Second Date Update: Let's Van Gogh Out

Published Apr 17, 2024, 3:07 PM

Things got INTENSE during today’s Second Date and we’re promising it’s a MUST-LISTEN! If you hear any call all year you gotta hear this one in the podcast!

Second date up dated on the show.

We're a fan of unique first date ideas, oh for sure. And today's caller did something that I bet you Brooke has done or would totally do if she hasn't already. Okay, Brooke, I'm not talking about that one time when you and your husband Michael invited me over after midnight.

Okay, we're not going to get into that right now.

We're never going to talk about that.

She was I'm not supposed to bring me up.

Sorry, because what we need to do is focus on our listener, Vicky Today, Vicky, welcome to the show.

Hi guys, we are playing some jazzy music for you. Vicky.

Look out because after this you might also get a one am invitation. But tell us about the date and the guy that you met up with recently.

What's his name?

His niece? Greg?

Okay, Greg, where'd you be? Greg?


We met online about a month ago on a dating app. I'm not going to toot my own horn, but I think I'm pretty good. I used to model, Okay, I was a Hooter's calendar girl for a couple of years.

Of Hooter's calendar girl.

Yes, oh okay.

Okay, I mean when was the last time they issued a Hooter's calendar. I think they say, don't do our calendar is updated.

Our calendar and studios outdated. So if you want to send a couple of those over here, we'll take a few off your hands.

All right, So you look good in some tube socks. I love it?

Okay, Yes? And what did you like about Greg?

That's pretty cute. But what my wife says that he was persistent, he kept like trying to message me, but he also was like very sweet, so like he would send me every single morning. It was like good morning, beautiful, every night's good night one of them, you know.

Okay, Now did you like that? Because some girls don't. There's girls that are like it. That's too much.

It wasn't too much. It was very sweet. But let me tell you, I think one of the best qualities a man could have his thoughtfulness, and he was very like thoughtful.

Why did you bring up how attractive you are at the beginning of this.

I don't mean it in a mean way. I mean like, I'm glad you're really attractive.

Are you saying that he should be grateful that he went out with you?

Or I don't want to say that because that it's like, I don't want to be mean, but maybe a little bit out of my league.

She said, I'm a.

Little bit out of his leak.

Now the Hooters statement is making more sense.

Okay, okay, well it's nice for you to give Greg a chance. What did you guys do?

So have you guys seen like the TikTok challenge or like paint each other a couple of paying each other.

I actually did this with my husband like six years ago.

No, no, we we had a draw off and we each got ten minutes to draw each other and you can't see it until the reveal at the end. So you pay each other and then you reveal it at the end.

I haven't they paid, but they painted each other's bodies. And then the other.

Is that what you guys did? You painted each other's faces or poor job?

We weren't painting no bodies and like just you're painting on the little yes on the canvas and we were painting on the canvas. We didn't show each other until the end, okay.

Because that's how the challenge works.

You both like secretly try and draw each other's faces and then at the very end there's a big reveal to see how you each.

Like see each other. Basically how bad it is yea, or how good it is.

But it's interesting.

That's the fun.

Is probably gonna be bad.

It's a lot of staring at each other in order to get that done. Did that make you feel comfortable?

Yeah, listen, I was fine with it, and I thought it was fun. It was different. I feel like there's a lot of pressure when you go to dinner to have full conversation the whole time.

Okay, and this was your idea, yeah.

And I so I did a little bit of art in college, so my picture was decent.

Okay, that's usually how it goes. And the things the girls are pretty good. How how was Greg's painting?

It was so bad. I have like red hair, and I swear to god, I'm not even kidding. I resembled like Woody Woodpecker borderline offensive.


What was your reaction when you saw it?

Was like, Okay, that's really bad, Like we kind of laughed at all.

And you were really mad at him. Then that's why he's not calling it.

That's the point.

Okay, Well that's I mean.

Overall, the painting sounded like a success in general, yeah.

We were like, you know, it was fine, so that we leave there and then we went on a little stroll and there was like a street vendor. We shared a truro oh okay.

Like he bit one in.


No, like we just handed it back and forth to each other.

That's crazy, okay, So how did you guys leave it? So we left in our ubers or whatnot, separate ubers, separate okay, But ever.

He's been acting so different, like there's no more compliments, no more texts in the morning.

Well, going back to the date night, was there like did you end on a hug? Was there a kiss? What was the level of romance?

It was like the typical like hug with the side cheek kiss. It wasn't okay, you know that's not terrible.

Where the paintings at? Do you keep them?

That's a good question as the kindling.

I'm going to be honest. We were sitting for a second and we had him in a bag and I think we left them on that unless he left them, I don't.

Have them.

Both you both didn't.

But what am I going to do with it?

Like it could have been a cute thing for your wedding day if this.

Maybe he was really proud of his work and you insulted.

Him, like maybe he thought he did real good job bad.

I don't know.

I don't know. Men's egos get hurt in weird ways.

Man, it was borderline offensive.

We're gonna we're gonna call him and ask him about it. We're gonna come back do your second date update right after.

This Second date update. Welcome back to Second Date Update.

And our listener, Vicky actually gave me a great idea. We should do a show hangout night where we all paint each other.

Wow, I'm down.

Will you paint me?

I would love to pain you.

Bro, I'm just gonna be wearing a brook and Jeffrey beated necklace, hold on with a bandana over my fort I don't.

Think that we need to be there. It's just between.


Guys are always into and that's not good about that for you too, anybody, I'm busy.

That's too bad.

I only bring it up because that's what Vicky did with her date Greg, with their clothes on, not the but they just painted each other's faces.

Not like the French Girl.

She is confused because they haven't planned another one yet, and in her opinion. She is slightly out of Greg's league, but she's willing to still give him a chance.

She's a nice Brooks, which no one asked.

Brookie, you've also you're also into charity. You've dated way down before. What do you have to say here to Vicky?

I don't know.

Maybe he's just too nervous. Maybe he knows that he's out of his league.

And some guys just automatically in their head are like, oh she hates me, I'm too ugly, and they write themselves off.

You could think, oh, I can't take her on a regular date. What do I do next? Dating a model?

Has that ever happened to you before, Vicky? Where a guy's like intimidated by you?

Yeah, I mean it's very That's why, like I kind of do dating apps because I feel like people get a little more brave behind their phone because guys will me but nobody will come talk to me. Yeah.

I mean I don't have any experience with something like that. But like, my best friend is drop dead gorgeous, and.

Thank you brook for complimenting.

The compliments are just flying around in the studio all morning today. You know what, Let's bring this good energy into the phone call. I'm gonna dial up Greg. We're gonna see what he asked to say. You ready, Vicky?

Yeah, all right, let's do it. Here we go. Hello, Hey, we're looking to speak with Greg. Is this hey?


I hope we didn't interrupt your nap or anything. But we're a radio.

Show, okay, but when something or something, no.

There is something we're doing, something called the second date update, where we're trying to help one of our listeners reconnect with you after you've been on one.

Date with her before.

Sounds like a great date.

Her name is Vicky. Okay, yeah, yeah, I remember Vicky?

How do you remember her?

She's all right, you know, she's pretty.

I feel like the date went all right. That's good, all right, if she's you know, in your words all right? And then why hasn't there been more interactions with her after the art date?

Because we heard a lot about.

It, so you talked to her about it?


Well, yeah, we we tried to get the review of the date from her first before we call you, and we're just she's really confused, like she's trying to figure out why there hasn't been any plans for a second meetup.

It's just I don't I don't know, man, it's just not a lot of depth to her, you know, a lot of depth.

I mean what do you mean by that? Like, what were you expecting?

Oh, she doesn't have a lot of interest or hobbies or like I was trying to ask her stuff, like what do you do? And she says she goes to work and then goes home, gets dinner, then sometimes watches a show, hangs out with her friends.


That's not deep enough for Greg. Yeah, Like I was trying to dig a little more, like do you go hiking or do yoga or play an instrument or sports?


No, no, I don't do any of that.

Okay, but she took you on a cool date night or yes, that's why she did.

You guys at art didn't didn't like she was too into art.

So that's a turn off for you that she doesn't have a lot of interests in general.

But yeah, I just wanted to have some sort of you know, interest or hobbies that we could share.

Like so wait, just because she's not interested now doesn't mean she couldn't be in the future.

I mean, some people, it's hard, it's hard being an adult and like balancing it all.

You know, some people don't get hobbies till they're like in their eighties and nineties.

Yeah, why do you think club was invented?

I mean, yeah, I guess that's true.


And look, here's one hobby that I can tell you she does have that you might not know about. Yeah, and that's listening to our radio show and secretly being on the other phone line. Is you strapping on conversations that we're having with people? That's really cool, right.

Are you?

She's been listening to this whole time. A smart one. He is quick, great, wow, wow, Greg, really he's got really So there's Vicky Greg.

You know what. You know why I didn't tell you what my quote hobby is, Greg, Because my hobby is actually me your hobby. Yeah, let me explain. He's just sitting here telling you, guys how pretty I looked that night. You think that was an accident? You think's the magical fear of Godmother just came into my house and she just hit me on the head with the wand and just I look like this.


No, it's because making myself look good is my hobby.

Okay, all right, well, okay, we think we may have hit sore spot.

No, because it's ridiculous. I'm looking for a husband and I want to look good for my said husband. Do you think I have time to go hiking? Do you think there's time for that? Do you know how long it takes to get hair extensions put in or get your lashes done? It's ours?

Yeah, Greg, you didn't.

You didn't consider that her putting energy into herself could be her own interest in her own hobbies.

I didn't, and clearly that naive in my part. I mean, she's very adept at it. Greg's scared.

Well, you know what, I tell you what. I'll tell you what, Greg, how about we go out. I'm not going to wear any makeup. I'm not going to do my hair.

Oh yeah, so that we.

Can have an in depth conversation, you can see the real meat, and we can actually spend some time together, and then you can decide if you'd like me to put that time into a hobby or you'd like me to put it in. She looks good.


Sorry, I feel like I'm kind of scared right now.

I feel like it didn't need to be said like that.

I think Greg just hung up. Oh you're still there.

We're trying to help you. Greg.

That's a pretty sweet offer. What do you think about that? Greg?

I'm fine. She still wants to put on a little bit.

And make him.

And you know that's not because doesn't.

Want you to give up your hobbies for him. He supports you and your hobbies, Vicky. That's why he wants to see you.

He wants a little depth, but not enough that would sacrifice how hot you are.

Okay, I see how.

It is very generous whatever whatever makes her happy. Oh what a sensitive, caring, understanding man you are. You're the type of person who deserves a second date paid for by a radio station, and we're willing to pay for that date if you want to see Vicky one more time. I mean, I didn't know what your hobby is one, but now that I know that your your hobby is.

Your face and body self care, then sure.


So Vicky, you still love for meeting.

Up with Greg.

Honestly, I'm I don't know, you don't know. I am so angry. It's not even just.

Show up looking like from how how would he know? I mean, what it takes to look like Vicky? No one would know.

It's not that it's him saying that there's nothing else there, Like, I just want you to know I also graduated college top of my class, like I'm not bozo. Yeah, and I was. That's listen, I am proud of that.

If you're going to be mad at anybody, you should be mad at Brooke. She was the one who was like, why are you even talking about how beautiful you are?

In the beginning of.

This Ye, she's the one that said that she don't appreciate her hobbies. Books, women supporting women, Yeah, ladies, women.

In clare that Greg was dating up Okay, I.

Think everyone's beautiful.

That she was giving him a chance.

Vicky, I am shocked and appalled about how this woman degraded you. I would love to hang out and we can talk about it.

Yeah, how's that feeling?

Meet up with Greg? Just to rub it in Brooks face?

I think you're fine, I mean just fine.

Is that it you're going to give her?

Is fine?


I still don't agree that doing your eyelashes and getting extensions as a hobby.

Like, Vicky, what do you have to say? Run out of time? One more date with Greg? She is clearly not a feminist.

I'll give him one last shot.

Suck Brooks in your face. Shout out to your favorite mantip.

Looking Jeffrey in the morning. You know there's a famous saying.

Nothing brings people together like having a common enemy.

I've done nothing wrong.

Vicky and Greg found their common nemesis, the anti feminists.

Yeah, don't you ever say that again.

Doesn't think that eyebrows can be a hobby.

Well, they're not a hobby, jeff They're not a hobby.

Okay, beauty sure can be an interest. But let's get a grip here.

It's happened more than a few times on our show where Brooke will say something make somebody mad. We're all being sarcastic by these jokes.

That are coming from us.

Although Greg, who knew he was in trouble, definitely jumped on the bandwagon and was like, yeah.

She doesn't believe in you. She hates your hobbies.

So you can imagine how that conversation is going to go between them on their second day. And for the record, because I've dated a lot of you, if makeup and beauty is your hobby, keep it up, Okay.

I told girls like that.

No, I told a girl once she looks better without makeup, and she's like, it took me two hours to do this, why would you tell me to not wear it.

Yeah, it's tough.

I have to be a feminist. Things like that make me not like that.

But make sure to follow our podcast at Brook and Jeffrey wherever you get yours, and you can email the show. We'll call that person who's not calling you back

Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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