One of our listener's romantic gesture was NOT as well-received as he thought it would be. Was it too much? Let us know after you hear the Second Date podcast!
Second date update.
When you're growing up, you hear people say phrases like Rome wasn't built.
In a day.
Yeah, A for effort, it's the thought that counts.
Just like I'm Jeff Well, I never realized.
It's just grown up's way of politely telling you you failed, but you tried. And today I would like to give an A for effort to our listener Ricky, because even though he is not getting a call back, he did put a crazy amount of effort into his post date show of appreciation.
And Ricky, you know what, at least you tried.
You keep trying by contacting us, so you're not giving up and I do respect that.
So Ricky, welcome to the show.
Thanks for having me. Guys.
Okay, key, I mean what an intro? How are you feeling? You're feeling really confident?
Tucked you up like, well, I was confident and everything seemed great. I'm wavering.
I'll say that, okay, Okay, it's sending your email that this girl that you went out with is Leanne. And before we get to the extra effort that you put in after the day, because only I know what that is. Right now, obviously you must have had a pretty good time with her, because I'm guessing you don't do this for everybody.
No, I certainly don't.
Okay, did you meet Leanne on a dating website?
Yes? We did, meeting on a dating app. That's just the way to these days scene.
Okay, what'd you like about her? What stood out?
Well? One of the things that I thought we really connected on is that we're both cat people, so you know, we have really great conversation. And it was just good vibes the whole time, lots of laughs. It was very what I thought was natural.
Where were you bonding? What date did you choose to do?
So? We did a cooking class? It was an Italian scene.
That's cute. Was that your idea?
Yeah it was. And she was very hyped about it too, So I thought we were in great shape just to get started totally.
Learning something new together, Like you'd like that, write Alexis, can we make mac and cheese?
I met?
You need that, don't you, Alexis, Yeah, that's actually what I need.
Cool idea.
But isn't that like more of an established couple's thing like you thought?
You know, it's funny you say, because it did seem like a lot of the people that were in the class were a little bit older, you know, and I definitely saw some rings in there, so I would guess they were married.
Why would that be a big deal. I mean, you're in a room with married people. We're not scary, you know. I don't know how that would affect your date.
Other than I would say in the beginning, you know, they kind of did like a meet and greet with everyone. We had to say we were on the first date. And I'm pretty sure we would do only one thumb.
Because then and married old people are like, oh my god, you guys are so.
They want to help the guys like run run.
Came back.
It's just what guys say to other guys. But it sounds like you had a good time with her.
We really did. We had lots of fun. It was really it was just we were laughing like the whole time.
That's okay. So and now are we talking about what he did after? Is that where we're at? Like, it sounds like the date was fantastic.
What he made Is that important?
No? Like a bullet AI it does it? Does it matter?
I think it's a fair question. What did you end up making with leanne.
We ended up making a cheery suit.
Coffee can like the lady fingers.
Okay, now I'm realizing it really wasn't that important to the date.
Probably Okay, some foodies out there that are happy.
I asked, that's the one question you're allowed for the second. All right, after you made your tiarramasseur together, how did the night or the date end?
It was classic first date end. We gave a hug, said goodbye and excited to see you soon.
Oh okay, that sounds also positive.
Yeah, I'm just kidding. Well, okay, good reviews on the date part.
Now let's get to the extra effort that you put in afterwards.
Well, like I said earlier, we had both kind of connected on being cat people.
So the next day I sent her flowers and I sent her a note. No, we're not sending live animals.
What does the cat have to do with it?
So I wrote the note, But I wrote the note as if I was the cat, right, the note coming from the cat, just.
Like your cat or so.
I got a copy right here, I'll read it for you.
Copy Okay, I don't.
Think he means like you printed a what is it?
Laminated? It starts off by saying meow, because that's.
How cat's thank you for a romantic start.
Like it's your feline friend, mister Djanga, and that's her cat's name, yes, mister Djanga. And so I said, I know, I know, my paws are surprisingly good at typing, but I had to send you a note because I miss you so much.
This is.
And why would her cat miss her?
I basically said, so when you're at work, the house is in the same without you, your laugh and those delightful treats. You sneak me when you think no one's looking. So can you come home soon so I can hear about your date with Ricky's.
That was awesome? So what did she say when she got it?
Well, I didn't get much from her, So what was Thanks for the note and the flowers? Really nothing else?
Like wow, you I mean.
She's not good with words, you know what I mean, Like some people don't text a lot or have a hard time.
Felt like a middle school butt out hug, you know, like we were in trouble and we're supposed to be dancing, but you know it was it just so very reluctant.
Well okay, I mean kind of just like middle school. You're coming to us to go to her to ask her how she feels, and then we'll come.
Back and report to you.
Do that. That's right, We're gonna do the telephone thing in real life.
A piece of paper to hind a jet circle.
Yes or no.
I'll get to that later.
First, we got to come back and do your second date update when we call Leanne right after.
This second date update, Guys, I.
Hate that my mind went here, but I just thought of the worst case scenario for when we make this call. We dial the phone rings, it gets picked up, and in the background you hear Leanne's muffled voice screaming for help.
Why what's wrong?
How could she know?
Then her cat, mister Jenga, comes on the line and says, hello, Leanne can't come to the phone right now, Jeff, She's kind of tied up.
It's the cat.
Leave a message, unless this is Ricky, in which case, if you're looking for a date, I left something in my lit.
Box just for you, Jeff, why would.
I said?
It's the worst case scenario, not the most likely scenario.
Mister Jenga is not gonna turn against lovely Leanne. Okay. They're like BFFs. It's anything mister Django would be telling Leanne you're too good.
For this guy, unless Leanne likes the guy so much that mister Jenga's left with no choice but to hold her hostage.
Mister Jinga's jump these things.
Happy in the dating the world every single day, and if you're just joining us and you don't know what I'm talking about.
It would be likely.
Our listener, Ricky had a clever idea after their meet up to send Leanne flowers and a note written from her cat in a playful way, basically.
Saying, I miss you. Come home and tickle my belly and then.
Tell me about how your cute date was.
Right, So, anyway, she's not responding as well as Ricky thought she would do.
We're trying to help him figure out if something else happened, if there's a reason for why, right.
Right, Can you think of anything, Ricky that went weird on your date? Because it all sounded so good.
I cannot think of anything else. I really did think it was a great date.
I don't blame you for that. I mean his recap was lovely, sounded like a great night.
Yeah, Well, let's just call Leanne and see if she has an answer, or if mister Jenga picks up the phone and is holding her hostage.
It could happen.
I hope could talk.
It would be crazy.
I mean, I feel like mister Jinga would have the accent you used. I thought that was spot on, Jeffrey.
Let's figure it out. I'm dialing her number right now here we go.
Hello, Hey, is this Leanne?
She doesn't sound like she sounds like she's in distress, like she didn't want to answer that.
The cat Leanne.
Sorry, go on.
You're on a radio show right now. We're called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.
A Leah, Welcome to the show.
H I'm sorry, what what is this about?
That cat's got her tongue? Jeffrey.
We're doing this segment here called a second Date Update, because we're trying to help one of our listeners get in contact with you after you went out with him once.
It's a guy named Ricky.
Okay, wow in a good way like wow yeah or wow.
Or like uh like we did talk to Ricky.
About it and he talked to you, Oh my god, oh yeah.
Is that a cute. It sounds like you guys had a great date night.
That's how we know what your number is, so that we could reach out, because he said that you guys went to a cooking class together. You guys made tira Missou bonded over the fact that you both have cats, and he said after the date, he sent you some flowers with a note and pretended like he was your cat, mister Jenga, he was.
Trying to be cute and flirty and funny.
Uh, okay, So he felt like the date went really well and he was actually expecting to see you again. That's why he's confused that there hasn't been any plans made.
We did have a nice date. I've never had anybody bring me to a cooking cliff. That's great.
You're saying, at the end of your tier, Missou making you were totally planning on seeing him again. Can we make that assumption.
He had pretty much?
I guess, yeah, yeah, it was.
It was a nice date.
Well, if that's the case, then why are because he said that you've been kind of cold?
Yeah, is he reading it wrong? No?
Not necessarily, it was nice. It was just what happened after that that really didn't sit well with me and maybe very scared and upset.
What do you mean the flowers with the note?
Yeah, the note was really cute. It was like for my cat.
But what was scary about that?
You don't actually think your cat like wrote it?
You realize that it's a joke.
He matched the handwriting perfectly.
That I mean.
We talked about where I worked, but I never gave him any of the actual location and so for my job. So when I came out and found that, my heart sank and I did.
Okay, you were freaked out that he figured out exactly where your whatever office or workplace was.
I didn't know he got him delivered there. I was getting get to work as a bold move. I just you know, I had just assumed he'd been to your house or picked you up and got him delivered to your house. You're saying that he didn't know where you lived or where you worked.
No, No, I did not tell him where he worked, And it's just too quick to suit. I didn't tell you that.
It was just it was a boundary that was crossed for you, is what you're saying.
Exceedingly crossed.
Yeah, okay, I don't think that he realizes that at all.
Yeah, he didn't mean to creep you out in any way.
I think he was just trying to do something nice to show the extra effort he was going to put in. But Ricky is on the other line of this call, which.
Does does it sound?
I know that doesn't sound good, but that is how these calls work.
What are you joking right now?
Which I'm not.
I wish we were. Didn't know that this was a sit situation, Ricky. I'm here, Ricky bro and b I here, he means on the phone, not physically like outside your house.
I'm not watching her.
Guys, what is going on?
Well, why don't we let Ricky step in here and explain himself.
Yeah, you, guys, I appreciate you going to bat for me, and you pretty much hit the nail on the head. I just thought kind of going a little above and beyond to send you a cute little note because I thought we hit it off on a few things. You know, you did tell me where you worked and did. I just went on the Google did and it's you.
Know, and maybe, I mean maybe he did your work, because delivering it to your house would have actually been Yeah, that's actually yeah, address is honestly probably easier to find your home.
But yeah, so but in your mind, Leanne, is that a boundary that's too far across to like google the address of your office building or whatever.
I think it really was. I feel like he could have just called me and let that happen naturally.
I do think.
I do think part of it was like he was trying to surprise you with flowers exactly.
It's not very romantic to send stuff after I tell you I'm sending it.
Yeah, you also told him the name of your cat, right, he didn't like sell.
I am?
I am?
Okay telling him the name of my cat?
Okay, all right, mister, we know it.
And a lot of it is timing, probably just because you've only been on one date. If he had waited till the fourth or the fifth or whatever date, you would have felt like this was totally normal and sweet.
Yeah, it just didn't feel like a love story for me. But I don't think he's a bad guy.
Just too much.
Okay, maybe maybe you just need to hear since here apology. Yeah, you know, like sometimes that can fix it, right, Ricky.
Ricky, can you get mister Janga to write an apology letter work.
He's already writing the note that sweet at work, neat handwriting.
Okay, but Ricky, I mean, you get what she's saying, right, Bowie.
And I honestly didn't mean to creep you out in any way. It was just something that I thought would put a smile on your face. So I'm sorry if I threw you off to that.
Okay, take you.
Normally at this point, we would offer to send you guys out on another date and we would pay for that. I mean, I could still put that offer out there for you, Leanna, if you want to consider another date with him, and we would pay for it.
I'm gonna hang out with mister Janet a night.
Okay, Okay, okay.
He only needs one male companion in her life, the.
One with or Y.
Is you want to ask mister Jega permission if it's okay for you to go hang out with Ricky.
See what he says.
Maybe there's there's a little bit of hope here.
You know, I don't want to press her too much. She's already obviously a little uncomfortable, so I don't want to make more uncomfortable. But I was hoping we could at least get our cats together for a romantic dinner too.
But fancy fees.
Yeah, so cute. I was kind of on his side till I heard about the cat dinner. Now it's kind of creepy.
No, maybe a cat hatering broking Jeffrey in the morning.
I really hope that she takes some time to just like step away and reflect more about this, because we have to remember that this is all really normal to us, but it is weird for someone to get a random call from a radio station saying, Hey, you don't know us, but we already know a whole lot about you and the date that you just went on.
And then five minutes later we're putting her on the spot, like, so you want to go out and see him again? We need to answer. You can tell she was like back into a corner and she's like, I literally don't know.
Let me just process a scared little kid cat she was.
It sounds to me like maybe she just needed to just step away, process what we were saying a little more, and hopefully by the end of that she can see it was all just meant to be a swee gesture from a guy who really really had a good time right now, she might be a little bit more time alright, but she even said herself that she had a good time and he felt like he was a great guy.
I hope she decides to go out.
With him again.
Yeah sure, I mean, cat guys, how could they ever be crazy?
Okay, turn it on the guy. Well, if you ever want to help with your love life, email the show.
We'll call that person who's not calling you back and go check out all of our second dates wherever you get your podcast.
Yeah at Broke and Jeffrey Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.