One of our listeners botched her date after trying to give him an honest compliment…. Hear how we tried to help her out her problem in a Second Date podcast!
Second date update, alexis, what do you find attractive in a guy's profile online? Maybe he's got a great smile. His profile says he works for white Claw.
Oh wait, I would definitely message stop.
It mango flavor only. Yeah, he's a.
Roadie for Nickelback. Oh wait, sorry, that's Brooks thing. But one of our listeners had something else that she was instantly attracted to on a guy's profile that made her go. Oh, let's talk to Kelly a little bit.
Kelly, welcome to the show.
Hi, thank you? Did he work for?
I feel like every guy listening is about to change their profile to include whatever it is you're about to say, Yeah, tell us about this guy.
Okay, well I found this guy Mike while I was searching on my house.
It is his exotic name.
Not many of them Mike with a you. Yeah, what was it about Mike that stood out so much?
Okay, this is weird, But I really enjoy grocery shopping.
Oh okay, therapeutic like some people enjoy cleaning.
Yeah, I mean I really like cooking, and then I also really like finding new products and interesting.
I just love paying all that money and it.
Is soothing when you're in the produce section and the thunder goes like yeah, and then it sprinkles all over all.
That's the only time I shower all week. You guys know, I'm serious.
I'm gonna go with hard.
No, Kelly, I'm with you, even if everybody else hates the grocery.
Did did you find Jeffrey outlined and said that Mike? Yeah, I was joking. Yeah, it's fine. It wasn't that funny.
I forgive you, Kelly.
Sorry, we were going off for a while. What did you see on Mike's profile?
So he had a photo of himself in the produce aisle, just kind of like being goofy and holding you know, some fruits and vegetables.
Don't tell me it was a dude holding two melons.
So do you ever wonder who takes that picture?
Random? Excuse me, person that works here?
You figured me holding the g so you saw that that was a turn on to you?
Yeah, I mean you know, I figured if you're cute under fluorescent lighting, you gotta be cute to realize.
Yeah, he was.
So we talked and we made plans to meet up at this bar, and then when I met him, he was he was way hotter than I thought he was in the photo. Yeah, so I kind of told him that as a compliment, that his photos online were not great and.
Oh wait, did you word it that way?
Well, I don't really remember exactly how I said it, but I kind of was like, you know, your photos online aren't good because you're so much more attractive in person.
Okay, that one sits weird with I don't know about you guys, but for me, whenever I meet listeners and they're like, oh, you're not as ugly as I thought you were online, guy, I.
Feel like more guys do look better in person.
Maybe was he offended?
I mean I also think he maybe was a little offended, but I like tried to make him understand that it was a compliment and I offered to take photos for him so that he could use, which I now realize is maybe weird on this.
Oh yeah, it's like you're trying to set him up for the next person that he meets on the app.
I mean, if a girl said that too, don't you feel like you just got friend zoned?
Pretty much.
I honestly was just like nervous and was trying my weird way.
I get it.
I mean you tried to save it at least, right, it was like you left it out like you're way.
Hotter than your ugly pictures online.
All right, yeah, did you actually take new pictures for him?
No, was wondering.
What did you do at the bar drink and talk? We don't know that with her.
No, no, no, we were just like hawking and getting to know each other. And then we brought up camping, which well, I really like he is like kind of newer to out stuff. But ari I came up and he said he had never been, and I freaking love ari I.
Oh see this brooke feels about ari I. How you feel about grocery show.
Yeah, every time you go in, you're like, God, I need to start a new outdoor hobby. I'm gonna buy a kayak and a mountain bike.
Nothing hotter than talking about a serious Wait till you get your first dividend check.
Then you're gonna be like you get money to spend at the end of the year because it's a co op.
Is that like a shy okay? I can't wait?
So you went you just took him Yeah obviously, Oh wow too.
Drunks at the ri I on the first day.
I wish I would have been there just to witness you guys walking around just out.
This sleeping day. I mean, how did that go?
I mean it was cute I walking around making jokes.
Did he still seem interested or was he just lying about being interested?
You know what I mean?
Like someone says they're super into something, You're like, yeah, that's cool. I like that too, And I.
Don't lie to people on dates.
Like I'm not sure if it seems like he was genuinely interested. I mean maybe he was flying, but I don't know. I thought we were having a good time.
Okay, so you you're clueless.
You have no ideas, no idea.
Huh, all right, how long has this been since you gave him the tour of RII it's.
Been three weeks.
Oh hey wait, maybe you're such a good tour guy. You motivated him to go camping.
And he's still out in the wilderness right now, not receiving any phone calls.
Or he's missing.
He's too new to it.
It's called hashtag van Lifebrook and we're going to check in on him, hopefully he answers when we call and try and get you your second date update.
Right after this thank you hold on second date update, we got a text to seven eighty five nine two that says, what's ri I?
I mean, I guess not everybody would know.
It's all over the world.
That doesn't mean everybody knows what it is if you if you haven't been there. Yeah, it's a chain of outdoor recreation stores where they sell all sorts like bikes, camping gear, harnesses, whatever you would need to be outside, like the face hoodies, which are That's the only thing I've ever bought from ARII.
Have you been to a store?
No, I bought it online.
Aline store too. Go check them out dot com. But I should ask Brook this question because you've been there a lot. Are there hot people who work there or walk around there?
A lot hot people?
Yeah, there's definitely attractive people. Oh my god, I just got a board from there this last year, and the girl who fitted me for the board smoking.
See, That's what I'm worried about.
I'm worried that when Kelly took Mike to the ri I store, I'm hoping that he didn't meet some sexy outdoor climbing enthusiasts who invited him to scale her twin peaks right there in the back room, because we've heard stuff like this happening before somebody else swoops in in the middle of it.
I bet they have a pretty big back room.
There's a lot of big stuff that they.
Got to move through that, Kelly, do you think that's a possibility. Were there any attractive females while you were shopping at RII?
I mean, wasn't like he was flirting with anybody in.
Front of you?
I don't know.
I mean maybe it could just be that he felt like he was forced into something he actually wasn't that interested in.
Yeah, that's probably.
I mean, he couldn't keep continuing the lie, right because then before he knows that he's camping with you and hating every second of it.
I guess I think camping is great though, with you.
You know, nobody else in this room.
All right, let's call Mike though and see what he asked to say. You're ready to do this, Kelly?
Okay, here we go.
Hello, Hey, I'm looking for Mike. Uh yeah, is this the bill collector? A goutt?
No, I'm not a bill collector? A box right now?
Impressive that you answer your phone when you're getting those type of calls.
Yeah, you should just hit ignore next time.
Bro. Wait, so who is this.
Yeah, we're a radio show called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.
With the Love Collectors.
No, please ignore my.
No, we're a radio show.
Yeah, we're a radio show.
We do a segment called Second Date Update where we try and help out our listeners reconnect after they've gone out on a date with somebody that they really liked. Uh uh yeah, it's a good thing. He means somebody went out with you and had a really good time and wants to meet up again.
Her name's Kelly.
Oh it was it's been a while ago. It was like three weeks ago that you guys met up.
Yeah. Kind of wish it was the Bill Collector, but wow, it.
Was that bad.
When we talked to her, she sounded lovely.
Uh oh oh, let me just be honest here, like it was okay for a little bit, but it did get weird, okay.
And talking about where she offered to take new pictures of you because your profile picks weren't good enough.
She told you all that, Yeah she did.
We I mean yes, but also I don't think we should really be talking about that.
What should we be talking about.
If that's how she wants to play, then I'm happy to play my side of the story.
Yeah, let's hear your side.
So this sounds juicy?
Yeah happened?
I mean, did she mention us talking about camping?
Yeah, that came up that you guys mentioned going camping, and she even took you to a camping good store.
Yeah yeah, yeah, she was she was thinking of going camping with some friends soon, and and she was like basically inviting me, which I mean, that's kind of weird, you know, after a first date to be like, oh, why don't you come camping for multiple days and meet my friends?
Like that's sounds really nice when you put it that way. No, I see what you means.
It's one thing to you go camping, but then I'm going to be stuck with your friends.
But maybe okay, wait wait though, maybe it was like one of those invitations where you like, you know, I automatically invite people to everything, but it doesn't necessarily mean I'm actually gonna fall through.
I think you're gonna say no.
So that's the big red flag. She liked you and wanted you to meet her friends.
I mean, no, no, no, no, that's not the big red flag.
I told her, I'm not really the biggest fan of camping.
I tried it once. I really didn't love it. I didn't love it so much that I actually slept in my car. Oh yeah, And apparently for her, that was like the worst thing I could say to her.
What why?
I don't know. She was so shocked, and she.
Was like, how do you not like camping?
Everyone loves camping?
Like she was like, what, You've never spent a nine in attent, You've never you're in the joy of taking the I don't think I can say that word on the radio. Bed you gotta have the rumble with the bear, Like what, oh my gosh, those are her. She just kept going on and on and on about how great camping was and I'm trying to force a smile. Then she dragged me to that that sporting goods store.
I don't know what's.
Wait, that all happened before you guys went to ari I yeh, dude. The way she played it, the way she described it is that you said you were new and you were excited about trying out.
No, no, no, no.
She was like going on about it at dinner and then at the store.
It just was, it was non stop.
Okay, she was trying.
She was trying to sell you on going camping by showing you all of the things that you could buy and all the things you could use the next time you went out into nature.
She showed me eighteen different types of canteens.
I was like, I get it. Can we go home?
She should work for.
I think she's getting a commissioned or she has a lot of stock there or something like that.
Her last name is actually Ari.
I can ask her if that's true, because I didn't tell you this earlier. But Kelly is on the other line right now listening to this whole thing.
Why how you doing?
I'm just gonna stick with what I said on the date, is that everyone does love camping. They just need to find the right thing to take with them so they feel comfortable.
That is object simply not true. Not everyone loves you. What a crazy thing to say, you, psycho.
Oh, we don't have to call anyone names.
But if you're going to be I think that's on the radio. That's pretty crazy to begin with.
So, okay, everybody likes being on the radio.
Sometimes you just have to try it and get used to it a little bit. That was actually psycho they're nervous. We can show you all kinds of microphone.
I mean, Kelly, it doesn't sound like you're listening.
To him at all.
I heard what he said, and I really truly believe that, like deep down, he really likes camping based on other stuff that he said. And you know, I if I remember, I think he did say that he didn't have a great time, but he would be open to trying camping again.
Oh really like that leading it off.
I was just saying that to try to get you to stop tamp explaining to.
Me that's what us all the time.
Maybe there could be a small nugget of truth to it. Do you think, Mike, are you on board with her?
Because I hate camping.
I don't want to do it.
I don't know how to make that any clear.
I'm just saying sometimes some things are an acquired taste, like coffee or mess How can.
Anybody not like camping? You're in the outdoors or fresh air.
Why am I still on the phone right now like I said this, and you guys are still talking about it.
I really don't understand they're.
Still on the phone.
Because somewhere, deep, deep down, you really do want to see Kelly again.
And go out one more time.
Even if I'm not saying out in nature, Let's go out in the city, somewhere, somewhere that we would pay for if you're up for it, Mike, No, far away from Aria. That's what we do, Mike. We offer to send you guys out on another day on our dime.
It's clearly not a match. I mean, camping is clearly her number one thing. She doesn't have time for a man because she's so married to camping.
She's married to the woods.
Exactly. I'm going to marry a bear.
Okay, at least with her one more time so she could take some new photos of you for your profile.
Pick no, because she's gonna drag me to the woods to take those photos.
Tell you, I'm sorry. We're not gonna only get a second date for you here.
Yeah, it's fine. I'm gonna try and see if there's an outdoors the app or something I can find a man on.
Okay, Yeah, Oh, there's a good app.
It's about how to start a camp fire. It's called tinder. Oh, I get it.
But we were so close to ending on a laugh, and the second day just missed rookie Jeffrey.
In the morning, I.
Just got a text at seventy five night two that says, jeff why is it every time it's extremely clear they're not a good match, you still ask if they'll go out again?
And yeah, and you always push the side that you know is wrong.
Oh yeah, I don't know why I do it.
Is it because I believe in love against all odds?
Does that make me a bad guy? If so, call Billie Eilish because you're a bad the bag. Yeah, you thought about that for a while. I didn't. I kind of liked it. It just shows everybody has a different read on how these dates go.
She saw it as green flags, he's interested in camping, he wants to learn. He saw it as being camp shamed within an inch of his life.
And I saw it as I'm never going to be able to hear that Billie Eilish song again without thinking about you.
But the one thing that we can learn out of this is that we're always here for you.
That's true, no matter what good.
Day's bad days, no matter how many bad decisions you make.
Absolutely on your side you'll fight for you and offer you second dates. Call that person who isn't calling me back
Freaking Jeffrey in the morning,