Second Date Update: Serving Up Rizz

Published Mar 6, 2024, 4:25 PM

One of our listeners SAVED a woman from a disastrous date she was on and instead of getting thanked.. he’s getting LEFT ON READ! We’ll try to get him another chance at love coming up in your Second Date!

Second date up dated.

When you have a first date with somebody you're extremely attracted to and you're going out to a restaurant where you know you only got one shot at this, how important is it to get a good waiter?

I never actually even thought of that, you know, to be honest, Jeffrey.

Because it could make or break the entire date.

But it's not like you have a choice, like you're just given the person who's in your session.

Well, that's what I'm saying.

Like, imagine the waiter walks by, spills the soup. Oh, he offers to lick it off, then I pay him.

It's like, oh, well, date over?

Wow, because you got a new date?

Is that?


A whole new thing?

How did I know that about you?

But that's what happened with one of our listeners recently. The waiter was involved big time on a date apparently. So let's talk to Lucas about it.

Lucas, how you doing, man?

How's it going?

You got soup licked?

I'm hoping that she did tell us about this person that you met the other night. Who is he or she?

Okay? So this girl Henley Okay, was I'm the waiter obviously, and I'm the waiter.

Oh, I didn't know that.

Wait, did you meet her while you were at work?

I did? She was in there with a guy in my restaurant.

Oh, bold, sir, Oh you hit on a girl in the middle of another date.

Well, yes, I don't do it.

Often often, just twice a week.


I mean, okay, here's the thing. Were you her waiter? I guess is the first question.

I was their waiter?

Yes, okay.

How did you get the signs that that was even? Okay?

Well, I can kind of tell after a while they didn't seem to be having that grade of a time, Like I was thinking it was a first date and she was checking her phone a lot, and you know, it was. It was kind of obvious to me. I've seen it enough times. Okay, so I have a move that I don't very often.

Yeah, I've done.

This, but this is the signature.

Yeah, if you have a label for it, must mean you do it often enough.

What's your move?

Well, first of all, I was like, you know, they weren't talking that much, but when I would come over there, I would. I was very personable and we were I was laughing with her and stuff. So we're kind of establishing a little rapport. But when he went up to go to the bathroom, like at the end, I went up to her and I was like, is this a first date? And she was kind of surprised when she was like, yeah, actually it is. And I was like, do you want to get out of it?

It's the end, sir.

So yeah, But like I didn't know if they were going you know, for all I know they were going to do something else. I was trying to get.

Movie yeah, Netflix and Hill.

So you offered a step in and save her. How do you do that?

So I was like, give me your number and I'm going to call you in like two minutes from the back and just trust me. So she did okay, and you.

Got her numbers.

So she did want out of it.

She did, she did. I would write about that.

Now what happened?

So I called. They were sitting there and like kind of getting ready to pay the bill, and I called out like, this is so and so from your aunt's assisted living facility. There's an emergency with her. We need you to come down here right away.

Just volumes up and the guy can hear right.

I made sure to tell her to put it on speaker.

Oh so he could here.

Sorry, I gotta take this. Hi, you're on speaker.

Wait, it's an emergency with my aunt the whole restaurant. Yeah, say that again.

Oh my god? Did he did he believe it?


Yeah? It was like she was out of there like like a minute later. Yeah.

But it's not I mean, like, at no point are you ever hitting on her during this?

The thing is like I just kind of knew there was a connection there from every interaction I had with her, like as her waiter were laughing like okay, the guy like in the bathroom and I'm like getting her number. Like, it was definitely a vibe there.

Every time you went over to the table, one of her buttons just happened to be undone his buttons.


I imagined him modeling to the table with his pants.


Okay, so you got her out of that other date with the other guy.

What's happened since then?

Well, that's the thing. So we texted a little bit later that night. She was like thank you so much, and I was like, no problem. We kind of left it like we were going to talk again, and I, I don't know, it kind of cooled down like after that so I want to ramp it back up. I want to get in touch with her like and let her know that I'm interested, which is what I was calling you guys.

Okay, okay, I mean, it's a nice thing that you did to save this girl Henley from her bad date, but personally, I don't know if I'm ever going to trust a waiter ever again when.

I'm out of the restaurant.

I mean, I just thought they were being nice to me for tips, but really clearly they want more.

Well you never know.

Okay, okay, that's a higher tip I think from.

Tell us your restaurant so we can make resis.

I don't even want it to work out with this, Well, at least give it a try. We're gonna come back, holler and try and get you your second.

Date update right after this awesome All right, man, hold on second date update. When you're at a restaurant, some waiters are kind of checked out.

Never even come by to refill your water glass.

It sounds like a complaint right now.

It's some are more attentive, and then some have a signature move to steal your date.

Away from you.

They said very often. Yeah, they didn't say never that's.

What Lucas says. He quote doesn't do this often. Do you hear that? World, I don't do.

My signature move very often, but it is my signature the old sick aunt in the rest home trick.

Yeah, yeah, And that's what he did.

He noticed a cute girl out on a bad date at his restaurant, So when the guy got up to go to the restroom, he swooped in and told her the plan that was he was going to call her from the back and let her know that her sick aunt needs her immediately over at the assisted living facility. Oh so it worked, and according to him, she was thankful. But now this girl Henley is not answering his text ask for a date.

Do you think Derek is Derek?

Right, it's Lucas, But that's okay, not.

Remember one, Lucas.

I mean, do you think it was like a maybe by comparison thing, like she was flirting with you because by comparison to her crappy date, you were awesome.

But g.

D, it's just reality, right, Like.

Yeah, I mean maybe if she gets on the phone with us, by comparison, you're gonna look like an angel.

Again, what do you think Lucas, were you one step above a crap sandwich?


Man, I hope not. I thought we had a real connection honestly talking about the menu.

Well, you know when you can feel a connection with so.

I mean that was rude to me. That was rude, Lucase, and I apologize.

Yeah, it's all legit. I mean I know when someone's just like being friendly.

Yeah, you know what I mean.

You sense the real vibe going on whenever you were over at the table with Henley. So let's see if we can get that going for you one more time. About to dial her number.

Hopefully she answers here we go.

Hello, Hey, we're looking to speak with Henley.

That's me.

You're you're on the radio right now with a show called Broke and Jeffrey in the morning.

Actually, yeah, for real, real's excited.

Well, hopefully you're this excited when I tell you why we're calling, because yeah, that's what I mean.

It kind of us to do with that.

We're we're doing a second date update. That's where we try and help one of our listeners that has been on a date with somebody. But this is a little different because you didn't necessarily go on a date with this guy.

He was your waiter the date, so there's no.

Strict rules to our segment, Henley.

So do you know who I'm talking about? You were on a date and like a waiter kind of helped you get out of it.

His name was Lucas.

Oh god, wait, oh God to the bad date you were on? Or oh God to Lucas.

Is Lucas the waiter?


Yeah, I mean yes, it's okay.

She couldn't remember his actual name, so remember, but it's kind of interesting that you don't remember his name either, because he should just changed.

Why this act?

Well, he said that you guys basically exchanged phone numbers, So I thought you would save his name in the phone.

I guess he'd just be waiter, hero waiter.

I didn't save his number.

Yeah, so you didn't have any intention of calling him back?

Is that why?


No, I was on the date, but from what we heard, that date wasn't going very well, and that's why Lucas felt like he had to Well Lucas did.

Yeah, and you said that he wanted out of the date.

That's why I agreed to like do the emergency call with the ant right.

Yeah, Okay, so he told you all that.


Okay, yeah, yeah, he felt like he really rescued you from a bad date by pretending to call from the nursing home.

Okay, I don't know how to say this, but the whole point of that was so we could get away from him.

Oh wait, why wouldn't to get away from the waiter usually just pay and then leave.

No, we just we needed to get out. I guess in the moment, I was like, Okay, if he thinks I'm gonna call him later, but we're leaving now, the like, maybe I'll call him sometimes and that's fine. I just want to leave now.

Why why did you want to get away from him?

Because he was annoying?

He was annoying.

What's the whole thing a lie? Were you on a first date?


Did you like the guy you were out with?


Okays, like I knew she liked me, so Lucas thought you liked him, and that's where the lie is.

You did not. It's not a lie. You didn't like him.

You hitting on me the whole night. No, it wasn't even just me and my gay to notice there were literally there was someone at the other table looking at us the whole time. And like making eye contact with me.

They were like, oh, sympathizing.

They were still in the cringe.

You don't think it's possible that it was just really good customer service.

It kind of passed that after the first five seconds.

Why what did I say to make you think he was hitting on you? In the first five seconds.

He was like just he came towards table way more than he needed to. Obviously, he came every two minutes, and every single time he was just looking at me, fully positioned, facing me, towards me.

At all.


Rude, Yeah, it.

Is rude, exactly.

This is awkward.

Yeah, yeah, I mean, but you got to admit you and Luke has had a little bit of a connection going right, No, that's the whole point.

When did you hear that in her story?

The whole point when she gave him a number or the eye contact just to get must something happening between you two to make him think that.

I think that's pretty common with men, they think that there's a connection.

Please stop hitting on me right now. I know you're trying to.

Let's just get Lucas on the phone, because he's actually on the.

Other line listening right now. One actually actually, oh.

My god, than so much. Thanks for that.

Well, it's worse for him than you, and now I kind of feel bad.

I feel bad.

But Lucas, are you there?


Did you hear that?

I did? I just I mean, it was pretty obvious that I saved you Henley.

Okay, no, why did you feel like you were saving her?

I mean that was like a bad first date if I've ever seen one.

So from his angle, doubling down is what we're going to do.

Now, Lucas, you said you didn't look good. Were you having fun?


Well, it's hard when the waiter servey too.

Yeah, seriously, it was just I was so uncomfortable.

Well, as a waiter, I'm sure Lucas has seen like hundreds and hundreds of first dates happen in front of him, he said. Out of all of them, yours stuck out as a particularly bad one.

That's convenient.

Yeah, and don't to be embarrassed because you're on the radio right now.

Oh my god, No, it's okay, that's not what all was happening. That is not what happened.

I will prove it, Henley.

If it was such a good date with this other guy, name five things that you liked about him off the top of your head.

Go ahead.

Five. I can't even name five things about anybody in this room.

Told you, I'm not that good of a date.

He was cute, he was smart, he paid, he was polite, and he's not Lucas.

Lucas counses too because she only got the four.

Well, look at that.

She remembered his name and no one in this room could do that, So there shows there must be a connection.

We're building the rapport right now, We're still trying. This is the time to ask chemistry explode.

I'm feeling the vibe happening over the phone lines right now. I would love, seriously, I would love to send you guys out on a second date that we would pay for.

Sorry first date.

Yea with a different waiter.

You're dating Lucas this time.

I thought we had such a strong connection. I definitely think you have a much better time if.

We went out.

What would your sick aunt want you to do at the think about what she wants.

At this point, we should just offer to send Henley out with her first original.

Yes, yes, I would love that.

I wouldn't like it.

Yeah, well we know that's clear.

You've made that very clear. Lucas.

Okay, So Henley, it's seeming like it's going to be a no there for Lucas.


I think it's good to be specific here.

Yes, whatever, dude, I hope your real Anne doesn't get sick.

That was passive, A.

Sweet thing to say. He doesn't want her to get sick. That's really kind. Jeffrey in the morning.

Oh, I know we didn't really have time to discuss this, but jose you were a waiter for a hot minute. Oh yeah, did you ever swoop in on a customer or on somebody else's date while you were working?

No, not on a date. I've had girls that would leave numbers, or I would try to put a vibe out like you could tell somethings flirting, but never in a date.

Well, I know you're still single.

Maybe it should have you know, that's right.

You just hooked up with the subway employees in the meat freezer.

Like a gentleman.

A different thing.

Yeah, it's good.

Well, I mean I feel like that call was unfortunately doomed before we even made it.

I can't believe do you ever feel bad like I know you're trying to do right?

By our listener who calls in for help, but at some point you got to give up.

I don't feel anything, Brook, but you know what I will feel.

I'll feel for the listeners that email us in the next week or so.

I feel for you and.

We will try our hardest to get you a second date. Update email us. We'll call that person who's not calling you back and go check out all of our second dates. We have them up on our podcast on Spotify, Apple podcasts, wherever you get yours, apt Brook and

Jeffrey Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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