Second Date Update: I'm Cabo Single

Published May 1, 2024, 3:40 PM

It’s been YEARS since the two people on the phone went on a date in an exotic location, but after a little bit of romance, a few drinks and a long layoff we’re gonna try to see if they’re the perfect fit for a Second Date Update!

Second date up date. Normally, when we do these second date calls, people are asking for help with the person they went out with a few days ago, maybe a couple of weeks back, sometimes even up to a month, and they're disappointed the other person isn't responding. But one of our listeners, Bo says he wants to reconnect with a girl through us that he hasn't seen or spoken to in almost two years. WHOA, So this is probably going to be interesting. I'm curious to know what the story is. Yeh, Bo, welcome to the show.

Hey, thanks guys.

Now, Okay, I understand playing hard to get, but two years it's a little extreme.

So you guys wait two days to call, I wait two years?

Why wait that long to reach out?

Well, let me give you a little bit of background. Okay, So this happened when I was on vacation in Mexico two years ago and she was also on vacation. She was there with a friend. I was there with a group of buddies. It was a cabo and the whole place kind of had these like spring break vibes.

Yeah, party party town.

Yeah, party city, lots of booze, all that sort of stuff.

Okay, so this is already a lot different than a lot of the second days where we do where people are meeting on apps and stuff. You're meeting on a spring break basically.

Yeah. So we go into this one bar and I see these two girls that are sitting down at the other end of the bar. One of them I thought was really cute. And the thing about them that I noticed was they seemed like kind of out of place because they weren't partying like crazy like everybody else. And Okay, I like that because I wasn't going too hard either. That's not so much my scene.

Like, yeah, so they were entering the wet t shirt contest, they were just taking themselves.

They were having a cocktail, they were being chill, you.

Know, and Jeff so bored right now, Well, now someone has to babysit. I understand responsible people.


Yeah, that's a good point too. So did you go talk to them? I assume, yeah.

Yeah, So I go over there, I sit down. Let's start talking to the girl that I think is really cute, Shila. Yeah, and we sort of bonded over that we were both the two lame ones in this crazy groom.

It's kind of funny.

So we talk, you know, we learn like where we're from and like what we do and all this stuff. And it turns out we're staying at the same hotel.

Okay, whoa are you guys from the same city or no?

I mean, are we going to try to get a hold of her across the country.

She's from a different state. She's from a different state.

Oh, okay, interesting, Okay.

I don't know what I was thinking. I was just I was into this girl, and so I told her my room number, and I was like, Hey, why do you hit me up tomorrow and let's go get lunch.

Okay, that's cool, very sober way to ask somebody out in Cabo.

Well, it's not very forward.

I mean, like honestly, like you're in Cabo, your party and even if you're not going as hard like I would just think hook up, right, Like, that's what I say.

I thought the story was not like a lunch date the following you say, here's my room number. That yes, there's some implication there, maybe not with bow and shade.

Would you like to go get some fresh squeeze juice in the morning?

Ways say good night? Middle of the night, he called my.

Room yeah, exactly what you were hoping for, being.

Honest, Well, yeah, but it didn't turn out that way. So she called in the room. She is freaking out.


He tells me there's like these drunk dudes that are banging on her door and scaring her and a friend.

Oh my god, that's scary.

Yeah. So I get dressed, I go to her room.

Oh you went good.

Yeah, you're just gonna go back to bed.

I'm gonna I'm not going to intervene. I'm gonna get like hotel security or something. I don't want to get involved.

That is a smart thing to do, is hotel security. One dude against a group of men, like, you're not going to back like that.

One of the most romantic things you could do is get beat up for a girl before. So, how many bones you should try to fight? How many bones did you break bow when you went and tried to stop the drunk guys?

Well, no bones were broken. There were there were like four or five dudes and they were just being told I guess that they'd like seen them earlier in the day in the room and they.

Were that's scary.

Yeah, it was super weird. So I go down and I tell them to get the hell out of there, and they did.

They left nice.

Okay, I bet she was so grateful. Did you talk to.

Her she was, yeah, you know, she of course heard the whole thing to the doors. She liked that, and she asked so she could come back to my room. She did, and then we ended up making out.

Yeah you did, You're a hero.

It was a good makeout session. But that's it. That's all we did.

Okay, that's cute.

So I got her number and that was it. But the thing is, I didn't see her the rest of the trip at all, Like I tried, but either she wasn't in a room when I tried calling a room, or she didn't and she never texts to be back. And I called her one time after I got back home and she didn't pick up and I left her voicemail and that was that. It was two years ago.

Are you sure she was single?

You know, like she got wrapped up in the moment she only kissed you, and then she was just like, oh my god, I did something terrible.

That happened on Brooks last Mexican and my.

Husband was with me.

Yes, awkward.

Did you ask her if she was single?

Well no, no, I just sort of assumed if she wasn't, she wasn't going to do anything.

Its two years now, so even if she got single, she's I mean.

And I think the rule in Cancun is everybody is single in Cabo. Oh well that's a different that's a whole different business.

Yeah, they have a different rules.

This is crazy, though, because you haven't seen or spoken to her in two years, and now we're going to reach out randomly out of the blue to see if she remembers you.

Yeah, how are we even going to say, like Nick from Cabo? Do you that's it?

Well, well yeah, his name's Bo, so that would help.

Maybe she also had a Nick in Cabo. Maybe that's why she's not calling.

Oh no, she's like, oh my god, love, that's the one that Brooke made out with on her family baking.

Sorry, okay, you know, look, I know it's a long shot. It was so long ago, but I figure if anybody can do it, you guys can.

So okay. And she wasn't drinking, so she should remember. I think she was drinking. She wasn't drinking as hard. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it wasn't like that.

She wasn't crazy like that.

No, she was just injecting stuff. It was fine. So we're gonna come back. We'll call Sheila and try and get you your second date update two years after you last saw her, right after this, she's still in right now, hold on second date update. For most young single people, a trip to Cabo is all about to keep the shops wet, t shirt contests, getting your wallet stolen on.

The beach, right, Yeah, but I have my passport to that.

It's not an authentic Mexican trip if you're not robbed somehow. But that wasn't the case for our listener Bo. The only thing stolen from him was his heart when he met a woman named Sheila at a bar there two years ago. And the craziest part, they were both sober when this all happened.

Sober ish, Jeff. They both were drinking cocktails. They just were as wasted as their friends.

Even still, that's shocking, and Bo has thought about her ever since that trip has never been able to reach her. That's why he wants us to try and do it for him today.

I don't know that we asked what motivated you to finally take this step?

I you know, I just had a birthday, and I went, I'm not getting any younger.

Tell her that desperation us all at some point. Okay, we're just gonna go with the more romantic version of that story.

You have yet.

And a still of your hair or whatever it is? No, no, no, jeff Well, somewhere in the middle of those is what we're gonna go with. Yeah, okay, you ready to do this?


You haven't talked to her in two years.

And don't be insulted if she doesn't remember who you are.

Yeah, Brooke doesn't even remember who you are. And we talked to you five minutes ago.

So his name is is right, I'm strong and strappy, and it is what he told us. Remember, he's a hero that took on four to five men.

It's a little much, but I like it. Here we go. I'm dialing Shila right now.


Hi, we're looking for Shilah.

Yeah, this is she.

It's okay. You don't have to be afraid.

Oh, I don't know. This would be such a weird call to.

Get We're just a friendly morning radio show called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.

Hey, Shila, Hey, oh this again.

I can do that. We have to get there first, So I'm really sorry to interrupt you whatever you're doing, Sheila, but we're trying to help out one of our listeners with a segment called second Date Update. Okay, okay, and this is a guy that you met two years ago on a trip to Mexico.

While she says, wow, yeah, you were in Cabo.

Yeah that was that was a long time ago. Oh oh my god, Oh my god.

Oh so there's this guy named Bo that you hung out with a little bit.

Yeah. Yeah, Oh my god.

He's a guy who rescued you from all those men pounding on your door, which I can't believe would be so scary.

Oh my god. Yes, that was such a long time ago. I hadn't really thought about this guy forever.

Oh that's okay.

Well now you're thinking about him now, and he sun You sound happy that the memory.

Kind of, but like, so much has happened since then.

Okay, okay, what is this about.

Well, this whole segment is about seeing if you remembered Bo, because I don't know if you know this, but after your trip ended, both said, he tried to reach you.

Right right, Yeah, But like back then, everything was so complicated.

I mean, we knew you were in a relationship, weren't you.

God, I was engaged at the time.

Oh god, Oh my god, girl, Well you were engaged.

Wait does that when you're married? Are you married?

No? I was engaged to two guys actually.

At the same time. God casually.

Okay, So like back then, I was a hot met and I did a study abroad in Italy and I met this guy and we hit it off and he ended up proposing and I said yes because I felt bad.

Oh wow, you said yes because you felt bad? Yeah, yes, that's what I was going to say.

I mean I was leaving and I was like, yeah, I'll marry you, and then, you know, I laughed, and then I never talked to him again.

Oh okay, waiting, I did get anything that was a nice gratuity from my track culture.

That's one proposal. How did the where is the second proposal?

So I leave Italy and I go home to my other boyfriend and you missed me and he proposed, and I, you know, I said yes.



So then you went to Cabo while you're engaged to two men and made out with bo yes, which.

Made things even more complicated, and I felt so horrible about it.

Well, you're lucky Bowden proposed to you, because you probably would have said yes to that too.

Maybe maybe in my life.

So wait, did you end up getting married to anyone?

I know they both fell through like karma eventually caught up to me. I guess.

Wait, okay, so what's your relationship status now?

I'm casually dating someone. It's nothing serious.

Yeah, but to him, he's like mom, dad, just casual relationship with my husband. It's like, not that scenious.

It's hard. I mean, honestly though, it's hard to trust you.

Yeah, it is, I guess, but I told you the truth. I'm an open book.

Now, Okay, why would you make up all that embarrassing stuff about yourself?

I believer?

Yeah, well you know what, that is definitely kind of an embarrassing story. It's nice that you were able to tell us the truth here. So now it's our turn to tell you the truth. The truth is we want to help you bring back some of your past right now by fling bow Is on the phone right now, listening to this conversation, wanting to talk to you.

Should I hang.

Up right now?


There I am here.

Yeah, you're acted like bo is going to be excited after hearing all of that, Like, yeah, Bo.

That was that was a lot. Uh. So let me get this straight. So when we hung out two years ago, you were engaged to two different guys, one of whom you weren't even really talking to anymore.

Well, right, I'm no longer talking to any of them. But Hi, by the way, Hi.

It's very good to hear your voice. And I really like hanging out with you. And I know it's crazy because, like you said, literally all we did was make out one night, But I just I can't. I can't stop thinking about you, and I guess you're.

Still thinking about me.

Did you just laugh?

Wait? I mean, but like, can I ask did you even like me?


Were you actually into me? Or was this just a nothing thing?

Or I I mean, I like you enough to make out with you.

I mean, this is a lot.

Right now.

It's hard because you were You weren't just the other guy, Bo, you were the other other guy. Yeah, so you were you were.

Mister right now, you know what I mean.

It hurts so bad, but it's true.

Yeah, I get it.

It's really sweet of you. I thought about.

You, and he's gone like he's gone through all of this effort reaching out to our show that this is a pretty complicated process in order to get this done. I mean, honestly, we probably should have done this as a closure call. Well think about it. He kept your number for years just in case, hoping he could use.

It any number who deletes a contact.

I mean that happens, friend.

I mean, I guess I was just gonna sort of ask Sheila, you know, I mean I I did take in the fact that you were single. Yes, that did register with me, and I tingle.

Yeah, it wasn't like fully single.

Yeah, I guess in this whole scenario, kind of single is essentially single casual relationship.


No, I guess I was just gonna say, like, this whole thing has been the biggest long shot ever. And I know we don't live in the same city and all that, and I don't know about logistics or any of that stuff, but like, would you be open to like some kind of a long distance.

Dating thing, And if you're open to that idea of possibly making it work, then we would love to help facilitate that by paying for your official first date.

I mean not because I've.

Also been told long distance relationships don't need too much.

Trust, it's very It might be just their type.

Acaila. This You've had two failed proposals, but the third times the charm is what they say.

To that.

Okay, she'll say yes, yeah, unless her casual relationship proposes first the four.

You know what I say, Let's give it a shot.

I bet.

He enthusiastic. Yeah, good, I'd like to follow up. So we're getting rid of the side guy.

Right by the time we go on a day, he'll be history. Don't worry about it.

The great, thank you, Thank you, guys.

Congratulations, bo you're mister right now again. Yeah, they'll take it, Take it, Rookie Jeffrey in the morning. If there was a children's fairy tale about their story, and there really should be, it would be called the Girl who Couldn't Say No. She went into the fraternity house late at night. This frat bro is too swoll, this frat bro is too thin on. This frat bro is just right. I'm going to marry them all, and they all lived happily. She left, goodbye. Where is that children's fairy tale book?

Please don't write it.

And you guys were so glossying over the fact that she's not even single.

Yes, so casual.

When you have a person who is engaged two people at once and making out with another one, I don't know how much she would trust her reception of casuals.

Trust yes. I feel like they need to go back to Cabo together and finish what they started. Officially, maybe we.

Should do the show live.

Because of their day, someone has to translate Spanish for me though. I mean, you never know. It could actually work out, but make sure you go check out all of our second dates wherever you get your podcasts at Brooke and Jeffrey

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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