben did anything more happen now just to cans and then we said good night pretty much, Okay. Was there any talk of future plans while you were on the date. I mean, it just seems like you guys were vibing so much. She'd be like, Oh, I have this you know, musical artist I want to go see. You should come with me another food place. Yeah yeah. I was just like, let's meet up again, and she was just like, yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely definitely, And then next grand knew she was gone. I feel like, definitely definitely should be a confirmation, but I guess it's not. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's just call Terry and we'll see what she has to say. It's weird that she's not calling you back after everything, so let's just give it a shot. Here we go. Okay, oh all right, Oh yeah, is this Terry She Hey, Harry, My name is Jeff from the radio show Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning. Um, okay, we're calling because we're wondering were you recently at a fancy restaurant stealing silverware? Um? Yeah, okay, so oh we got you. Please. Yes, I was at a fancy restaurant, but no, I did not steal any silverware, Jeff. Okay, so we may have the right girl for something else, maybe because there is somebody that I think you may have gone out with named Ben who's been trying to get a hold of you. Huh remember that? Yeah, I do remember that. Okay, Okay, So we spoke to Ben about your date, and on our end, things sounded really great. Wow, Okay, this is interesting. Yeah, and that's kind of what we're doing right now. It's called a second date update. We're trying to help Ben out, to figure out the reason why he's not getting a call back and maybe help fix whatever. If there is a problem with Ben. I don't know, maybe there's not, Maybe you just haven't had time. Okay, Well, this is just a little weird for me because I don't know what his situation is. But whatever it is, if you could just please tell him I'm out, you're out. Yeah. I don't mean that rude. I just that's where I'm at with this. Okay, that's fair. You're allowed to say that. But is there a reason why? Because he told us about the date to night, about you know, going out to dinner with you and waiting outside with a granola bar surprise, and his last impression was a really nice kiss and then you left. Look, everything leading up to dinner it went really really well, it was just back at his house. That was the issue for me. So really we didn't get a lot of details from that point. Is is it like really gross and messy or something. No, it's just not too clean, I mean, basically odd. I went to the restroom and I noticed that the shower curtain was completely closed. And I wasn't snooping or anything, but I just pink to see if it was clean or you know, behind the shower, because I want to make sure no one's in there. Yeah. Right, Yeah, she was judging to see if he'd clean out the drain. Yeah, I mean, yeah, was it really gross? It was not gross at all. Oh, it was there were the bathtub was packed. It was covered in kids' toys, like I'm talking, you know, alligator things that spit stuff out of their mouth, and rubber duckies and and little mermaid dolls and just every bath story that you could think of from when you were like three. Wait, does he have kids? Does he not tell you that? Or something? That's exactly my point. I mean, to me, that only means one of two scenarios. A, you have kids and you just weren't honest with me about it. Did you ask him no, but we spoke about our feelings. Weird, what's option number two? Number two? You play with that toy? Like? What adult does that? Is that an option? I was afraid if you're going to find like another like female shampoon stuff. But this is worse. I don't know I could see, like, Okay, let's say, let's say he is a single dad, Like maybe that's just hard to start with, or maybe you don't want to bring your kids into your dating life. I don't know. There was no other kids stuff in the house. Well, I want to know which one it is one or two or maybe a secret option three? And we can actually ask him right now because Ben's been on the other line listening and wants to talk to you. Are you serious? Yeah, Hi, Terry, it's Ben. Okay, Ben, did you hear what she said? Yeah? Yeah, Terry, I just gotta tell you you got it all wrong. Those were not by toys O two cross that one off the list. Is that what you're saying? You don't play with the rubber ducky? No? No, I don't have the rubber duckies. My neighbor's kids do they come over and use my bathroom all the time? What guy, that's creepy. Oh no, sorry, I should explain my neighbor's uh, their their bathroom is broken. So yeah, they use my bathroom. All A lot of people use my bathroom. Why wait, now, a lot of people use your bathroom, Ben, like so often that they would bring all their children. It sounds a little fishy, honestly, Ben, All right, I yeah, I don't know what I'm even saying right now. You don't know what you're saying. Ah boy, Yeah, Terry, I gotta come clean. I I have four kids. You have four kids? Oh? Ben? Is that why you had a bunch of snacks in your pockets? Because I know it was so weird. Did you say that, Jeffrey, Because I'm the only one here that randomly finds food in my pockets children. I could pull out four bags of goldfish, probably out of my coat right now. You're hiding goldfish from well. I don't want her cocket, dude. Then why wouldn't you just tell her that? Because I know that she would have said no to the date if I told her I had the kids, so I wanted to you know, wait, that's absolutely not true. There are all kinds of people in this world. If you are a single, eligible bachelor who has four children and you put yourself out there, you're going to find a lot of girls that want to date you. What do they have children or not? This is a good we could do a test ride here. Alexis, would you date a guy with four kids? No? I mean you kind of think too. That's a different age then Alexis like, she's not going to find someone her age that has four children. I mean, the thing is, Ben, why would you want to date a woman who wouldn't want kids around? That feels like, I don't know, kind of a bad dad choice, not calling you a bad dad, just like just people like you, Yeah, just like the choice. You know, like you would want to be with someone who is excited about your children. You know, Dinge, she does have a point, bro, were you going to meet one by one? There's another that's another neighbor. I mean, Ben, uh, Look, I think that the biggest deal here is just a surprise. She didn't know about it. I mean, looking back on it, I understand why that would be a bit of a shocker. You understand that was so count you could be like a hot dad. But you know, if you look on the bright side here, Terry, at least you didn't have five kids. That didn't tell you what I don't know. I don't know my girlfriend who has a lot, she says after three, you don't even know the difference. I don't count. That makes this the perfect time to add asked Terry, would you like to go out on a date with father of the Year Ben? We will pay for it. No, no kid, we will pay for it. I mean I have a single friend. She's a single, panent mom of three. Maybe you guys would have more in comment. Okay, we still have an opportunity for another day. Then would you like to go out on a date with Terry's female friend who has three other kids? It's just one date? Is it? It's one date? I mean you never know, like maybe this is the kids met stuff that happens in the universe. Maybe use your bath, Ben, I don't really date people with kids. Actually, it's kind of a red flag for me. What's a red flag? Oh? Is that what you hid? You know? Date people with kids? Are you? I have enough for my own I don't need more on top of it. But that is not broke and Jeffrey in the morning. Well, I think we all know who's going to be winning Father of the Year. Yeah, you know, I'm gonna say he doesn't have my boat. Shocking, shocking. What was it about him? And that just can't pinpointed. But I think I'm gonna start with hiding your children. Yeah, you wouldn't show up to accept the award? How is saying that he is not dating people that have kids? I get it, though, once you have four children, it's like, do I really want to add more on the list of responsibilities that I have here? So I don't necessarily blame him for turning down the date with the random girl he's never met before with three kids, But be upfront about your children. Yeah, and it is a little bit of a strange double standard. Oh my god, and his lie his life that he was trying to pull off that it was the neighbor's children coming over to use his bathtub? How is that a better line? That was actually the most disturbing. Yeah, I'm going to check showers from now on, every man top sech good rule, And remember, if you ever want to get a second date update, you can always email the show. We'll call the person who wasn't calling you back.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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