The woman in today’s Second Date has such a COOL job, it stopped us all in our tracks. We wanted to know every single detail, and you will too!
Second date Update. Occasionally, we check back in with callers months after they come on the show to see how their relationship is going love. When we do that, we call it a second date update update. Yeah, but today we're doing something kind of new. We have a second date update Update update. That's a triple update.
Now we're getting clingy, can you know what I mean?
Like, can't we just let people live their lives at some point, Jeff, It's second update Square.
No, we want to be as deeply involved in our listeners' lives as possible if we live with them. We're doing a trup date today. Yeah, a few of those different meaning though, but seriously, one of our listeners, Anthony, reached out to us again. So first of all, Anthony, welcome back to the show.
Hey guys, thanks for having me.
Yeah, I'm having a hard time placing with Anthony what you were on before.
So last time Anthony was on, you were dating a woman named Mallory, and you guys were saying that you were happy together, but she was having you pay for a lot of her and her friend's activities.
I kind of remember this, and we're like, oh, she's using you, And then you're.
Like No, she's hot. Is that in my remembering night?
That's pretty close.
No, Mallory, it's just you today, Anthony. What's going on?
H So with Mallory? I ran out of money?
Oh wait, you broke what?
Just go get a bank alone? Man?
Did she wait?
Did she leave you?
Well? Yeah, she basically dropped me after I stopped paying for everything for her and her friends.
So alexis good.
Right, I see where she's coming from, Like.
You go, girl. That sucks, man, But it sounds like you're better off.
Without that, which I think I told you so, Yeah, I think that.
Okay, So is that it?
Guess if you went on have a date with another person that you're interested in.
Yes, that has been happening.
Okay, who's the new girl?
I found a new woman named Lisa.
Okay, all right, and what do you like about her?
Well, the first thing that stands out to me about her I find fascinating is that she does private security detail for celebrity whoa.
Wow, one of your employees. Amazing.
Let's get her on the phone.
Was that was that like right there on her dating profile?
No, that's just something that came out after. But she won't tell me who these clients are and that's what I'm always trying to get out of her.
Job at least. Yeah privacy.
Okay, so have you guys been on one day? Two dates? Were yet?
We just got out once?
How did it go?
And went pretty well? I mean another thing that I thought was pretty funny is one thing I did see on her profile is there's like an ad that comes up on people's profiles that says today's high flyer of the week, like when they're getting a lot of action.
I guess they call it app that's funny.
Is that a good thing for you or a red flag jury's I don't know, but I mean I was calling her the high flyer as as a joke.
Though. Is that something that she puts on her profile or is it something that the app does automatically? Sorry, I'm an idiot when it comes to apps.
Yeah, I think the app does that if you're really popular on the app.
That's another interesting talking point though, to bring up on the date, like how did it go?
I was good. At first. I couldn't tell if she was gonna be a real person or not, but she was exactly how she described herself, So she's real.
Pretty is what you're saying.
Yeah, yeah, well she's pretty cas what she showed up in Gucci sweats a tupac couldie.
Okay, she doesn't have a sense of styles.
Do a magic. I think it's kind of cute.
But I thought it was pretty cool and we did have fun. She talked a lot about this charity where she does so she's really big on giving back to the community, and I was able to relate because I was just involved with the charity with my ex girlfriend and her friends.
So I hoped to say that, yeah, is that how you brought it up?
No, No, I made that joke in the failed to go to further detail about it with their books.
Okay, okay, okay, so we didn't even ask what were you guys doing?
Were you drinking?
What was the date about?
Yeah, we got a couple of drinks. We went to a happy hour.
Okay, so it's chill. So that's why she could wear the sweatshirt and the sweatpants.
I see you budgeting, that's a idea.
I think she wanted to meet me in the daylight.
Did you feel like you had a good connection with her? Though?
I did, but yeah, I could definitely tell why she is the high flyer Because her phone keeps buzzing the whole time we're together. I have a suspicion that she's definitely talking to more guys than just me.
Probably, I mean, Jose, if you were out on a date with someone who was a high flyer, is that a red flag to you? No, I would just be happy.
That I'm on a date.
You're buying a ticket onto that.
Point, maybe she wants to take step off the fast.
Plane, move on to the slope plane with him, and I'm definitely.
Over overall, though, how do you think the first date went good?
Bad? I think it went good, Okay. I was hoping that we're gonna go on another date. But her responses are a little spotty.
I don't know, and I don't know if you did this or not, but did you ever point out, hey, your phone is buzzing a lot, or you're getting a lot of dudes trying to hit you up right now?
Come across as weirdly, I didn't think that would be a good style on my fire. I played it cool. I played it cool.
It was.
It was just slightly leading me up inside.
Okay, you seem to have answers. Let's find out what Lisa has to say for herself. We're gonna call the high flyer director.
Maybe as well.
What's on her chart? Your second date update right after this.
Imagine being out with someone you're very interested in in finding out that they do security detail for the rich and famous. Cool, but they won't tell you who. Not only that they're a verified high flyer on the dating app where you met them.
Which means that they get a lot of action.
Yeah I don't know, someone just paid to feature them or something like that. And they wear Gucci sweats with Tupac hoodies to first dates like it's no big deal.
Yeah, I mean they're cool.
For me personally. This is a very interesting second date call because, like jose said before, I really hope that she actually answers us because we don't get to talk to people like this very often.
Yeah, he cannot be the one that also like prize into who the celebrities are she works for?
Just ask why.
I know he already did on the date. She didn't want to answer her.
But if she's like standing next to Kim Kardashian right now, is like I can't talk. I mean we do want a lot of answers from her, but the main thing we want to know is why she's not going out with Anthony. That's true because this is a very unique type of woman and Anthony. The best part is she hasn't made you pay for anything yet either, but you are willing to. Yes.
Wait, oh yeah, wait you paid for the date though, right, Anthony?
You paid for happy Hour?
Yeah? I paid for the date at the bar. But it wasn't like with Mallory. I wasn't paying for her parking and you know the.
Last girl that you were on the show with.
Okay, but you'll pay for he parking on the second date at least. Let's let's call her and try and figure out where that's going to be and if she'll go out with you. Here we go. Hello, Hey is this Lisa?
It is Hey Lisa. What's up? You're on the radio right now with Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning.
Welcome to the show, Lisa.
Oh hi, I.
Guess I can't project us if you haven't heard us before. We're low key Bougie, the lowest key.
I feel like he's wearing a free show shirt.
Okay, what is it all about? I don't get it.
Well, we're one of those weird shows that helps listeners with their dating lives. When they go out with someone and they're not getting a return callback, we reach out and try and help figure out the reason why. Okay, I know, pretty pathetic on our part, but people get paid to do it.
Thanks Jeff. I kind of like this segment.
But I like it too. My parents are really ashamed of it. But that's not it's not about us. We're trying to ask about you and your relationship with a guy named Anthony.
Oh okay, you guys went to a happy hour? Yeah we did.
Okay, pretty great guy, huh.
I mean yeah, he's a nice guy, good looking.
Oh what was your thoughts on the date?
I mean it was really chill. We just had a couple of drinks at happy hour and it was just a date.
Oh okay, nothing to write home about.
Okay. I mean, was there any like big red flags to you for why you're not going out with him again? Because he said he's been trying to organize a second meet up and it's not quite happening.
I mean no, there weren't any red flags when we were sitting there talking. I mean, he was very interesting. He was interested in me, asked me a lot of questions.
Can I offer something up that he told us? Because sure, he said he was worried he may have offended you by prying too much into your job because he found out you helped organize security for big time celebrities.
My gosh, yeah, I just made that up to sound Wait what.
Man, I was interested even us. We were prepared with all these questions to try and get you to reveal who you do security for.
Usually when somebody lies on a date, there's like shame and stuff.
You're laughing like a joke to you.
Well, I couldn't tell him what my real job is.
What can you tell us your real job?
I guess at this point if I'm not going to see him again, and sure, I'll tell you what my real job is.
What do you do?
So I am actually part owner of the dating site?
Wait way, wait a minute, you met Anthony?
Yeah, oh, some friends had the idea and we were just talking about stuff and it's just an idea. Well, they moved forward and they asked if I wanted to be an early investor, and so let's do it, and it just kind of blew up.
So it says when it says high flyer on your dating app, that just means like CEO or something.
Modeling pretty much.
I mean, we were looking for trying to like do a feature like on the app, and I just said I'll do it. I'm single, I don't care about the attention whatever.
Wow, market research apparently it makes an impact.
Yeah, I guess.
So Okay, So wait, why did you just tell him that you were the app owner?
Well, to be honest, I go on a lot of dates, and I mean eventually I would tell people what the deal is, but also it would be a little creepy. I would think in.
The beginning, we're trying to help him figure out what's the reason that you're not going out again. That's what he's confused about. Okay, okay, is it so many men? Just so many men you can't choose one.
No, that is not the reason. So as an ad men, I can tell that he's been messaging other women, and when we are on a date and talking, he told me in conversation that it was just him and I talking.
That feels like invasion.
Listen when you check off on the agreement, I mean, it says any co founder or manager can monitor your account in your activity, So well, am I right to do that?
That's crazy and it.
Just proves that men are pigs.
Oh, Anthony, what do you think about hearing all that?
Hi Lisa, Yeah, yeah, I forgot to tell you, Lisa, it's down way way deep in our agreement when you come on the phone listening, Okay, we've got you're chill.
I'm a little shocked, but I totally understand like that you can that why you had to put that in your profile.
And feels like the last time you were on the show, like you just agree with women no matter what they do to you. Woman's been light, she like invaded your privacy and you're just chill still.
So wait a second. You could actually go into my app and see all the messages, like everything that I've ever written on there?
Yes, I can.
I know.
I know Anthony's thinking of like three things said.
Hope you keep a PG on overbody. I'll tell you know. She cares.
You can't see pictures, right, Yes, I can, So you can zoom in on them too. I don't know if you'll have to zoom in.
Yeah, why do I doubt that?
I doubt that let's go down a bad path.
Does that mean that you weren't talking to anybody else either, because I.
Mean, yeah, I'm talking to some people. Oh, I was honest about that on the day he implied that I was the only person he was talking to you.
But you wouldn't have cared if you had said, but see that.
Why why did you say that, Anthony?
Well, you're the only person that I've met on the app that I actually like and respect.
Oh, you don't respect.
You don't respect any other person you're talking about?
What good? I mean, I came out wrong, maybe, but you're the only one I have really found interested in and I haven't met anybody like you, whether it was on the app or not.
Well, I have your profile pulled up right now, and it looks like that you're trying to set up something with somebody named Clarissa.
Oh, respect her, Lisa. You said a little bit jealous of that, even I don't.
Know about jealous. But look, I would have been totally kind if he had said, yeah, I'm talking to other people too. I get it. It's not a big deal.
I'm blocking I'm blocking Clarissa right now.
Wow, it just sounds like you need to be truthful about everything another app.
Definitely, something is happening here for sure, and it feels good. It does feel good. And I'd like to offer to send you guys out on another date that we will pay for once once again.
Can I just reiterate that I'm serious. You are the only one I've taken serious that I've met on there, and I'm really hoping that you're going to say yes.
That's cute.
Well, that's very sweet, Anthony, I appreciate that. Yeah, I mean I'm a yes. I would say yes, start over, fresh slate, start from the beginning. Now that everything's on the table, we start over.
Okay, And we also have fourteen other guys who want to know if you'll go out with them. What would you like to say to them?
Well, I mean, if I'm being honest, I am still talking to the other guys fourteen on the other side for me.
But how many of those guys do you respect?
All right?
Well, more research with the second day on our bill, We're going to pay for it.
Okay, I'm good.
Before you go, can you force matches because there's a couple of girls that aren't responding to me that.
I don't know that's creepy.
That's a hard no, Jeffrey in the morning.
You know. The thing that I'm coming to terms with what is we just have to get it through our heads that people lie on dates. It can be small, little white lies or big giant ones. But people do it all the time, whether it's to make themselves look better or for whatever reason, and we don't all.
Have the access to fact check them like she did.
Yeah, I mean, and it's not so much if you lie, it's what you lie about that's really important. She lied about what her job was out of boredom from all the dates that she goes on. He lied saying that she was the only girl that he was talking to on the dating app, and she found out that was untrue.
Why wouldn't he even offer it up? You know, like just don't know.
It sounds like one of those nice lies that you tell someone that they're the only one that you like, or it's like.
I never do this when you know that that person always does it, you're really good at it.
I never feel like society has really progressed because they were both totally okay with each other's lies.
In the end, well, we put each other out Yeah.
That's how lies work. Yes, make a right Yes, No matter what, no lie. You can always email the show for help. We're willing to call that person who isn't calling you back. It's Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning, Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning