Second Date Update: Mewing Good In The Neighborhood

Published Sep 15, 2023, 3:32 PM

One of our listeners tried to cover up an embarrassing moment by saying she had something in her teeth but what she was actually caught doing was way more embarrassing than that!

Second date update.

Rarely, I would say almost never in the history of a second date update, have we ever had someone not get a hangout because of a beauty secret?


What, but that happened to one of our returning listeners who was unfairly shamed by a shallow, superficial man who got all judgy just because when they went out to the restaurant, she put some of the tables olive oil directly.

On her face to moisturize. You remember that one. Yeah, she thought that was weird for some reason. I mean it is time.

Yeah, no public, but it's okay.

You know, we take weird here.

I bet her skin is still glowing.

Yeah, yeah, we're jealous of how beautiful she is.


Shockingly, she is back with us again today, probably moister than ever before.

Claire, welcome back to the show.

Hey, thank you for having me.


I always just want to call you olive oil.

I rarely asked this, Claire, but what kind of feedback did you get from your friends and your family after they heard it when it aired?

They're just like, wait, you do that, Like that's the thing that you actually do.

And I was just like, yeah, okay, a little surprised, but you're back with us again today. I think it's a fair question on my part, just right off the bat to ask did you do the exact same thing this time, because we might be able to tell you right away why you're not getting a call now.

I learned my last one. I don't do that in public anymore. I do that at home only.

She us marinera this time.

Okay, you still do it though.

Yes, supposed to be good for you. Okay the dinner table.

Who's the new guy that you met?

His name is Katan.

That's a cool name.

I hate that game.

We met online, so there was no olive oil. But the problem is, I just I forgot to do my mewing before the date, and so.

Would you just say you're what you're viewing my mewing?


Yeah, like mew mew like a cat or no.

No, no, no, it's a beauty thing. Like it's all over, TikTok.

What do you do?

What is it?

What do you it's all over TikTok? What do you do?

Yeah? It helps like shape your jaw line and make you like, you know, that's what you're saying.

It's like contouring.

No, it's like you're saying it like essentially you're building your muscles in your face.

Yeah, Like you play for your tong like flat against the reroofs of your mouth, not touching your teeth. Okay, and then you like close your mouth and you just kind of hold it for like ten seconds. I do it like forty times a day.

Everyone is trying it, right, My god, guys, we all look so hot looking around the room and don't do it something hot.

It helps make you like over time. Yeah.

Yeah, it's like you can see that sexy cute jaw line.

Literally something sour.

Do you think missing one day of your jaw exercises is what threw the whole date off?

Well, she said she was doing it on the date.

You No, she said she missed it before the date. Isn't that what you said?


Yeah, I've heard have to do it before the date, So I just kind of did it at the table you were talking and waiting on food.


Well, the thing is, Claire, we know you and we respect you and get the beauty.

Secret, So why did you just waiting on a first date?

The average guy might find it a little bit confusing.

I'm obsessed with, Like, if it's on my mind, I have to do it.

Like I'm upset, Like, Okay, what what did he say when you were doing that at the table?

I mean, I didn't tell him that's what I was doing, you know. I didn't want another situation like last time, so I just told him I had something in my teeth.

But at the same time, if you were at a really nice place, like a fancy restaurant, that might be something that would actually gain you brownie points. They would think that you were cool or sexier seeing you mew out in.

Public all the inn people know. We were at Applebee's.

Actually, I'm sure that people were like that Gwyns Paltrow.

In these days.

No, but we got the two for twenty five.

That is a deal.

So that comes with a six sound steak and like two side salads clutch.

Oh damn.

My best friend worked at Applebee's. I spent so much time there.

But it in that neighborhood. Yeah, so you do. It's not too much pressure. Yeah, Like how was like the actual date part?

I thought it went great. Me and ride of food. We had good conversation, you know, and like, I don't know, I paid for the dinner because I felt like I should.

Why did you feel like you should?

Because I asked him out? And it was just like, it's my tree.

Nice, that makes sense.

I like that.

I've got a lot of things working in your favorite.

Now what was the end?


What was his vibe?

And it was good? We grated some dessert. We had some sugar dusted donut dippers I want to grab and it was cute. We dipped each other donuts, you said each other, and we had like a kiss by the car.

Oh you did have a kiss? Yeah, the best Applebee's date. I think we've ever.

Heard of this.

Yeah, kisses. Yeah, I'm like the sweetest kisses with those chisel jawlines too. Yeah, going at each other. So howly do wonder what went wrong?


Yeah? How long has it been since that date happened?

It's been about a week and you haven't heard from him at all?

No, I don't know. I thought we had a great conversation. We like bonded over pets and all that kind of stuff.

You're the one that asked him out on the first date, so then it's on him to initiate the second date, you know.

Yeah, it sounds like you guys were mewing good in the neighborhood, but maybe that's not the case. We're gonna come back call him and try and figure it out when we do your second date update right after this. Thanks guys, second date update today, We really are fancy like Applebee's, each other, sugar blazed donut dippers, sharing a giant raspberry blue lemonade.

Two straws, Oh my god, one not being used because she's too busy mewing at the table.

But if you're just joining us, we have Claire, a returning second dater on the phone who went out with a guy named Katan recently, and she was mewing during their date at Applebee's, which, if you didn't know, mewing is a beauty exercise that you might find on TikTok where you press your tongue up against the roof of your mouth, your lips closed, help to find your jaw line.

Every time you describe it, I have to do it, yea, I think everyone in their car.

You wonder what it takes.

But Claire did get a kiss at the end of the night with all that mewing going on, though she may have been puckered.

Up the whole date, So who knows.

Katan probably thought she was trying to go for the first kiss as soon as the appetizers came.

We're gonna find out for sure here the good thing, jeff I don't know, PDA and Applebee's seems a little much. We're gonna find out here in just a minute. Claire, how we doing?


I mean, you've been through this before.

You know what to expect, and it can't be worse than the last time you were on with us, right yeah, speech, I'm mean.

I'm sure that's what she thought. The last time she came on the show. She was like, could really be.

But she's self aware this time.

Yes, I think you were really careful on this day to try not to do anything or say anything that might like set off alarm bells.

So let's what he has to say.

Ready, Yeah, okay.

Here we go call on him right now. Hello, Hey, is this Katan?

This Katan?

Is this hey Katon? We're a radio show called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning. Hey Katon, Hey, like it was the voice of radio people.

Are you real busy right now? Is this a bad time?

I got a minute? What's going on?

Okay, good cause is the only time we have so.

As I asked the question, I thought I shouldn't know.

You don't know.

But we're doing something called second Date Update where we try and help out our listeners who have gone out with someone but they're not getting a call back. And you recently went out with a woman named Claire, right, I did.

Okay, Okay, what'd you think? Yeah?

Uh, you know, like she took me out to Applebee's.

Yeah, we we heard a little bit about your date Applebee's and a kissing the parking lot. There's a lot of positives that seem to come from it.

So we're.

Yeah, we know so much.

We know a lot about it.

But the part that we don't know is why you aren't calling her back for a second date.

That's it? Oh yeah, like she's great, good looking girl. I actually like her, and uh, it was just kind of weird, dait weird good.

I mean, those are all positives you said.

Yeah, try to describe, Like, for a pretty girl, she shoes, gets a lot of food in her teeth.

I don't know what to make of that.

For a pretty girl.

Yeah, I can never remember one. For the girl, I don't know.

I didn't realize I ever had food in my teeth until I met my husband and he kept pointing.

It out all the time.

I was like, what am I just like a walking buffet.

I'm laughing because I'm like, beautiful women never have food. Bro's I always were seeing the food.

In her teeth.

Yeah, well no, yeah, that's the thing.

I think she's like a little self conscious about or something because she.

Wouldn't let me see.

She would always like keep her her mouth closed, but she would always be like clearly getting food out of her teeth their tongue.

But that's not a reason not to call somebody back, right, I don't know.

I've never sat across from somebody that's just cleaning their teeth.

For like an hour.

I can see that if it doesn't, Yeah, it'd be hard to focus on, like the conversation you were having if.

That was there's no conversation if they're cleaning their teeth, right.

Even like if you're in the middle of a sentence and somebody's going to town on their own mouth.

Yeah, yeah, Well there'd be spurts if we would talk, but then like I would ask a question and that she would be not answering so it's this awkward silence for just cleaning your teeth.

It wasn't just one time, like one period of this. This was throughout the entire night.

Yeah, the whole time at the table at least.

Okay, yeah, that is bad.


Yeah. And then there was more.

We kissed at the end of the night, and all I was thinking, if there's still food, do you need some.

Help with that?

Girl, Let's get some dessert.

Alright, let's let's not pile on what.

It is, and we can clear up all the miscommunications by just putting you in touch with Claire right now, because she's on the other line listening to this conversation.

Oh no, she was on the line.

Yeah, possibly mewing at the moment, but oh sorry, I'm possibly cleaning some food out of her teeth in the moment.

But Claire, you there.

Yeah, I'm here.

Oh I think you owe him a little explanation.

Okay, I was not cleaning my teeth the whole night. I'm sorry. I lied to you. You lied about cleaning your teeth. Yeah, I just I don't. I was worried you judged me. Honestly, at the table, I was mewing, you.

Know, Cat, No, Claire, why do you keep bringing this ups.

Talking about like, does no one watch TikTok? Does no one like keep up with trends? I don't understand how no one knows what this is.

Different than ours?

Yeah, why don't you just explain to Katan what it is so that he can get it too?

Okay, So basically, it's like to shape your jaw and like get it snatched. You You just like keep your jaw shut. You push your tongue to the reroofs of your mouth and lay it flat, and then you just hold it for like ten seconds at a time.

What do you think of that, Katan? Sounds pretty sexy?

Why why would you do that a bait? Normally I wouldn't, but I actually forgot to do it earlier that day, and I do it like forty times a day.

Oh, I just want to hear from Katan what her jawline is, Like, Yeah, I mean, is it snatched?





Because it Claire's a beautiful girl, like I did not particularly just because of her jawline. I think she's just a really beautiful girl.

She's really nice, right, just naturally she needs to do some work for that, Okay, that's what she was doing.

I thought that would prove that Claire doesn't even have to do these you're beautiful.

As you want.

It does.

No, it takes work. I always say that, like, oh, you look so perfect, like whatever, you don't need to do anything. No, that's not true to a beautiful woman, like it's hard.

Okay, don't.

He doesn't know about that, But Katan, would you like to apologize for calling her beautiful the way that she is?

Well, she was, she did not like that.

Yeah, I guess I don't get it.

Claire's it just looks odd.

If you're it looks like you're cleaning your teeth.

Yeah, I'm sorry. I just I feel better when I'm doing my beauty regimens and I'm wearing makeup. I mean, Alexis Brook, I've seen pictures of you without makeup. Do you feel better when you're wearing makeup, like more like yourself?


Well, Claire, I feel like you're judging me now.

I definitely better make up. I speak on be happy. That's what you're saying right there. Beautiful in those pictures online with all the makeup on?

Yeah, okay, okay, or they're trying too hard. I just threw me off a little bit.

I don't really know what to do with that and the experience that I'm like, am I weird for thinking that's weird?

Or Yeah, let's go with that.

Katon, You're the weird one, and the way to make up for your weirdness is by just agreeing to take her out on another date that we will pay for. Hey, Hey, and Claire, can we just agree right now that you'll get the mewing out of the way before the date starts this time?

Oh my god? Yeah, okay, I promise to not do any beauty regimens at the table.

Finally learned your lesson.

See Katan, I'm down, And if you missed your your your mute, we'll do it together, but only for like a couple of minutes, and then we can.

Good guy.

A couple of minutes and we have elbow stretches. He's going to be a mule.

Yea couple Jeffrey in the morning, so many texts coming into seventy five nine different people who caught themselves mewing in the car while going to work or dropping their kids off at school.

I'm not gonna lie. Ibrook mentioned it. I had to do it too. It the whole time.

I thought she was weird when she first told us, but then I can't stop. Yeah, I get.

Your jawline, Brook, I can already tell.

No, I have a good Dawa struck with to be able to wrestle somebody to the ground.

So I just went from three chins to two.

I think we accidentally made this an even bigger trend than it ever should have been.

So good for us.

He's even a.

Few people who mentioned when you mew, do your eyes automatically go up?

Because mine do.

Like your mind don't know.

I can look anywhere.

I really Wow, there's just perfect body control.

I guess we should be talking about how cute the couple is, right, Yeah, Yeah, we're just talking.

About us this whole time.

Look, she wasn't able to get a date the first time she was on her show, but she did get one the second. If Miss Olive Oil mume you can do it, then you can do it too.

Email the show. We'll call that person who wasn't calling you.

That Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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