Second Date Update: No Phones Social Experiment

Published May 29, 2023, 1:30 PM

Cassidy loved Sam's "dad bod" and the fact that he got her a cake when it wasn't her birthday. But what about her personality made Sam head for the hills? Find out in the podcast!

Second date Update.

We've got a girl on the phone for today's second date update named Cassidy, and she sent her email that they did a little social experiment on their first date. Didn't say what it was, but I've done a few myself. So, Cassidy, I'm guessing you both went to dinner with no pants on to see if they'd still serve you.

No, I want to know.

It doesn't work.

I mean, it really depends on what restaurants you hit up. Yes, well yeah, if they have one of those make your own omelet stations, then you.

Could probably get away with porky pig in it.


I see, I see what you're saying.

They're pretty lax.

Uh huh.

But uh, Cassidy, what are we talking about? Social experiment wise?



Oh hi guys, Oh hi, you're doing a.

Second date update. Remember.

Maybe the social experiment she's doing is let's get on the radio and then net talk see what happens.

Sorry, I was texting somebody.

Oh my god. Really, we can't put our phone.

I mean, I don't want you to put your phone down now, but you know what I'm saying, concentrate.

This is a priority for you.

So who's this guy that you want to call it while you text away?


So this guy's name is Sam and I met on Twitter, I mean on Tinder, okay, and I.

Really liked him.

He was like a really unique guy. He had like the perfect dad bod, which I'm very into.

So he was like too muscular, he wasn't too skinny.

I like that, stop it.

Are you in your twenties, why are you going for dad bods? You have the rest of your life to be hooked up with a dad bod.

Dad are important to society.

Brother, I'm saying, man, your seeingle years should be not spent on dad bods.

You got the next fifty of them to do that.

It sounds like you're too old and you're not taking advantage of the dad bods round.

She makes a good point her husband.

Okay, all right, So dad bod Sam, that's his name?

Yeah, all right?

And what did you and Flabby do for your day?

So we went to go eat seafood okay, and everything was really going great. And that's when the social experiment came in.

Wait, is this something you guys came up with together.

Or no, it was something that he came up with.

Oh, what was it?

So he looked at me and he goes, do you trust me? And I said yes?

Why would you say that?

You never say yes immediately to a guy that's just ran in me, Like do you jazz me?


Especially gout you met on Tinder? Yeah, I mean I think the universe is telling you scream no.

He is not giving her a reason to not trust him.

Okay, it on Tinder is enough reason not to trust someone, all right?

So you said yes? What did he want you to do?

So I hand him my cell phone.

He tells me I can turn it off all over the waiter, and he hands the waiter both of our cell phones and he says to him, don't give it back until we're done with dessert.

This guy's crazy.

What no phone?


I can't call for help now, little lady.

I mean, I guess I could see that's being like a classy move, like he wants to focus on just the two of them. I have no distractions.

So as the waiter is walking away with our cell phones, I was freaking out. I was like, what is going on? I don't understand. Is really strange.

This is really weird.

So I was just like trying not to be vocal about it, but yeah, it was a weird kind of thing to do.

Yeah, she's breaking into cold sweats and her hands start to shake.

You you need your fix.

I mean, how is anybody gonna know what your dessert looks like if you can't take a picture of it?

Exactly? You don't answer during a date to feel the buzz, just to know what's on you.


Yeah, like people are with me on this day, I'm not alone.

It sounds so jaded over here. But he took the phone away, and so how did it go?

Actually, after the phones were gone and we had no distractions, it ended.

Up being really good and we were focusing on each other. We're both listening and talking and the whole thing was really sweet.

Oh that's awesome.

So I mean, did you end the day thinking, oh my god, I'm never going to use my phone again.

I mean, listen, I would love to have my phone, you know, it's like a part of me. But it was really nice for like that hour that we were together that I didn't have it and we just got to be with each other.

Okay, that's great.

So besides that, did anything like weird happen?

No, So afterwards, we had a really, really great time. There was a small kiss. Yeah, I thought for sure I would get a text or a call.

But here's the thing, though, he's not taking initiative and he hasn't asked me out on a second date.

So I'm honestly shocked, Like I don't understand.

So have you tried to ask him out at all?

I mean I've tried to like hint to him that I would be really interested in going on another date with him, but he's not.

Taking the bait.

So what do you think it is that maybe turned him off?

I don't know, and I really want to know because I actually really like him.

Well, how long has it been, because if he's not a big phone guy, obviously, maybe he literally isn't checking his phone.

Maybe he's writing you letters in the mail.

And then maybe a carrier pigeon is going to bring it to your doorstep.

No, I mean it's been a while, and so he should have asked by now.

Okay, Okay, I think this one is actually weird, like for someone to be interested in enough to want to actually concentrate on you during the date, give you a kiss.

And I didn't tell you, guys, but he was super sweet and super cute during the dessert. How so, he asked for a candle for the tira misu and I looked at him and I was like, oh, it's not my birthday. It's not going to be my birthday for another six months. And he was like, well, we should celebrate your half birthday, and so the candle came out and You're like.

Singing, happy half birthday two year.

My god, that's really cute.

I love it.

Oh my god, Yeah, it was really cute.

I would celebrate corner birthdays if we got free desserts.

The other day.

I hope Dad bought Sam turns out as good as you say, is I like you?


All right, Well, Sam apparently has already won over everybody in this room. So if you won't go out with you, maybe he'll go out with Jose. Yeah, we're gonna play a song.

Come back.

We'll give him a call and see if we can get you a second date. Update All right, Cassidy, cool thinks. Okay, hold on, update, We've got a very special caller on the phone with us right now.

One two three, Happy half birthday City, Happy half for birthday two Yeah?

Yeah, Cassidy celebrated her half birthday recently when she went out to dinner with a guy named Sam, because Sam asked the waiter to bring a candle to put in their tearramsu And when Cassidy said, my birthday's not for six months, He's like, well, we'll just celebrate your half birthday.

Yeah, dude, it's so cute, and Casside, I'm gonna say thumbs up for you, because I have been trying to get people to celebrate my half birthday for years and no one is on board.

No one can count that high though, so it's really hard to celebrate her birthday.


Always the funniest thing you guys said all morning.

Oh I praise.

Has anything else come to your mind that's gone wrong? Because so far you have told us about the world's most perfect tender date ever.

I'm telling you he was sweet, he had the perfect dad, thought everything was amazing.

Okay, let me squeeze those love handles, baby.

See, maybe you didn't have the right amount of dad bod. Did you ever think about that?

Maybe? Maybe, maybe maybe she.

Did a little bit more tear massue the next time before you go.

Out on the date.

That's the thing nobody finds mom bod sexy. Yeah, it's not a thing. It's a thing.

I dare you say that's attractive? So even your.

Own No, you're right, you're expecting, you're not.

We're getting too weird. Let's just make the call to Sam and Cassidy. We're going to try and get your second date update.

All right, cool? All right, here we go. Hello, Hi, can I talk to Sam please?

This is Sam.

This is young Jeffrey from the radio show Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning doing something called a second date update.

Okay, so we're taking you don't listen very often, that's okay.

Uh, I heard of it. I don't know.

It's okay, Sam. This is actually probably pretty good news for you. I would think a.

Girl named Cassidy told us about you. She said that you guys went on a date and she had a great time.

So you're calling me? Why, I mean, what's going on? I don't understand.

Well, we're calling you because part of the second date update is that we reach out to you and try and figure out the reason why you're not calling someone back after you go on a date with them.

And Cassidy had a great time with you and for some reason, you haven't asked her out again, so.

I'm assuming she talked to you guys about this.

Yeah, yep, she told us all about how sexy your.

Dad bought is and oh my god, the little thing that you did with the tiramisu and the candle.

Seriously applause. Good move with a half birthday thanks.

On our end, the date seemed really good. So what's the reason that you're not calling her back?

Well, I mean, after this first experience, I just can't really see myself with her. I guess you could say I don't know just the type of girl that she is.

Yeah, what does that mean?

Well, I mean just her personality. I just see some red flags.

Okay, can you be more specific.

When we first met. I mean, you know, first impressions are everything, and my first impression or her was really really good. It was it was almost kind of too good.

Oh that's it, red flag too good. That's usually the number one.

What is Yeah? What does that mean? It's too good? How is something too good?

Look? Normal people, they don't make a really great first impression, Okay, there's usually something off, something a little weird or awkward, And with her, everything was just perfect. And really comfortable.

Okay, Sam, we need to sit down because it sounds like you've been on Tinder too long and what you expect on a first date has really changed, because that is what you want.

Yeah, Man Brooks, right, Like, what's re bothering you?

Well, there's one thing about her. It's this listening thing.

What listening thing she's She's.

A really good listener.

I thought he was gonna I don't know, what do you mean.

I feel like you're not even hearing yourself right now, Sam.

Hear him out.

When somebody is a really good listener, it just puts a lot of pressure on me to kind of talk well and to be interesting. Okay, I'm not used to being on a date with a girl that was so focused on me.

Well, but it wasn't that your whole plan because she told us about the like social experiment you did where you had the way to take your phones. Yeah, but because you wanted to have the time for you to to concentrate on each other, and that's exactly what happened.

So yeah, your idea worked.


I know you're saying that you're upset that she was listening to you.

She just seemed like way way too good of a listener, and it just it rubbed me a long way. It really did.

You know?

Actually, do kind of see what he's saying because she has been listening to this whole conversation.

So basically, I'm too good of a listener, so you don't want to go on a date with me?

She did hear it.

She's listening the other line, listening to the conversation that was Cassidy.

Hi, Like, are you serious?

This is honestly the most bizarre thing I've ever heard. I've literally never heard a man complain about being too good of a listener.

I mean, are you nor do you normally listen that? Well?

What has happened in the dating world? You guys like you? Your red flag is all positives? Like you realize that, Sam.

I feel like this isn't really about listening or fun conversations.

Like, what's the real issue?

I think he's scared. Are you scared of commitment? Is that what it is? You're scared of liking to?

Are you in love with your mom? There's some deep seated route to this behavior. I'm trying to figure it out.

Listen, Cassidy, you were so focused on me and you were just so overly kind of attentive. It just makes me think that, well, she doesn't know how to behave without her phone?

Are you kidding me?

Right now?

That's how you think you're crazy?

This is this is pretty crazy talk.

I think I know, now I don't.

It's like the same thing. I can never remember people's names.

If someone can remember my name and met me once, I'm always like, how did you do that?

So if a whole day goes flawlessly.

I can kind of see why, it's like, how did that even happen?

But how frustrating Cassidy? Like I would be so frustrated right now if I were you.

Honestly, it just sounds like he wants another type of girl and not me.

You think it's an excuse. You don't believe him.

You think that he's just saying you're too perfect, just to let you down easy.

Totally listen. No, it isn't like that at all. I really I would like to do this again. I just think that maybe I could throw out a couple of suggestions for you the next time we do go out.

You know, Oh yeah, sure, Sam, why don't you list them off?

I hope you're listening.

Told you before that you made a really good first impression. How about this second time around? Maybe don't do that?

What who do you want her to do? Like show up late?


Maybe not be so engaging. Maybe I want her to have more awkward pauses.

Yeah, stumble over your words make him feel more comfortable, like he's not intimidated by this perfect woman.

I can't believe this is happening right now.

Oh, Cassidy. People talk a lot about themselves, okay, and I don't want that, But I want someone that kind of talks about themselves, you know, a decent amount, huh, to the point where I have to kind of fight to get a word in. You know what that makes me? Listen, Kessie?

Okay, wait, hold on, is what you're trying to say, Sam? You just want her to be more vulnerable with you and more herself.

I just don't want somebody that makes that good of a first impression. I want somebody that doesn't listen that great. And I mean, even if you want to be kind of clinging towards me, I'm totally cool with it.

Oh my, So just drop the y, just the cling a little clan from your ladies.

Are you good? With that, Cassidy.

No, no, hold on, Cassidy, so down. I thought you were a good listener. Let me ask, would you like to go out on another date with Sam? We will pay for it.

Come on, Cassy, honestly think about it. It might be kind of fun to just go and try to have the worst date you possibly can.

Really, I mean, just try to mess it up bad forget his name. It just be a fun night, Cassidy.

Really listen to them, listen to what they're saying. I know you're a good listener. And if you just go by a couple of the suggestions that I made, I think it's gonna be good. It's gonna be not too good, but it's gonna be good.

We don't want it to be great. So what do you say, Cassidy? Do you want to be his imperfect woman?

He doesn't deserve me.

He needs to be with someone who's got all of these things that he wants because he's a crazy person.

Yeah, well, he just needs a little less self confidence, Cassie.

Actually, look, that wouldn't be that bad because she did come off very self confident.

Oh gosh, yeah, that's an instant turn off.

It's terrible congrats Cassidy.

Well yeah, I mean congrats, but I'm sorry we couldn't get you a second date.

We got to the bottom of it, yeah yeah, thanks for trying, you guys.

All right, So did she say yes? I wasn't listening

Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

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