Second Date Update: How Dare You Say I'm Sorry

Published Aug 21, 2023, 12:30 PM

You won’t believe how the guy in today’s Second Date managed to score a date with a Perfect 10! He got the first date, but now he needs our help trying to wrangle another…

The second, if you see a really good looking woman at the club or at a bar, what's the best way to start talking to her? That's an interesting strategy. Yeah, are you okay?

Any compliment her.


Don't go compliment girls because you a nice compliment.

Yeah, those are some nice ear lobes you got there.

If that's what you've noticed, that's what you've noticed that you.

Can always use the old finger come here motion from across the room that's too classy for Brooks style. Or there's my go to move that I used through my early twenties. Recreate the entire dance scene from the movie Grease, and she will be eating out of the palme of.

You're the one that I want.

That's what she's thinking. Okay, but apparently one of our listeners, Liam, met a girl in a different way than any of the ones that we just mentioned. So let's find out how it worked. Liam. Welcome to the show.

Hey, thanks for having me.

What was your route of approach, sir?

Well, yeah, so I take a different angle. You know, if I see a girl who is definitely like out of my leg clearly the hottest girl there, I just act like she isn't not in a bad way, But like, just I don't you don't just give them those compliments that they're already hearing all the time, you know, you just treat them like they're normal.

Okay, it's only ugly girls that like compliments like me?

All right, So how do you treat a beautiful girl like she's normal? Like, what did you do with the girl that you met? And what's her name?

By the way, Well, her name was Sandy, just like Grease.

Oh my god? Anyway, sorry, go ahead, go ahead. How'd you meet Sandy?

Well, so she was at the bar. I was with my buddies, and we were actually having a similar conversation about like what's your pickup line? What's your go to? And I've seen her at the bar and I approached her with my tactic of not really acknowledging her. So the bartender comes.

Up, like, oh what you So you're standing at the bar not acknowledging her.

Exactly right back to her, pretending like she's not there. And I ordered my drink and then I just leaned over to her and I just say, hey, can you do me this favor. There's this really hot girl that is stalking me tonight. And I just if you don't mind, can you just pretend like you're my girlfriend just like a minute, so that way, I don't.

Know, what do you think a good looking guy does that to you in the bar?

I'll do whatever.

It's so easy to see through when you say a really hot girl is stalking me.

I mean, like that's the piece where Yeah, but I did say that she was crazy, so that is kind of really Yeah.

What did Sandy say when you tried that on her?

She laughed, so I knew like it was working.

So she saw through it too. She thought you were joking.

She I don't know what she thought at first, but she definitely found it funny. And then it was just my inn and we kept talking and I ended up confashioning to her. I was just like, listen, there's no other girl here. I was just.

This because whether she believed you, she'll be relieved and laugh or she'll be like, well, duh, dude, I knew.

What did she say?

She said? I kind of figured.

That's very cute.

So now the facade is broken and you guys are just talking normal. How does the rest of the night go.

Yeah, so we exchanged numbers and then I went back to my table of guys and they gave me like a round of applause.

I love it. Wow, have you guys hung out since then?

So she was at the bar most of the night. I was at the table. She was at the bar with her friends, and we would just make eye contact, maybe have a couple of words and passing, and it was just kind of throughout the night. But it wasn't really like hanging out the whole night.

But you're still flirting with her all night.

Yeah, Yeah, there's definitely good vibes between us. When I passed by her once, I did say, hey, if you see that hot, crazy girl, make sure you give me heads up.

Oh what's great about this is you two already have an inside joke.

Yeah I love that. But I'm just picturing his buddies at the table all trying this too, And now like seven guys at the bar are all like, oh, there's a crazy girl.

I walk up.

I'm like, hey, a really ugly girl. So yeah, I was kidding. So how long ago did this happen?

This was just last week?

Okay, a week week?

You go?

I mean, did she give you her real number?

I believe so, because after the night was over, We actually were leaving at the same time, and she apparently lives not too far from where we were, and I asked, can I walk you home? And she was like sure, so oh.


So I walked her home, got to her entrance, and we actually kissed started making out.

Yeah, just a recap. You made her laugh all night, You walked her home like a gentleman, and then you guys kissed.

Wait did you go up I mean that's what she wants, right, Like, dude, If I'm asking a dude to walk me home, it's because I want him to come over.

And I didn't go upstairs nothing. It was just you know, I'm not trying to be pushy. She didn't ask for about Okay.

Okay, great, that's even better. You respected that.

Okay. So I mean, have you tried to contact her or text her caller since this all happened.

I texted her the next day just kind of say what's up? And it was great, meaning her and all that, but just spend the radio, sir, and I haven't heard.

Anything, not even like I'm busy.

Wow, now she's using my tactic against me. I'm not finding you funny.

Well, I want to help you out but we have to go real quick because there's a psycho girl that's staring at me right now watching.

Us, Harry. We do this show every day.

Dude, she is obsessed with me. I need to get away from her. But we're gonna play a song. We'll come back, we'll call Sandy for you, and we'll try and get you a second date up, Dade. Okay, all right, look away, God obsessed with me. One of our listeners, Liam is on the phone with us right now because he had an interesting strategy to meet a beautiful woman treat him normal. Weird, No, I.

Mean, honestly, his method was humor.

When you get down to the bottom of it, he's just funny because.

What he ended up doing was he pretended like there was a crazy, beautiful girl that was being obsessed with him following him around the bar, and asked the girl that he met, Sandy, if she would pretend to be his girlfriend to help him protect him from the crazy and it actually worked. It got them talking and they ended up having a really nice night together.


She was even able to walk her home to her apartment at the end of the night and get a nice little makeout in Yeah, I mean I love that you got a little everything. But now it's been sounds like over a week now, and she's not answering the text or the voicemails that he's been leaving. So we're going to call her right now and see what she has to say. Liam, how are you feeling?

That's so pretty good. I'm interested to see what happened.

Okay, yeah, I mean you're still super into her, right, like?




Well, maybe she's just been busy. I mean it has only been a week.

I don't know.

Usually you make time for somebody that you like.

But yeah, Also, if you like him, you would say, hey, it's been a crazy week. I can talk better this time next.

Or or maybe she was really drunk when you were making out and you didn't realize it.

Or maybe she ended up with the crazy hot girl and out there to Jelly.

She was interesting twist. I like it.

It's a possibility. So let's call her and see which one of us is right, right? I hope so too. Let's style this number and see what she has to say. Here we go. Hello, Hi, I'm looking for Sandy.

This is she.

Hey Sandy, my name is Jeff from the radio show Brook and Jeffrey in the morning, hoping you have a second to talk with us.

Brooke and Jeffrey. I'm sorry, but it is just pertaining to well, we're a.

Morning radio show. The whole team is here, there's Brooke. We're not a very smart morning show.

No, we have maybe some fun news for you.

I mean I.

Would like it.

We're doing a segment about dating because one of our listeners met you recently and had a really nice time with you and is hoping to see you again. His name's Liam. Do you remember Liam?

Yeah? I remember Liam.

Okay, that's great. So if you don't mind us asking what was your first impression when he showed up for the date and you got to meet him in real life?

Just like this quiet, confident type. You know, he held his shoulders high and it was nice. I liked hanging out with him.

Okami, Are you just like super busy and that's why you haven't been able to get a hold of him this last week?

No, I mean I have. I've left him a couple of voicemails.

Oh yeah, okay, I don't think he's gotten those because he called us and said that you hadn't called him.

Well, I mean, he did text me, but I'm just wanting to talk, you know, because if you don't know someone very well, you can miss interpret a text.

So all you guys, what she just said, Like, talking on the phone is one of the most intimate things you can do nowadays.

I hate.

I do. But if you are actually talking on the phone with someone, it's either your mom or dad or someone you love.

Have you been disappointed that he didn't answer your calls or return your call?

Well, I mean, like my phone was acting weird, so a call. He's in my roommate's landline, so maybe he didn't get that it was.

Me your roommates land Would it also be your landline because you'd be in the same house together, share the same land.

It's her work line that she has set up in her office, And my phone was in the battery was almost dead, so I just kind of borrowed it real quick.

Okay, Okay, Yeah, maybe he didn't answer because you just don't wreck you don't answer numbers you don't recognize. But are you saying that like you'd be interested in maybe seeing him again?

Well, yeah, I mean I didn't think he was because I left a couple of messages and I didn't hear back, so I just kind of thought he was blowing me off.

Well, we could just ask him if he got the voicemails, because well, he at least uses it right now because he's been on the other line listening this entire time, Sandy, and he wants to talk to you.

Oh I like it, Sandy.

Hey, I I had no idea that you called me.

Yeah I did.

Oh well, I just I gotta say something. And you know, just hearing your voice and hearing the way you talk about me, it's just it's really nice, and I gotta come clean. I really like you.

Oh wow, Okay, I think it's like, why do you say that? Why are you saying all this?

Well, because I do like you, and I finally got a chance to tell you. I mean, I haven't been able to get hold of you.

Oh okay, what's happening here? He's trying so hard. It's too hard. You guys hear this in.

His Well, I think you just heard you say some really nice things about him, So he probably just wanted to reciprocate.

I just I felt like I needed to say that. I mean, I'm sorry I didn't check my voicemails. I don't know. Yes, I'm sorry, I'm just kind of bringing this wrong.

Okay, can you just stop right there saying sorry, sorry, sorry, it's pathetic.

Oh oh, this is a dude. You just left multiple voicemails for to get a hold of him.

First of all, I left two voicemails, not multiple. And I wasn't gonna sit around and wait for mister wishy watching he's like Charlie Brown.

I think he's just trying to say he had a nice time with you.

Well, you know what, that's too much.


He doesn't even know who I am.


He was just nervous. He came on the show for our help because he couldn't get a hold of you. You wouldn't text, and he did not expect you to say that this.

Yeah, it takes a lot of bravery to come on the radio and put this all out there. So, I mean, Leo confidently keep talking to her.

Yeah, it's just I'm you guys, are I mean, I'm on the radio. It's a little nerve wracking, and I didn't think that they'd actually get you on the phone. And I just I don't know, I just I guess.

You just what.

I'm scared.

I don't know, maybe like why don't you just go out with me this weekend?

That was that was confidence?

Or maybe if you don't, I'll just ghost you forever?

WHOA is that what you want? Sandy?

You want to did you just give me an ultimatum? Because I don't think you really know how to be a strong, confident night guy. You're just you're just kind of falling apart here, buddy, what do.

You want from me? Like I say I'm sorry for missing your voicemails? Then you start like being kind of rude, you know, and then you just then you want confident, you don't want you apologize, and then now I'm too confident just like maybe your mind.

Hey, welcome to dating man. Congratulations. They never know what they want.

Honestly, Sandy, you're being really like kind of mean.

I mean, I'm not trying to say it in a weird way, but when I go out, I do attract a lot of guys, and I have a type. I have a type that I like, and I think everybody has a type that they like. There's nothing wrong with that. And Liam presented himself as that type the other night. But get him on the phone and you really get to know him in the daylight. He's just the opposite. So why am I mean because he's not my type?

Because it sounds like you're not his I mean like you're not the person he described either.

You were like laughing and fun loving and now you're Ye.

Look, you know, I was having fun with a nice, strong, confident man and it was a great time. But you know, I had my beer goggles on. What do you want me to say?

Whoa that?

I wanted to hear that.

Literally minutes ago when we were talking to you, you told us that you had a great time with him, you thought he was a really nice, cool guy, and hearing you answer the phone, he was saying the same exact thing to us. You guys both wanted to go out with each other, and in the course of a few minutes now you both have changed your minds.

I mean, I haven't changed my mind. I mean I'd still love to go out with you, and I mean I I'll even buy you a gift.

What No, don't forget it.

No is exactly right. That's pathetic and needy. Don't buy me gifts? Why would you do that?

You need to channel the person that met her the first.

Time and be angry that she said all those mean things about you.

You're worth more than that man, And if.

You're not going to be a man here, then I'm going to be a man and I'll ask her for you.

And as.

Sandy, you better go out on a date with Liam. And we're gonna pay for that date whether you like it or not. But you better like it because that's the only way that is going to happen.

Oh wait, let me get my fan I'm swooning you start talking mind back.

Wait, I think she's being sarcastic that yes, we do honestly want to send you out on another date.

Though seriously, well, I'll go on another date, just not with Liam.

No, that's not how it works. It's a Liam only date.

Liam. Do you want to save this?

I mean, I'll buy you two gifts.

Now a free date.

Come on, Sam, that's a big and no, I'm not doing it. I can't be the only one here. And how pathetic this guy is.

Liam offer her your car. You're gonna have to go big now.

Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.

To me, that just goes to show hot women are impossible to please.

That's not true.

Terrible women are impossible to please. It has nothing to do with her looks. I have plenty of friends who are super hot and also lovely people.

Yeah, but I feel like the more attractive they are, you basically need to be confident every moment for the rest of your life. Like if a family member dies, don't cry, and you're the hot girl, just pick up a shovel and dig through the pain.

I mean, if we're gonna go deep. I think that she just has a hard time loving herself. That's why she does want people to love her.

Yes, she's ugly on the inside.

Good it would do. It's all good.

I don't know if that's ever happened on our show though, where two people were both interested in each other. One was leaving voicemails, one was texting they do want to go out right up until the moment they actually speak on the phone. Yeah, Like, is hanging out in the bar different than being in the studio with us?


I mean yeah, Is it fault that they didn't go out?


Did we give off a bad atmosphere? Did Brooks negative vibes get to them and break them up?

She does?

Okay, she's never going to be happy.

That's what she's looking for. Okay, if you ever.

Want a second date update, you can always email the show. Hopefully we're in a better mood on that day, but you will call the person who wasn't calling your back

Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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