Second Date Update: Love Is On The House

Published Oct 18, 2024, 3:15 PM

One of our listeners described their dinner date as the most IMPRESSIVE thing that they had ever seen. We HAD to know more so we contacted them as part of a new Second Date Podcast!

Second date update, Brooke, what's the most impressive thing a guy has ever done on a date with you? And don't say rotates the family compost about it again?

Oh no, that's marriage material.

He actually flew me to Vegas for a surprise date.

Wyow we stayed in the suite. It was pretty awesome.

Oh he went with you too. Yeah, okay, just threw you out there. I was like, get away from me.


I only asked because one of our listeners says she left a first date recently feeling more impressed than she's ever been with any man she's dated. So listen up, single guys out there, this could possibly help you. I don't know, though, Let's talk to her. Charlotte. Welcome to the show.

Hey, hi guys, my Charlotte.

We're so curious. That's a pretty good tease you gave our producer.

Yeah, what was so impressive about this guy that you met?

Oh? He was like the best date. So if the can of this him giving me my jacket because I was pretty cold outside, so he took his off and gave it to me.

That's always a sweet move.

Okay, that's the big impressive thing that rowed you give the bar.

Oh, I love what.

I washed my face at their house, and they know what a hand towel is to give me to dry it.

That's always Really are you concerned?

How long that one?

That's impressing most.

Guys's paper towels. So the fact that jacket handing you a jacket, Okay, I mean that's that's not like totally unheard of.

I mean nice, it's nice, sure, But I can also say there's a new thing where some girls don't like being taken care of.

This is that you're like, if you're cold, you want to be warm.

Yeah, so was that it?

No, that wasn't He said a few things.

Oh, okay.

We was at a fancy restaurant. The food was amazing, the conversation was amazing.

Oh god, this is sounded so good.

Exactly the time for the check, and the waiter came over her and said, mister, I don't want to say his last name on the radio.

Good call, good call.

He used the last name.

Wow, So, mister, your money is no good here? What is like?

His credit card got declined. That's not an impressive thing. He knows the owner. Your money is no good. We're going to take care of everything.


Yeah, where he gets for free.

Says she said, it was a nice restaurant, slavin. That's great.

I don't think he knew anybody there because he's seeing just as a surprise as I was.

But he didn't know. It wasn't an owner thing like Jose was famous.

I was going to say, must be famous or something.

Then I didn't know him. He didn't look famous to me.

Okay, did you do the correct amount of Google searching before.

You went on the day?

I did, and nothing popped up.

I was gonna say you were a dal with the celebrity didn't know it.

It's one of those nights where like all the stars are a lightning.

Yeah, that's true.

But when somebody says your money's no good here, it's usually because you're inside.

Or you like what did she find out?

Why he pressed the issue? He asked a bunch of times, and then he asked for the manager to come over.

O God, this is when I say, Okay, now I'm pushing my luck. Let's get out of here.

What do you mean I get the meal? Comed I want to talk to your manager.

I mean it could have been like another patron that saw a cute couple that was you know, I love seeing first aid couple.

Yeah, what the manager say?

The manager came over and he basically said the same thing. He says, it's all taken care of wow. But they didn't say that another table was taking care of it anything. They just said, mister blank, it's all taken care of wow.

Did we bring up the military thing? That sounds silly, but like I've seen a lot of people pay for military wearing a military uniform.

I'm waiting for her to give me the maid. Did he wear camo in combat boots?

Definitely wear you're dressed, sorry.

The formal the formal military attire.

No, he wasn't from the military.

How did that make you guys feel?

Were you just like because I would be on cloud nine after that, you.

Know, definitely? And you know we thought we was we was it?

Yeah, but you said he was embarrassed by it.

He wasn't too embarrassed. He was just shocked. I think he didn't I didn't know what was going on.

Well, maybe he was worried that you would think that he was cheap by not pain.

Where he's like, it's famous for something embarrassing and he's like, please don't say it.

You know you've scammed us one hundred times. That's a pretty cool experience. I mean, we've done this segment for a long time. I don't think anybody's ever just had their meal totally camped by the restaurant.

It was expensive too, it was a really nice place.

Wow, they don't call stuff right. So how did it end that night between you two?

So the bill was taken care of, so we had dessert. Still from conversation we left, we kissed.

Oh cute.

It was a very nice, sensual kiss.

Her voice got deeper. Yeah, it's really cute.

What's the deal? Like, how long has it been since this happened.

It's been six days and I haven't heard from him at all at all, And I'm super disappointed about it because everything went so well.

Yeah, I mean I would have left a date like that knowing that I was going to see this person.

Like two days, maybe to play hard to get after a perfect date.

But six Yeah, that's crazy too much.

I mean, that's something wrong.

Have you reached out to him or spoken to him at all?

I haven't reached out to him either.

Oh man, don't you want to get to the bottom of that?


I just want to Yeah, okay, I wonder, Yeah, we might meet a really, really famous person here coming up when we call this guy.

That she recognized him like a d list I'm excited.

We're gonna hear your second date update right after this hold on second date update. We are all dying to know who is this mystery man our listener. Charlotte went out with the other night because they went to dinner, had a great time. He gave her his coat jackets. Yeah, because you know, very impressive, but not as impressive as what happened at the end of the night when it was time to pay the bill and the waiter said, no, mister last name, your money is no good here. Wow, and his credit card was declined. We've heard that one a lot. No, this was sir. We're not going to let you pay because we've already covered the costs. We respect you that much.

Wow. We got so into the story, Jeff, do we ever hear what his first name was? Oh?

Yeah, didn't hear his last name or his first name?


Does he have a first or last name, Charlotte?

Yes, his first name is Risky.

Okay, wait you're a woman.

Yeah, Well, we don't know who this mystery guy is or what he did to get his entire meal compact this really fancy restaurant.

What if it's Rick.

Ross has lost people?

Yeah, he's not going to pick up. Yeah, let's just just like sorry, Let's just dial him and see if he picks up first of all, or if his butler picks up or whoever it is, and hopefully gets some answers.

Good. Look, I hope he answers.

He has an answer, We'll call the restaurant.

Yea, all right, here we go.


Hey, we're looking to talk to Ricky.

Yeah it is Hey.

My name is jeff from a radio show called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.

Hey, say morning.

Okay, yeah, yes, you actually really could help us out because we are doing a little bit of investigative work for one of our listeners that you went on a date with recently.

Okay and confused.

Sorry, I know this is a weird thing, but this is called second Date Update, and our listener, Charlotte is the one who wanted us to reach out to you.

Yeah, because she basically said it was the best date of her life that she had with you, I mean.

Honestly something like that. She was very impressed.

Yeah, okay, I mean yeah, I remember Charlotte, are you okay?

Yeah? Well, do you have plans to see her again? Because she's hoping you say yes to that?

Okay, So I mean I I am interested in her, ok I'm just currently I'm dating a few other women too, so I hopefully she can be patient.

Okay. Well, I mean that's understandable if you're dating other people and need a little bit of time. And what he's not allowed to date other people?

I mean, no, that's fine, but they're like wait around for me, Like what is she waiting for? Are you just waiting to decide if you like the other ones better?


I mean, I don't know, are you gonna Are you gonna tell her? Like to wait a little bit longer.

I mean, I'm not gonna tell her, but she's definitely in the mix.


Oh that's good. So we're really eager to talk to you because honestly, we heard about your guys's date and a few of us were just in awe when they didn't let you pay the check.

Okaya, why do you laugh?

Weren't you like when the waiter came up and said, your money's no good here.

You were like, what you don't know?



Well, what's the do you know?


You seem to know something. Are you like famous or something?

No, no, I'm not famous.

Did you blackmail the manager?

He's like his children.

Let's just say I figured out how to get women to like call me back for a second date.

Let's just say that.

What does that mean? What are you talking about?

So before the date, I'll call ahead to the restaurant, right and I'll tell them, Hey, I'm gonna be coming in this girl at this time.

Yes, yeah, it's called making a reservation.

Well, I tell them, no, matter what we order, I don't want to pay a check. I give him my credit card number. I said, hey, a tip automatically.

Even that is ball or Saturday smart and you chip them forty before you're even there.

So they.

What if the service isn't good?

It doesn't. It's worth it, dude, It's worth it way.

Every restaurant, every date you go on, you have the waiter approach your table.

And say, I'm sorry, sir, your money's no good here.

Yeah, And it works everything the time. I always get a second date without what is nice?

Because you don't you don't need the credit for paying, or you don't care that she knows.

No, I want her to not know and have her wonder.

Yeah, that's all of us ready to.

Go on a date with you.

I'm telling you, dude, it works. It works.

Okay, So you don't have any plans to tell Charlotte about this secret strategy? Not really.

I prefer you guys kind of kept it between us, to be honest.

Yeah, well, I mean we can try to do that, but the thing is we do have to add I had one other person back into this phone call who has been listening on the other line. She's the whole time, and her name is Charlotte.

Wow, you guys just night me like that for real.

Yeah, just as sneaky as you are.

The good news is this whole call will be comped for you, so you don't have to pay for this. But Charlotte, okay, Charlotte you there still, I'm here. You sound really happy, So why don't you talk to him about what?

Are you upset?

It should be a deal breaker.

I'm shocked, And did it really work? Because what did we do?

I mean, you're calling back trying to get a second date, and I mean, did it not work.

Look, it's what we're doing.

I didn't call you back.

Technically, know, I.

Called everybody but you radio.

So what's you do, Ricky?

What's the deal?

What you had these people pretend like you were just big shot?

I didn't have them pretend to anything. I just told them to tell me that my money's no good. I paid the bill in advance.

That's it.

What's the big deal? Did I do something wrong?

You didn't call me.

Now we're gonna flirty again. Okay, this is good.

I still might call you back.

You never know.

It's been six days, Ricky.

Yeah, but the suspense is kind of sexy. No, it's like two days. Wait, are you still like the game is interesting?

Yeah? Does it ruin the memory of the day or is it just kind of a funny twist for you?


I mean, it's just so weird because I'm like, you did all that and you acted like you didn't know.

It's kind of weird. You asked the manager to come out.

I think that was a nice touch. I feel like I went above and beyond guy would do for a date, and I make things memorable.

Yeah, I mean he put he didn't just take you on a date, like he set up a whole production for you at to cook Charlotte.

When you said that, it started to throw up some red flags for me with like honesty stuff, you.

Know, acting in front of her.

Yeah, like if he's that good at it and he takes it to the next level, even asking for the manager.

Do you want to be impressed by a guy or do you want him to be honest to you?

You can ask for the manager.

It doesn't matter. I mean, she still wants to go out with me again, right, yeah.

You're right.


Let me just ask, Charlotte, are you still interested in going on another date with Ricky? And we would pay for that date, We would comp it for you.


Well, yeah, that's going to be on you, and then we'll have the manager go up to her and say her yeah.

Charlotte, Well absolutely not.

That's fine.

I don't care to be honest. I guarantee you within the next twenty four or forty eight hours, so we'll be texting me again, Wally.

Ricky, you thought that six days ago was a very.

Very good bird.

One more chance, go ahead, Charlotte.

I'm sure Ricky you thought that six days ago.

Okay, that was the same one.

Yeah, maybe the third time, but I go, I've got a girl from a week and a half ago I left on red and I got to give.

Back to her.

Oh, it's just reminded a week and a half ago.

He's organized enough to call a restaurant in vance, but he can't even send it next in a week and a half.

It's called game bro Okay, keep up je in the morning. Honestly, it didn't really sound like he was all that phased by being called the liar or whatever he was being called. You know what he's doing. Yeah, got the attitude.

He didn't call anything. It was more just like, yeah, that's too much for me, you know. But he's got so many options on the line.

So he has the attitude of like, I don't care because I have a bunch of other people. And then when you give that I don't care, y're.

Just happy because think of all these nice meals he's eating. Sounds like he's an.

No one still lost. I mean, I do think he.

Ever forgets and is like, Wow, somebody's truly taking care of me.

It is interesting because he did have to be a little dishonest and put on kind of a performance, but it wasn't anything malicious, like it was all to impress her. So could you blame a guy for that?

But it's always interesting because it's like the guys that do this always have a lot of first dates, maybe second, but not a lot of not a lot after that.

That's good.

I don't think you need to do anything else after that. One great date should sustain that relationship for twenty years.

Okay, that's when he's gonna call that girl back. Yes.

Anyway, if you want to get it's some help with your love life, you can always email the show. We'll call that person who isn't calling you back, and go check out all of our second dates. Where you get your podcasts at Brook and Jeffrey

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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