One of our listeners needs our help piecing together his night because he woke up not in his bed, not in her bed, and not even in a bed at all!
The second date of day. I try to think back about the time in people's lives when they partied the most, and I'd say, if you went to college, it was probably there.
Oh yeah, you should see what happened to my GPA when I moved into a sorority house.
It's not perfect grades. I mean, the thing is, even if you didn't go to college, it probably happened at the college frat party that you crashed. Also true, that was where you went the hardest. And I know our listener today, David, he didn't go to a college party, but he says he's sure raged like he was at one during his first day. Oh wow, David, you sound like my type of guy.
I mean, like ten years ago you would be. I don't want anything to do with you now, but we're glad. Welcome to the show man.
Hey, how are you okay?
Are you good?
Are you saying this with pride or with shame?
Ah, lots of shame. I'll say, Okay, that's where.
I needed to know where we're starting at.
I would own it, but that's okay.
Yeah, I mean I'm owning it, but I could have made a whole ful amount of myself. I have no idea.
Oh oh okay, well what do you remember? Do you remember this girl's name?
Yeah, so I do, because she was super attractive to me. We matched on a dating app, me and Melissa and Melissa. One of her pictures she had like an oversized band tee and you know, like a bunch of piercings all the way down her ear. Okay, yeah, so I mean she seemed really cool right up my alley, Like she knows how to party. That's what it seemed like.
Okay, so you're going into it thinking like this girl can party, let's go.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure. I didn't think she was any kind of prude, Like I thought that we could you know, the wall, like.
Let loose and all right, exactly, Well it's too late, it's already been set.
Okay, all right, this girl looks like she knows how to have a good time. So what do you do for your date?
We were going to meet up at a bar, was the plan I got there.
You know, I'm sure party girl wants to meet up at a place.
Well, you knew where this was going, you know, I wasn't thinking it was going to be a museum.
Did you set up the date when you were talking to her like all right, let's go party, or were you like, let's go about a coptail at happy hour?
Well it wasn't happy hours a little later than that, but I just said let's meet up for some drinks.
It all right.
It started off me getting there a little bit early, and I was nervous because she seemed really cool and I wanted to seem cool. So I was getting loosened up. You know, I feel like I'm a little funnier, a little a little more uh loose. When I've had a couple.
Drinks, I make cour So you're already ahead of her when she shows up. What is it like when she gets there?
It was great. We were laughing, having a great time. It seemed like we were really connecting. She seemed super duper cool. Go yeah, well.
Maybe not what happened.
I continue to drink pretty fast and heavily, and we didn't need It was around dinner time and we really didn't need dinner.
Also, I don't remember having a single glass of water as well.
No, you got sloppy.
Yeah, I'm with you, dude, waters for the week.
Yeah, that's not a cute.
Look if I want water.
I have a michel of ultra you know.
Okay, where was Melissa in her drinking?
I'm not one percent sure honestly it was that bad. Yeah, I kind of I kind of browned out. I'll say I had like memories here and there, you know, but I remember having fund like we were playing like shuffle board, like bar shuffle board. We had a lot of fun. But I wasn't really counting her drinks, which maybe I should have tried to like stick with where she was. Yeah, one of the last things that I remember is leaving in an uber.
With her or without her.
Yeah, I am not one hundred percent.
Sure she could have been in the car. I can't believe that you Uber.
Even let you in. I'm pretty good at pulling off being blackout, Like my friends will always say, like what you really and.
Sounds like you have a high tolerance and this is still So you made it home.
And so I woke up in a random, gigantic house that I had never seen before. Yeah, I was by myself. Didn't recognize anything, like wait, like.
A suburb house, like what type of house?
Like furniture and stuff are empty like it was.
There was furniture and stuff, like, obviously somebody lived there, but it was really really clean, and whoever lived there is probably pretty well off because it was well maintained and the furniture was really nice.
Probably house.
Would it hurt?
These are the questions that I wanted. I want to know the answers to these, Like, that's why I need to get in touch with her.
Do you have any like photos on your photo gallery or anything that could give you any clues?
Oh? None, I literally so I freaked out. I didn't know where I was, so I started gathering all my stuff as much of it as I could. I think I left my vape there.
But when I.
Was running out the door, there was an older woman that was definitely not Melissa yelling at me, and I don't really know what she said. So I literally just like busted out of the door as fast as I could and ran down the street. And like, I've texted Melissa a couple of times to kind of like, I mean, yeah, i'd love to see her again. I'd love to take her out on another date if she'll have me. But really I just want her to connect the dots. Yeah, oh no, And she still has not responded.
I want to know these answers too. I tell you to, like, yeah, chill out and hit your vape, but obviously you can't do that.
Ye don't do that.
I'm like, I'm crazy anxious because I have no idea if I've made a fool of myself, Like, I don't know what I can.
Guarantee you made a fool of yourself.
I don't think that there's any question about that.
It's just how you did it. I mean, this is like a regular Tuesday night for Alexis on Thursdays. Actually, excuse me, I mean to be fair exactly.
I keep it close.
Yeah, we're going to try and get to the bottom of it. We're gonna call Melissa and try and get you your second date up date right after this.
Thank you.
All right, hold on, if you're just joining us for the second date, we're talking to probably the biggest partier we've ever had on the show, at least since Rufer. If you've never heard of Rufer. He's the type of guy who likes to pregame a funeral. But David, who's on the phone today, might actually have him beat. Not name though, we'll come up with one for him. But he did admit that he partied a little bit too hard the night of his date with Melissa, doesn't remember everything. The weirdest part, though, was waking up the next day in some random nice house in the suburbs where some old lady was trying to like talk to him or yell at him before he ran out, ran out and got out of there.
He doesn't know whose house it was, He doesn't know how he got there. He doesn't even know if his date was in the Uber for goodness sakes.
Yeah, and the worst part is he's been trying to figure out what's going on in Melissa. Won't we spawned to any of his texts, which is why he's turned to us for help here.
So I realized I'm talking to you earlier. I did make a mistake. I just realized that Melissa texted me late last night. What My heart absolutely dropped out of my shoes because she just texted me, you need to pay for what you did.
Oh No, was there like a sexy emoji after it?
Or was it like an angry one?
There was a there was a period at the end.
It's gonna be in the uber situation.
That's Alea speaks from experiencing that he would have known that his clothes the next morning.
No, maybe my clothes did not smell great. So anything possible.
Okay, I'm just going to say, get your credit card ready for the end of this policy.
I mean, are you are you interested in going out with Melissa really? Or do we just want the answers?
I would love to go out with her again. I mean, I think that's why I got so drunk because I was so nervous.
Did you hear the last.
Thing Melissa texted I would on the date.
Yeah, we'll try and nudge her in that direction. For now, it's just going to be trying to fill in the blanks for you. We're gonna call it here we go. Hello, Hey, we're looking for Melissa. Sounds like you're in a good mood today. That that's nice. Yeah, we're a radio show called Brooke and Jeffrey in the Morning.
Oh, I know that show.
We made it.
That's weird. Hey, what's up, guys?
What's up? We're tap on you right now? What we've done? I'm just dding No, we're doing a second date update because apparently, rumor has it, you went out with a guy the other night named David.
Oh god, Oh, yeah, you have to dish because I just know that there is a big story behind whatever went down on your date night.
Background for you is that we've heard some bits and pieces of the night, at least the parts that David remembers, but we're hoping to get some.
More that he remembers.
Yeah, it's it's a little hazy for him, but we heard that you did text him, I think last night he said saying that he needed to pay for everything for what he did. But what he did, but that was so vague.
He actually has no idea what you're even referring to bout.
But he remembers having a good time with you.
Yeah, Jeffrey, I don't think that he does remember having a good time with me because so basically like we had drinks and then.
Yeah, so let me tell you. What he told us is that, okay, he did drink a little bit more than he wanted to because again, he was having such a nice time and he was nervous and thanks, you're amazing. But the last thing that he remembers is being in an uber too, he doesn't know where, and then waking up in some random house. Can you help us figure out where he went, or even if you know, I don't know if you know anything.
In the uber I was in the uber. Yeah, he didn't even know what the are you serious?
Oh my gosh, just tell us the story if he can't.
Was he amazed?
Okay, so he seems like he was drinking too much, and I was like, okay, I think it's really time to go. But he could not even tell me his address. He'd be like, yeah, let's go, let's go already.
Oh no, is that a line that you've used before, Jose, Like I don't know where I live. You better take me back to your where you live.
So now you're just babysitting this guy and you.
Can't to get him home. So whose house was it? Was that your house?
I wasn't going to bring him back to my apartment with this, like dude on a first date. He's obviously like way too drunk.
Yeah yeah, yeah, smart move.
So my parents kind of lived near the bar. Oh gosh, yeah, it was like it was like one am. I called my parents, who were, needless to say, not happy, and my mom has like these figurines and he walked in and like my mom went to grab some water, and he like started playing with the figurines and like he broke two of them.
Oh, oh my god.
And he was going to be like sick. So he like asked where the bathroom was, and I like brought him to the bathroom and then he like slipped on a vase and like broke that too.
He was one of those stumblings.
Yeah, my mom is like, I do not want this person ever in my house again.
So going back to your text that you sent him where you said he needs to pay for everything that he did, I'm assuming that you're referring to all the things he broke in your mom's house.
Yeah, you broke all this stuff, and like I didn't know he had no idea it was my parents' house. I thought he knew that. The whole time.
He's he's learning a lot of stuff the more that you're talking, because he's actually listening to this whole thing right now. Yeah, remember how the second dance work. They're listening on the other line.
Oh I didn't know it was like always automatically live.
Yeah. Yeah, David wants to talk to you.
So let me start my three part apology by first.
Saying, are you so shocked that it was her parents?
I'm so shocked that she was with me the whole time seeing it, because I was really in I'm really into you, Melissa. I think that you're very tracked. I thought we had a great time.
You're already trying it. Sounds like you're already trying to save it.
Huh, you're trying to get I would i too. I mean, this is the first time that I've woken up in a date's parents house.
Melissa, I'll send you an itemize the list of all the things that were broken, and maybe then we can take it from there.
Oh, that sounds like an invitation.
I can come over and aposize to your mom like I appreciate her thing. She did not come over.
Well, your mom doesn't want to hear from David.
I'd go over and give her some flowers, but I don't. I don't even remember what part of the city she lives in.
It's a sweet gesture.
Flowers around this area.
No, not this house, no, the next house.
I'd really check in on how much money you will first, David, to see if you have any funds left overs.
Okay, we're dealing with a lot of like debt collecting and finance stuff. Let's get back to like the love aspect of this, which I'm sure still must exist somewhere. Melissa, is there a chance that you could look past the mistakes that he made on your first date? He was wasted.
It's just basically like, if you pay my mom back, then you have integrity and you're a cool person enough for doing that that, then I would consider getting to know you more, but it's not.
An incredible story to tell our kids.
Well, before you go down that path, we would like to offer to send you out on a second date that we will pay for.
I'm gonna I'm gonna need that after my debt.
Continents on you paying the mom back first.
So yeah, Melissa, I would go out with you if you make it right with my mom.
Okay, so maybe you guys could exchange venmos make it real hot.
Yeah, I'll text you my venmo after this call.
All right? So it sounds like true love is blossoming before our very.
Eyes, just out of curiosity. How much we think in here? How much do you think that that's going to be?
I don't know, like I don't know, two or three grand probably.
Oh figures, man, that's an expensive second date that you d that's going to be paying for here, that we're.
Gonna have to take it out of our wedding.
Mus spirit, buddy, that's the spirit
Broken Jeffrey in the morning,