A listener on the phone today says his first kiss with his date left a LOT to be desired… and now he wants our help fixing their issue in a brand new Second Date podcast!
Second date, up date. We report on these all the time on our show, but I don't think anyone in this room has ever actually been to one, or at least not allowed inside due to the restraining orders. But I'm talking about pop up restaurants and bars. They have like a cool, unique theme.
Alexis and I were just talking about one this morning.
Yeah, neither of us have been, like you said, but it looked awesome.
Yeah, you didn't invite me for some reason to this thing you want to do.
We wanted to have fun, Jeff, Okay, do something else then without you.
But one of our listeners says he went to a pop up thing for a date, So let's talk to him about it.
First of all, welcome to the show, and kudos on having no active restraining orders.
Good for you, Hi, thanks for having me.
Yeah, was it a pop up restaurant or bar?
I would classify more as a restaurant because we were set down, we had some food, but if we had like really cool drinks.
I mean, because they're all like so instagram friendly, like you know, they want you to take cool pictures and share them.
Yeah, maybe we should just like skip the date altogether and just talk about the bar only for the next six minutes. I mean, I'm interested what the drinks look like?
What these?
But can we ask, like, what's this woman that you took there? What's her name?
Yeah? Yeah, sure, so her name's Elizabeth.
Okay, enough about Elizabeth. Now let's get back to the good stuff.
I want to know. Was Elizabeth as excited as we were about this pop up thing?
Yeah? No, we had a blast. Actually, I would highly recommend anyone going to the one we went to.
Okay, what did you go to?
Which one? Was it?
This one was like toy themeed and it was like different toys from different generations and.
Wow, whoa, it's like your childhood. But you're kind of buzzed, you know. Do you play with the toys or they just like decoration?
Well, I mean they had some some elements of playing. A lot of it was decorations. The menu was all like toys scened as well. So they had like one of the fun things we got where martini. They were called etches sketch martinis, which are shaken not stirred.
I love it, Okay.
Challenge at their tables to certain toys. So like there was a Rubik's Cube on our table and on the next, and so we challenged the table to see who could finish hers.
Oh, I could.
Do it.
Can you do it?
Jeff? Can you do the Rubi's Cube?
I try to look cool, so no, okay, I cu it all color on purpose. How did the Rubik's Cube gaming go for you and Elizabeth?
We got destroyed.
Yeah, the bonding experience.
I mean, I know we're talking a lot, specifically about toys and stuff. Can you give us like the mood of the whole date, Like, how was the connection between you two?
Honestly? I thought it was great. We were having lots of fun and we actually got to know each other as well. And I learned more about like her family because of like the toys that she played with, like her her sister and things like that. And uh so, you know, we got to actually get to a deeper level than usually think of on like the first date.
Yea, was there anything like uncomfy or I mean maybe you got too deep?
I mean I don't think so, nothing too much though apparently she like cut her sister's Barbara Doll's hair off once without donor classic like Okay, and.
Then glued the hair to herself and was like, I'm your Barbie now.
I mean, that's every little sister ever though, you know that.
Did that not happen with Elizabeth and her sister?
Oh no, no, I know.
Okay, maybe she is a cool, normal girl. Then that sounds fun so different than you. And yeah, this is why I did not want to tell you about my childhood. So how did it end between you two?
Yeah, I mean I think that also ended fairly well at first at least. But we were like walking back to your car, we've been for a few hours, and it's like, you know, feels natural, I'm going for the kiss, okay, yeah.
Yeah, I mean you guys are vibing, yeah, feeling, and what happened?
And she kiss me back.
It was one of the most romantic first kiss.
Like when you used to like kiss dolls back in the day and practice.
You see, I I did some weird stuff with dolls. I apologize, No.
Weird the dolls kiss each other.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's not weird. My dolls did all sorts of fun stuff, but I didn't do.
Nick is regretting calling into the show at this But.
I never, never kissed any dolls growing up myself?
Okay, was that you and I are the weird ones. So but you said the kiss wasn't quite what you were hoping for.
Yeah, it wasn't like fireworks, I guess. And then she was like, actually, I want to talk about something, and uh, She's like, I want to be transparent. I'm finally in this place where I feel really good about myself and I want to start like kind of dating multiple people right now. I want to like explore the dating world.
She said that after you kissed her.
Yeah, this is after we kiss.
Oh b it's not good people.
Yeah, but you got you gotta think like maybe she could just finally tell how into her he was, and.
She just wanted to be honest.
Were you okay with that?
Or are you not okay with that?
Well? I mean I told her I was. I was like, yeah, I know me too.
What I was going to say, oh my god, I have a date after this right now.
Actually, but when we did text, we've been text or we're texting for a while afterwards and talking about hanging out again. But then I guess I haven't heard from her for a while now, and I'm wondering if maybe she just she did find someone else she wants to date all the time.
Okay, so this is more of like you want to find answers if she's even single still? Yeah?
Yeah, and definitely offer to redo the kiss over again better this next time?
Can you rewind to kiss?
Can you do that?
I feel like that's what he should have done right there, Like, I promise you I could do better than Yeah, that may have been the move that you miss.
You're saying. If there was more fireworks, she wouldn't have said that.
Maybe, But let's call her and see what she has to say. We're gonna come back. We'll ring Elizabeth for you. I can't believe I said ring Elizabeth. God, who's old. Anyway, we're gonna do it with your second date update, Next second date update. Playing with Tonka trucks while drinking Etches Sketch Martinis and challenging the people next to you to a drunk Rubik's Cube off. Yes, it's not a playdate with Brooks children. That was a real date that one of our listeners, Nick went on because he took a woman named Elizabeth to a pop up restaurant bar that had an old school toy theme to it. Yeah, and it actually went pretty well from what we heard till the very and when they had a short kiss, and then immediately afterwards she told him, Oh, by the way, I am going to be dating other people and you should know that upfront, which sounds bad, but that is what Brooke whispered to her husband after they said I do want the I think there's hope for you.
Yeah, thanks, good, we got you. Nick, don't worry.
I mean that thing is, it is pretty brutal when you recap it, like she could have maybe waited for like the next date to say that a text message or something.
Or just ghost him like a normal person does.
Yeah, the timing was brutal. You're right though, maybe she was telling you because she still wanted to see you. She just her calendar is busy with other dates.
Yeah, I mean maybe. I mean when you put it like that, kind of down, isn't it.
There's as much hope as I could muster.
Yeah, Brooke, I're not going to get much. So that's why I'm going to lead the conversation at least at the start when we call her oh wow, and the rest of the rest of them can chime in. If it stays, stay on.
If it's bad, we'll just toss it.
Yeah, there we go. All right, you're ready to do this.
Nick, I guess, so let's do it.
I was kidding. By the way, Nick, you're in good hands.
Okay, I don't know.
It's the worst all state commercial level. I know you're in good hands. I don't know. You call her right now. Hello, Hey, we're looking for Elizabeth.
This is her speaking perfect.
Okay, this is Jeffrey speaking from a radio show called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.
Oh okay, just like and hi.
So yeah, it's okay if you're underwhelmed. But we're doing a segment on our show that we'd like to bring you in on. It's called a second Date update.
Have you heard those before?
No? I don't think I have. Sorry, this is really weird to me.
Sorry, sorry, Yeah, right, that's all right.
Yeah, we're trying to help out one of our listeners that you went out on a date with recently named Nick. You guys went to like a toy themed pop up restaurant bar thing.
Yes, yeah, oh god, he reached out to you about that.
Yeah, yeah, he wanted to see you again.
And it sounds like maybe you're not giving him a firm yes or no on.
That, and we're just trying to help him figure stuff out, like wanting to know exactly what was your takeaway from the date?
Yeah, so ke Okay, So Nick is a super nice guy and he's really sweet. I had a nice date with him, But I did tell him at the end of the date, I'm just not in a place emotionally right now where I want to date just one person. I want to date multiple people.
Yeah, he told us that. Yeah.
I don't think he's like I don't think he's trying to argue like you should only date him.
I think he just was to see you again.
He wants to be one of those people.
Yeah, so.
It's a good thing. He supports the lifestyle that you want to live. It sounds like you're trying to say something but you don't want to like say it.
Yeah, this is a little awkward. I think it's so. I think I might have found somebody that's a better fit with me than Nick.
But I thought you were a dating multiple people.
Yeah, you've only gone on one date with Nick. Why not just go on another one just to see how your connection is.
I don't know. There's this one person that I've been on accompidation with and I feel like we're moving towards something, and I just I don't see there really being a possibility with Nick anymore, at least until I investigate this other things first.
So there's nothing he can do to change your mind on that.
I mean, here's the situation. I've been out on like seven or eight dates, and I would I would say, Nick, he's not in the top two. I mean he's like maybe number three, but I want to stick with the top two right now. And he's a really great thing.
To top three. Yeah, yeah, Elizabeth. I'm not sure if you heard, but Nick kind of jumped in there. Yeah, he's been on the other line listening to this conversation.
Yeah, he's a little competitive.
Well, I just think I think three is a little low as all. I just I think, you know, it's ranking have at least being the top two. I would assume based on a day it was pretty good day.
Have you seen the other guys?
What is going on? Did you set this whole thing up on the radio?
I mean, maybe that moves him up, Yeah, but the other two guys wouldn't have reached out to a radio show just to get a hold of you.
He's got drive exactly.
No, No, they're right, it is I just I don't I don't know what to say. I'm kind of weirded out by this whole thing.
Honestly, look what you did? Weirded out this?
You could as a romantic, right, do you want somebody romantic?
You want somebody who will go the.
Extra mile for you, you know, and next your guy.
And the thing is is, like, man, can you imagine being told right after you kiss somebody that, like, hey, by the way, I'm going to see other people Like that would be a big blow. And you know what, Nick has enough confidence to be like, you know what, that's okay.
I'm cool with that.
I would have told him earlier, but I just didn't know how to tell him or what to tell him.
Yeah, maybe you should just like include it on your dating app.
I mean, what do you want to do here, buddy?
You want to Well, first, I just want to say that, like, I'm someone who pays attention. One of the things we talked about on our date was love languages, right, and I remember her saying that her love languages were words of affirmation and physical touch, right, And so I just want you to know I'm going to do with someone. You're so smart and so pretty and just an all around wonderful human being. And you know what I want you to do. I want you to imagine I'm hugging you yourself.
Do you know the other two guys pretend to hug you through the phone, Elizabeth will giving you compliments? I don't think so.
Well, I don't know if those guys are as weird as she is, but.
You're right that I think the word you were going for was sweet.
Yeah, weird can be good.
Yeah, would be if maybe Jeff and I hugged for you. That's just Jose really desperate for like I haven't had in a long time.
Yeah, language, we just want to help.
Come on, you guys should go out.
Again one more time, see if he can move up to number two.
Yeah I bet, I bet Nick would be a really good boyfriend.
She doesn't want that a really good guy to date.
Okay A yeah, I don't think so.
Sorry, if it's about like not knowing if I'm good enough, you're talking about, you know, dating other people I've dated other people. Give you references with my accident.
No, no, no, don't do references, bro, Actually I would like that. No, let's do that.
Let's call it.
Let's call some of Nick's x's on the line right now and have them sing nixed praises.
I'm I don't think you want to know what your exes are really going to say about you.
You don't need to do that.
You don't need to do it anymore.
I don't want to. I don't want to give up. I don't I don't like what is your like?
Was it?
How would I send you something? But your address can an edible arrangement dress.
Nobody wants edible fruit as a flower arranged right?
Wait, look, I just need to know are you allergic to any fruit? You know? And it'll be a perfect arrangement.
Oh boy, I.
Think you're falling down the list. You sounding kind of desperate.
Look at the effort that he's willing to go just to get one more date with you.
Yes, all the fruits, Nick, I wish you the best. You're a really great guy. But like I said, I just need to focus on the other two right now. But good luck out there. You're gonna make someone really happy.
And often you hear that one in the morning. Okay, so that second date didn't quite work out, but yeah, it should be proof to all the ladies listening out there that good guys do still exist. They're playing with hot wheels and nurse blasters and giving you hugs through the phone and sending big baskets of fruit to where you live.
Yeah, it feels like he just couldn't get the hint. And she was pretty direct.
You know, the nice guy's still finished last Yeah, yeah, dude, even there's.
Like she's like, I'm willing to have multiple boyfriends and you're still at the most.
If it proves what you think it proves, Jeffrey, I think the girl's that was a good try.
I think she's gonna come back twelve, thirteen, fifteen years from now and be like I should have said yes to guy number three.
I don't think she'll probably ever remember.
Yeah, she'll be on her like fourth.
Okay, Well, if you want to have a phone call that you want to instantly forget, you know, the show, Yeah, we'll call the person who isn't calling you
Back brooking Jeffrey in the morning,