Second Date Update: Happy Shamaversary (#7)

Published Dec 16, 2024, 4:19 PM

One of our listeners tried to go the “funny” route for a first date activity and it ended up stinking worse than Brooke’s microwaved lunches. You’ll hear what happened in a Second Date Update!

We are still counting down our top ten second date updates. Okay, thank you to everybody who's been subscribing to this, who's been liking and sharing and first trapping us on our socials at Brooke and Jeffrey.

Wait, I just get the complaints, you get thirst traps.

Yeah, Sidney Sweeney isn't messaging you photos of herself?

No, I'm engaged.

Ye, you naughty girl.

You should definitely believe that's her. Jeff Yeah, sure it's not a catfish at all on.

A Grande single, right because she's messaging me.

No, she's also with you. Yeah.

All the celebrities and fake celebrities accounts trapping us, Thank you and continue to do it. This number seven second date update goes out to you. It's titled Happy Shammiversary Second Date Update. What happens if you meet someone on a dating app and you find out that both of you have been in the dating pool for way too long, It's like, what's wrong with you? Yeah, that's when you need to mix it up. Like one of our listeners, Wayne did recently. Did He suggest both of them dress up as their favorite power ranger and meet in front of the police station.

That's actually really funer.

Did he didn't do that? He didn't It would have been a fantastic idea. Yeah, yeah, said he went a different direction. And now he says he's living with a medium amount of regret.

Okay, I feel like that most adults live that way.

Yeah, sleep at night, Wayne, Only in ninety chance are going to regret asking us for help today. So welcome to the show. Now, must stay.

Yeah, I am having some regret. You know, started as a good idea.

They all.

We'll get to your questionable idea in just a second. But first, tell us about the girl that you went out with. Who's she?

And Isabella?


Yeah, And from Jeffrey's description, it sounds like, I don't know, maybe you're a little exhausted from online dating.

Oh definitely, okay, are we all?

Okay? I mean, do you still have hope going into a first date with someone when you're just tired of it? All?

I have a sliver of hope.

Yeah, but it's like, all right, give me a reasonably So tell us about what you wanted to do with Isabella.

Oh yeah, so Isabella, you know, a couple of weeks you were chatting and we just had really awesome conversations and like talked about our favorite candy and like our top three?

Yeah, what is your favorite candy?

Kidding pieces?

Okay, interesting?

Does your first date have to do with like a candy shop or something?

No, but kind of like a game. Well, basically we had so many fun conversations and she was like, it never translates into a good first date. And I was like, well, let's just skip the first date then, and you can pretend like it's our second or third date.

Oh okay, can you do that?

I like, yeah, you could do that.

You can act like remember last time when we talked, why are you telling me the story again?


Brook? We're getting along so well. And she was like, well, what have we pretended it was our one year anniversary?


That escalated quickly, sir, let's.

Jump right to the divorce and start breaking up. It's been one year. You still won't sleep with me? Wait?

Were you into that idea?


You know?


I was like why not? What have we got to lose it? This street and you may get.

A free dessert out of it from the restaurant, you know, whenever they know it's an anniversary.

Yeah, okay, So what'd you end up doing?

Oh, we made a reservation for a one year anniversary and I ordered actually a bottle champagne and oh.

You're a good boyfriend. After a whole year.

We had to put out flowers with a card. Oh yeah, one year down ever to go.

I I legit want to steal this one year down Forever to go. That was the card.

Yeah, yeah, wow romantic. Did she think that's funny or did it feel like too much to her? Because you really took this too, like a serious level.

You owned it when we met, Like we had the happy one year like anniversary jokes, and you know she was into it too. She came with like a president for me, which I was like, Yeah, her present was a fake coupon book that's.

Really free hug.

Yeah yeah, it was done like that, but to kind of like sarcastic, except free hug. It was like hug yourself or to the laundry yourself.

Oh oh, that's more like the ten year anniversary.

Yeah, she saunds really funny. Did you guys laugh a lot on your date?

Yeah, the first like fifteen twenty minutes of the dinner pretty fun. Okay, then it got a little serious.

Oh, serious.

It probably with me. I was too into it, took it too far because I started kind of telling her who she can be friends with, you know, like I don't actually know any of her friends, so I was kind of making it up.

You turned into the boyfriend that she wants to dump as well. Friends don't like what.

The hell hopefully you told her don't hang around Brooke because she's a wet blanket about your date idea?

Oh terrible.

You know, Lane's a bad influence she you know, like, what do you mean? I don't know if she meant what do you mean? Who's Lane or what?

Because there is no Lane?

Yeah, okay, you you were a fake, toxic boyfriend, like what happened to the romantic guy that she was dating, you know, fake dating?

Yeah, I mean I had to have fixed in a little bit of real fake life.

Dude. That's exactly why she's not calling you.

You have to create some fake lows to enjoy those fake highs in your relationships.

You don't put up with that type of crap in a relationship.

You've been single long enough. He has to do something.

I'm not surprised.

Yeah, was that it was there?

More to the day, it kind of got worse, perhaps because then we kind of shifted in the topic of how to discipline you know, our kids.

You don't even have kids.

No, we don't have kids now, but in the one anniversary world, it's normal to talk about, you know, how would you discipline kids.

Yeah, you didn't see eye to eye on how to parent your fake children.

We were disagreeing a lot about that, and she said something about my mom being overbearing.

I mean, how much longer did you guys last after that?

Well, you know, it was hard coming out of like the overbearing mom thing. It got a little awkward. It just wasn't a good idea.

All right, man, Well it sounds like you had a couple hiccups on the day, very tiny ones.

But we're.

Every relationship goes through the these moments before they find they're like strat isn't that right, Brooke, sir?

On the first date?

But on the one year anniversary it makes sense. So we're gonna play a song, We're gonna come back. We're gonna call your girlfriend of one year, Isabella, and we're gonna see if we can get her to go out with you one more time. Okay, the second time?

Hold on.

Second date update, Jose keeps telling me off the air that he's gonna steal this date idea I am, even though the girl clearly isn't calling back after.

It ended in a total disaster.

But it's so funny.

Left at each other.

If a girl isn't calling you back, Jose, usually that's a bad sign, I.

Know, but it's just like, how much fun could you have imagining your one year university?

He just wants to be in a relationship so bad.

But we're talking about one of our listeners, Wayne, who just went out on a date with someone name Isabella, and on their first day, they pretended that it was their one year anniversary, so they set it all up with champagne and flowers at a restaurant. But Wayne thinks he may have over committed to the character when he made some jokey comments about who Isabella can and can't hang out with and how they are going to parent their future non existent children someday down the road. It's fake, guys, I know, Wayne.

Why did you go with controlling boyfriend as your PERSONA?

Yeah, I don't know. I wasn't really thinking I was doing controlling Boyfriend. I was just thinking you know, one year you have these little like.

Telling someone who they can and can't hang out with is very controlling.

I mean I was just looking out for lanes of bad. Yeah.

That was not a good lane in my life yet it.

Guys, it's funny.

Didn't your husband buy you a dish rack on your one year anniversary?

That's true, Yeah, but he never tried to tell me who I couldn't couldn't hang right, get in.

The kitchen dishes. They'll get the water all over the counter.

Hanging out, mister clean.

So it can't turn out any worse than that, right, Wayne, Let's just call Isabella and see how this.

Here we go.

I'm gonna Isabella, let's do this. Hello, Hey, is this Isabella? Yes, Hey, Isabella.

My name is jeff from a radio show called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.

Okay, like that, sass.

I don't know what it's funny, really funny? Isabelle already?



This is the whole morning show. That's a brooke. You probably know their social media handle Brook Fox Fox Yeah, sure, at Hilarious Everything. Yeah, and then Alexis at Alexis Fuller sixteen sixteen.

Okay, I don't follow you guys think we're not calling because of social media.

Just see, we're doing a dating segment on this show asking about somebody that you went out with recently named Wayne.

Oh oh.

Was that a good?


You want to know, Well, we want to know what you thought about your date because we've heard a little bit about it from Wayne, but we'd like to get your perspective on it.

Was it?

Was it producers dancing in a corner?

I mean, I think it was a really clever idea of mine.

Oh yeah, to do the one year anniversary thing.


Can you tell Brooke what an amazing idea that date was. It sounds like she doesn't believe that people can have fun doing that.

I'm not saying it didn't sound fun. It just you know, I don't know, it depends on what you think, Like, did you think it was fun?

I mean it started out pretty fun because like it was Billy and just like, yeah, we already know each other, we've known each other for a year or whatever. But then like, I don't know, we're talking about our family and there was like this weird moment where I made this.

Joke about his mom being overbearing and stuff like that, which is a pretty stereotypical mother in law joke, like.

Absolutely, But his response to that was like, are you sure you want to eat that pasta?

Like I want you to live along and healthy life, and I don't know if that could be something that's a part of your diet.

He already told me about the friend thing too, Like why is he doing.

Or does he have kind of a point if he wants you to live long? And I mean, if he really cared about you.

Is red.

But then he like he like brought up this person I can't even remember her name, but like he brought up this person because it's made up whatever, But he was like I don't want you seeing her anymore, bad influence for you, and blah blah blah, and like yeah it was made up, but like kind of a red flag for me.

I would have a larm bells going off left and right like h gas of.

Like wait, I'm you made a joke about his mom being overbearing.

But it's like a stereotypical joke.

Oh why is that okay?

Because it's not talking about who he is as a person.

She's not talking about who she is as a person.

Can I just say something It wasn't a real person.

Okay, uh, sorry, that's Wayne, Isabella. He just jumped in the conversation.

Person, Isabella, we were we were in together for one year anniversary. I don't know what when you talking about my mom and even though she is very overbearing, you don't know her. You hit a nail on the head.

Huh, you're not listening, like you're saying about the mom. And then you completely changed around onto me and something about me as a person, and it's like that didn't really hit well, you know, we weren't We were joking about our family, and then suddenly you started telling me that I shouldn't et costa Like.

Ye uh, family joking is okay, but talking about food that crosses the line.

What they can or can't eat. Can can't hang out.

With your safety and health.

And she's not child, you're not her dad, Like get out of here. And why do you think boyfriends act that way? Like if you're just even if you're just pretending.

And like pasta isn't even bad for you, Like what are you what are you doing? You're basically just feeding into the stereotype that carbs make you fat, and I'm fat, Like.

I didn't need it like that. I was coming from the health perspective and daring about you wanting to have a healthy long boxer's life together. No.

I mean, it'd be one thing if you said don't smoke.

You know what's wrong with smoking cigarettes? You're telling me what I can and can't do her yet.

I mean, if it wasn't positive, there wouldn't be the freakout.

I mean, it seems what it seems like a bit freak out over one thing. Is that all that it was he made a bad joke about what she can and can eat in a fake scenario.

A lot of the it was a lot of them making optic stuff, which you know, like there was one where he was talking about like our kids and disciplining our kids, and I was like, okay, if we're just dating on a one year anniversary, that's not something that you usually talk.

About, is disciplining your children. If you haven't even talked about wanting to have kids yet.

And I was like, all right, I don't get it.

What are you talking about?

We already talked about having kids at our six months march.

You forgot that conversation, Isabella.

Conversation maybe happened with another girl.

Ye, a.

Lot hotter situation than this.

He's not very funny, Like wait, come on, man, it's like foreshadowing. Just a crappy relationship, is what you were doing?

Like, Brook, she's just against me the whole time.

You emailed us for help. Remember that, Brook, This date idea was all her idea to pretend to be like a couple a year into a relation.


Couple, that's fun. You pretend European vacation you have?

Now he has to pay for a big euro trip. She's a bad boyfriend.

Oh, she's obviously going to split the cost, Jeffrey, They're only been together for one year. Okay, she's an independent working woman, give her a break?

Is that Truebell?

I would absolutely pay my own way, but like I would appreciate if he offered.

More fun conversation.

Yeah, would you like to go to Europe with me? I'll pay for it?


Absolutely better?

Yeah for it?

Oh wow, kids behind, Well come on, guys.

Literally, I think he tried to take a bad angle as a joke and it didn't work. But I think she was her gut.

You guys are still laughing right now.

You have chemistry? Yeah, like we can all tell when a joke is a joke and when it's not a joke. And I'm not joking right now. When I say I want to pay for a second date for both of you, and I will pay for it, Yes, pre Europe, pre Europe. Yes, just a regular first date, and we can pretend that you guys haven't been dating for a long time anymore, a real second date.

I would be okay with a real second date. See what he's really like in the present moment instead of thinking what the future should be.

Oh my god, I can't believe.

Oh my god, I can't believe you said, Yeah, Wayne, are you still You're still up for this?

Yeah? Of course she won't regret it at all.

Okay, Just no more hypotheticals on your guys.

Dates should not joke at all. Look what happens. True love prevails even when Brooke tries to actively check.

Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.

I just wish that some of my co hosts could be more laid back and chill, like.

Mister Smooth. I get to I get.

Too worked up. I know I shouldn't care as much as I do. I don't know why it lets me.

That's the problem.

I care.

You really cared about it when you were laying into him for his date, I cared about her.

I think those are too many red flags.


I think Jose summed it up pretty well though when he said the guy made a couple of mistakes on the date, but overall it was a fun idea.


Yeah, and then he showed his true colors and then that's why she should have But whatever.

Really, you know, I'm happy that they're going out of Jeff. Yeah. Yeah, I think we got to give them a break. They were fake people, setting up fake scenarios, a fake problem making Joe. None of it was real. They don't actually have these problems between them, and when they do, they can come back and we'll do an awkward Tuesday.

But in the.

Meantime, if you ever need help getting a second day, you can always email the show. We'll call the person who isn't calling you back and then judge you all the way till the right

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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