Second Date Update: Mexican Craycation

Published Jun 28, 2024, 3:12 PM

Today’s Second Date Update is one of the most accidentally hilarious situations we’ve ever encountered and it all started with a harmless trip to Mexico…

Second date, up date.

How come whenever I go on vacations, I never meet anybody interesting or sexy or cool.


I think it's because you have to talk to people.

I do talk to people.

I don't know. You're just like, you're kind of like a quiet guy sometimes. You know.

I'm a good listener, Yes, thank you, brother. I just meet the weirdos, like Dale, the severely sunburned pharmacist who's celebrating his third divorce.

Oh so you talk to the people.

Yeah, I just don't meet the right people.

And then the guy makes me pay for all the drinks on the booze cruise that we're on.


But that wasn't the case for one of our listeners, Drew, who says he went down to Mexico for a vacation recently and ended up meeting an awesome woman while he was there. So let's talk to him about it, Drew. How you doing, man doing?


I'm excited? Are we making an international call to Mexico?

No, I'm back, but I was in Mexico and I'm really confused.

I need your help.

Yeah, I know you're on the phone from here. I'm wondering about her. Yeah, yeah, we call her in the next part of this.

She's here, but you know, China in touch with her. Maybe you guys can help.

Okay, okay, we'll tell us how you met her.


Look, so I was in Mexico. I go with my family every year. It's like this whole thing. Oh yeah, and I had like twenty minutes to spare, and I.

Just I'm sorry to interrupt, but it's not like your wife kids, right, I just make sure when you say.

No, I know it's my aunt uncles, you.

Know, okayretty much?

All right, I didn't interrupt.

But that was important.

Yeah, no, it is important. Yeah, but no. So yeah, I'm at the pool and I'm by myself at the bar.

And all of a sudden, this like chick comes up to me and her name is Chrissy. Turns out, apparently we clicked. Yeah, Chrissy like from Three's Company.

Okay, oh yeah, do you have a more modern reference than that one, because I don't think we know.

You don't sound that old.

Well no i'm not, but hey, I like reruns. But yeah, anyway, fool and this Kirsty comes up to me and we start talking, and apparently we clicked right away because this old couple that was like swimming by us came up to us, and that's just how long we were married.


You know, it's a good sign when a total stranger thinks that you have such a good chemistry with someone, you must have been with them forever.

Yeah, yeah, or you're dating or something.

Yeah, And it was crazy, so I kind of just went with it.

Oh, you pretended to be married to this old couple.

No, not to the old couple me and Chrissy.


Yeah, I feel like anything, Brook says, You're not really the way you say words, Brooke, it's important, totally communicating right now.

I'm didn't pretend to marry with you.

Well, the way you said it, that's a sign.

Is I meant like you pretended in front of the old people to them, they thought you were married.

Yes, anyway, I kind of fell in love with her.

I spent five hours with her.

Kind of down.

How much drinking. That's a good question.

High in Mexico.

You went for me, but look, we hit it off. Turns out we're from the same area, we know the same people, like you meant to be what that is world?

Yeah, that's pretty wild.

Yeah, and we.

Were supposed to meet up the next day, and I haven't heard from her.

So you spent all day at the pool together. Did you guys go anywhere else besides the pool and the bar?

No, five hours in the water, just drinking and laughing and pretending we're married.

Wait, we're supposed to be up with her at the resort again or back home.

We were supposed to go walk on the beach in the morning. And then she texted me and she said that she had an early flight, which I understood.

Okay, But now that.

We're we're in the same area, Like, why isn't she getting back to me, I don't understand it.

I mean, it's not really a date that you went on though, right, So it's like, although you were flirting and you were doing the thing, Like, I don't know, what.

More could you need from a date than like drinking and flirting and hanging out for five straight hours?

What more would qualify as a date?

Sometimes, like when you're on vacation, you just think of like vacation zone.

And real life zone, and then they don't overlap. There's like vacation boyfriends.

Yeah, yeah, like back to real life.

Oh sorry, I didn't know the rules vacation different.

I need Alexis to say everything I'm trying to say.

Translating. So, how long has it been since you've been back.

It's been two weeks and her every other day. I don't want to be too hard, but you know, like we had such a good time.

Okay, what are you sending her?


Are you just saying hey, what's up? You sending her picks that you guys took together.

Oh no, we didn't take any texts. You were in the pool.

But yeah, Brooks, stop writing just.


Okay, so weird, But we're gonna come back.

We're gonna call your Mexican wife, Chrissy, and we're gonna find out why she's not wanting to hang out now that you're back home together.

Okay, yeah, by the way, she's not Mexican.

I just met her down.

There like she was located in Mexican. Okay, now now I'm being the condition. All right, this might be a.

Train wreck when we do your second date update right after this hold on second date update. A chance meeting at a pool in Mexico, a meeting that lasted for five wonderful hours, where drinks were flowing, water was splashing, old people were admiring them as a great couple. It was just the perfect day for our listener, Drew, and they were scheduled to meet up to go for a walk on the beach together the next morning, but Chrissy, the woman that he met, texted him saying she couldn't make it, which she.

Said she had a flight out. Why didn't you remember that when she was planning the water?

Very suspicious?

But now that they're both back home, what's changed? Is she sobered up now and suddenly not into it anymore? Is she back with her husband and can't see him without, you know, making things weird?

It's actually not a bad question.


We don't know, but we're gonna attempt to find out when we call Chrissy here in just a second. First, Drew, how we feeling?

You're good?

Are you?

I thought it'd be more nervous because you dropped a lot of emotions when we were talking to you.

I mean, you were saying, after five hours, this is love.

You did use the L word.

Well, I think it's gonna work out.

Okay, that optimistic, that's good. Okay.

Maybe he's still having a little bit of tequila this morning and there's nothing supportive.

Of body shots all around.

No comment from Drew.

That's okay, your body lady. We promise we're going to make sure Brook talks as little as possible.

When we call Chrissy here promising nothing, Well yeah, then.

We're doomed from the start. But here we go, Chrissy. Hello, Hey is this Chrissy?

This is why should you say?


I guess we could say in a Spanish name.

Yeah, it's already off to a bad start here.

We're a radio show.

We're called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning. Okay, Hi, we're we do a segment on our show called the Second Date Update, and we're hoping that you would be.

A part of it.

I mean, can you tell me more about it, like what's going on?

Well, yeah, it's uh, it's where we help our listeners who met somebody or who've gone on a date with someone they really like try and reconnect for another date. And that happened recently with a guy named Drew down in Mexico.

At least that's what we heard.

Oh yeah Drew.

Yeah, he said he's been texting you for like the past two weeks and he hasn't heard much of anything back.

He talked to you.

Yeah, we got a little bit of background about what happened that you guys met in a pool and you guys hung out there for five hours.

He said, it was a great time. Like drinks were flowing. It just felt like you guys were clicking.

You've pretended like you were married at one point.

Anytime I feel like you're in a pool and drinks are flowing, it's a good time.

You always pretend you're married to someone when you get in a pool.

No, that was the first time, but I don't know after we were in the pool for a while, Like you said, five hours, we were there.

But it's a long time.

Yeah, I mean we have a long time. We got to know each other. It was great. He's a great.

Dude, but he's kind of the light weight because light okay, not that I have a drinking problem or And.

It's always good when you established that first straight and didn't feel a thing.

We are to get tequila for five hours and I was just ready to keep the party going, but Drew just was ready to end the night.

And yes, he makes yourself better than he does.

Maybe it doesn't matter. You're out in the sun it's hot.

I'm sure you're dehydrated. Like, that's a long time. Anybody needs a nap after.

That, I totally get that, and I was headed to take a nap after I wanted to go get one more drink, you know, And I.

Pulled up to the hotel bar okay, and I met someone.

Wait what.

Okay? Andrew and I were not hooking up that day.

That was a fun, little, fun little thing in the pool. But then I really met somebody and I feel like I connected with him. He was an older gentleman and I was instantly attracted to him.

He was my type, and he just like really seemed like he had his stuff together, you know, like there was no red flag.

Wow, you have really good luck with men in.


That's amazing. But wait, are you still dating the guy?

Things were going so well that night that we continued.

Them, continued them here, oh back.

Home, so you're still seeing yeah, yes, around you by.

I mean, yeah, he's from around here. And I just I really really liked Drew. He was a great guy. I had a lot of fun with him that day, but I didn't know if he was like the type that I wanted to go out with again.

He was just somebody that I was hanging out with for the day and it was fun, like I made a friend for the day.

Look, that's totally fair, and you're absolutely allowed to meet whoever you want. But here's an idea, because since it's still early in your relationship with this other guy and you're just starting things off with this person's r I don't know what his name is.


Actually, okay, why not continue to go out and see Drew and Bruce.

I mean, if you're honest with Bruce, is right.

I mean I could think about it, but balancing too, man, is pretty hard.

You met hold on, you met somebody named Bruce.

There what Sorry, Christy, I need to let you know that Drew has actually been on the other line listening this entire time.

You're joking.

No, no, that's how the segment works.

Drew, what are you doing? Like, why are you doing this to me? Well?

I was wanting to know why you weren't getting in touch with me, But now I'm a little confused because there's not that many Bruce's out there, and you know that I was with my uncle and his name is Bruce, So.

What can't be Drew no, I'm sorry.

What wait?

What did Bruce look like? Can you please tell me?

It's kind of important.

He was an older gentleman, and he was pretty tall, probably like six.

Foot two, and he was wearing a really nice watch. He had a very nice beard eye.

Are you kidding me with that?

It's my uncle, Drew?



I mean, I'm in shock. I thought we had a thing going.

It makes sense why he's from here too.

I couldn't figure that out.

The wait, the uncle was an upgrade from our boy. Don't break it down like that, I.

Drew, Drew, listen, since I'll probably see you at family reunions, it's not.

Jump me to that like it's that serious with this uncle Bruce. Are we telling him huncle because he's like a hunky uncle? I mean, it's pretty good, it's pretty good.

Let's not call him anything, Bruce.

Okay, I'm sorry, my boo right now, but.

Well, you know he's recovering alcoholic.

Right, he's way more put together.

I can't believe my uncle didn't even tell me.

I told them all about you and how we.

Were going to go out.

He must have thought I was too good to be true, so he found me himself.

Oh but hold on, why didn't you just answer me?


I didn't know how to tell you that I was seeing somebody else and I don't really see two people out of time usually.

But she probably just feels too like she didn't owe you much, you know. It's like, I mean, it sucks.

I agree she should have responded, but people don't.

Yeah, people ghost all the time. Called you a friend for the day. Yeah, had a different feel.

I really thought I thought we had. I don't you know what has song with Bruce?

And I mean, would you like to go out one more time?


Well, sounds like he's still a little bit interested, so we should ask Chrissy, would you like to go out with Bruce's nephew for a day?

We'll pay for that date.

I was gonna say, I might have to check with Bruce. Bru's allowed out of the house past his bedtime.

Really not cool?

Yeah, true, man, I'm sorry, dude. I don't think we're gonna be able to get you a date here.

I wouldn't go on vacation with your uncle ever. Again, that's for sure.

Every year, looking Jeffrey in the morning, I know I said it was going to be awkward for him at the holidays. But think about their next Mexico vacation because Drew said it's a family tradition where they go every year. Imagine Drew having to lay out on the beach and he has to watch Uncle Bruce with his hot young girlfriend while she rubs lotion all over Uncle's back.

There's only one answer to this, Jeffrey, and that's the Drew meets Chrissy's aunt.

I mean, can't fire that fire.

Call? Yeah, so I hope she's got a single ant.

Yeah, we have to make that happen.

If anything, we have to get well.

I guess we don't get a second date update update with Drew, but I'd like to hear how Chrissy and the uncle turn out.

Is that wrong? Can we go to Mexico with them and see it all go down?

We need to do a remote broadcast from a tropical vacation place like this will be perfect, like this resort.

If we find out which one.

Of them, we'll probably all end up with Uncle Druce if we're not careful. But if you ever want to get a second date update for yourself, you can email us at Brook and Jeffrey. We'll call that person who wasn't calling you back

Brook and Jeffrey in the morning,

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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