Second Date Update: She Got It Off Her Chest

Published Jul 31, 2023, 3:27 PM

One of our listeners says she accidentally OVERSHARED about her ex and she’s certain it’s what blew her spot on her date. We’ll try to help earn her another one in a brand new Second Date podcast! 

The second date of day. Being a woman on a dating app must be like going to the cheesecake factory and looking at the menu. You just have so many options and pages to choose you don't even know where to start. It's like, ooh, do I want something that's tartan six foot four or something with a little more in the middle. But he's got chocolate chips in his teeth?

Okay, Alexis's reaction. I don't think the menu items look that.

Goody did I say the cheesecake factory had a great menu?

There's a lot of options.

I mean I bring it up because one of our listeners, Morgan, says she met a guy recently on a dating app, and so I want to hear about it. Morgan, Welcome to the show.


Was he the Snickers cheesecake of your life?

I mean, honestly, really good?

I am curious as a woman, how do you decide who you want to go out with if you're getting tons and tons of swipes?

I mean, you guys, pick one that like, maybe has something that stands out to you. You know, you kind of go with.

Your gut, all right, Okay?

And how did your gut do for you? This time, what was.

Your gut craving what's its name?

Well, then craving this. But I saw a picture and he was really good looking, and then I realized he had taken this picture of himself on toilet. Oh no, and he's like it's in a funny way, and he's like surrounded by toilet paper and he's got like a toilet brush in one.

Here. Your gut was craving toilet boys.

Yeah, I just thought it was hysterical.

Oh you thought it was funny?

What Aiden?


Okay, I'm sure it's going to be like it.

All right, you swiped on toilet guy, Aiden.

He must be hot to be able to pull off a toilet picture.

I'm confident, right, Yeah, the only way you can do it.

Yeah, that makes sense. So what did you and Aiden do when you went out?

Well, we met up and went to a bar and we were having like a pretty good time, a little fun when we were drinking a little bit, and as we drank we talked more, and at one point we kind of bonded about like our most memorable date. Oh interesting, Yeah, So I told her about mine and I was like it was kind of a normal date and he was like, well, why was it so memorable? And I was like, well, I was engaged to a different person.

It's time.

Oh god, oh wow, you just threw that out there.


He was like, oh god, that's a bomb.

Wait, so you were cheating on your fiance.

Well, I mean I was kind of on the way out, just checking the field out one more time.

Yeah, as a guy, if you're sitting across from somebody and you hear them say that, that would be kind of a red flag. I mean that, I believe you said kind of with that, the giant red flag.

What did he say? What was his reaction to that?

Well, he was like, you're not engaged now, right, And I was like, oh no, no, no. We just we laughed about it, and you know, like, looking back, I realized it's probably a really bad thing to do and I shouldn't have done that, you know, but I hope he doesn't think on an unfaithful person, Well.

He probably does.


Yeah, yeah, I'm engaged to you. You may go on dates with other guys.

That's kind of intense. What was his most memorable date?

Honestly, I don't even remember.

Yeah, I probably changed the momentum.

She was just shame spiraling realizing what she had done.

Oh my gosh, yeah.

I was up in my mind was elsewhere. But like we kind of got over and started like talking kind of flirty again.

You did, how do you? What do you talk flirty about? After admitting to dating other people on your fiance?

Quick change the subject right And at one point, like I asked him, are you a boom guy or butt guy? He was a boot guy and I had mentioned like, oh, I thinking maybe about getting an enhancement.

Oh okay, this is all that's a smart strategy.

Though, two of my three husbands or butt guys.

Why isn't a smart strategy just because boobs are going to distract him that much?

Totally, He's gonna forget everything that happened before that moment. I don't know, mann, trust me.

Yeah, God, that's why I haven't heard anything else.

Oh my god, maybe this part I'm getting a little too tipsy. The night kind of ends a little faster than I thought it would, But like I said, I'm kind of glad it did end because the alcohol was really starting to.

Who knows what else you would have shared?

My god, is this kind of a train wreck?


It feels like an overshare.

But again, remember this is a guy who takes pictures of himself on the toilet and posts them online.

That's funny. Cheating on your fiance? Not really?

Well, I didn't cheat. I mean technically I went on. I had a few.

That's full cheating.

You can't date someone else. Wait did you tell him that too? Did you tell him that?

No, I said, nothing happened. It was just dinner and you know, some social time.

What Okay?

She answered the question. Honestly, it was a memorable date night for her. Should say it was the best date night for her. It was a memorable All.

Relationships are different. I do think like ninety nine percent of them would consider cheating. But maybe you have a really cool fiance.

Well, no, they're not together anymore.

Yeah, well we haven't asked that. Are you still with your fiance? No?

Her date asked that no, I'm single.

Yeah okay.

Her date even asked to make sure.


Well that's that's a smart guy. I guess I remember listening.

So we need to help you come back from this because I'm guessing that you have not heard from him.

Well I have, Oh wrong again, broke?

How does that feel?

Okay? So Colleen has said, why don't you guys just go out?

Well, he's like aloof like he's not getting back to me right away.

Sometimes it's an energy chapter, like when you ask specifically about.

Dating, they wouldn't be amazing if we call him, we find out he has a fiance.

Why is that funny? Now the girl day, it's.

All, well, let's find out how funny it really is.

We're gonna come back. We're gonna call Aiden for you toilet boy himself and you see what he has to say, try and get you a second date. Update right after this.

All right, okay, hold on.

Update. We've always said on this show talking about xes on a first date is a big no no. But we've never said anything about bringing up past behavior when you were engaged and you accidentally went on a date with somebody else.

I don't think she is I got a.

Free dinner and a funny story out of it. If we don't want our listeners to do that, we need to explicitly tell them not to.

Well, I mean that's actually true. I mean this woman doesn't even think that was cheating.

It wasn't. It's not cheating until parts touch.

No, no, if my husband went on a date with someone better. Yes, bet your butt, don't.

Have to cancel dinner with him later he's going to be really upset about Michael.

All right.

But see, this is something that happened to one of our listeners. Morgan, on her date, told a story about how she went out with a different guy while she was betrothed to another. They're no longer betrothed.

Okay, engaged.

Well, I didn't want to keep saying engaged, so I had to take into my you.

Know, she's single.

Yes, she is single and trying to mingle once again with Aiden. That's the guy that she went out with. So Morgan, how we doing?

I'm doing good?

Really, even after hearing all that. Okay, I apologize. I like your attitude though, Morgan, I think you have a good attitude. It sounds like you can take a good joke.

She means that in the most demeaning way possible. You're saying talking, that's where it's coming from. But we're all on your side, at least for now, Morgan. We'll see if it changes when we call Eden.

Okay, don't evilly every time I say Okay, here we go, good luck, let's do it.

Hello, Hey, is this Aidan? Yeah? Sorry, who's this?

My name is Jeff from Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning. We're a radio show. He tell you that. Just don't yeah, don't ask questions. We talk to you for a second aiden because we're doing something called a second date update on our show here. Have you ever heard of that before?

Okay? Uh, yeah, I think I've heard it before.

Yeah. It's where we help out our listeners and try and hook them up on a second date after they've gone out with somebody. So you recently went out with a woman who listens to our show named Morgan.

And it doesn't sound like you're ghosting Morgan or anything. I guess you guys have been texting and stuff.

Yeah, you know, I'm trying to be nice a little bit, you know. I like she seems fine. She's definitely unique.

She's unique. Is that good to you? Is unique?



Fine? Unique? Those aren't usually glowing?

Chef? Did what did she tell you?


How the date went?

We got some details from it. We heard you were out at a bar together and you guys talked about some interesting things. Yeah, after having some drinks, of course.

Little truth zerum, Yeah.

Yeah, a little discussion about some of your most memorable dates.

Right, so, oh my gosh, so she told you that about that story?

Yeah, are you talking about her story?

You mean?



Would you what? What? How'd you hear it?

So she said her most memorable date was that she went on a date while she was still engaged to a guy. Yeah, and yeah, that definitely was like pretty weird to me.

Did you say progressive of her? Yea interesting.

Yeah, she isn't owned by anybody.

Yeah, that was definitely one way to push.

Yeah, I'm not gonna lie. We got some red flags in this room when we heard that too, oh.

Mys, And we told her that, you know, but she took.

It well, right, So, I mean that was the first thing.

That was the first thing, well if you like.

Got super flirty and was like asking questions that were a little like, I don't know, maybe for later in the date there, like for a second date. She was she was asking me if I was like a but or a boo guy.

Yeah, you don't like that.

I wasn't ready to be like talking about that.

Yeah, it wasn't a good move.

Do you remember you told her, oh, it's a great move, talking about how you want to get breast in hands.

Why you're bashing me?

Right, it wasn't a good book. He didn't like it.

Everybody's different, Brooke, It's okay.

The majority of guys would agree, and you can always just say both brothers.

Well, And what it sounds like is she was just trying to set it up so that she could brag about maybe getting a boob job at some point.

Yeah, So what was that like inappropriate to you?

It was definitely on the line and she immediately like mentioned, oh, I'm getting breast enhancements. And I was like kind of caught off guard, and I said, like, well, you don't seem like the tight oh, just because like she didn't seem like she needed that. She was so confident in herself anyway.

It's a lot of confidence that still get plastic surgery about feel. I mean, did you do you think that that was off putting to her when you said that she wasn't the type. Uh?

She seemed like excited about it to like prove me wrong, because then she reaches into her shirt and whips out this like jelly type thing and.

Fos it down on the it's a color.

Yeah, yeah, she said, it's like the saline bag and I guess they give them to you like at the medical center.

It's like it's like a pro water balloon.

I mean she just whipped them out and put it on the table and said, I'm taking these babies for a test run.

I'm sorry, did you not laugh? Like that's pretty funny?

I think I laughed, but I was definitely uncomfortable. It was, you know, I like somebody who's funny and outgoing, and she's definitely that, but this was like insane, insane.

I'm not insane.

That's not gonna help. Yeah.

Yeah, she's supposed to wait till we call her in, but Morgan's been on the other line. Wanted to talk to you.

Oh my god.

I was a little tipsy, and you know, I had a little problem controlling what I was saying, and at that point it was kind of doing damage control, but I think I was doing a lot more damage. And you took a picture of a.

Toilet, you know, oh yeah, all right, one of your profile picks or whatever, and your dating app was you on a toilet?

She said, we heard about that.

I mean, it's not like my pants were down, I was. I was just making fun of bathroom sealtie.

But come on, well, okay, I know, but it kind of sets the tone right for your type of humor.

Sounds like maybe you were trying to match each other's energy.

Maybe I was kind of going into the date like a bit more serious, and I just was not ready to dive in the deep end like Morgan was of that day.

Yeah, Morgan, slepty in the face.

I just have to get used to me, like I want to squire a case.


That's anytime someone says you'll get used to them, or you'll get used to me, that's always.

It's the same of like, if you can't stand me at my worst, you don't deserve me.

Apologetically me, which I think is sexy by the way.

I'm just trying here, Okay. I mean, I'll say, Morgan sounds fun. She sounds like you know what you're getting.

Okay, that's a good point. You know, she's laid it out there.

She's very, very brutally honest.

Yeah, I will say, Morgan, you did good by like telling me about that story. You know, I feel like, even though it wasn't a good light on you, you still told the story. So I guess that's good to be like.

Jeff for Meg, it's a progress.

The guarantee for you, Aiden is if you go out with her, they're no shortage of excitement.

Yeah, I guess I could go with a little less anxiety on a date anxiety.

I'm hearing that you're at least thinking about it. So we'd like to offer to send you on a date that we would pay for.

Yeah, you know, once you go on like three or four dates with me, all that stuff I do is normal, you know.

Okay, Yeah, it's like you.

I'm a very awkward person and I like to laugh at myself though.

That's sure.

She has been such a good sport and we have given her a hard time.

It's hard to turn that down if we needn't answer it and yes or no, you want to see her again?

Yeah, dude, you know what, Let's give it a shot.

Just make sure you don't get engaged to her. That's kind.

Hey, maybe you can try out her her saline bags?


I would want to put him under my shirt? You want him to weary?

What did you say?

Let's not talk about Okay, looking Jeffrey in the morning,

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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