Second Date Update: Lady In Red

Published Oct 2, 2023, 5:20 PM

An interaction on the dance floor led to one of the most embarrassing situations we’ve heard in a Second Date all year! Catch it right here in the podcast!

The second date up date.

What would hold back a fun, attractive guy from going out on a few dates right now?

Maybe like a lack of funds.

That's a good point. Maybe no time, Yeah, maybe.

His parents are his roommates, it'd be a little embarrassing. Or maybe he just got engaged and he's like, yeah, I probably she'd stop dating other people at this point.

Do I bring it up?

Because one of our listeners was engaged till about a year ago when his fiance broke things off, and then ever since that point he hasn't even had the urge to go out with anyone else. I bet, until recently when a special lady changed his mind. So let's talk to RJ about it. First of all, r J, I'm sorry to hear about your engagement, my man.

Yeah, it was.

It was pretty rap, but you know, I'm gonna through it. I'm pushing through.

We're sending negative vibes to your ex and positive.

Vibes to you that.

You were giving him to him.

Don't write hallbart carts, Okay.

So tell us about the new girl that you met. Who is she?

All? I met this woman, her name is London. I met her at a happy hour.

Oh, in person meet up. Okay, is it a friend happy hour? Co worker happy hour?

It was like a coworker happy hour. But I don't work with her like we have work friends. So she was there, right, and so we lock eyes and you know how you just instantly feel a connection when you lock eyes with someone.

Yeah, ever happened? Are you serious?


No, I don't know.

You don't ever like make eye contact with somebody and be like, oh, I just want to make out with them.

I mean I do think that, but usually they run away.

I'll be honest. That happens a lot to me as well.

Okay, all right, that's good.

Something clicks. The drinks were flowing, the conversations going great, nice and again it's been a long time, so I was feeling awkward, out of place, but the connection was so strong that I I still initiated and it was working out really great.

You know, that's awesome.

Was the connection strong or were the drink strong?

Which I feel like the connection was strong, but I don't know anymore after what happened.

What happened.

So the drinks are flying, we're having a good time. We end up back at her place.

Oh dang, things are going really well, yeah.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know, I'm still out of practice. So the music is playing and we're kissing, and then all of a sudden, you know, you know that song Lady in Red.

Oh my god. Yeah, I don't know what. It's like an eight it's like an eighties song.

Yeah, it's good. It's really good, very romantic, very romance. So we're slow dancing, and I mean, I haven't been to her place before, so and it's dark, so I might have fallen over the coffee table.

Where you fell.

I may have.

Seriously injured my ankle. And yeah, but you know what, she was really sweet about it. She gave me some eyes, and you know, I ended up standing on the couch for the rest of the night.

I mean, it's nice that she was really helpful, but it sounds like it kind of killed the romance.

Definitely killed the romance. There was nothing that happened after that got situated, and then she went to her room and I slept on the couch and I left early because I had a doctor's appointment, so I said bye through the door.

Wait for the ankle.

Yeah, it was like I gotta get this look at wow.

So you got online and like booked yourself in an appointment that it was that bad.

It was definitely difficult to sleep that night with all the pain and stuff. But you know, I'm not going to leave like a loser.

Well like a you know, are you in a walking boot now?

Like what happened?

So it was a pretty bad strain. So I had some compressed on it.

And okay, okay, has she called to like check in on you, because like that would be I mean, it's an automatic, easy way to contact somebody's.

I didn't hear anything back. You know, I thought I would have gotten a house everything. Okay, you know, let's try again another time.

She thought you had weak bones. She doesn't want that.

I mean, even if you're not interested in someone, you'd still at least check on them, like, hey, I was d right, unless you were really really whiny and complaining about it the entire time.

Which I mean people who handle injuries and sickness that no, you mean men.

Not like I had a cold, you know, but.


Okay, So how long has it been since that hangout at her place?

It's been a couple of weeks.

Oh dang, have you heard anything from like the coworker friends? That know her.

I haven't heard anything. I'm so confused.

This is definitely weird.

We're gonna come back and we're going to call London for you, the person, not the city.

Yeah, that'd be a little strange to do, but we're gonna come back.

We'll reach out and we'll try and get you your second date update right after this. All right, all right, can't hold on second date update.


I know Alexis has been to thirty weddings in a row this year, and this song apparently has not played at.

Any of them.

They played True for like thirty years at a wedding. They actually played Baby Shark at the wedding comes last night.

So that's how you know. It pretty similar.

Anybody who's familiar with this song is officially old. But the reason why we're playing it right now is because our guy RJ is gonna forever remember this song not as a happy time, but as a painful one. Because he was slow dancing with his date in her apartment ended up tripping over a coffee table and hurt his ankle, which totally ruined their romance.

She had to spend the rest of the night on the couch.

Like legitimately hurt his ankle, had to go to the doctors the next morning.

Right booked one that night.

The weirdest part is afterwards, his date London hasn't reached out to him at all.

To even ask if he's doing okay.

He didn't ask you. Is that a red flag for.

You should be?

You know usually it is. But for some odd reason, this connection, it's like I just.

She's hot enough that it's okay. She doesn't care. Is that what you're saying?

Or the ankle medication is really messing up your head right now and you're not.

Thinking that Maybe I don't know. I just gotta know what's going down, Like what happened?

Yeah, well we have an idea of what maybe caused it. Possible there's another answer for what went on.

But let's just a twist in the story.

Just like Lady in Red. You gotta be old to get that one.

Let's let's just dial this old school phone that we have.

Around here. Let's just do it, man, Are you ready?

I'm ready to do it?

Here we go. Hello, Hi, We're looking for London.

This is she.

Hey London.

Not sure if you've ever been on the radio before, but this is your day?

No, Welcome to the radio.

Hi, what is this about.

Well, we're a morning show called Brook and Jeffrey, and uh, we're doing something called the second Date Update.

I've heard of those, but who are you? Guys?

Who are Oh?

I swear we're the only program that has ever done this on the face of the very original.

Over here the second Date ogs.

Okay, Well, so if you've heard this segment before, you kind of get the gist. We're trying to help out one of our listeners with their dating life after.

They went out with you.

Okay, and there's a guy that you met up with a couple of weeks ago named r J.

Oh my god, yeah, you.

Might have met happy Hour. It sounds like you guys have a great night.

I don't know if I would call it great. That's not the word I would use. I do remember r J.

Yeah, Well, well he didn't have a great time either, even he says that it didn't go exactly the way he plan.

You don't know what her word she would use is. Maybe her word is fantastic.

Is that the case?


Maybe freaky?

I mean there was a a freak accident that happened.

Could be good I know.

It sounds great to me, like a freak accident where he tripped over your coffee table and heard his ankle.

Is that what you mean?

I mean, that's just the beginning of the wild ride that was the evening, because I thought he just.

Laid down on the couch.

He told us he laid down on the couch and like, you got him some ice in that walk?

How wild?

Yeah, it was kind of an end of the story for him.

Yeah, no, I got him some ice. But I don't know about any sleeping.

He said he struggled to sleep because his ankle hurt.

Yeah, I mean, I'm sure it did, but that didn't seem to stop him at all.

From what what did do?

Well? I went to bed and in the middle of the night, I hear a really loud noise, no like it sounds like a vacuum. And as I get closer to undoing my door, I'm hearing him like making noises, do you know what I mean, Like groaning.

Whoaha, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You guys, guys, guys, Can I can I just interject? Can I defend myself right now?

Send yourself from what vacuum?

Groom Okay, oh.

My god, sorry, are you calling me on the radio?


That's how this segment works London, is that we usually have the listener silently waiting on the other line until we hear what the problem was.

And I just thought that maybe he was groaning in pain. But why are you jumping in?

Oh Jim, I'm really not happy with you because I feel like we were about to get to the good part there.

Why are you stopping this?

All right? So first of all, first of all, I know what she.

Heard, but what did she hear?

Yeah, groaning noise?

I could so once again, I'm in all this pain. I'm trying to figure out. You know, you go to the you go to the website, you go online.

No laying on the couch, vacuum underneath a blanket, perched like a tent and he's making noises.

Okay, how crazy this sounds and looks crazy?

Wait, vacuum Okay, okay, sorry these.

Or pain is intent? I'm like, let me just look up online remedies for relieving pain in your ankle. Okay, that's an article that said you can use the suction of the vacuum to help the blood in the swollen area.

She lapping bloods lapping ridiculous.

Okay, so hold on.

It sounds like Jose you are on our J's side there. You think he was just vacuumting his ankle.

If you ever if you've ever.

Heard, if you've ever sprained your ankle and gone to physical therapy like when I didn't football, they massage and they try to get blood flow, I've never heard such a bud.

Technically, he is right. If you can get blood flowing around the area.

Did the nurse massage or ankle with their mouths and no vacuums?

Why would the ankle be on the ground to do said vacuuming? Why would it be on your track with a lot of injuries, no vacuums.

Vacuums? R J. Seriously, I was happy that you left without any question, and I figured after your night, your wild night with my vacuum, that you got what you wanted.

So did you keep the vacuum after that?

Or did you know and it was my neighbour's vacuum?

Should we have been calling Hoover for you.

I'm hoping that he didn't use the vacuum the way I'm pretty sure he did because I was cleaning up cat poop earlier.

With that, I'm going to yes, all right. Bottom line, I did not use that vacuum for what you thought or what it seems like I was using it for, I promised.

Okay, benefit of doubt, I guess I doubt that, you know what.

The only reason I didn't even bring that up with these guys is because I thought you were asleep. I didn't hear it.

Oh, I'm sure you did. I'm sure you did.

I will say our j.

One quick and easy way to prove it, tours. You could just forward on that link of that article about the vacuum.

I will send it right now.

I feel bad for this guy.

He literally is like in the worst pain, can't sleep, trying to help himself.

And I think he helped himself like that.

We could do an experiment in here, bring a vacuum in and test.

Out the theory. No, it has to be hurt first.

We can hurt Jo.

I'm looking on the tabs on my phone right now. It's not on here now, but when I find it, I will, right.

He's quickly making a blog post as a doctor.

Yes, okay, Well, while while RJ tracks down that website, I do need to ask London, would you like to go out on another date with r J?

That's something that we would pay for.

It would be something wild for me to turn down a free date, But I think that this is going to be it.

God, this second date update sucks in more than one r J.

I'm sorry yourself, but if you want, we can send you a gift card over to like Dyson or something.

What about a shot back that sounds like more your style?

Use a handback ID, Come on, guys, I really did use it for my ankle. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't do something like that in the stranger's apartment.

Yeah, why not at all, Rookie Jeffrey.

In the morning, we're getting a lot of text into seventy five nine two about what we just heard. One guy said, I actually tried that with a vacuum when I was sixteen and I had to go to the hospital.

Now, I don't know what it.

Means I tried that wish one.

Maybe we don't want to know.

A lot of people are saying they can't find the link to that medical tip either.


I'm sure he's going to find it eventually and send it to her. Three years from now, and she's gonna feel so dumb after he built a whole website just to.

Put the link exactly that is exactly right.

Yeah, Oh my god, I want to see the suction marks on his ankle. No, no, I don't.

Want to be involved anymore. We all need to take a shower. Yeah, we'll see.

The good news is that call went so horribly that your love life couldn't possibly be any worse?


I Or could it?


Text in seven, eight, five, nine to two or email the show if you want us to call that person who wasn't calling you back.

Please, no more household devices.

Yeah, Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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