We have a contender for one of the most ridiculous Second Dates we’ve ever done on this show, and you can hear the call right here!
Second date, up date.
Nothing worse than coming off of a first date knowing that you made a mistakes that feeling too well, he just brought up a bunch of memories from like last week. Yeah, I was like, man, I never should have ordered the King Crab while I'm definitely allergic to shelfing.
What was I thinking?
But it's impressive when you do it, because it means you're bawling out.
If I just keep stabbing myself in the neck with an EpiPen every five minutes, I can get through this.
And the mouth counts as a first kiss.
Turned on by one of our listeners wrote to the show saying he knows that he messed up, but he's hoping that his date didn't notice. The thing is, once I read what the mistake was, I mean, how could she not know?
Welcome to the show. What were you thinking?
Well, you know, I don't know what I was thinking. I thought if I if I just kind of.
Brought a little like added level of elevation, that a level of elevation.
Yeah, I mean, here's the thing we met.
On this dating Wait, real quick, real quick, what's her name?
Casey Okay, start at the beginning, tell us what went wrong?
Yeah, yeah, see we talked a little bit on on dating app. You know, everybody's on dating apps nowadays, and she agreed to meet up. We didn't like waste a lot of time. We're like, it's just paying out a local bar near my.
House, so innocent enough, easy.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I had this idea and I don't know, I ranted by some friends. They told me it was a good idea, and now it feels like they kind of were sabotaging me a bit. Oh god, I thought it might be a good idea to talk in a light British accent for a little bit. Do you always hear the concept that men with accents or sex here?
And you know, couldn't she see on your dating bio that you weren't British. I guess they would if I mean if I had European I don't know. If I was British and I was on dating apps, it would be the first thing I would, you know, any swipe rights of you around London.
To be fair, I don't think that you need to be British to use a British accent. I don't think women would care if you do a good enough one.
It could be pretty bad.
Talk to Britney spears about how well that works out for her.
Maybe he has a great British accent. Can we get a sample of it?
Well, I quite fondly pond that's just I had heard it in my head. I had was killing it.
Wait, will wait, So that you really did it on the date, like from the very.
Start, Well, I was a lot more locked in the day of the date. I was practicing all day, even when I was like going to like the gas station earlier, I was trying to be in character to make sure I had it down.
Okay, so we know why she's ghosting you. And in Britain it's called a petrol state. Did you say immediately.
He starts driving on the wrong side of What was her response when she first heard you talk like that.
Well, she asked if I was from there, and I said, I lived over there, just for a couple of months, like studying abroad.
Wait, is that his lie or is that really true that you lived over there?
It was a lie?
Okay, but that's not the point. Okay. I wanted to sell the story.
Okay, So you told her in a couple of months, you developed an accents, that's right, and.
Then moved and forgot everything.
Do you ever go to Canada and then next thing you know, you're saying a after.
Everything, it's not the same.
Met you a very impressionable young man. That's okay. Countries in a short amount of time.
Did Casey buy it? That's what I want to know.
It felt like if she stuck around, she was into it. That's how I played it. So she was sticking around, we were still hanging.
Okay, did you ever reveal your real voice?
So about two drinks in, I started kind of letting it slip my normal talking accent, but only in a few sentences here and there.
And you're like Mel Gibson in Brave Heart, like a couple with an accent, a couple with an American accent.
Over the place.
Yeah, during the course of an hour and a half, I probably went in and out of the accent half a dozen times, but some of the word could go either way. So I kind of thought, ash, maybe she didn't notice certain parts of it.
You know, I don't understand what's the long play on this, because if you actually like this girl and you want to go out with her again, you can't continue this your entire relationship.
Well, I figured I could slowly water it down until it was back to my normal accent, because the thought being I had been back in town long enough.
Yeah, reacclimating back into the American accident, start wearing like cut off shirts and like get really American with.
Southern accent, spitt and chew.
Okay, so how did you two leave it?
So we ended the day and it seemed fine, and then we just kind of went about our business.
So are you prepared to tell her the truth when we call her next or are you wanting to keep up this farce?
I don't know what do you guys think? Bro?
I think you have to look, this is a joke from the first ten minutes.
Then you tell her to waiting Ah the way where a show from the BBC and we all call with a British accent.
You like it?
Yeah, let's practice it right now, oh croke.
Sometimes there's Australia has multiple networks, so we're doing it from all over.
We can do it.
Yeah, we're really going to terrify this girl when we come back and scream at her in a bunch of different accents and try to get you.
Make some tea. You're gonna do it with your second date update right after that sold off second date update.
This is the news intro from the actual BBC. I knew that, and I just I genuinely don't believe that we can actually pull this off. But it's actually more of a moral dilemma for us right now than it is for our listener, Mitch, who's asked us for a second date update because he faked a British accent during his first date to impress a girl.
He haf faked it. Yeah, yeah, the American kept slipping out.
So clearly it didn't go very well for him, and that's why he's reached out to us for help.
Brooke has suggested that we follow his lie and pretend to call the woman that he went out with, named Casey, pretending to be from the news desk at the BBC in London.
That's right, Jeffrey, Right, and where on the job what do they call their job?
Sounds to American? Yeah, we're in the office, we're at the bathrooms. I don't.
This might be a this might be a disaster, but I have thought long and hard about what to do here.
And Mitch, are you still there.
I am still there.
Okay, So I think for better or for worse?
Oh, you think we need to tell the truth, we should.
Try the British accents for entertainment purposes. It's a packed that we're all making and.
All minute together. We all go down together, us full along with all good buddy Mitch Mitchell. No not Mitch.
Mitch's American Mitch is like a flat make that you've had since cons.
We need to stop with the accents.
So we're going to drive all of our listeners away on every continent. Broke, we're setting rules. You're only allowed four words or else you're going to totally botch this. Jose ou No, okay, there you go.
That's quota, probably even less than Brock.
Alexis unlimited. I don't think you'll know my accident.
Dude, Thank God for that ex boyfriend of hers.
Okay, Mitch, we're willing to do this for you.
We just have to be from some sort of British radio show and we're doing a segment called the Second Date shack Off. Yeah, Mitch, are you fully regretting the decision to call into this radio show today?
That's a terrible decision.
Are you kidding me. This is awesome. Let's do it.
I don't know why Jeffrey sounds like a male Mary Poppin.
I love it. Very formal, these Americans and their enthusiasm. I love it. Okay, let us give Casey a ring? Shall we?
Hello is Ah? Is this an American woman named Casey who's calling? Hello? Apologies for disrupting your day. I'm Jonathan Clark from BBC Radio four. You're on our morning talk show here in London. Oh, hello, hello, I apologize. That's my co host. She is quite drunk this morning. I apologize, Casey, are you there?
Yes, there's some kind of joke.
No, no, no, it's no joke. We've phoned you today because we're delving into the raucous dating lives of cheeky Americans.
Those Americans you mean British men.
No, no Americans.
Wrong, I forgot that our man that we're talking about used to live in Britain and then he was back in America.
Right, Okay, quite a few Irish coffees this month. So your name was actually given to us by one of our listeners, a former local bloke named Mitchell.
Okay, yeah, the two you had a bit of a snug and a bob the other night at an American tavern. I'm not sure what that means, but we had a date the other night.
Yes, so our jobs this morning is we would like to pry if you don't mind, and ask you a bit about how it went.
Okay, hold on, so Mitch talked to you.
That's right. Where are you? Yes, Mitch. Mitch spoke to us earlier.
He said, you two had a wicked good time, may have got a bit knockered at the bar, and we all want to know.
Is it factual or just a load of rubbish? She said it was more lovely though quite lovely.
Well, she was quite lovely.
You're trying to speak to our new American friend, Casey, of it.
I love Americans, Casey, I do apologize.
No British people love Americans.
In your opinion, Casey, how did it go?
This is so weird.
I know this calls a bit random, but you were doing this a huge service if you could just speak to us for a tiny bit.
Well, I don't know what exactly you guys are looking for, but I mean it was fine, Okay.
Well, at any point during the day was he acting a bit dodgy.
Well, there was a point towards the beginning of the day that I was a little taken aback because I didn't know he had a British accent.
I must have been a pleasant surprise to you then.
Well, to be honest, I wasn't really sure he was telling the truth. But it's all starting to make sense now, I guess because it's darker to you all.
No, it's true. You're never allowed to lie on British radio, that is one of the rules.
But on American radio they lie all the time. Just lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, and maybe sometimes they should come clean.
Okay, look, Casey, I understand sometimes first dates can be a bit tricky.
Yeah, definitely.
Yeah, you're trying.
To impress some one that you're meeting for the first time. So perhaps this was a situation going on with young Mitchell.
How is he better in British language just flows out to me. Here's the situation. The way that this segment works is we have the person that you went on a date with sitting on the other line, listening in on the conversation, and at the start of this call, we were not fully honest with you. So I do apologize for that, but he is there waiting to speak his piece. Mitchell, are you there?
Hello? There?
He is.
Night in shining Armor.
Mitch, is that you?
It is?
It's me again.
This is super strange. I mean, I'm not sure why you had to call England to well for second day.
He's a friend of our shows.
I'm very familiar with them. In my time there, I spent less into the Malarch and grew quite fond of them.
I mean, okay, I guess that makes sense. You a lot of trouble for me, so that's kind of cool.
Yeah, well you were.
I think of you as a quite proper fit third so I wanted to do whatever it Troup.
But remember, Mitch, this may be very hard to keep up, if you know what I'm saying.
Mitchell never shies away from a challenge, though, do you.
No, I do not. I'm quite reready for any challenge. Hell.
I believe that what my drunken co host is referring to over there is it's quite difficult to go out in the modern world because of the prices of everything. Inflation has made paying for things just absolutely preposterous.
And so that's what I was talking about.
Frankly, I have a very hard time understanding anything that you're saying this morning.
The gin has gone straight to your head.
So we're going to take care of all the finances and offer to pay for your next meet up with Mitchell.
Maybe some fish and chips and some mushy peas. Now you're making me hunger.
I'd love to cut a film with you as well. That's something I know we both share in common.
Tip to the cinema.
Why did you just sound like an American there?
Yeah, we have American roots issue.
What's to tell you that we're going over.
Telephones? You know? Unfortunately I am staring out the window and I do see Big Ben off in the distance, and we are running out of time.
The segment is nearly at a close. Casey, we need an answer from you, definitively yes or no. Would you like to go out with Mitch once more?
But I don't know why everybody's laughing, and I feel like I could be missing the joke here. Yeah, I'd like to try it again.
Way the Queen be.
Blessed past quite a while ago.
It's going to be a quite proper fine night, and we're going to have an incredible evening together. Again.
No guy has ever got in such trouble to try to get me to go out on a second date with this, So I'm impressed.
Anything for a special lady like yourself.
All right, which one you piped down for just a bit? It's another successful second date?
Snog off what's here on BBC Radio for Stay tuned as we recap all of the Beatles' greatest hits be.
Never out of Soil Here in London. It's looking Jeffrey. Oh no, it's a Jonathan Clark.
This is not good.
I know.
I'm the Chimney.
Suite looking Jeffrey in the morning. Brooke, Why would you keep saying in the middle of the call. Should we tell her now?
Because I thought we were gonna cut clean. That was like we tricked her into a date that wasn't cool.
The whole pack. Yeah, the whole British accent thing was your idea.
I was joking.
You were beginning.
Did you hear how bad his accent is? Again, it's worse than mine.
Still, we had committed.
You can't like pull back on it like you're trying to in your marriage.
You committed to it. You gotta follow Jeffrey.
When she said, oh now I believe him, I felt really terrible.
If she's willing to buy that, you shouldn't feel bad for her Next time.
You're just gullible.
Next time, just roll with it, Brooke.
I'm sick and tired of having to step up and save your butt on every single second.
Can I make a.
Request if you have an accent, I would love to see if we could do as many accents as possible on this show.
If you had a bad date, let's do second date.
No, it's an every accent. I know that's your dream, and I'm putting a stop to that right now. This is the one and only. We're one and done.
Let's get our show canceled.
Call in if you want to hear you can go to the Brook and Jeffrey podcast. If you missed it, find all of our second dates there or on the BBC four radio network.