What started as a romantic one on one date ended with one of our listeners sandwiched between three gorgeous women all night! He’ll explain how he did it coming up in your Second Date podcast!
Second, All right, let's do a hypothetical here.
I always love those, And Brooke, we're gonna pretend that you're single.
Okay, I know.
She's faked up.
Let's say for a long time you're hanging out at the bar, you're the same age that you are right now.
I don't want to say it out loud, just just keep that in mind.
But again, you're single and you see a cute guy cross the room, very attractive. Do you approach him or do you try to get him to notice you so that he walks over.
I've never had any tact, so I would definitely approach him.
And what do you do?
What do you do?
Oh, I don't know, maybe buy him a drink extra?
You're just like Hi, I'm brook, I think you're cute and dreams you flash a bunch of money in his face and try to win him over like that.
I've told many guys at bars when I single, you're hot. We love that.
We would love that. Girls will finally.
Tell you I told you I don't have much shame or anything. Well no, not really, but it works. I'm telling you it works.
I do think you forgot I said, you're still your same age, as now, but I'm gonna let you get away with that one.
So I still say that look more desperate at my age.
But I bring it up because one of our listeners says that he got approached by not just one, but two different women, and he thinks he knows the secret on how that happened. Okay, so let's talk to him. Tony, Welcome to the show.
Hi, how are you doing?
Were my two twins at the bar? Is that what.
She means lookalikes?
Not the other girl?
Classic she's accidentally hitting.
I know Tony apologized for Brook, but I know you went on a date recently.
Who was it with?
Her name is Gemma. We actually met on a dating app.
Said somebody approached you at the bar. You met it on a dating app.
Yeah, so I know, sorry, that might have been a little confusing. So we went to this Mexican spot and they have these like giant long shared table things.
Like community seating.
Yeah exactly. We're like sitting with different parties and stuff like that, and it's kind of social, you know, people are talking to each other and interacting. But I thought that I was being pretty clear to the rest of the restaurant that me and jem are are not brother and sister. We were there on a date together.
How do you be clear about that? Like T shirts matching? Do you guys look alike?
No, I don't think so. But it was more like the way we got treated yet because we were I mean, we were flirting, we were doing the whole date thing, and these two girls were kind of across from us, and like I said, it was the social thing. And Jemma at one point got up and she went to the bathroom, and during that time, these two girls came over and sat on either side of me and just kind of inserted themselves into the situation.
About your date. Like, you know, I could see, like two girls that are out together. They're like, oh, look at there on a first date. Let's go mess, you know what I mean.
She think's going bad. Like I don't know, I don't know what it was. But when Jemma came back to the table, she kind of sat not in the seat that they were in, but a little away from me, like across from me.
Almost The women were still there when she came back from the bathroom.
Yeah, they stayed there and they were basically just paying attention to me. They were like laughing at jokes that I was trying to say and stuff like that.
So it was weird that maybe she saw that they like.
And it's something if they're like making it a joke, right and they're including her and it feels like a group thing. But this sounds like she was really left out.
It probably hurt.
Yeah, I was trying to do everything I could to show her non verbally that I am not interested in them. I mean, I'm trying to play foot you with her. I'm trying to engage with her and let her know, like, hey, I didn't have these girls to come over here. They just did it on their own. It's got nothing to do with me.
Didn't everything you didn't move, don't move.
And one time I pretended to fall asleep during a day to get the message across that I wasn't interesting.
I kissed one of them. But what do you think, like in your mind, what do you think was happening there?
I kind of and I told her this too. I think the only reason that they were even interested in me to begin with was because I was out with a really attractive girl. And that's the only time that that ever happens to me.
Did Emma, like that reason, not at all? Were you able to salvage the date at all?
Yeah, that's a good point.
And how long were they there?
They were there for the rest of the date, but we didn't stay much longer. We uh awkwardly left and she wasn't really talking to me at the end, and uh, no kiss or anything like that, was just kind of hugged and uh.
Yeah, did you bring it up with Jemma though about like, sorry about those two girls, Like I wasn't interested.
He told her The whole reason he thought they were doing that.
After the date are during Yeah, well, the girls were right there, so it was hard for me to address it at the table. I just waited till we were in the car, and I apologized for their behavior and said, look, I had nothing to do with me. I'm sorry. It was weird.
What did she say?
She said she understood, but there wasn't much after that.
Yeah, okay, yeah, dangd what do you wish you would have done differently?
Uh? It was a weird social situation, So, I mean, I guess I should have asked for a private table, but that was kind of the whole experience of the spot was to do that with other people.
I wonder, I wonder where.
Her side is. Yeah, well we'll get that from her when we reach out to her. But at least next time, probably need to avoid the shared long tables.
You're just accepting attention from other women. Women is probably what you need to avoid when you're with a girl.
Kerr Brother Chicks and hopefully we'll get some answers when we reach out to Gemma for you and come back.
Try to get your second date update. Right after this date, one of our listeners, Tony, went out on a one on one date.
That suddenly turned into a three on one date. Boy, and the person who got excluded was Gemma, the woman that he actually came to the restaurant with, because two random girls got up and sat down right next to Tony as soon as Gemma went off to the bathroom, so when she came back to the table, she was forced to sit across from everybody else and the whole rest of the night was kind of awkward.
From there, he tried.
To play foot sees.
Doesn't just show Jemma that I'm actually interested in you. I don't really care about these two new girls.
But she was gone out of reach.
I think.
It's probably just a table leg under.
Tony's thoughts on why this happened was actually pretty flattering towards Gemma, saying that she was so attractive that these other ladies must have been paying him attention, thinking, oh wow, this guy's with this gorgeous woman. He must have something pretty special, either downstairs or upstairs, who knows. At least that's Tony's thoughts on the situation. We need to get Jemma's thoughts and see if we can recover.
Yeah, how are you feeling, Tony?
A little nervous, but I get I kind of am knowing what to expect.
I think, Okay, that's how you're feeling upstairs. How you're feeling downstairs? Okay? I nerves going everywhere.
Have you talked to her at all since the date?
No, I haven't gotten a response back from her.
From three women to zero now giving Tony attention. So hopefully you didn't get their numbers? Well, yeah, I did you.
We didn't ask.
No, absolutely make this call.
Yeah, because that's pretty clear asking for their numbers in front of her.
But okay, well, good luck out there. Yeah, let's call Gemma.
We'll see if she picks up and hopefully we'll figure out what's going on. Okay, all right, cool, let's do it.
Hi, we're looking to talk to Gemma.
This is Gemma.
Hey, thanks for picking up. Gemma. We're a radio show. We're called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.
Oh okay, weird? Why are you calling me?
We're doing a segment called a second Date update. Not sure if you're familiar with that, but we're trying to help out one of our listeners get a hold of you after you went out on a date with him recently, guy named Tony.
Oh my god, did you just yet?
Is that what I heard?
Okay, like a COPT listen, I don't know what this guy told you, but it was a very, very awkward and incredibly weird.
He actually told us something similar.
Yeah, we we did hear about some of the events that occurred at the Mexican Place with the two girls coming sit right next to Tony at the communal table while you went off to the bathroom.
Serious, Okay, I honestly that that's kind of a good sign, Jemma, because that means that you were disappointed, you know what I mean? Well, I mean, I'm just saying like you liked him, because if you didn't like them, you might come back like they got.
That's putting a really nice spin on it.
But yeah, well Tony says that he felt really bad about how it all went down.
We're curious how you felt about the situation.
Yeah, and I'm sure he did, honestly, Like at first when I came back and I was like what, And then I saw how Tony was like clearly a little uncomfortable, So I was kind of I was kind of laughing, like inside, Okay, that's such a relief.
What do you think their intentions were? Oh?
I know what their intentions were.
I'm pretty I'm pretty sure. Tony, by the way, is a really.
Good looking guy. Oh and they like they swarmed in like locusts or whatever.
I don't know, okay lately, Yeah, but you said that you didn't blame.
That on him.
I don't think he invited just necessarily. But I started to get kind of irritated with these girls, these two girls. I was like, get the hint, ladies, Yeah, he's with me. So Tony was so like plumboxed or whatever that he didn't even notice. But I called the waiter over and I was like, try it. Attempted to bribe the waiter. What's still falsa on these girls?
Did he do it? Did the waiter do it? How much money does something like that cost?
That's hysterio.
The waiters probably annoyed at them too, if they're this type of person.
To salsa is like six dollars plus tips nine bucks.
I waved a twenty at him, and he was like, I'm sorry, I can't do that.
Oh, I hope you gave that restaurant a bad review.
I still understand that you're not blaming Tony, So why are you mad at him? Why did you go?
I don't blame Tony in the beginning for not doing anything, but by the end this went on for so long he should have done more. Yeah.
I think he feels that way too.
Here's the deal. You actually sound pretty understanding about the whole situation. You're giving Tony a little bit of leeway on it. But we can maybe fix this. Because I do have to let you know, Tony is currently listening to this conversation on the other line, waiting to talk to you.
Oh my god, are you kidding me?
That's the only woman.
Yeah, I am here that's it.
That's very horrible, Tony.
Yeah, maybe you should say something to her.
Yeah, well, first off, I just want to apologize for what happened. I had nothing to do with them coming over. Obviously I didn't ask them, but I I didn't know what to do. To be honest with you, was a weird, awkward like just it was our first date. I don't know these people.
At Okay, that was that was good, Tony. You can let her respond to that.
Yeah, yeah, I ken't. And I appreciate the apology, Tony, but you already apologize. You told me that on the card. I'm not hearing anything new.
Okay, come up with a better apology, Tony, go ahead.
It does kind of sound like he's still blaming the women, Like he's not. Like you need to own up to like your own non action a little bit more.
Are you just like a very non confrontational person, brother?
Like No, I would consider myself a non confrontational person. That's why it was a tough position too.
Is that hot for you, Jemma?
Now? I mean I don't want to guys like punching people in the face, but like you, guys be a little more forceful.
Yeah, yeah, Yeah, I think he was just trying to be as respectful as he could.
And yeah, you're not a confrontational guy either, Like you get where he's coming from.
What are you saying, Brooke, I'm trying to put me in a corner right now?
Did I just break Jeff.
Let's not turn this into a situation with us, Jemma. Clearly Tony is remorseful about what happened and how he behaved. I'm sure he's He's even told us next time he doesn't want to do communal tables.
Yeah, and he's like, I will reserve a table for two.
So we'd like to help facilitate that second date and even pay for it if you're willing to give him another shot.
What do you think, Jenna?
I appreciate that offer, but I have just made a decision since this incident that I just I don't want this to be my life going forward. I don't want to be going out and fighting off le raping themselves all over my date. So I've made a couple of adjustments. Does that mean it, well, I'm going to date down what.
You're just going to date the guys that you find less attractive? What does that mean competition.
I'm not going to go after music, the hottest guy, you know, the hottest guy, and the dating profile because I still need this kind of headache. I mean, I like you, Tony, but you're just too attractive for what I'm looking for right now.
The competition.
I don't know if we've heard that one on the second date update before day.
Think it's so backward.
This is the most ridiculous response. I was not expecting that at all.
Why convince her that you're not as attractive as she thinks you are.
Yeah, you have no idea, Gemma. By the way, this never happens to me, Like if I'm out with my friends, no girls are approaching me.
I'm usually a repulse women.
Like me brushing my teeth and washing my face.
But again, the girl magnet and your friends just repelled them.
Okay, great, So he hasn't convinced that he's ugly enough.
I've been with him in person. He's cute, he knows he's cute, and he's not going to get any less cute.
Well, Tony, you started with one woman on a date, landed two more, and now you've ended up with.
Zero because you're too attractive.
Now that's boy mat ridiculous Jeffrey in the Morning. Well, it's like they always say, hot guys finished last.
Oh, we always feel so bad for you hot guys just can't.
I feel like I need to stand up for my fellow nines and tens out there.
You're gonna put yourself in there, and I need to.
Say stop the handsome hate.
Yeah, let's use that hashtag and start a movement.
That you think that's why we get any complaint for the radio station. It's just you're too good.
Looking all the time.
Yeah, I'm sure that's why you're in radio.
I'm so happy.
Yeah, I'm so sorry that it didn't work out.
Yeah, yeah, I really am.
I think that guy is so regretting him not getting the number for the two other women. Yeah you know what I mean, Like he had a chance, his one shot and he blew it.
But there's always opportunities for you to meet people. When you come on to this show. Email us. We'll call that person who's not calling you back and go check out all of our secondary podcast wherever you get yours A broken Jeffrey