One of our SHOW MVPS is back today and his newest love story all started in the back of a city bus. It gets more romantic from there but you can help us welcome him back with a new Second Date podcast!
Second date, up date. I have been waiting for this moment for an entire week.
I am so excited.
I know you're actually smiling, ladies.
And gentlemen, making his glorious return. Please welcome back to the show a fan favorite.
Can I get a drum roll please for.
The one the only Ruffer.
Welcome back, dude.
Yeah, thanks for having me back.
You're getting more requests than song requests.
Oh my god, you remind me Rufer what you were on, Like, we had a second date last time, but I can't remember.
It's been over a year since he was last on with them, and Rufe has actually been on the show three different times. The most memorable one for me was the coffee date that you had with a girl, which you forgot about because that morning you were let's call her medically enhanced sure that you may or may not have been staring at the clock, or you stared at it for too long and it's zoned out. We're just gonna say that you forgot but yeah, that didn't work. Yeah, that sounds good, That sounds good, sounds like me. Anyway, we don't need to go any more detail about that. The bottom line is for your friend of the show. We love hearing from you. So let's talk about this new woman that you just met. What's her name?
Yeah? Her name is is Cheryl?
Okay, where'd you meet her?
And we met on the bus.
She passed out to I am not surprised.
First of all, she was awake. I wanta.
Good for you, dude.
We know Jeffrey's humor.
You're good man.
Well, like I didn't have a bus pass, so she offered to cover my bus pass.
Ah, wow, did you not even digging in the trash for a transfer?
Okay, so how did you and Cheryl'll get to talking to each other?
Interacting with each other?
I mean, like I said, she bought me the bus pass, and then she decided to sit with me. So I started talking on the bus ride.
About her part meeting a man at a bus stop and sitting next to him.
So how did that conversation with her go?
Well, she said she was going to the botanical gardens.
Oh cool.
I was like, oh man, I got nothing else to do, Like, wait, you invited yourself?
Invite you.
There's a little boat that was kind of like, can I tag along?
And I like botanicals. I like greens.
Oh you're going to a funeral?
Sure, you know, my god, I say, good for you.
Okay. Was she open to that?
Yeah, that's the question.
Yeah, no, she was like cool.
Okay, okay.
So you guys went to the botanical gardens together.
How was that?
Uh disappointing?
Oh wait, why?
I guess I didn't know the botanical garden was, but I was picturing it like an underwater thing. Huh.
Oh it's not an aquarium.
Like it was just a regular, regular gardens.
Yeah. Did you voice how much you thought it sucked?
I tried to kind of keep it to myself. But then after about twenty minutes of just looking at like flowers and stuff, you kind of you know, I got bored.
Ah yeah, seen one flower? You see them all.
Did you try to talk to your kind of date, the girl at all?
Did you ask her any questions when you got bored?
Yeah, I just kept talking like basic smile talk, what do you do for work? And all that kind of stuff. But I also brought this thermos and she shared some of my pre mixed stuff.
Uh pre mix?
What does that mean?
I'm afraid to ask? What was your pre mix in your thermis.
I call it a morning trucker. It's just like whiskey and OJ kind of like, oh whisky.
What did you tell her?
What was in this?
Before she took a.
Big sip, like, I just said, it's whiskey and j Okay.
You told her?
Did that change the date around? Make things go a little bit better?
I mean, you know, it took the edge off a little bit, but no boring garden.
Okay, it's a boring garden.
So well, maybe you need to change the scenery at that point.
Well I tried, so after an hour, I was like, you want to go go to like a bar or something.
What time in the morning is that you already have ye your mixed thermos of whiskey and ojhich sounds Oh.
Yeah, that's what she kind of said too. Are you already drinking?
Kind of do you want to?
I want to mix it up, get other drinks.
You can't day drink unless you start.
In the morning.
So you offered to change scenery, go to a bar and drink. What did she say?
She did not want to do that.
Yeah, so sound very fun.
Yeah, I mean she took a bus with the sole purpose of spending time in this garden. She was really excited about it.
Honestly, Rufe, I'm surprised you'd even want to call a woman like this back killed.
Still, overall, was the garden that that suck.
You felt the vibe?
You just think it was setting that messed it up for you?
Yeah, totally.
Did she share her phone number with you?
Rufer? Yeah? I did get her number, and I mean, okay, my fault, but like, why she's not calling back? I kind of let the old cricket wireless account expire.
There also, your cell phones off? Where are you calling us from? I was going to say, maybe she's single? It works now it was shut off temporarily.
I just wonder who that cricket?
Yeah, a lot.
Of people, that's Rufer.
Okay, now your cell phone's back up and running, and you still haven't heard anything back from her, No text, no calls, nothing.
Yeah. I mean again, it was down for like a week, but I could text her would have got back up. And yeah, So I mean, was.
There anything romantic about this, because maybe she wouldn't it in it? Think you more of a French?
Did you not hear him say morning trucker out?
And that should have won you over, like by miles at this point.
Yes, yeah, I mean I don't think, like the first hangout it's to be romantic or anything, but like we totally vibed good.
That's a good awkward.
Yeah, we just need a good starting point to jump off from. So that's what we're gonna do. We're all gonna have some morning Truckers and come back. Yeah, we're doing it for Rufer coming back and Collin Cheryl. Try to get your second date update right after this second date update, quick recap for our good buddy Rufer, who is back on the show.
We're getting a lot of texts at seventy five ninety two.
By the way, if people very excited saying Rufer's back.
Love me some roof raise the roof, a lot of roof pumps.
Yeah, I feel like we should just be chanting Ruf Rue.
You should tons of fans of Rufers. So, Rufer, is there anything you want to say to your radio posse who's listening right now?
The roof heads?
Oh? Man, I mean you guys already already hit it, but thank you. Yeah.
But Rufer has come to us again today, this time because he met a woman on the bus. Public transportation is where all the hidden hotties lie, and this one is named Cheryl. Rufer invited himself to the botanical gardens with her, where she was already going, and they shared his thermistful of Trucker moonshine whatever it was, and after about an hour that they decided to call it a day. Rufer, don't let him talk about you like that.
What is it called again, It's it's morning, Trucker Morning.
It does sound better when you when it goes by a name.
Yeah, screwdriver doesn't sound true. But I don't like when he doesn't like vodka standards.
Nous, No, he said vodka. Rufer's got some class. But he did feel something when he hung out with Cheryl. And it's not just the headache that he woke up with after begaining consciousness in the bushes. He really liked her. And Rufer knows when you like someone and they're not reaching out back to you, you come to us.
We've always gotten on the line at least.
Yeah, I don't.
Yeah, I don't think we've ever gotten a successful second date for you yet.
This might be the one, though, Rufer.
I feel, I feel.
The worst case, you made more.
You know that means that you haven't had enough morning truck.
If you still feel all right.
You're right, let me tap myself off real quick.
That's a good idea.
No, don't. Sounds like you got it on top.
Yeah, like what you've done broke? All right, Here we go.
We're gonna call Cheryl. You hold on to that drink. We're going to talk to her for a bit.
Here we go.
Well, ah, right, we're looking to speak with Cheryl.
Yes, it's a sheet.
Oh man, is this going to be a surprising phone call?
Eryl, You're on a radio show right now, and everybody.
In this room thinks that you're a very, very lucky woman by brave woman, I share al. Okay, Hi, So we're a show called Brooke and Jeffrey in the Morning, and uh we do this segment called a second Date Update where we try to help out our listeners with their dating life if they want to see somebody again after going out on one date. Okay, there is a guy that wants to see you one more time.
I mean, I guess you weren't really a date date.
But his name is Rufer. Is how we know him? I don't know if he introduces himself a different Oh.
My god, Rufer, Okay, you know him, that was like six months ago?
What wait, six months you.
Did the Are you sure you're talking about the same guy, the guy that you met on the bus.
And you guys went to the garden?
Yeah, oh we okay. You know what, we never asked how long ago the date was, just we all assumed it would be like a week ago, because that's normally what people do on.
This totally different season that you were in the.
Okay, yeah, well I'm sorry about that. We're gonna have to ask you to go way back into your memory bank though, and see if you can recall what that hangout with him was, like, I mean, it was memorable.
Will hard forget?
Yeah? Positive?
Yeah, I mean I didn't say that.
I Well, we've heard a little bit about the date or the hangout from Ruffer, but sometimes with these calls, the guys will remember things differently than the girls do. So can we ask how did you feel when you met Ruffer on that public bus and he invited himself to the botanical gardens with you?
I mean, he.
Seems really interested in the botanical gardens, which is not many men that I know are cool with like going as smell the flowers or whatever.
Yeah, to be fair, he didn't know exactly what the botanical gardens were, so it's more of a discovery mission than anything.
I feel like she's getting when he was Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
Actually, why what.
Was he like in the gardens?
I mean we got there and we were like wandering around for a little while. We ended up in the main building and like he starts talking to one of the employees and he tells them like that he doesn't feel well and is there anywhere for him to like lay down?
And oh god, what is going on?
Is he okay?
Is this is this after you guys shared the whiskey and orange juice out of his thermos?
Oh that was later? That was after this?
What was it good?
By the way, Yeah, I don't like orange hues that much.
Yeah, sorry to sidetrack you.
You're you're in this building and he's talking to the staff about laying down.
The staff like signs a room for him to go into to lie down. But as as he gets in there, he pulls out his phone charger and starts charging it.
No, wait, was it an excuse for a phone charger.
Is that what you're implying?
I think so I had no idea what was going on.
Yeah, he's resourceful, that's true.
You're gonna take anything from that?
Did you stay in the room with him?
I wandered around and look some of the stuff in the main building, and like ten minutes later, he walked out and was like, let's keep going, I guess.
So we walked outside.
We were in the gardens for a while, okay, and like I turn around and suddenly he's just gone, nowhere to be found. Okay, So I go and I looked around this like one of those you know boxwood hedges that really like thick bushes. Yeah, behind the bush, peeing into another display peeing, Yeah.
Peeted into display of flowers.
Yeah, those are like expensive, super well kept flowers.
There are so many bathrooms. What did you do?
I pretended I didn't see him and was okay.
I could see how that would be a jolting experience for you. I will say we didn't hear that version of the story from.
Rufer's because he doesn't know that she saw it, or.
Because it was six months ago and he has a hard time remember that. I think the only way to clear everything up is to just connect you with Rufer right now, who's actually on the other line at the moment? Oh yeah, for you there?
Yeah, what's going on?
It sounds a little looser than when we started the doll.
I mean, the phone thing makes sense. My phone's always running out of juice.
You don't remember that you remember going in charging your phone?
I don't, but probably, but it checks out like you Okay, that's something.
I would and I'm sorry. The bushes, I mean, that's usually what bushes are for, right.
No, no brons, especially in the botanical garden.
Yeah, there were a lot of bathrooms around Ruper.
He could have definitely gone in one of those. Hey, when you gotta go right, No, not, that's.
I mean.
The worst thing is like it was like a raised box.
Was in its own maybe maybe there.
Yeah, it's like the visual confused him.
After all. The morning truckers, I.
Think I problem put like coffee in it too, and coffee just goes right through me. Coffee called the morning trucker. What else do you drink in the morning?
I think that's called a four logo?
Oh my god.
Wow. Okay, for the.
Record, I don't remember any coffee in that sermon.
I think it was mostly whiskey, in.
A quiet whisper of orange shoe.
Okay, well, the good news is that that the memory of it, the memory has stuck with you so long, possibly because of such a strong connection that you and your Otherwise you would have forgotten this months ago.
Certainly it was certainly a colorful experience, one.
That you would like to have again.
That's a great idea.
Broke and Brew would love to offer to funds that second day in a brand new location, totally on us, paid for by the radio station.
What do you think, Cheryl, Oh, listen, I'll leave the thermost at home, all right, We'll get drinks in a regular you're drink because then I promise not to piss on any endangered species, and I'll buy your bus pass this time.
A man.
Don't let a gentle poet like this slip away from you lot more chance.
As sivalous as this offer is, I think I'm going to have to pass.
We almost did it, Rufer, Yeah, buddy, I mean Bummer, But you know.
Back to the public transportation system for me.
Leave the thermost at home, my man.
Why would you leave the thermost at home. That's the whole point of the thermisy in front of you right now.
I think Brook thinks you should put it in a camel back where you can wear.
It gets way more with him there.
That is, don't listen to drinking brown water.
Freaking Jeffrey in the morning.
I don't know if we've ever had a listener go oh for four on second date updates before or get four chances.
I mean, it's amazing that there's no embarrassment from him, though I give him props for that.
The thing about Ruffer, even still after all that public rejection, he is such a chill happy dude.
How could you not love him?
Yeah, I mean, I.
Can see why you wouldn't want to date him, but I need to make some lifestyle choice changes, and I don't think so health changes.
I heard Alexis is going to put a shirtless picture of ruff in her cubicle next to Michael.
B Jordan Harry styles.
All right, you know.
What he looks like?
I don't know, but I feel like pictures of Ruffor are more pantiless than.
Can't we just hop on a bus and find him ourselves?
Probably, you can probably smell him out.
But Ruff is always going to be a friend of the show. You could be a friend of the show too. You have to do is trust us.
How hard is that? Email the show.
We'll call that person who was in calling you back and go check out all of our Second Date podcasts wherever you get yours at Brook and Jeffrey