Second Date Update: Playing Possum

Published Nov 1, 2023, 5:18 PM

One of our listeners was sharing his WORST first date stories on an evening out and now he’s thinking maybe it’s the reason she’s ghosting him…

Second date update. We got an email from a guy wanting a second date update who says he thinks he's finally cracked the dating matrix. Honestly, I have no idea what that means.

If this has to have someone taken a blue pill instead of the red pill, I'm going to be upset.

I'm just taking Keanu Reeves is on the phone right now asking us to help him with his love life.

Yeah, it's difficult for him taking the little blue pill.

Wants to know is that you.

Hey, not quite as hot Evan, but okay, we'll probably.

Would have said more than one word.

I can't live up.

Okay, Sorry, I didn't mean to be that disappointed. I don't know. Maybe Keana will call in later, but tell us about this. Uh, what's this dating matrix thing that you've cracked? What does that mean?

My friends and I came up with this. It's this kind of prospective thing, you know.

Where say that again?

What it's like a trifecta? Okay, so there's three points that women can have. You can only have two, never the third.

I've seen this is brilliant.

I don't get it.

What kind of points?

What does that mean?

So they can be hot, they can be sane, or they can be single. They can be hot insane, but then they're not single.

Right, Oh, okay, it's perfect. They can be sane and single, but then they won't be hot.

Okay, you can only have two of the three points.

That works for men too. I don't think that it's just a women exclusion.

There ye look over here, Brook, Hello, the trifecta right in front of you.


Well, you're not very sane though, any of the three points, Jeff, So.

I appreciate it stepped up for the rest of the team.

I opened myself up to that.

Sorry, I'm sorry.

All right, Well, anyway back to Evan and your dating matrix. You think that you found a girl who's all three?

Well, I definitely hope she's all three. Seems like she is.

Okay, now, just real quick, before we learn about her, are you able to offer all three?

I'd like to think I do.

Okay, okay, but Jeff makes sense.


So what's her name?


Tara Tara?

Okay, where'd you meet her?

Oh? We went on a dating app.

Do you list this trifecta theory on your bio?

No, not bio?

Probably offend people. Probably not the right way to lure people.

People do all sorts of weird things.

Would be like shocking, Yeah, you would know, Brooke, I guess. Anyway, tell us more about Tara. Would you like about her?

She's super fun, she's really cute, and she she seems down to earth.

Okay, what do you guys do on your date?

We went to a bar hats and drinks, and we mostly told bad dating stories that we've had bonding over.

Like the bad dating stories is good, but.

Don't you think it gets to a point in that conversation where it just it's a little tiresome, like almost like it like, how many stories do you have? I feel like maybe the common denominator is.

You know, the lastores. In one day, all we talked about was bad dates.

Do you do you remember any of the stories?

Uh? She told me about this first date she went on where the guy she's going out with brought his mom with him.

Oh god, impressive, that's an impressive start.

And he introduced her as his girlfriend mom, not the mom.

He introduced the new girl to.

Ta Yeah, he introduced as his girlfriend.

Okay, oh my god, what's wrong with that? Exactly? Like it's not like the worst thing that a guy could do, though.

It's pretty bad. Jeff, Yeah, don't bring your mom. You're I know your mom wants to come.

I'm just gonna make it. Don't bring mom.

Talk about my mom, but she thinks any girl that talks to me is my girlfriend girlfriend, No mom, that it's just a friend.

What about you, Evan, did you have a bad dating story?

Most of my bad dates have been kind of boring, so I tried to tell them her One of my roommates bad dates where they found an injured possum just lying there and he insisted on taking it home with them.

A lot of it's a lot trying to take home wild.

Possa, Like how was your night last night?

Well, I took home a wild possum was high five and night.

Yeah literally, So okay, that sounds fun like bonding over the stuff like that.

It is kind of sad that you don't have that bad of a dating story.

Yeah, yeah, I meant.

You know what is right?

That is good overall?

There any bad moments in the date.

It really didn't feel like there were. There wasn't a lull in the conversation. We both just kept talking. It didn't end with a kiss or anything.

But you know, okay, so how did you leave it?

Uh? I asked if I could see her again, and she said, yeah, sure, but every time I try to text her she gets because she's busy.


I'm surprised the possible didn't get her all yeah, yeah, sure you can see me again?

Sure, yes, Because.

The trifecta, the same part is pretty easy to hide the first.

The third part hasn't come up for years.

Yeah for that. The single part is actually pretty high for one day, you know.

But that is why he said that it was hopeful that she was all three things of the dating matrix. Trying to maybe we can. When we come back, we're gonna call Tara for you and try and get you your second date update right after this. All right, okay, right now, hold on second date update. We're about to find out if the dating matrix can actually be broken. Wow, because we learned about it in the first part from our listener Evan. Apparently it works kind of like a triangle where there's three qualities about a person. They're hot, they're saying they're single, but the rule is you can only have two of them. Yes, if you're hot, insane then you're probably not single. If you're hot and single, you're probably not saying. If you're saying and single, then you're probably not hot. Yes, man, can you have all three?

I just single has none of them. We've gone over this, so it's it's still kind of an honor.

Hey, yeah, breaking it down is really depressing, just internally in the room.

I mean, honestly, there's no good look, not any of those combinations.

Finding more and more reasons every day to give up and move to Colombia to find the met But Evan, Evan thinks maybe Tara could actually break the matrix and be all three qualities all at once. They're about to call her and find out. Yeah, we'll see.

Don't know if she thinks the same, since she's not calling him back.

Yeah, you know of him.

She's not perfect, she's not good at texting back home.

We're going to find out the reason you're ready to do this, Evan, Yep, I'm already.

If this doesn't work out, are you going to like give up on dating altogether? Like this is the last chance, bitch effort to find the perfect girl.

I mean it depends, you know, if she's not single, then yeah, I'll keep going.

Okay, that's the easiest one to swallow.

But if she's not hot, that'd be a weird one to find out after the day.

But you never know.

Okay, yeah, weird. Yeah, what's fine out here?

We go?

Hello, Hey, we're looking for.

Tara hid This is she?


Perfect? My name is jeff from the radio show Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning, the whole shows.

Here Tara. We're excited to have you on.

That's the show.

Yeah, thanks, what show? I'm sorry from where.

It's a radio show.

Okay, I.


Yeah, it's a little weird, but uh, we do this segment called the Second Date Update, and we're trying to help out one of our listeners score another meet up with you.

Okay, my goodness. Who is it?

Oh yeah, I was just gonna have you guests for a long time. But maybe I'll just tell you.

His name's Evan's Like, do we get to know? Yes, yes, you get to know? You remember Evan?

Oh my god, yes I do.

We've heard about the date from Evan's perspective about going to a bar and having drinks and having it seemed like a good night.

Yeah, he said, you guys commiserated over all your bad dating experiences.

Right, Oh my gosh, yes, yeah we did. That's kind of the reason why I just cannot get over what happened. I'm really, honestly just embarrassed. What kind of annoyed?

Wait, embarrassed and annoyed?

Oh my god.

He said he couldn't think of one thing that went wrong in the day.

Oh gosh.

I mean I probably was doing my best to like just hold it in and not let it show up my face.

Oh my god, what happened? Do you mind telling us?

Yeah, it just it just really sucks because I felt like we had a good connection, and then I got awkward because we were sharing our worst funny date stories and it was like going really well.

I told a story about how I went on a date with this guy and he brought his mom along.

Yeah, heard this? He said that he told you a story about his roommate.

Right, So, yeah, that story about his roommate. How his roommate took a girl out for drinks and they were like really tipsy and they were walking over a bridge. He kind of got the story a little bit wrong.

How would he get the story wrong? How do you know the story.

Because the girl. So the girl tried to bring home the possum in her purse, right, And as I'm hearing this story in my like drunken like catalog of a brain I'm going through, and I'm like, oh my god, that girl was me.

Wait, you're possible girl?

What I'm the girl?

He uses? Your story has the worst possible date that somebody's ever been on.

Oh my god, So you dated his roommate for a hot like you went on one date with his roommate.

We went on one day and I wasn't even trying to bring the possum home. I was trying to dig in my purse, like in my drinking state for like you try to give it some food, to maybe give it some life back.

Did you one second.

When you realized that it was about you, did you tell Evan like anything?

No, no, no, not at all. I literally shut down.

I was like, Wow, I'm talking to this guy like you didn't want to talk to him again because he thinks you're a horrible dater or because you dated his roommate.

Little mix of bole, both just both.

I was like and then and to think also too that his like roommate was kind of exaggerating the story. So I'm like, wait, I don't want to like kind of, you know, put them in a weird situation. But then this is it weird that I went on a date with his roommate.

First, Well, now's your chance to finally set the record straight the story with Evan, because he's actually on the other line, and you could tell him, all.

My god, that's good, that's good.

Sure, girl, Oh my gosh, I like to have my face to my palm. Literally, that was me. Yeah, it was. The story was a little off, and I didn't want to like correct you right then and there because I was just so mortified. But that was me.

Oh my god.

Did you have any idea, Evan?

No, I had no idea. A great poker, faith, I had no idea.

That girl sounds awful.

So, Tara, what part of the story wasn't right? Well, part did the roommate it wrong?

So he exaggerated, saying that I was trying to bring the possum home in my purse. I was definitely not going to bring the possum in my purse. I didn't want to touch it. I just simply was bent down by it to try to feed it. My left over, like, I don't know if it was trail mixed or granola. I don't know what I had in my first It didn't.

Attack you, like, don't go near injured animals.

She wasn't trying to adopt the injured possum. She was trying to nurse it. Oh my gosh, does that make you look at her differently?


I mean, yeah, if that's true, then yeah, it's a really different story.


I trust my roommates on this thing. He said, after he had in your purse, you started walking it back home.

Her story makes more sense, but more fun at a party.

I'm going to tell the story at a party. It's way more fun to.

Like, Tara was actually trying to help the possum. If it was Brooks, you would have tried to cook it right down on the side of.

The road, possive taste like chicken.

Yeah yeah, maybe would a bit right into it uncooked.

Brooke actually has a roadkill for us for these situations.

That'd be so amazing.

Tarah. I mean, it looks like maybe you should have said something. You should have spoken up when Evan got the story wrong.

Yeah, oh gosh, I mean I guess, but I really couldn't get over the fact that I just was frozen, like oh no, oh no, oh no, like shinking in my seat.

Like this is me.

He's talking about me.

Oh my god.

You don't know how he's going to react. Dude, what do you think about this?

Looking packed on it? Now? It's kind of funny. She just kept saying how horrible it sounded.

Well, she meant it. It sounded horrible, but just not in this way.

You thought, Yeah, this is horrible that I'm even listening to you retell this.

And I mean, now that we've kind of come to an understanding here, maybe there is actually a path forward for the two of you. And we'd like to offer to send you on a second date, Tara some girl. Yeah, we we'd love to give you another shot with Evan, and we'd pay for that date. You guys can go out somewhere and nurse another like sick injured animal back to health together.

I mean, I would love to go again. And now that I'm kind of just trying to get over being so mortified over this whole thing, Okay.

Yeah, now that I know the entire story, I really cannot wait to go out again. And I really cannot wait to tell my roommate about this.

Oh so you are going to tell him then, because we could do it in an awkward Tuesday phone call. That's a dating possum girl.

Now, I think we would just hear two dudes laughing.

Yeah, man, sure, you give her a stuffed awesome on your first data as a present.

Okay, one with the stuffing pulled out of it.

We'll do.

Yeah, all right. So congratulations you guys.

You got a second day, all right, and the matrix is still intact.

Yeah, we sort of morning. I think it is good that they agreed to go out on another date. But you know what, I can't stop thinking about. I couldn't something about it the.

Entire time, as me, I don't think so.

It's when someone in the room said the dating matrix applies to guys too. Oh yeah, yeah, I don't think that's true.

Yeah, you don't hear a.

Lot of like. You don't hear a lot about guys being like sane and hot, Like sanity is not usually the main point for guys. Just hear me out. I think you replace it with funny, cute, and rich. For guys, you only get two of them. Funny and rich, then he's probably not cute, cute and funny, and he's probably not rich, then he's definitely not funny.

I'm sticking with sane.

Sorry, Jeff, there's a lot of dudes out there.

Yeah, it's not you, it's us. I think that it needs to be adjusted for guys to three different rules text in seventy five nine two. What do you think the three quality should be for the men's dating matrix?

I mean, I think there's a stereotype of I've been looking for rich guys, but I don't think it's as like actually prevalent.

I think it's I never want that. Yeah, I mean this is coming from me.

I've never dated anyone who made more money than me, and that was when I was making minimum wag.

Yeah, it's fine, but remember you get all of our part and check out our second dates. Wherever you get here is at Brooke and

Jeffery Brook and Jeffrey in the morning,

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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