One of our listeners tells us she had an “intense moment” on her date, but it was a GOOD intense. So good, she’s desperate to get a Second Date Update with us!
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Yeah. Sorry, sorry, my god.
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Second Date updated.
What's worse than getting ghosted? Should we have a term for that?
Get him deceased?
Good, crypti, cryptid, black holed?
I bet these are all terms already that we probably shouldn't google.
Maybe whatever you call it.
That's what our listener, Nicole says happened to her because not only did her date block her, he's removed his entire dating.
Profile from the apps. So Nicole got black hole bad.
I think she just got blocked.
Actually it really doesn't sound right now that I say it out loud, But Nicole, either way, welcome to the show.
Thank you.
I mean you are very perky for someone who is devastated.
I'm sorry, why on earth would you want to get a hold of someone that's blocked you?
If I did anything wrong, I want to know about it.
Interesting. So let's start at the beginning. Tell us about this guy that you met.
Okay, So I met Elijah on a dating app and Elijah on his dating profile. It was very clear. It literally said here to find my wife with intentionality.
And wow, okay, so he's not here to just have fun and see what happens.
He's like, right, he might be married.
I thought Alexis was going to break out in hives you just reading that description of something else.
I feel like a lot of women would be turned off by something that strong, but that was appealing to you, Nicole.
Yeah, I'm looking for something serious. I want to build a future with someone. So I found it really refreshing.
Okay, Okay, I mean most people are so vague.
It's a lot of pressure going it into a first date like that.
You know, so you went to Vegas to get hitched for your days fun.
I mean I would be really pissed if we got married on a first date and then never heard from him again.
And yeah, what did you guys do?
Okay? So we got together and we did something a little different that was really really fun. Like, neither of us have pets, but we both are animal lovers. Okay, So we went to a local dogs parts and we just shat and we chatted and we watched dogs and.
Did you bring your dog?
She doesn't have one.
You don't have a dog, That's.
What I was going to ask you. I have never done that. Can you just show up to a dog just a normal park? Yeah, I've never even though to do that.
Dog a bar where people bring their dog, like.
Your banned from most public spaces, but that's.
Not because of the dogs. Okay, women.
Still, I think this is really cute because it does sound like a date that a couple who's been married for twenty years.
Yeah, instead of people watching your dog watching? How was it?
It was really fun? It was great, Like it was so true. And then afterwards we drove around the city and he found this like really cute area and we pulled over and he kind of like pointed out some things to me that I hadn't known, and we ended up making out in his truck.
Oh my god?
Why yes?
What was also interesting, which I actually really liked, is like he stopped halfway through like the makeout session, and he just like put his hands around my face in a way that was really sweet, and he said, look, I just want you to know that I'm looking for my wife and I don't want this to be a one night thing.
Whoa you could not laugh with some subscribing such a tender moment.
No, you get so comfortable.
You have such a hard time with emotions. It's something else.
Yeah, two hands.
No, that that was very sweet. I thought that was very a nice moment to stop and makeing out.
Both hands, grab both cheeks, bring making a white cart.
Ye's nice. I was like, oh my god, maybe this is my teacher husband day.
That moment was special.
Yeah, maybe you guys are perfect for each other.
Yeah, that's true. Everybody's in different spaces of dating. If she is ready for this, if this is what you want, Nicoll, then we got your back on it.
But how messed up that you do that? You say that to someone and then you block her.
What happened after that? Did something left?
He gave me this romantic kiss again and he was like, look, I'm looking for mine forever, and I hope it's you.
I hope.
I thought that the whole time it was you, And that was the face grab and the stuff.
Maybe too much. We don't know, like, I really hope you it's you.
I don't know it sounds like he's now a host of a reality shit.
Yeah, I don't find out when we come back from the break and spind the giant wheel.
No giant. I really hope it too.
It does sound like that.
Not again, So okay, how long ago was that date?
This was about a week and a half ago, And like, I went home after my yoga craft and I said, specifically, like, oh, I want to see what he's up to, but I don't want to message him. Let me go look on his profile And I went on the app and I was like, what the hell, Like, why are we no longer match?
Where are all our messages?
Is it in your mind that maybe somebody else has stepped in and like he found I mean because people are dating on like lots of people on these apps all the time. Maybe he found somebody else.
Sounds like me if someone proposed to him, he'd say yes, yeah.
I said I love you to a lot of people that I didn't mean it too. So well that's just me, I'm sure, Yeah, I think.
And Jeff laughed at himself through the whole thing. So uncomfortable with big emotions.
Let's figure out where Elijah's head is at. Why he took down his dating profile.
And it totally makes sense why you would want answers here.
I looked Instagram and I was blocked there, Like I literally can't see anything that's not good.
Okay, well right, it's a bad sign.
I hope we don't block you at the end of this either. We'll find out when we come back.
Get some answers and your second date update. Right after this second date update, Vegas.
Has set the odds at nine to one that this call ends in a marriage proposal.
Wow, I'm really bad with gods.
I'm honest.
No, you never know, should be well, I don't really know it.
You know what, Jeff, I'm not gonna bet anymore.
The fact that even Vegas is in on this should be kind of shocking, because Nicole has asked us to call a guy named Elijah who repeatedly told her that he is not dating casually.
He says it a lot, he says on his dating profile, he says it in real.
Life, very intentionally searching for his wife, and even stopped mid makeout to grab her face and remind her this Frenching isn't for fun.
It is a life hunt.
I'm sting atone with this tongue.
So afterwards, the weird part is, what did I know? Afterwards he blocked in Nicole.
And deleted his entire dating profile.
And for Nicole, it's like, I'm guessing, Nicole, maybe I'm wrong. This is like the most romantic thing that's probably ever happened on a first date.
Right, Yeah, I felt like a real connection. I thought to myself, Oh my gosh, like this guy knows what he wants, and like I was so hopeful, and then all of a sudden, it's like, how can I not take this personally? Like, not only did he delete the profile, block me on all socials, I don't even know if he's going to answer your number.
Yeah, well, this is one of those dudes that actions speak louder than words. They'll tell you everything you want to hear, and then they won't follow through and do it.
I still feel like that, I hope it's you. Line is just not sitting right with me, Like it feels almost like there's a job opening and he's trying to fill a position, Like he's not connecting with you, He's just trying to make this next step.
I don't know, I don't know.
Maybe I'm reading too much of it into it.
Maybe he found one of those Russian bride websites and he realized how easy it is to do that.
So I hope that's not the answer, but she loves me her to say, let's call see if he picks up, and hopefully he has some explanation.
I'm donning his number right now, let's do it.
Hey, is this Elijah? Yeah, this is a rat your show. We're called Brooke and Jeffrey in the Morning, and we are a hoot and a half.
Oh my god, we are.
It's like just when we get popular.
This is what's boosting the ratings. Elija, You still there.
Yeah, we're doing better until jeff started talking.
But we're here.
We're calling with a purpose. It's a segment that we're doing called Second Date Update. That's where listeners can come on our show and we try and help them reconnect with a person they went on a date with that they had a really nice time with.
A darn it all.
Right, dude, I am so interested in hearing.
Story because we heard that you went out with a woman named Nicole about a week ago, right.
Okay, yeah, I mean it sounds like a really good date that you two had. Would you agree with that?
I mean it was cool.
It was cool. Okay, positive, it is positive.
I just didn't. You don't seem like a casual guy. From what she explained, was intense than I assumed.
She definitely intense is a good word, because she said that you were putting it out there a lot, that you were only dating to find a wife for love.
I don't know.
He said, you guys, love is a wife.
So we heard about that you're looking for a wife. I mean, not anymore, no way, I found Wait does that means there's another person?
Well, here's the thing. After the date, I went to a clairvoyant, and uh, I got news that my wife isn't even in this realm?
What okay, you want to hang up?
Hold on?
I just dropped my pick because I just can't.
The psychic said, your wife is not in this realm. Right, It makes a lot of sense to me. I get what you're saying, but maybe explain for everybody else.
Honestly, I believe that I've married other people in my past live and it's constantly the same person, maybe in a slightly different form.
Okay, So this same person, your soulmate that's been with you across all your lives.
She's not that's who you're looking for.
She's not here.
Nah, Why how do you know? Brother? Like, how do you know that the girl you went on a day with isn't told him? I know? But yeah, you're looking for she say it's me, Hi, honey, like I'm seventeen.
That kind of the part of the past live saying that you don't actually remember the explain it to us.
Thank you.
My clavoyant said that I found my soulmate in every single dimension, but not this one.
She doesn't exist in this one now that she's not here, Okay, it.
Doesn't matter where she has I think this could be good news.
Actually, yeah, because we have a real life woman who feels like she had a strong connection with you.
And it sounds like you're freed up in this realm, you know, like you're single kind of permanently.
In the Nicole we're talking about Nicole. Obviously, Nicole felt that connection with you.
Okay, what do you mean that's a good thing?
You told her again and again, I'm looking for my wife. I hope it's you.
Is this a sign?
Is what a sign. Yes, yes it is.
Look, Nicole felt like you guys had a deep, deep connection and now you actually have a phone connection to her too, because she's on the other line waiting.
To talk to you.
What I don't like her?
That's Nicole.
I know she's on the phone, but my wife's dad.
Oh no, past life.
I thought she wasn't in this realm, right, correct? She never made it here?
Okay, wait what Yeah?
Exactly, Nicole? So why did you We never even got to why you blocked Nicole?
This is why. Because she's not his wife. Lady, nobody's going to be his wife though, Are we understanding that right?
If you're not looking for your wife since she's not in the realm, then then you're not interested in dating at all.
I guess somethings are better off unexplained. I don't have all the answers.
Oh, yeah, you're right, this is definitely unexplainable.
Well, I think the explanation makes sense.
He was searching for his wife the whole time, but not just anybody, a specific woman from another dimension, and you're not that.
This clairvoyant is really messing with you, Like I feel like she is trying to kind of be the only person who can like access supposedly what your quote unquote truth is. And Wow, I might not be your celestial being from a different realm, but I think you're going to miss out on some really great girls in this realm if you don't give us a real shot.
That was good, That was so well spoken.
What do you think about that, Elijah?
All I heard was that she was talking about my clairvoyant.
Who is this man?
Your clearvoyant? Can meet me outside?
Wow, let's put the wife and the clairvoyant stuff aside. What can we What about just having fun with Nicole, going out on another date and enjoying this life.
I mean, you've got a woman that has heard all of this and still wants to hang out with you.
I mean, I guess I do something wrong specifically for you to block me.
You weren't my wife. I don't know how many times I've told you.
That, Okay, maybe the clairvoyant is wrong. I mean, I'm just saying I don't like being rejected, and I also have to say that, like, I think it's just really shortsighted. We had a great time.
Yeah, well I know that my I didn't talk that much in another lifetime.
That's pretty clear.
Gosheels like the wife is purposely avoiding him.
Now, dude, Yeah, the wife wasn't born into this century.
Maybe my point in this lifetime to tell you to be more accepting of your future rife than another realm.
Okay, so I know Nicole still is fighting for.
This, So, Elijah, I think she's fighting.
I get that you have doubts about Nicole. What if you and Nicole went to your clairvoyant together and we would pay for.
The uber ride?
Oh my god, can we have a fight?
Give it a chance?
Would Nicole even do that?
Honestly, I'm just confused and curious as to what the clairvoyant would tell me about my path.
I don't want to know it's going to lead you down at dark trail.
I want this to happen. So that's a yes from Nicole, Elijah. It's up to you.
My clairvoyant is in chief, So if she pays half, then I'm cool with it.
All right, Nicole, I'm sure you're down for that.
I mean, hey, if it's on the radio, we can even come back and tell you. Guys, I don't know if I want to know.
Do we want to know that?
That's going to be a no. From all.
It sounds like it's a yes, Eliza and Nicole, you guys are going out together in this realm.
I can't wait till we do a second date update from the next realm.
It's going to be expensive phone BILLEROK, Jeffrey in the morning. Is that literally the only second date update where we actually got a yes but then said we don't need an update, We're good.
Yeah, that is not remember Ever, I am still baffled by that entire conversation. I don't know what was real, who believed what if they were being sincere?
Okay, well, I'm sorry. Girls asked for a commitment. This guy's committed over what hundreds of years?
Valid point?
Valid point?
Maybe you were his wife, it'll pass like, yeah, I'm.
Waiting for you, honey.
I do think maybe the missing piece in all of this is is it possible Elijah had been smoking something when we called him? You know, he sounded like that's his vibe, Like he didn't sound like a big mysterious person. He was trying to reach the other dimension true different means.
Find his wife. Yeah, trying to find his wife that way, I don't see.
I think Alexis was on to something where he actually probably did have a wife, and she just chose not to come back like that. That's not worth coming back against, you.
Know, four hundredth marriage. Yeah, it's enough to me. The text in seven, eight, five, nine two.
And make sure you follow us wherever you get your podcast, if it's on Spotify, Apple, wherever at Brook and
Jeffrey Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning