Second Date Update: Ross Mess For Less

Published Aug 9, 2024, 1:00 PM

The woman on the phone today was willing to tell us what may be the most embarrassing story of the year...And even though it's the reason she's not getting a call back, we love her for sharing a brand new Second Date Update!

The second date of date. You know, normally, whenever we have listeners on this segment, we have them start at the beginning of their date and tell us the full story.

It's usually how stories work.

Jeffrey, Well, today we might need to start at the end because our listener, Julian thinks the reason he might not be getting a call back is because of his text game after they met up. Lack of text game. I don't know. We need to bring Julian on to figure out what's happening. Julian. Welcome to the show.

Man, Hey, what's going on? How you guys doing.

It's like, if your game is that bad, how'd you get a date in the first place? I mean, do you have to have someone good text game to even secure the first date?

Yeah, welcome to the show, Julian. We're gonna get berated. Hear anything about what you texted?

He I'm telling him that, like, it can't be as bad as he thinks.

What's different with your pre risen your program?

What happened?

Well, I went out with test tests.

Is that what you said? Orme was right?


Okay, we don't Brooke and Jose and Alexis they don't know anything about the date or the woman that you went out.

With got me terrified.

No, you're good.

I've been there when I've doubted myself. Okay, I thought you were Jose.

So her name was Tess. And what happened after your date?

I don't know how you guys feel about this, but after our date was over, I sent her for text or text okay, yeah, and she didn't respond to any of them.

Maybe did you text like my best friend does when she goes like hi, next text what?

Yeah, it's one sentence listening.

It was across like six days.

We were assuming it was that night.

I don't think that's bad.

What did she say back?

Well, she didn't, that's what he was saying.

Yeah. You know, i'd reach out, I get no answer. I'd wait a day and I take in again. Okay, she's doing you know.

Why are you blaming yourself for a bad text game?

I don't know.

Like I told my guy friends and they were all like, dude, you're spamming her.

Spamming, I mean is worse.

But you're not getting a response back.

I feel like you're just not giving up. And I don't think that that's necessarily a bad.

Thing, but if a girl wants you to give up, I'm.

Trying to be on his side.

She maybe like take the hint, and you're like putting yourself out there.

How do you feel about it?

Well, honestly, I'm not spamming her. It's like these are all like day apart or two two days per text.

Your guy friends disagree.

Right, They were like, no, it comes off despreat because it basically tells her that I have nothing else going on in my life.

Okay, text says are you free?

Are you free?

Do they have a point? Do you have nothing else going on in your life?

Ye? Be honest, No, they have a point. I don't think it's bad, like showing that I like her and want to talk to her.

Okay, well what did you like about her on the date?

Yeah, let's talk about the actual date, Like what did you guys do and get into that story.

We met online and you know, we met a little Mexican restaurant and looked so good. That's so, you know, I told the hostess that with our anniversary.

Whoa, oh wait, what why wouldn't you like her birthday or something?

You know, technically it's our anniversary of our first date.

He does this feels like so much?

So I would be zero the anniversary.

I would be running for the door. I'd be so freaked out already, know you would.

As long as there's free dessert that.

Well, it's that fried ice cream Mexican. I do love that.

The kid's more, it's their birthday, so technically he's right like there and.

We're all judging about it. What did tests think?

Well, you know, when the dessert, you know, it was nice flond, which is pretty cool. The waiter kind of mentioned it, but it didn't become an issue.

Oh okay, it didn't come out like maybe they thought that you guys were just a really cute special couple and that's what she thought.

No, wait, so she didn't hear you tell them that it was your anniversary.

Oh no, all right, that doesn't sound too bad.

Yeah, she might have thought that they've given to us by mistake.

She doesn't know.

So how did the date end?

Well, since she opened there, offered a driver back home. Yeah, right after we leave the restaurant, she's like, OMG, is that a ross dressed to less? I love that store.

She loves the lady who loves a bargain. So what do you say, girl, I'll bout you anything in Ross?

What do you what do you Well, She's like, oh, let's go in. They have the best deals. It was kind of weird, but hey, she.

Wants to hang out.

Yeah. I was little confused, honestly, but it was fine because I went in and got a jacket.

So you got something out of.

It that's cute. Did she like the way you looked in it?

Yeah? She said it was neat.


That's what Brooks says to her son. Yeah, he got on.

There after he draws like a poop picture. That's me, all right, compliment.

And then you drove her home.

Actually she kind of decided to get an uber instead of me driving her home.

Huh, why do you think that is?

I don't know. Maybe she didn't go somewhere else before she went home. I don't know.

Was there like a shift and vibe at Ross if something happened.

Was the neat jacket too neat the same.

Jacket, or there's a TJ Max right next door and she's like, oh, I got to get my Max and knee.

Yeah. And with Alexis I wish I knew.

Okay, well, we got some stuff to work with your friends think you might be spamming her too much with those four consecutive texts without any response.

Or she found home Goods down the street because those stores you just.

Know is so good. She could be in the candle section, Brothers.

Maybe she's up Michael's Arts and Crafts. We don't know. Let's call tests and see what she has to say about the date, and then we'll try and get your second date update right after this. Hold on, if you're just joining us, we're on the phone with Julian whose first date had more red flags than China's annual military parade.

That seems extreme.

I'm just I'm kidding. But there were a few odd moments from the night. He stretched the truth to the restaurant hostess, saying it was their anniversary.

But he didn't say it in front of her, which is good.

Yeah, they took a detour at one point to Ross Dress for less I love. This wasn't his idea, was his date Tessa's plan.

You got a cute jacket out of the deal.

But the weirdest part was he offered her a ride home and she said yes, but then later changed her mind and was like, you know what, I'm just gonna uber myself back.

Never mind, you're going to bring up the fact that she said his jacket.

Looked neat for some reason.

On top of all that, his buddies say he's playing the after the date game the wrong way by sending four consecutive texts with no response, even though it was across multiple days.

Is on this poor man's side right now?

Are any of these the reason that Tessa's ghosting? We don't know, but one of them reason. Sorry to recap your date like that, Julian, But do you feel like it was pretty accurate?

Yeah, he says.

Unfortunately, that's where you're at of anything.

You can take out of this what not to do. If everyone says don't do this, and then she confirms it, you're doing too much.

Maybe you'll find out that it's none of that and they're all wrong. You were right, She's just been busy. That's all.


You go, right, Life happens is very true.

Yeah, it's positive on Jack. I'm sure we're not going to learn about a whole bunch of other red flags that came up we didn't even talk about. But let's let's just call naked. That's my jacket Okay, let's call Test though and just see if she picks up and has anything to tell us. Extra. Here we go, Hello, Hi, we're looking to speak with Tests.

This is her?

Is it?

I almost did something, but I was like, well, that's my very aroused co host.

For some reason, I'm excited to talk to Test.

Okay. They are a morning show. We're called Brooke and Jeffrey. We're on the radio.

Okay, and you're calling me? Why?

Great question because one of our listeners asked us to reach out to you after you two went out on a little bit of a romantic rendezvous at a Mexican restaurant.

Sounds like a cute day.

Is a guy named Julian.

And he called you.

Yeah, he said that he's texted you like four times and you haven't in him back.

Yeah, because I'm pretty sure he knows what happened. Oh my gosh, it's so embarrassing.

Actually he doesn't.

Did you say something's embarrassing?

Embarrassing for him or embarrassing for you, and probably more embarrassing for me and I just want to forget about it. So well, okay, look, we are totally understanding if something didn't go the way you wanted it to go or something weird happened. But we're just trying to help out Julian because he's totally confused. He mentioned to us about the Mexican restaurant and going to Ross and.

It sounded fun, but then you changed your mind about getting to ride home.

Yeah, so we're just trying to help him get some clarity.

Yeah, but you I don't understand, Like it's pretty bad. I don't. I don't really want to talk about it, especially on the radio.

Wow, we can't see your face. We only know one of your names.


We love embarrassing stories. I mean, honestly, it makes me feel better about my whole life.

Come on, and we're really I mean, you got to think about Julian too, who's just sitting at home totally confused.

Yeah, we can tell you an embarrassing story.

We're trying to help relay the message over to him if like, make sure that he didn't do anything wrong.

I mean, he didn't do anything wrong.

Okay, So wait, what happened? Did it happen at the Mexican restaurant? Like where did things go bad?

It started at the Mexican restaurant and just kind of.

And you from there a few details.

Yeah, so I ordered some spicy enchiladas for dinner because I love Mexican food, and they just kind of hit different. You know, I had to excuse myself to the bathroom twice during dinner.

Oh yeah, okay, okay, well I'll tell you that did not come up in the recap from Julian.

He did not notice at all.

Yeah, he didn't say anything.

I'm glad that he didn't notice. And then, you know, when we were getting the check and he offered to take me home, they kind of just it hit again. But I didn't want to go to the bathroom because they didn't want him to to.

Know you'd already gone one or twice.

I was like, it's fine, I'm going to power through and they want to get home. They'll take care of things. It'll be fine. And then we get outside and my body betrayed me rather violently.

Oh no, girl, we ruined my shorts right there on the Oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait?

What oh god, it's like.

The god before the more after the car.

They just get in the car.

Sorry. I don't know if you heard that test, but Julian, uh, Julian heard.

That Julian's on the phone almost on the car.

Yeah, he's been listening to this conversation.


We had an embarrassed idea that it was going to be embarrassing like that.

We thought he did something wrong.

Buriously, like, how is this managing to get even more embarrassing?

It is not your fault, It is that Angelota's fault.

Julian oh Man. Julian talk to tests.

I had no idea at all, Like I had no clue.

Impressive test.

Well, luckily, I guess I had that going for me. But I just I panicked, okay, and that's when I thought, how can I fix this? And then I saw the Ross next door, and I was like, that's perfect. We're gonna go in there and I can buy myself to do shorts.

And yeah, that's why you wanted to go into.

Ross, and you just make sure that he walks in front of you at all time.

I did manage to find a pair of shorts that looked really close to the ones that I was wearing, but you know, I kind of wanted to throw you off the fence. So I also was looking at the sweaters, Well, you need something.

To maybe tie around your waist. That's a classic trick.

Oh my gosh.

So yeah, I managed to get those two things.

I took him up to the cashier, and then I had this plan in my head that was probably pretty ill conceived. You know, do a quick change, like behind his car or a dumpster or I don't know what, brothroom.

Just use it changing ross. What are you doing? I don't know.

I thought it would be too conspicuous, but it didn't work out in my favor, and I panicked and I just called the uber.

Okay, okay, you didn't want to get in the car with him, because okay, this all makes sense. It is Yeah, Julian, does this connect some of the dots for you?

Oh? You poor thing?

That makes sense?

Why should call my jacket? Neat like her mind was even present?


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely a jacket.

Okay, well, Julian, you can forgive her for that mistake, right or is that a deal breaker for you?

Honestly, tests we're all human. Things happened. I would love to hang out with you again. This time we can go skating or bowling, so you can see how you know, non athletic I am, and that could be embarrassing for me.

Okay, he's willing to embarrass himself to even the plane the nos at a bowling alley.

Yes, that will. That's a hot tip. But we would like to offer to send you out with Julian one more time, test, and we would pay for that date.

If you're open to it, you could turn this horrible experience into like actually kind of a meet cute.

It could be your second anniversary.

Yeah, she doesn't know anything about that.

Okay, we'll just ignore what I said and it'll be a sweet second date if you're willing to do it. Test. What do you think?

Oh gosh, I mean, Julian, you're incredibly sweet. I just honestly don't think I could ever face you it was.


Think of what you've already shown him.

There's only there's only up from here at.

Tests, I honestly can say I never thought someone telling me that pooping my pants was an okay thing would be romantic.

What you guys are eighty years old already? Yeah, let's toss in a pair of depends. So wait, is that a yes? Test?


Spicy all around Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.

This second ate update was actually successful on two levels.

Did you think about it?


Not only did we get a yes and wrap those two into a taste the burrito.

Of love together, not put any food with that.

We just gave the advertisers over at Ross the idea for their next touching Super Bowl commercial. Hey, forget the Budweiser puppy befriending the Clydesdale. Now Ross has Mexican Blowout Girl taking advantage of their summer blowout sale.

Oh I like that. I get where the name comes from.

Now it's between her and Hawk.

To us, it's touching in cube.

Honestly, they better give us an update.

Yeah, we want to follow along with them, and you can follow along with all of our second Date updates. Go check them out online wherever you get your podcasts at Brook and Jeffrey

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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