The woman in today’s Second Date believes she’s CRACKED the code on finding the perfect match and although we’re skeptical, she swears it works!
Second date update.
You know, my childhood best friend was named Lewis. Oh I like that name till one day when we were playing Ninja Turtles and Louis wanted don Tello to use the twin katanasa and I told him no, Leonardo has the katanas Donatello has the big wooden stick. Of course, so naturally I called the cops, and.
Long story short, wasn't allowed to play at Lewis's house anymore.
But imagine my surprise when I opened up my email this morning and.
Saw Louis emailed the show for help.
Did he come back to you, Jack?
Did you just get out of prison Lewis, Lewis, you're finally ready to apologize and admit you were wrong?
Or is this a different Lewis?
I swear I would never mix up what weapons the Turtles have.
Thank you for saying that, Lewis.
Don't mess with that, That's right.
I can't they interchange them though, I mean, like they've done all this.
Questions train for each weapon, bro dedicate your life to a weapon, you don't just give it to someone else. Now explaining the Ninja Turtles to brook Over. Meanwhile, we don't hear anything about Lewis's date. Lewis, I'm sorry for Brooke.
Did you go out with someone who is a turtle lover? Apparently?
Like I wish?
What do we know about the person you went out with? What's her name?
Her name is Jamie?
Okay, so we met online? Beautiful profile picture.
Oh so we've been doing this lately with all of the people who match through like an app or something.
Can you pull up her profile?
Do we ever get word on if people enjoyed us doing this or not?
I'm gonna say that I enjoy it. I mean it's not.
It does make it feel like we're part of like the online date experien.
Are we going to swipe right?
Yeah? Exactly? Would we do the same?
We read some of the stuff that's on Jamie's profile for us, Lewis, Yeah.
So, Uh, Jamie says she's five three, She's got long brown hair. She talks about being in a dance class, which is great. What kind of dance I don't know, but she she is in shape. I look to work out as well.
Were all those things true when you met up with her? Was her hair long and brown?
Was she dancing? Could she dance?
Was three?
Did you pull out the ruler just to make sure?
Maybe just a measuring app on your phone the point could you stand back a little bit further?
Okay, all that stuff matched up? She she has a dog. I have a dog. That was all great. She has listened on here Myers Briggs f.
W the Myers Briggs Personality Test. It like tells you what type of person. I can't remember all the different combinations, but there's a bunch of different combinations.
You can be interesting.
Yeah, I swiped and we met up and planned a date.
What was it like the first time you guys saw each other.
We hit it off, We got along really well. We had planner to grab a drink or two, and then we were going to go on a ghost tours.
Fun. Tell us about the ghost tour. What was that about.
I've never been on one with a day before. I've been on a couple with friends. But I thought, oh, this is fun, and like she gets scared.
Like you've taken multiple ghost tours in your life?
Come on? Why not?
Okay, So it was your idea. Was she into it?
She was totally into it. Yeah, she said that sounds great. So I bought the tickets. Then we were going to meet up at the pickup spot for the Little Bush.
That sounds fun.
Yeah, what was the highlight of that for you and her? Like where you made a connection?
Like did it get spooky or anything on the tour?
Oh? Yeah? Was there like any like hugging or something? I don't know, like she got scared and jumped into your arms.
I would love to say that that was the case. But we didn't end up going on the ghost tour.
Oh oh oh no?
Why so, like three chords the way through the drinks ghost Tour starts in like twenty minutes and Jamie's like, hey, you don't want to be really fun, Let's go see a movie across the street instead.
And yo, I already paid for the ghost tour tickets to go see a movie.
And I didn't want to be and be like, well I already paid, Like no, so I was like, maybe she's afraid. I don't know. I didn't want to push back too much.
Because no, I want to pull the Lewis move and called the cops on her right there.
So did you go to the movie instead?
We went to the movie and the movie was fine.
Ghost tour though, yeah, no, yeah, it was it was, you know.
A two hours of us just sitting in the dark, and I didn't want to like hold hands. We weren't right at that point yet, right.
Because you'd only had two drinks or a drink beforehand, right, So exactly.
Yeah, So the movie was fine, and then the end of the night was just kind of awkward because it was like, all right, thanks for good night, we'll talk soon.
The whole time, I'm just like, man, I wish you would have gone on the ghost tour, right, because.
That's like an experience, it's something you can share together.
Hey huh. So since then, she'll respond to my text with like a couple of words, not really a lot of punctuation, and it has been very noncommittal to hang on again, and I cannot figure it out.
You don't have any idea.
I have no idea. There are no red flags that I can think of.
So she only drinks one drink, she changes the date right in the middle of it and doesn't call you back. It's questionable if she even knows who the Ninja Turtles are, Like, why do you want to go out with her again?
She's really hot, She is very hot, and like we clicked, like on all other levels, and I'm just like, I do something or maybe there's something I totally missed. But dude, maybe her.
Ex boyfriend is a ghost and she's scared she was gonna run into him.
That's the best theory that we have so far, but we're gonna try and confirm it when we play a song.
Come back and get your second date update right after this. All right, Lewis, hold on that second date update. You know who says no to a ghost tour a real life ghost?
Oh, doesn't want to be found out?
Another theory, perhaps because in the middle of Lewis's date, Jamie said, Nah, let's not do the ghost tour that you planned and already paid for. Let's instead do a movie and then all ghost you. Yeah, and that's what happened. But here's the thing is that Jamie is hot, so Lewis can't just let it go. He wants answers. Brooke, is that okay with you?
I'm fine with it.
I mean, I think it's weird that you would cancel a ghost tour. When did she know that you had already had the tickets.
I just think that's kind of rude.
I mean, we had a plan. I don't actually know if she knew I had the tickets.
Oh okay, that makes a difference.
See, that's why you got to pull them out and wave them in front of her face so that she knows that they're real.
It's probably just an.
Email or a code on his phone.
Yeah, well, something show the evidence.
I was imagining them on the ghost tour and then he's like, ooh, my date is getting scared, and then everyone looks at him and goes, what date. Okay, that would have been a cool moment, but they never went on that tour, so it never happened. But maybe we can send you out on another ghost tour if we get her on the phone.
Here, are you ready to do this?
Yeah, let's go for it.
Let's find out if she's real or not. I'm down the number right now.
Ghosts can answer phones.
We'll see.
Here we go.
She's in the phone line.
Maybe it's just a bad phone connection. Is this Jamie?
Is it Jamie?
Jamie? What's up? You're on the radio right now with Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning. Hey, good morning?
Yeah cool? Do you listen?
Did I win something?
A lot of people ask that.
Yeah, I like people's positive attitude.
Give a lot of stuff away, guys, So we don't usually call them up and just give things out for free. But we do have something that we want to give to you, potentially another date with someone that you went out with before named Lewis. Oh wait a minute, obviously we're doing a second date update with you here, Jamie, and we're trying to figure out what happened.
What went wrong on your date with Lewis?
Oh, very very simple. We just are in a match.
Oh that's it? Is it something that's really obvious that he should know?
Yeah, I mean I thought we were a match, you know, based on his dating profile, but I think, you know, he might have stretched the truth.
A little bit, like okay, you mean like he lied about his height or his weight or something or used an old photo.
Oh yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, not nothing like that. The thing is, like, I thought we were both the nfp's and it turns out that he's actually a NFJA.
What did you says?
What she's talking about?
That is that the NFJ.
So are you talking about that?
I don't know what is it?
The Briggs Personality Test is that what you're talking about?
Yeah, Mayers, groub Meyer, Briggs. We don't know what the letters stands for.
Oh my goodness.
Okay, well you guys got to do it because I mean, it's a personality to test, right, and he has been tested like forever.
It's so incredibly accurate and it's basically.
Designed to identify a person's strengths and preferences, right, yeah, okay, and it's it's huge in psychology, like all my friends do it.
It's awesome.
Do you work in psychology?
No, no, no no, but I mean everybody puts it on the dating apps.
I mean I'm on dating apps and.
You put it on your dating apps.
Meybia just didn't understand what it was. I've never seen it.
That's why you're single.
Then, whatever it is, so well, find amount of your dreams if you put it on your dating app.
Okay, what's your personality type?
I am an E n f P.
That stands for n f P.
Yeah, so basically I am an extrovert, okay, doctor E. The N stands for intuitive, the F ceiling, and the P for perceiving.
Okay, so all right, wow, I'm just switching over to another radio station.
Is an extroverted emotional person, is what I heard.
Well perceiving. Yeah, I mean I'm very intuitive and I'm very Yes.
Did you have to take a test to find that out? So why doesn't that work with him?
Because he's an E NFJ.
What's a J?
So because he is.
A J, which is judgmental?
You know, there are structure, Like, there's structure in a way that they're not flexible.
Wait, what are you talking about? He's not flexible.
He told us that you switched the date plans in the middle of the date and he was cool enough to like go along with it.
I was texting him because I saw he was a P and I thought that the reaction of was expecting was like, oh, yeah, sure, let's do it, like, you know, be excited about it.
And then he was like.
Pushing back, And that's when I realized he's definitely a jay.
Well, he's probably pushing back because he paid money already to go on this ghost tour that he talked about you with his idea was more fun.
Well, it doesn't matter how much money paid.
The point is it was just a test to see how flexible he was, and he wasn't so he failed a past.
Sorry, okay, well, let's do a test and find out what happens when you put an E NFP with an e n f J and we get.
A w t F the b n J.
There we go, I can follow it out.
Hopefully we got Lewis on the line. Lewis you there?
Yeah, I'm here, brother, bring your own beer, yeah, because this is going to be bumpy d I'm sorry, I don't really know what's going on.
How do you feel about being called a J?
I I am angry, I'm a little you're angry. Yeah, we went out on a date and you decided to catch me.
That well, I mean, yeah, why wait?
You know if i'm I'm I'm in this to get somebody, I'm not going to be waiting and see.
What happened somebody right off the bat and see.
If you're compatible and for not, then we move on with their supperate lives. Not. It tell me that I'm the judging person.
You are acting kind of j about his unwillingness to change.
I'm very perceptive though, like how he is. So that's why I had a feeling that he was a JA and that's why I said.
To him but you're being judgmental about him now for not doing what you wanted to do. You were being j.
About his pee being J I think more than anything, Like do you really want to be with someone who's exactly the same as you?
Well, that's what the.
Whole test is about, is to find a perfect match. And he if he's a J and I'm a pee, we're not a match.
But I know that. I mean, if it was his easiest science, right, like we all would have no one would be single. You would have been able to put your name into an algorithm and found the perfect person.
Like not everybody's doing the test though, I know, but I.
Just think you may be missing out.
Do you know how many single people here that don't know anything about the tests or like don't understand what is going on here?
Yeah, someone asked.
Me what my law language was, and I was like English, Yeah, I don't know what that is either.
I'm here to tell him this is what they need to do.
You're just so hard up on the test, Like, I just think you may be passing on great people.
Dues spoken like a giant beefb.
Okay, it's bountiful.
Look, Jamie, clearly, clearly Jamie knows exactly what she wants from a guy, like, that's what she wants. And just because Brook, you're not a fan personally of the test doesn't mean that it doesn't work.
I just want them to be more open.
I'm just I'm rooting for Lewis here, man, I'm just trying to get him a second chance.
Jeffrey, Isn't that what we're supposed.
To be doing, Lewis, Can you change your personality to fit into J's lifestyle?
Because yeah, let me just get right to that.
Okay, great, because once you do, once you finally switch over that JA to a P, then we can send you guys out on a date and we'll pay for it.
Yeah, you know what I personally think we're We're just done with the acronyms. I would be fine if I never heard another one.
You want us to t f U. I get it.
Well, looks like we're not going to be able to send you guys out on a date and everybody.
Else you have spoken like a true I n f J now, oh Burn.
I don't know. It sounded like it's woking Jeffrey in the morning,