One of our listeners admits she broke more than FIVE unwritten rules of dating, but she says she had a good reason too! Hear what happened in a Second Date Update!
Second date of day.
I feel like this gets brought up a lot after you match with someone online. How long should you wait before meeting up with them? Two to three hours? Three minutes?
I feel like people typically take like a week or two.
Hey, I'm at your window right now. Can you open it? I'll climb right in. I brought over some special juice for us to splin.
No sounds sketchy. I don't see any red flags.
I'm not gonna don't make me a weird one here. I'm just saying. The woman on the phone apparently isn't quite as eager as some of us, because she waited much much longer than two hours to meet up with her guy. Her name is Gail. Gail, Welcome to the show, Gail. Three hours. How long did you wait before you met up with the guy from online?
I mean we chatted on and off for like a month.
Before we actually Why why a month? I mean, is that like something you typically do?
I guess.
I mean that we didn't like chat every day, and I had like some work stuff going on, and I feel like it took him a while to ask me out.
And after you talk for a month, is there a lot of anxiety going into that first meeting, because you've you've invested quite a bit of time at that point.
Yeah, I mean a little, but I was more excited.
Yeah, that's what the special juice is for, that.
Keep you loose flexed.
I think a lot of people know what you mean, because also the longer you talk, the more you have gotten to know each other and form chemistry.
So it's kind of Oh, I would be worried that I'd run out of things to say when I finally met. I've already covered everything.
I mean, what do you talk about with a guy for a month.
I don't know, Like what we're.
Doing TV shows, We're watching stuff going on at work. Yeah.
Yes, the weird thing.
He kept like bringing up, he kept saying, like, oh god, you seem so mature for your age, Like he said it like three separate occasions.
Is that a compliment or a diss?
I don't know. I mean it depends on how old you are.
Are you like twenty one or twenty five?
Okay, Okay, I could kind of see that. Yeah, I mean twenty five, you could go either way for sure. Is he an older guy? Is that why?
What did he mean by that?
Now? He's like a couple of years older. I mean, I don't know. Maybe it's the way I talk, or like I correct grammar.
I don't know.
I don't know.
Maybe in the fact your name is Gail.
But okay, so it sounds to me like he meant it as a compliment.
I mean, I guess.
And then at one point he asked me how old I really was, with like a smiley face, like as I thought I was lying on my profile or something.
I don't know. I thought it was kind of rude.
Oh, it could be a joke though, where you know, would tell me the real age make you laugh?
I don't know. Yeah, because he's looking at your pictures, like, I mean, it's all based on photos, Like it'd be like, h thank you.
No, Well, no, they've been talking a few weeks though, so they have that familiarity. What did you say to him?
I said, you'll have to meet me to find.
Out it right after, Like the conversation about your high cholesterol? Is that what years old?
So what did you end up doing for your date?
So, yeah, we made plans to get dinner, and because I'm hilarious, I decided to show up in an old lady costume.
I love just to troll him for asking how old you were.
Yeah, you went in full costume, the whole thing.
I got a white wig.
I wore this like flowery dress, flower I had a cane.
What did Jonathan think when you showed up looking like that?
He was like finishing a conversation on the phone, and he like looked confused as to why. Like I was approaching him, and you know, I committed to the bit and I was like, oh, hello, Jesson, this is gal.
That's amazing. What was his reaction?
I mean, he freaked out. And then I like immediately like took off the wig and was laughing and was like, this is a joke.
I'm just kidding.
And I was like, poke fun at you, and.
I'm a little older than I said, that's really funny.
Actually didn't laugh so much once he like figured out it was actually me.
He was He was like, Okay, this is funny, and we joked about it.
I like ordered a prune juice to be fun.
I think it was that was kind of funny at first, that you don't want to over commit to being like a regular outfit on underneath.
I was gonna say it's not very hot.
I had like a cute dress on, and.
They were at the pancake house at four o'clock, really going in on it.
I mean, other than that, was there anything weird or awkward that happened while you were at the restaurant?
I mean, conversation was good. I did kind of slip up a couple of times, and I accidently called him my ex's name.
Oh, what's your ex's name?
Oh, that's I could see that to Jay's Yeah, my.
Ex name is Jonathan.
You didn't know that that was my ex his name?
He just like corrected me and he's like, you know, it's Jonathan.
I'm like, oh, I'm so sorry.
I don't know why, but.
Oh that was That's a good cover though, that you didn't delve into. Oh I keep calling it. I thinks it was name wrong multiple times. That's so rude.
And I think a lot of people would think, like, oh, she must be going on a lot of dates. Then if I'm just like which one are you?
Yeah, but isn't that like competition for guys? Like, oh, a lot of people.
Won't some guy. I would probably just cry, Guys, give her a break. She's a senior citizen. So, how did you end things with Jonathan that night?
I mean we had a good date.
There is a little kiss.
Did you take your teeth out before the kiss?
I don't know.
We've been like talking, but it's more like friendly and he hasn't asked me out again. Okay, well, I don't know how he's feeling.
I mean, well, we can find out exactly how he's feeling by using this old, tiny landline that we have in studio. We're gonna do the roto dial on this one, so we're gonna get your second date update right after this.
Thank you, we said right after.
Fall asleep coming up next second. We got to knock out this second date quick so we can make it over to the community room and watch People's Court.
I've seen this episode before. Judge Wapner's gonna give it to him this time. Jaywalk, they threw him in the slammer.
Okay, it is down.
It is eight am about it's almost nipped down. Let's bring it up because our listener Gail, who is twenty five years old by the way, decided to prank her date Jonathan by showing up to dinner dressed as a little old granny. Why did she do that? Because he kept saying she seems so mature during their online chats and even asked how old are you really, and so decided to prank him with the old lady costume and the date went really well, minus the part where she called him her ex's name a couple of.
Times, but they still shared a cute kiss at the end.
I didn't hear cute kiss. I just heard kiss.
I don't know what was it, Gail. What was the kiss?
A kiss?
A little little yeah, like as tightly puckered lips as you can get.
Maybe that's not sexy. Maybe that's more grandma style. That's a problem.
Maybe you leaned a little bit too hard and to the grandma thing and it kind of turned him off.
You have to go with pigtails next time in a schoolgirl outfit.
I mean, what do you think, Gail?
I really have no idea why, And I just if it is, like if he like snooped around and like found out that my ex was Jared, I just would want a chance to explain myself and apologize.
Because you didn't tell him that it was your ex's name.
No, but you know, I really don't know.
Well, let's ask him what the real deal was. I'm going to call his number right now and we're.
Going to do it.
That's how I say it on the radio. That's really let's do this. Oh hey is this Jonathan?
Yeah, who is this?
I don't believe you that you're Jonathan Now.
I can't believe he didn't go in with the old man voice. I thought for sure that we're going to hear Alan Winterbottom.
Old man, what what's up? Actually?
You're happy now, Brooke anyway.
I'm a little confused, but I'm good.
No, we're doing something with you right now, Jonathan. You're on Brook and Jeffrey in the morning on a second date. Update.
I don't those words mean nothing to me. I don't know what you're talking what you're talking about.
Honestly, I don't really know what I'm talking about either, but a radio show, and we're on.
A task right I'm on the radio right now.
Yeah, cool.
Say hello to the listeners we have Hey, Hey, they say hi back, trust me. Anyway, we were trying to get some help for one of our listeners named Gail, who you went out on a date with recently.
Oh yeah, yeah, I remember Gail.
Okay, she sounds pretty funny. Did you think she was fun?
Yeah, you know, it was a it was a cute date, you know. I mean yet I like her. She's she's cool.
Oh that's good.
We did hear about your date because she told us that you went to a restaurant and she was dressed up as an old grandma.
She told you that.
Yeah, it was funny. We all laughed.
Yeah it was. It was definitely interesting.
Oh you didn't you didn't like the joke.
It's not that I didn't like it. I kind of don't know how to tell her. This is gonna I'm just gonna come out it's good. This is gonna sound weird.
I think she understands that something odd is going on because she told us, you guys haven't really reconnected very much after the date happened.
Right, Like, It's more it felt like it moved into the friend zone, she said.
And so she's ready to hear whatever the reason is for that. But she'd just like to get a little closure.
Le me fix it.
I can definitely offer closure.
Okay, but.
After the date something changed. What do you mean, Well, Okay, I got in my car and I was driving home. And all of a sudden, I couldn't help but realize that I was more attractive to her as the grandma.
Oh wait when she was dressed up.
Yeah, and I didn't know how. I didn't know how to feel about it. Yeah, it just it just did something for me.
Yeah, what what about it was more attractive to you?
I don't know, I don't know. It just it unlocks something, I guess. I think it was something about the way her voice.
I don't know, they grandma voice.
I like the maturity. I liked the prune juice. I don't know it was. It just seems like this seemed like she knew what she was doing, and I found that a really hot.
I've heard of big D energy, but not big G energy energy. You're into that.
It's not so much the grandma thang. It's just like the older woman stuff. I mean, like a woman in.
Charge, a woman who just makes decisions.
Yeah, makes decisions, tells me what to do.
You know, so, hearing Brooks talk to you right now, it is definitely handstick.
Okay, it's not a gray hair. I don't have great hair, Alexis.
I don't know. It makes me feel taken care of.
Okay, Well she's sound it's like a confident woman. It doesn't sound like you should shut the door on it.
Yeah, but there's more. Well, after the date, I went back online and I've been talking to more mature woman. I bumped it. I bumped it up a little.
Oh god, I mean, no judgment, but I'm just I'm trying to think of how Gail must feel hearing all of this right now.
Well, I was hoping you all would tell wait, oh, what do you mean?
Yeah, what do I mean? I mean Gail's actually on the other line right now listening.
Uh Gail, Yeah, hey, hi Jonathan.
See it sounds like you guys have a lot to talk about here.
Look, I mean you're cool and all, but I'm there's something that date. It just made me realize I want I'm one older.
I'm just confused and kind of shocked. I don't really have to say, like you want you want the one I'm fifty years.
Older than you?
Like, is that why you kept?
Oh, exactly fifty would be great.
Fifty years older or exactly fifty.
Years exactly fifty years old?
Oh yeah, okay, that's the sweet spot for him.
I mean again, it is a good age for women. I'm out there.
It is a good age for women. Some of the people I'm talking to online are amazing. Wow.
What about what about the woman you're talking to on the phone line right now?
You're Gail, You're great. It's not like I don't It's not like I don't like you. It's just I'm I don't see us in a relationship.
He wants to be with someone who can't have pregnancy scarce because he just some.
Woman get pregnant at fifty. It's possible, Gail.
I'd love to hear what you're thinking right now.
I mean, I guess, I guess I'm kind of like offended that you thought I was more attractive when I had a wig on and glasses.
And it's not that I'm not attracted to you, Gail, it's just like you're too young for me.
You never heard that ever on this show.
I guess.
I'm glad I could assist in you figuring out your stuff.
Yeah, there you go.
It was a very mature thing for you to say.
Years old, I am mature.
I'm excited to see you turn into the mature woman.
It's a lot before it goes any farther. But I am going to ask kind of a weird question. Would you be interested in going out with Gail one more time if she dressed up as the old lady.
I don't know that Cale's volunteered for.
Just the voice would be good.
How about you give him a little flavor right now?
And I don't think it's going to work out.
Kind of did it for me to hear?
Okay, so you're feeling what I'm feeling that.
I'm getting hot flashes. I amok. Jeffrey in the morning. Well, if this is a trend, I think it bodes very well for somebody in this room, Alexis, because now your mom will be hit on by more of your.
Please don't think my mom is twenty five.
We should have hooked Jonathan up with Alexis' mom.
It would have been.
It's always good to hear though it's nothing you did. I mean, honestly, the only thing she could have done to fix it was just to wait, wait till she.
Got old, or you know, invented a time machine and aged herself by thirty years and.
Then gone back opposite of botox injacked yourself with wrinkles.
Yeah, it motox. Yeah, but yeah, really no chance for her in that one. Nothing she could have done, but a big self.
Discovery for him. Yeah, it helped him.
Something good did come out of this. And if you ever want to get a second date up that you can always email. The show will help you out. And if you want to catch up on all of our second dates, they're up on our podcast wherever you get your podcast at Brook and Jeffrey Day. What do the podcast?
Yeah, he's that a new fancy fishing rod technique rockast
Year, Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning