Today’s Second Date involves 1 man, 1 insane technique and over 200 Direct Messages.
Second date up date. On a scale of one to ten, how attractive would you say I am? That's the question I don't want any in this room to answer, because I already I know I was.
Going to ask if you were talking when we had.
To rate you, I already know that I am an eight point three five two.
That is a very weird number.
That's the number that my mom rated me at our last Thanksgiving Day. Well, she's honest, and I like that. She said she didn't like that my teeth weren't straight enough.
You didn't follow up with a retailer.
It's something about me isn't straight enough and she doesn't like I can't remember anyway. It's always interesting, though, to rate yourself, because personally, I'd rate me a soft seven, and that's moving extra generous to myself there.
That's on a good day.
Yeah, So numbers are going to fluctuate based on the eye of the beholder. But what if you had a hack that could guarantee the next person you go out with he's definitely up to your attraction standards?
Really amazing, there's a hack.
For that, apparently, because one of our listeners, Blaine, says he figured out that hack and we all need to learn it today. So Blaine, welcome to the seven and underclub. Happy to have an over here.
How you doing, man, I'm good, happy to be here. Well, also, I can't say that I I didn't come up with a scary myself, you know, like it was definitely a lot of social media helped with it.
Oh credit, Well yeah, that's funny.
What do you write yourself, Blaine before we go into your hack, so we know what your level is.
I'm anywhere between like a zero to like a ten, you know, so somewhere in there.
The whole scale. Okay, what would your mom rte you? That's a better question than my mom.
She didn't like you very much. Maybe like a three?
Okay, so it must not be hard to find blame if you you don't really have a level.
I don't know. I guess I'm a little bit. Uh, I like just suit out of my league a little bit. It's got to be seven and up.
Okay, good for you, man, high game high? Yeah, I'm super high, and that's why I've been single for what ten years?
Well, eventually one of these is going to stick. So to tell us though about this theory that you found online.
This thing said all the most attractive people in the world are born on the fifth, fourteenth, or twenty third of the month.
Oh, I missed it by a date. I don't tell anybody here.
I was supposed to be born on the fourteenth. Does that count?
No, you baked for too long. I'm the twenty fourth.
I'm over the book as well.
Okay, so you're just looking at people's birthdays.
Yeah, so I started typing in the dates, and uh, I would kind of look and see the pictures that came up on my suggested page, and if any of them were obvious, like birthday.
Posts, where were you typing these in on what suggested page?
Any? Social media? Tried to on a few different ones, you know, Instagram and.
Paper Okay, okay, see you just type in like, let's say October twenty third, right, yeah, or September fourteenth, right.
The falls in that, and then you can click on photos and if so, I like saw somebody with a party, heat or like something on, then I would look at it and be like happy birthday.
The hashtag birthday?
Yeah, you know, yeah exactly, And how was the talent on those dates?
Look, the scale was pretty right on, like it was. It was eights and ten's all the way through. Absolutely, Yeah.
Were able to use that to your advantage in some way?
Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. So I just kind of compile a list and then I just copy and pasted like a generic DM that was like, hey, your profile popped up for me, and you have the same birthday as my sister and it's the numbers game. So I sent like two hundred of these.
Whoa, oh yeah, I'm busy.
That is a big net, sir.
Look I've been striking out for a while time. I mean it's like, it's true, man, you got a castle. Wat.
I like your honesty. I appreciate it.
Okay, how did you do with your two hundred messages to beautiful women?
So didn't say anything.
Oh yeah, I actually thought that'd be higher.
But I would say, like ten or fifteen of them message back and said, OMG, no way, small world like type of thing. And then I kind of looked in the ones that were really close to me and the one yeah, and I did get a date out of it actually with one that I really really thought was cute the whole time.
Wow. Wow, one hundred the widest net I've ever heard cast and you narrowed it down to one girl in one date.
This is awesome. I feel like this is like sales cold calleing is what?
So sorry, I know you mentioned what was her.
Name, Delilah?
Delilah? Yeah, okay, and what did you and Delilah do for your meetup?
So, I mean we dms for a little while, and then I finally asked her out to meet up for a happy hour at a bar, okay, And she was really cute and she came in and uh, she brought a Starbucks gift card and it was like, hey, give this to your sister because she's my birthday.
Twain, did you feel guilty because he lied at that point, I still feel real guilty.
She still doesn't know that my sister's birthday is not the same as that. But I mean I looked at it. It was cute. It was only for like ten dollars.
Oh okay, so it wasn't even really a very good birthday gift anyway.
I'll tell you, I'm she doesn't even know my sister, you know, right, at.
Least you have one. I guess, yeah, I don't know her birthday.
That's a good start to the day. How did it go.
I thought it went really well, but there I mean, there was a few things that I kind of have honed in one that, uh, like my anxiety brain won't really let go.
You're thinking something like you did was wrong.
I mean I won't say wrong, but I think maybe it probably took her back a little bit. I don't know, it maybe came one too strong because I compliment her maybe too many times about how pretty she was, like six or seven times.
I don't know.
I haven't been on a date with somebody that's attractive. And then I don't know, I was a little drunk and feeling myself, so I was just kind of trying to be completely honest.
Friends. I mean, as long as you left it at like you're so pretty and didn't elaborate all the details about why, then you might be safe.
People love compliments, but there is a point where it's like, why are you so shocked?
Okay, So how did that date end?
Uh? Just a little kiss?
Oh that's good.
It's something she went inside and I heard from room. I mean, if you reached out at all, yeah, i'd Sarah tech message. She hasn't responded yet, Okay, and.
Maybe she found out your mom rated you three and so then she lost interest. But we're gonna come back. We'll call it Delilah for you and try and get you your second date. Update. Right after this second date update, we just learned about a brand new hot dating hack from one of our listeners, Blaine, that made us all turn our heads and say, wow, this is ground breaking. All the ground is literally cracking. I am never gonna look at the world the same ever again after this. Because Blaine was not having success on the dating apps, and he saw a social media post saying all the most attractive people in the world were born on either the fifth, fourteenth, or twenty third of the month, whatever month that is. So he went online, put those dates into Facebook and Instagram, and if a photo of an attractive woman blowing out birthday candles came up, he made sure to reach out to her sex.
I mean, honestly, every single woman he saw.
Two hundred hundred messages were sent, and out of all those, a handful of conversations happened, and he ended up going out on a date with a woman named Delilah. And as far as we know, she has no clue, but maybe just knowing all of the lengths that you went to in order to find her would actually impress her. Blaine, No, No, when does that story come out?
I think I'm gonna have to wait till she does that. We'll date for a while. She does something really bad and then I'm like, oh, I forgive you.
It does something really bad and you're like, I knew it.
I knew when you were the only one out of two hundred that messages me back something.
But we really don't know what the issue is, what's going on with her, why they're not hanging out. But we're about to find out.
That's the fun part. You ready for this plane?
Yeah, I'm ready.
We're gonna try our hardest. Here, let's style your number. Here we go. Hello, Hey, we're looking for Delilah. Hey Delilah. Hope you're having a good day and that's about to get even better because you're on the radio right now with Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning.
Welcome to the show, Delilah.
Oh hey guys.
Oh you know the show? Sweet?
I don't, but it's cool to hear from you.
You're a radio station.
Just you?
Are you? Are you this nice to like scammers who call to sometime Okay, Like I don't need a car warranty, but you sure have a great day.
Our friends and family aren't that nice to us. Pleasure talking to you, but we do have a reason for calling because we're doing something called a second date update. Okay, that's we're One of our listeners is trying to get a hold of you to hang out one more time. You've been out with him once. His name is Blaine.
Oh yeah, oh.
Yeah, blame you like blame Blaine.
We're really cool. We had a great time. We kind of met on social media.
Okay, and I'm.
Going to stop you real quick because we've actually spoken to Blaine before we called you, and we kind of heard all the details about how you met and how you guys went out to a bar and you brought him like a cool Starbucks gift.
Card Chris sister. He thought that was really sweet.
Yeah, we have the same birthday.
And the sister.
Yeah. So the question that Blaine has that he's going through us hoping to get some answers for is why are you not wanting to see him again? If that's true?
If I'm honest now, because I wasn't honest in I stretched the truth about my age on my social media and we were having such a great time. I felt a little guilty about being dishonest.
Oh okay, okay. I think a lot of people stretch a little bit, Like if you're twenty seven, you'll say twenty five. Sure, how much did you stretch the number by?
We go in like three years or forty.
Years, about four years of stretch four.
What's interesting about that is he didn't notice at all. I have brought that.
Up to us, like you shouldn't. I don't think feel bad. You know, four years isn't that big of a difference at all now.
But I just felt really weird about it because he bought it up on it and I didn't correct him.
So like he said, you're I mean, what are you saying you are on social media?
Well, my social media says that I'm thirty two, okay, but I'm thirty six okay, okay, okay?
And can I just ask why why do you lie about it?
You know?
It was just something that I did and I just never went back and changed it.
I mean, she's not putting it onto like a dating app trying to like trick guys. It's just something on her personal social media page.
That I think my Facebook says I'm whileder because I wasn't allowed to make it at the age when Facebook, Yeah, stretch.
It, Okay, but I mean that doesn't sound like he did anything wrong. That sounds like you're just feeling guilty that you didn't one hundred percent come clean. Right.
I'm just a really honest person, and it felt really weird to start off this new relationship on a lie, Okay.
And so it was easier to go to him than to come clean and tell him the truth.
Yeah. I didn't want to look stupid for lying about something so small.
Okay. I know you're an honest person. On this show, we tend not to be sorry.
But if we do have any guilt about it, that is the bad one.
That's why this is so hard for me to be honest with you and let you know that Blaine has actually been on the other line listening this entire time.
That's not true.
I wish I could say that, but it is, Blaine. Are you there?
Hey, Hey, I don't know what to say right now.
I mean, I can, I can start it. Uh, that doesn't bother me. I don't care, like what age is just the number. You know, you look great. I honestly thought you look younger than thirty two.
So oh, thank you.
You're saying she doesn't seem like she's a thirty six year old.
Yeah, I mean you can kind of choose your own age, right, I don't care.
I don't know if that's a good.
Rule to live, but oh yeah, that is my due.
I think the government.
And somebody says you look twenty six, you're twenty six. I think that's how she think that is.
So I hear that. It makes me feel a little bit better, but I just I feel really bad when you brought it up, Blaine on the date, Like my eyes got really big, and I didn't know what to say to you.
So I could I could probably make you feel a little bit better. So the whole when we first started talking, I kind of lied to you about my sister.
What wait, you don't have a sister?
No, no, no, no, I do I have a sister, But I just I don't know. You're so beautiful and I really wanted to talk to you, so I just kind of lied about the about her birthday and your birthday being the same, just because I don't know. I just kind of wanted to start a conversation with you.
Wait, you lied about her birthday?
Yeah, I mean it was just the way I wanted to talk to you. You're so beautiful, I wanted to.
You said that, So, where's my gift card? I want my gift card back?
I'll bring back to Hey, we can go on a second date and I'll pay for Starbucks. How about that?
That's I don't understand. How did you figure out that my birthday? How did you figure out when my birthday was?
God, look all right, I don't know. This is too much to say on somebody said at one point that most attractive people's birthdays are the fits of fourteenth and the twenty third. So I kind of heard a Facebook search for people with those birthdays. Oh my, hey, what a I chose you? Like? I did only message you. Bro.
Did you hear what she just said about that? She called you a loser?
No, maybe she's talking about the guy who came up with that theory on TikTok.
I mean both of them.
Well, I mean he was just having a hard time. You know how hard dating is.
It's really hard to find honest people. Also, that's why dating is so hard.
You were just saying how guilty and horrible that you felt about yourself, that you weren't completely honest with him, and now.
It was a mistake.
Well, look, you said that I was a really cool person and we would have never met up if I hadn't gone through all that and got in touch with your over social media.
Yeah, but I didn't know you were an online creep such in the dirt web for people's birthday, living in the dark ages, and even light on your sister.
No successful relationship has ever started with total honesty. So like, this is actually not a bad place to jump off from, and we'd love to send you out on one more date that we would pay for, not you, not with the gift cards or anything on us, one hundred percent.
Give him a chance.
I just I really hate dishonesty, so I'm gonna have to pass.
But coming from someone pretending to be a thirty two year old online that was an accident. Yeah, excuse Yeah, I don't know how this call devolved into what it was, but coming from this twenty three year old GQ model, I think I think love is possible if you if you just give it a chance.
Also, I by your career, jeff Well.
Where's the line.
You're right, love is possible. That's why I'm messaging two hundred more later today A successful second date.
Update freaking Jeffrey in the morning.
People are just not forgiving enough anymore.
You think that's what it is. I wanted them to go out. I think they would have been so cute.
I think that's the problem. It's like it's forgiveness because, let's recap. Delilah was not honest about her age, and Blaine heard that and said, you know what, it's okay, yeah, I don't care. I like you. And then Blaine goes, I also kind of wasn't honest about my sister's birthday, and Delilah went, how dare you you deserve to suffer a lonely painfulness or something along those lines.
You know, I don't know that she went that far, but basically tell.
Me that effect. It should have been, even Stevens, it should have been like, Okay, I lied. There were equal lives. We're both on it.
They I think we're concentrated the wrong thing. There was honesty at the end. That's the thing that we should have. But once he said a DM two hundred women.
Why why that.
It's no different than meeting on the dating apps. You're messaging probably five hundred women there and only going out with one.
It just makes you feel like a loser.
Yeah, totally.
It's just I'm sorry, it's just how it is.
Why Why can't as a society we just be more accepting about the creative ways that people connect online, because you know, nobody wants to meet in person anymore in public, but no girl wants to be one of two hundred messages either like you got to have a middle or.
Why can't we just agree that there's some things that just shouldn't be said, even if we love honesty.
There, you know, I'm gonna say something so mean right now, but you know what, I'm not friging. I'm gonna I'm gonna restrain, restrain myself and just say, you know what, if you want some help with your dating life, email the show.
Why are you going to be mean?
Just make you angry on them? There, We'll call that pursuers and call you
Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning.