Second Date Update: Scooter Safety Patrol

Published May 27, 2024, 12:30 PM

One of our listeners had a run-in with a woman who wouldn’t stop SCREAMING at him during his first date. You’re not gonna believe the topic that set her off.

Second date update.

Sometimes you can plan the perfect date, but then some outside force that you can't control comes into play and changes everything, like a hurricane. Okay, yeah, I shouldn't be going on a date if there's an eminent hurricane about to bear.

Down on you.

Sometimes you just need love.

I guess I.

Was thinking more like when Brooke was on a date eating her potato salad and a bird pooped on it, but it didn't stop her though. Brooke kept on eating, holding eye contact with that dude the entire time.

Okay, I can usually go along with these, but that one is too far eat the potato salad.

I would then steal his food and eat whatever.

I'm not sure if our listener, Marshall has quite the same resilience as Brooke does. Let's find out, though, Marshall, Welcome to the show man.

Hey, how go one doing?

It sounds like better than you.

It sounds like you had something terrible happened on your date.

We don't know how terrible. Before before we get to them, you're set up.

Maybe it feel awful.

Bird poop doesn't sound that horrible on your food.

I don't know.

But before we get to the crazy whateverthing that happened that derailed the date.

Let's start with the girl that you met. Who's she?

Yes, so, her name is Julia. We met online. She's super cute, okay.

Was there something about her that stood out from everybody else?

Well, other than her beautiful smile and beautiful hair. Of course, she had this beautiful dragon tattoo on her shoulder, and like, you know, I'm really into like tattoos, and it was it was super hot and just it was it was just beautiful. It was beautiful.

That's awesome.

That's a good like conversation point to come up on it.

I mean, people are so proud of their tattoos. I bet she would love to have a compliment about it.

Some girls get annoyed because guys always say the same thing, I.

Like your tattoo, Did it hurt? You know?

I don't think that's when you ask what the meaning is? That should? Alexis hates meanings. I was drunk, Okay, it's a lot of Yeah.

Okay, Well, at least the initial attraction was there for you. What did you and Julia do for your date?

Well? I wanted to do something different, right, So I didn't want to be like every other guy. That was hitting her up online. So I was like, well, let's do something somewhat romantic and get the city scooters and right around the city. I love. That are some of my favorite spots.

Yeah, like you know, like the scooters that are you can like use your app on and yeah, my husband and I do that.

Sometimes that doesn't bode well for you.

Oh no, we bring helmets though, because there.

Are a lot of people you don't not worried helmets and I've never seen someone wear helmet on. Oh I definitely do you go twenty twenty five miles an hour.

Alexis y did you? Did you go helmets or no helmets?

Marshall, No helmets, No, all right, But you know it's funny that you say that because everything was going well. We got ice cream, we got coffee and everything. But then we're at a crosswalk and this woman comes up. She says, like, you know, she's an r doctor, and she's like, listen, I've been doing this for over twenty years and most of the injuries I've seen have come from those scooters right there.

Oh, oh my god, was right.

That sucks though, well, like what a mood killer to happen in the middle of you.

Yeah, did you walk off and walk the scooter?

So you're saying, well, you know, I'm sitting there and I'm like, come on, lady, I'm obviously on a date here, so you know, I kind of laugh at off. Okay, and so I'm like, let me get out of this situation as quick as possible.

So great injuries.

As I was pulling away, you wouldn't believe it. I ran over this lady's foot.

The irony.

I felt horrible, and she's yelling even louder.

You got a gun it and get away from the screens.

After that point, I was like, I just want to be as far away from this lady as possible. She was okay. I took the tongue lashing, and I'm like, all right, let's just go. And Julie's not really wanting to ride these scooters anymore.

Oh yeah, weird.

Time to park up?

Yeah, I mean, did you guys just find a bar or something or a restaurant to go to?

Yeah? Actually we did. I was like, let's just go over here. This is a nice spot. We got a couple of drinks and it's good everything.

Yeah, you read what she wanted right like that, I mean it's good.

Like some people will be like, let's.

Just keep going and ignore the other person's feelings.

Why are you laughing every time?

It's like any drink comes into playbooks.

Like Okay, good god, thank god, I means dangerous heavy drinking, thumbs.

Up, a good helmet. Yeah, I wear a helmet to whine night.


I mean it's good that you read what she you wanted and needed and.

Salvage I mean, did you salvage it from that point? Did it feel good from that point on?

Well? I thought so. I mean we had a great time. Did we shared it, laughed, we got a couple of drinks and everything was fine. But well, I've been trying to get in contact with her and have another date for the last two weeks and she's just always had some other excuse, you know. And she even told me that she's been going out on dates, which is cool, don't get me wrong. Like I get it.

She's say that, do you say that to each other?

Don't want to go out with them.

She's telling you, I'm seeing other guys. I can't meet up with you.

I got a date Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

Well she did say, let's pick another night, but it just seems like every night I picked, there's always something Okay, yeah.

Okay, she was just saying that because she felt bad about that whole being real honest, you know it is not, though.

But it might be a good sign that she's being totally transparent on you what's going.

On in her life.

But also it's hard to reject people, so maybe she's hoping he figures it out.

Like, how about we just find out we need to figure it out.

Yeah, we're all gonna have helmets before we make the calls, just because we don't know what disaster might be waiting on the other end.

Always has five in her car.

Seriously, you should wear a helmet on those.

Things, all right.

Second Dates an extra safe edition of your second Date update.

Right after this Second Date Update. Oh, can you guys picture it right now?

Picture what?

This is the background music I have in my head as Marshall navigates through the busy city sidewalks, cruising three miles per hour without a helmet on.

Well, it's like Frogger, Oh.

Dodge the fire hydrant, Marshall, jump the manhole.

It's all funny games until somebody gets hurt.

That's right, because he's an adrenaline junkie riding without a helmet on. That's probably why he called into the show this morning, just for the high of being on the.

Radio coming up, Isn't that John Marshall?

You got your adrenaline fixed just talking to us, didn't you?


I did, yeah, right through you.

This sounds like the theme song of an eighties like video game.

But we've all been there, the dangerous streets.

But the worst part of the date was when Marshall accidentally ran over a lady's foot who warned him that scooters are very dangerous. Ended up causing a lot of er visits, and of course it ended up happening during his date.

Brooke is upset he wasn't wearing a helmet.

Well, that's not about me, I mean, it's about his date. Like he was able to rescue the night they went out, got some drinks, calm down.

At least we thought he rescued it.

But it's been two weeks and she still hasn't agreed to another date. Even told him that she's seeing another guy on one of the nights. Kind Of harsh, but but honest, brutally honest.

And maybe that's a good sign. Marsh You ready to call her here?

Yeah? Yeah, hopefully we can get to the bottom of this.

I mean, you don't sound like a dangerous guy, so I think that it's probably not the scooter mishap.

That's what they say about all the most dangerous people in the world.

I never would have suspected you to be the killer nice.


All right, mars let's just do this. I'm gonna call Julia for you. Here we go. Hello, Hey, is this Julia? Yes, you may have we are question.

We're a radio number.

Yeah, we have to protect our number because we're a radio show.

Okay, what is this about?

This is about a segment we do on Brooke and Jam Free in the morning. That's what this show is. It's called second Date Update.


And who is it you're looking.

For for you?

Yes, will start me.


We heard about you through one of our listeners named Marshall that apparently you went on a date with a couple of weeks ago.

Oh Marshall, yeap, Oh.

Yeah, okay, I think that sounded good.

There was a smile on her face when she said his name.

Sure, Why would he have the radio calling me?


It's just a little confusing because he has my numbers. Yeah, well, pilling up.

He's been using that number to try and ask you out, but you keep brushing him off or being busy.

Or maybe you're not brushing him off. He doesn't know. He felt like, maybe.

That's why, maybe you don't like him that much.

That's why he's going through us. He's trying to get some clarity, you know.

It just how do I explain this? And there's nothing wrong with him per se, But I'm looking for a partner in life. I want my ride or.

Die because we heard you get road city scooters.

Oh my goodness, teachers.

Yeah, apparently this is the background music that was playing the entire time because you two are rebels who ride without helmets off.


I mean it's it's really honestly, ride or die in that situation, because you should be protecting your head.

No, absolutely, Honestly, it didn't occur to me until after that woman, like she's sort of a cost to us, but I didn't really think about it.

Yeah, we heard there was an old lady that like approached you and said riding scooters causes a lot of er business.

I think she's an er doctor.

She could have maybe been like a little more pleasant about it. She's sort of just like started shouting at us. And I think Marshall handle it all right. He got a little panicky.

Yeah, it sounds fun.

Though, and I think Marshall even admitted that it was kind of an awkward moment in the date. But overall, when you look at Marshall as a person, we're not sure why you wouldn't want to see him one more time.

It's not that I don't want to see him. He's not like giving me like that wow factor at least, you know, not in a good way. Like I mean, yeah, he's texted me, but has he called me, you know, voiced the voice and asked.

Me out again?

A lot of people don't like that these days.

You're looking for hasn't like called me or like texted been like let's do this at this time on this date. He's just like, Hey, I had a good time, and I'm like that's nice, But a lot.

Of guys have had a good time with me.

I'm looking for the guy that's going to put that extra effort into it and make me feel like I'm one in a million.

What if he's not trying to come off like super though, Like what if he just wants to have a conversation throughout the day and then naturally bring up a date.

You know, Yeah, I think he's trying to be respectful of you.

It is, That's what I was trying to sound really good to me.

A text is nothing. I want flowers. I want gestures.

So you're no, No, she's saying that she needs more.

She knows that he likes.

Her, but.

Gesture in life.

She's looking for somebody who's going to put the work in.

Absolutely So.

I mean, if you guys could actually just let him know that I'm not interested, that would be okay.

So you know what you want and you don't think it's.

Marshall, Yeah, if you want us to tell him no, we could, or honestly, you could just do it yourself.

Because he's actually on the phone right now.

What I didn't want to do.

You're laughing and smiling.

Yeah, but he's finally on the phone. Remember that's what you wanted.

Marcia there, man, hey, Julia, Sorry, this is a little awkward. I apologized about that.

Marsh I don't know if you heard all that, but she's trying to tell you that she's not that interested and it's probably not going to happen.

You know what. That's okay, I got the clarity that I needed.

Just gonna give up.

I appreciate you being honest. Wait seriously, well, I mean I texted you and.

Oh everybody texted me? Are you kidding me? I'm not should be a jerk here, but like you went through all this trouble and you like you have me on the radio and everything, and I'm like, oh, no thing, and you're just like, hey bye, Like, where's the gesture.

He's listening to what you're saying.

He's listening to me saying he's a great guy. He's not showing up enthusiast. I'm like, what's it's fine?

Situations we don't take no for an answer. Is not an acceptable thing anymore. I guess yeah, that's not allowed. Girls like never call me again. You go, okay, I'll respect that, And she's like, oh.

Sometimes, I mean it, sometimes we need it.

I didn't say never call me again. I said, oh, he's really really sweet, but I'm not that interested. That's like a far cry from never call me again.

I say, Marshall, I want him to call you even though you're not interested.

Marshall, I'm just kind of surprised that you're not putting up more of a fight either.

Okay, well, you know what. I'm sorry. I guess I was just trying to fill out the situation. I didn't want to bother you, but I really wanted to see you again. So do you want to go out with me? I would love to take you out again.

Oh man, I appreciate the offer, but I'm really I'm not interested.

You just set him off to turn him down? Are you kidding?


Give him a chance like he was the extra miles, He planned a unique date.

You don't want a chance with this girl, bro, Julie.

I'm sorry about the scooters. We can wear helmet, you can do whatever you want. We can go to a bar.

Marshall, Oh my god, just stop seriously, I've already said no, you're embarrassing yourself.

Oh that's what you want?

Oh God, you probably don't understand how any of this It's only like eight notes.

Yeah, how many notes does it take?

I said no to a guy like fifteen to twenty times before?

I yet like, this guy's still got a way to go.

Oh god, I.

Think you're just gonna end up attracting red flag men that man.

From here on out, Guys, do we just forever ask girls out take?

Well, we have to at least ask one more time. I'm officially for the rules. Julia, would you like to go out with Marshall again? One more time? We would pay for it.

We have to. We have to get the no.

I think he's so sweet, but I know.

You like to go out with Marshall one more time?

You pay?

Okay up, all right, that's too much.

Just knock that into him.

Okay, that's that's what could have said that.

We could have just ended it as soon as we got Marshall.

Sorry, Marshall, Marshall.

It's okay. I guess I wish I would have know him sooner. But I mean I wish you the best.

Text word that would like your number. Just so, I have a feeling that we're not done with Marshall yet.

We're gonna have to do seven more second data.

We'll eventually get her to say yes. One of these days, Bro, you'll teach him.

Roller on the city by himself, fading off into the sunset at a brisk four miles per hour.

One day you'll come back get that date, buddy. All right, all right, I.

Appreciate you guys rooking Jeffrey in the morning.


That really was just like an old school arcade game Sidewalk Scooter X, and we tried to help Marshall beat that final boss level and get him a second date.

Wait, you're making her the big monster at the end of the video. Is that what you're doing?

She's like the gorilla, that's like. But we tried and tried until he ran out of live.

He muses he can always pop in another quarter and try again eventually beat that game. I guess I would ask people to text in to seven eighty five nine two.

Should Marshall keep trying to get another date?

But I know ninety nine percent are gonna say no, No.

It's like she was saying what she wants it, and then when he gave it to her, then she didn't want it anymore. I think she I think she just didn't want him, you know what I mean?

Like, I think I think she could have had him.

I think in general, I'm just gonna speak for all of the people out there, for all the women listening, and Brooke would agree.

With me on this.

We wouldn't continue whatever you're about.

Ladies, if you have certain rules and expectations about dating you, please let us know what they are.


Okay, guess what it is you want and don't want.

Yeah, I'm sure if you guess right, you move up in the rain.

It's I'm actually with jeff on that one.

I mean, like a little handbook for everyone men and women would be really nice.

But even if you don't know what you want, you can always email us. We'll call that person who wasn't calling you back. Go check out all of our second day podcast wherever you get yours at Brook and

Jeffrey Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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