Second Date Update: Roofer Madness

Published Dec 22, 2023, 1:25 PM

The guy in today’s Second Date has SOME recollection of his date, but he can’t tell if it was the BEST or the WORST date of all time…

The second date of date.

When we go through all the second date email requests and we're trying to decide who to call, we should probably base that decision on who has the most compelling or romantic date story.

I thought, that's what we've been doing.

Do you have a realistic chance of actually reaching their person and making this whole call worthwhile?

That's what we should be doing.

Yeah, because it's a good goal.

That's what a good radio host would do. But I'm not going to do that.

We're gonna call the guy for one reason, and one reason only because of his name.

We've gotten this before. It's turned out well, I support it.

Because this person signed his email to us Rufer. I don't know if that's his profession and he got confused if it's a typo or what.

But it caught my attention.

It's spelled like a roof or like spelled like a rufer.

So I just want to find out. Welcome Rufer to the show. Okay, So is that your real name or what.

Real name is Rufus? But uh my bros called me Ruffer and that's pretty much what I go.

By, Okay? Is that is that what you go by to your dates?

Too. Yep, all right, okay, well.

I literally know nothing about what happened on your date or who you were with, because all I saw was rufers. So why don't you start us off? Tell us who you want us to call today?

If you guys call it Diana. Kay, we went to coffee, all right?

Well for real, I mean coffee is almost like a pre.

Date, right, yeah, simple way to downplay his coffee date Rufer Okay, yeah, I.

Think that's plenty romantic. That counts as a date for most people, but not for Brook.

Apparently you say.

It it's like it could be fifteen to thirty minute experience.

Right, it's not anyway, Sometimes that's all that people have, Brook.

So if you guys can just like step just kind of killing my right Brook.

Sorry, I'm guessing that's not a caffeine buzz Fro.

Tells about what happened at the coffee shop how to go?

Yeah, so.

It didn't start well, oh what does that mean?

I kinda forgot?

Well you forgot about the see I told you it was.

The date jump.

You better give you so much trap, How did you forget?

I was maybe a little high at the time.

There we go, so at what point did you remember when she text me, okay, you can just go drive now and go like, well, i'll plan it's close.

Oh my god, it was about four blocks from my place. Okay, So I text your back like yeah, I'm close, like I'll be on my way.

Well good, Yeah, yeah, it's good. Except for you showed up high as a kite.

We don't know if he even showed up to the date.

Ye, I mean, did you.

Did make it there? I did make okay, okay, showered and a little disheveled. All I really remember is that I got into like a fight with my pants, like.

A verbal fight or a physical fight.

Yeah, I just remember. At some point I was like, come on, pants, like they just it wasn't happening.

Were you sitting down at the coffee shop at this point?

This is still home. I haven't left yet.

We're still getting dressed. What happened after that?

Yeah, I get the pants on. I win that fight. I start booking it down the street. There's only four blocks.

Running high show up because you feel like you're running so fast, like I've been there before. You have no concept of time. Time has literally left you.

I feel like his arms are just flailing all over the place. His legs are wobbling. But did you make it to the coffee shop, Roofer?

I thought I did. I went to a coffee shop that I believed was the coffee shop, and then text you again are you here? And I said, yeah, I think so.

And they're like, oh wait, this isn't a coffee shop, this is an empty cardboard box.

Fight with the box.

And then did you find Diana?

I texted her name and she said it was It was the wrong coffee shop.

There's one every dude.

How is she even still waiting around for you at this point?

You got to cancel for some reason. She did. But I finally find it and I find her all right? But uh, I mean it is not a good situation. No, I'm very high.

I feel like tickets.

What did she even say to you?

You know, I don't entirely remember.


You know, I ordered a lot of pastries.

You ate a lot of pastries.

The higher credit card bill and if okay, do you remember anything from your interaction with her? I mean I stared at her face a lot. No, that's to be pretty complimentary. But at one point her friend showed up.

She called in backup is what she did that could.

Be I guess so yeah, I tried to introduce myself, but she had to get out of there.

Yeah, I'll tell you that's not when they asked for a threesome.

That's not a good that's an exit strategy.

Wow, why do you even want to.

Make this call?

Can I say that?


Count it as a lot?

Why do not move on? I mean, she was super cute, and I feel like an idiot for messing it up. I don't think I would have messed up, you know if I didn't get so high.

Okay, okay, okay.

Like if you were, if you were sober, maybe this date would have gone really well and this could have been the girl for you.

I mean, you could be stoned.

We got a big green mountain to climb to overcome this.

I mean, I bet he smoked a big green mountain right before he got on the phone.

But I will not confir.

We're just gonna play a song.

We'll come back, we'll call Diana for you, and we'll try and get you your second date update.

All right, rufe, all right, thanks?

Guess all right, hold on, forget the dare programs.

School should just play this segment to teach kids about the dangers of recreational drugs because one of our listeners, Rufer, admits he was high and forgot he even had a date, but once he remembered, in his rush to make it there, he ended up getting into a fight with his own pants.

He went to the wrong coffee shop, ate.

A dozen pastries in one sitting, and just stared a lot at Diana's face, he thinks, not sure about that, imagining it like stone looking at her, like just down in Croissan.

I could see his little bloodshot eyes too in my head.

Ruffer, I really appreciate you coming on and just being so honest and vulnerable with us on the radio.

It takes a lot of bravery. So good on you. Okay, Yeah, and your.

Email says that this date happened about a week ago. But I do have a question. At any time, did you ever admit to Diana that you were elevated?

I don't remember, but I don't think that I would have.

Like I think, I'm just saying if you didn't, then maybe we shouldn't bring that.

Up to her. Probably knows.

I don't know, man, I feel like I'm just saying she didn't know she can't be the person that dates Rufer.

Okay, you know what I'm saying. If you're that naive like you just can't be in a relationship with him.

I'm totally with you on that, But I just I don't think we should lead with it.

We should get.

Her perspective about how it went first and see if she offers that.

Are you okay with that?



That works. I mean the profile does say I'm for twenty friendly, so.

I always smell it on you, but it doesn't say four twenty forgetful.

Yeah, we'll see if she even knows what that means or noticed it at all. But we're gonna dial her number right now and try and get your second date update.

Okay, here we go.

Okay, let's do.

Hello of the Day.


Is this Diana?

Is she? Hi?


My name is Jeff from a morning radio show called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.

Who are you ask myself?

That it's a deep question.

We're a morning radio show and we're doing a segment called a second Date Update where we help some of our listeners out with their dating lives.

So then, why are you calling me? I never signed up for help? With my dating life.

Well, good question.

Yep, you did not reach out to us, but we did get a call from a guy who says he would love to hang out with you again because your first date together didn't go the way that he planned.

He goes by the name Rufer.

Oh lord, yeah, he knows.

It was a little bit of a rough first date.

It was definitely the weirdest date I'd ever been on.

Okay, but I mean he told us that he was super late and that you hung around, so there must have been some good reason while you hung around, like.

You liked him a lot.

He looked very cute online, okay, but there was definitely something wrong or wrong with him or just wrong altogether.

Okay, what would give you that impression?

Let's talk. In the beginning, he kept texting me that he was three minutes away. Yeah, he texted that same text seven.

Times, seven times across the period of how much time, every ten every ten minutes, Like I was really waiting for him to show up and give me like a really amazing excuse.

You know, something happened.

Okay, that's kind that's good day.

But when he showed up, it seemed as if he had just run a marathon, like in.

A hot, sexy, listening on your muscles type of way.

No, like you're the last one coming in in the last place.

Yea, What he did tell us that he was running behind, and he was rushing and literally running to make it there, So he may not have been quite in his right mind. You know, he's a little bit flustered from having rushed.

To get to it.

Yeah it wait, so wait were you able to make it?


Were able to get over that?


I know that he connected very well to the brick wall that we were sitting next to, because he kept complimenting me and saying that I was as beautiful as this brick wall.

Okay, what did you say to beautiful?

Thank you? Thank you?

Okay, strong.

Okay, maybe comparisons aren't quite his forte.

Oh my god, I can tell you that, because next he told me that my skin looks so soft it could be made into a nice room.

Okay, but.

He said it in a nice voice, not in like an actual he was going to make a skin.

Roll, he said, in a voice that could put a baby to sleep. It was so nice and lovely.

Okay, Okay, sounds like he's trying to be sweet to you.

But the words that are coming.

Out, don't you I did, from her perspective, couple red flags already.

So is that kind of the whole thing for you? That he you know, he was a little bit out of it seeming, and compliments weren't coming out.

The right way.

Well, that I could have actually looked past because I don't know, maybe he was tired, had a long day. But then a friend of mine showed up, like totally randomly at the coffee shop, and you know, I just went over to talk to her really quickly, and Ruper came over and he whispered in my air. He was like, hey, this person bothering you.

No, she's about your friend exactly.

I said no. I said no, no, that's my friend, and he was for back. I would like to fight them.

Fight was tire a girl?

I don't it doesn't matter.

I guess it was a girl.

Oh, okay, I would like to fight.

He's trying to be shak I'm sure Rufer has a very logical, reasonable explanation for his behavior that day, and maybe it would sound best actually coming from him him because Diana Ruffer is on the other line listening and wants to talk to you.

What are you talking about?

We have Ruffer on the other line.

Ruffer you there, Yeah, how's it going?

Oh my god?

Pretty chill.

I mean, I'm sorry you had to hear that, but I mean they asked me, and I told him the truth that that's what happened.

Oh listen, I mean that that skin robe thing is creepy. I don't know why I would say something like that.

Do you do you remember saying that, Rufer.

I don't remember saying that. It doesn't sound like something I would say.

Our buddy, Rufer's got a really bad memory.

You didn't mention that before you left. You kept yelling like, hey, I want to show you my ferbie.

Ferbie, like one of those stuff.

Do you own a Ferbie Ruffer?

I mean I do that one. That one's plausible.

Okay, it makes more sense of the skin robe.

All right.

I mean we've kind of danced around this for long enough. She's been very understanding throughout this whole call, So maybe you should just come clean. I think you owe her the honest answer of what was going on that day.

All right, full disclosure. I was I was a little high. I was very high.

Okay, that was full that was the full disclosure at the end.


Yeah, don't say.

Did you get that feeling?


How often do you get high?

You know, occasionally.

Don't give him questions about concepts of time goodness, not in his wheelhouse.

I mean, to Rufer's credit, he did say that he was four twenty friendly on his dating profile, So I mean you knew that going in, right, I.

Did, But I have never seen four twenty effects someone in that way.

That's a good question. Was it was it just four twenty Rufer? Or was that something else?

It might have also been like two twenty and then three twenty that.

My head.

I don't know.

Are you high right now?

Yeah? I shouldn't. I should have rescheduled. That was on me. Not a proud moment, and and I'm truly shut.

Oh that's good. That was I mean, that was good, right, Diana.

I mean, he is cute, and if you can agree to not be high when we meet up, and he can bring some of that two twenty three sixty whatever he was on, and maybe we could try it together and.

We can learn some stuff together. Really, he's getting really romantic.

Yeah, I don't know of this.

I don't know if we can condone that.

But what we can condone is the two of you meeting up again.

Sure sober at the beginning.

You know, yeah, you know what that You guys are adults. What you want to do on your own time, that's your business. But our business is to offer to send you out on a second date and we'll pay for it.


Diana sounds happier now knowing what.

The whole deal was.

It sounds like she's already I know you should have sound like you should.

Have just let off with that ruffer.

Yeah, I should have.

This whole time. I thought you were like an escape mental patience. Is really.

No, not not to keep bringing up the skin roll thing, but that is I am scared of myself that that was even in there.

Don't see that broken Jeffrey in the morning.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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