A fun activity to go along with dinner is normally a great date. NOT TODAY. One of our listeners botched his night and now needs our help! Hear his plight in the podcast!
Second date update. How many mistakes are you allowed to make on a first date? Oh no, I never thought about this, Jeff.
I guess if you want another one, I.
Guess it depends on the mistake itself.
Forgetting your credit card, you get away with.
That mistake once. I think that's okay, it happens.
Forgetting your date's name, Oh, definitely let.
That one go.
Forget your own name? Yes, who am I again?
That's my cousin?
Is we get my ID?
Oh? Wait?
I forgot my credit card?
Oh god.
Luckily none of those happened to our listener, Corey. No, but he said in his email A mistake was definitely made, and I'm curious what it was. Corey. Welcome to the show.
Thank you for having me.
All Right, Corey, I'm glad you know who you are. There's no existential crisis happening.
Do we know the name of your date? Do you remember that one?
Yes? He was uh uh Brenda.
He just looked it up on his phone right now. Wipe through. But okay, you see me. Okay, So what was the mistake that you made with Brenda?
Well, the mistake was Brenda, and I was out to dinner and Brenda had to excuse herself and go to the bathroom, and a very sexy waitress came over and she started flirting with me.
Did she though? Did she?
Or what's she doing her job?
Yeap? And started I started flirting back with her.
Help it.
It's one thing to like flirt, like secretly, did you got caught by Brenda flirting?
I didn't get clutch, thank goodness. She came back to the table and she saw me rubbing on the waitress arm.
That's worse toeing her well listen she she led to that and as I'm feeling on her arm, Brenda comes.
Back to the table and I was like, oh, Brenda, I like you to meet Shephardy. This is my cousin.
She was like hey, and I introduced the waitress. She went right along with it. But the waitress did slap me her number there but still actually she was feeling it. Huh oh, yes, she.
Was okay, but you do not so remorseful at all.
I was a little but this I can't help, but I have it that way.
Isn't this second date update that you want to do to call Brenda or the waitress may be a better man.
Well no, but but Brenda and I after the night went on, we hit it all very well. And this is I would like to see Brenda again in a different restaurant. But yes, I'd like to see Brenda a yat.
Yell at me girls. But is there a chance that were seeing him get hit on slightly made her like him more?
Like there's competition because he doesn't. Yeah, he said that it was his cousin.
Oh, that's right, he's his cousin.
Oh god, do you think it's a red flag? Like, why are you rubbing your cousin?
You know, Brooke, his cousin rubbing all up and down her family in unions. Let's not act like it's weird.
Not from West Virginia. So it wasn't like that.
Okay, So how did this date start off? Before the restaurant?
It started off we were playing flip cups on the hood of my car.
Using what do you mean as part of the date.
Yes, yes, I wanted to add some type of activity. I wanted to have some fun before the date.
So you got no team, You're just competing against each other.
Remind me of the flip cup rules again.
You chug the beer out of the plastic cup and you put it on table, have to flip it over. It's the lane on the other side.
You have a team of like, fine.
Well you can just do it six times in a row yourself.
Yeah, and that's what we did six times in a row.
Well, that's that's thoughtful. A lot of guys don't put the effort into like plan out an activity for the actual date. They just go to a place and hope for the best.
And listen, I was a complete gentleman. I provided the beer.
Wow, beer that sounds traditional Alexis.
Maybe Brenda's a beer type of gal. So we got flip cup, a restaurant, you hit on the waitress. Anything else we should know from here because your cousin, yeahs any other details from this romantic first encounter.
After the night dinner we had, we ordered dessert. Okay, I ate both of them.
Both the dessert desserts are meant to be shared.
But she saw a hair in hers, and listen, I didn't have a problem with the hair, so.
I actually appreciate. We don't ever say anything if that happens to me.
So she didn't want to eat it because there was a hair. So you you didn't want to insult your cousin by sending it back.
What kind of dessert was it?
It was a brownie?
You had too whole fudge brownies in front of her.
Two whole flud brownie.
Why did you give her yours?
But I have already ate mine before she found the hair?
Okay, this is a wild night.
I can't wait to hear from her for multiple reasons.
So what's happened since this date? Did you guys kiss?
Uh? No, we didn't, okay, but I was okay with it.
I don't know what's wrong with you after you like brought her beer, introduced her to your family, showed her how good you are eating. I would love to hear what excuse this woman has for not calling you back.
She Do you think you got caught in your lie about the cousin?
We had a nice time afterwards.
Yeah, let's reach out to Brenda and have her explain herself and maybe even give you a refund after we do this second date update right after this.
Thank you, guys.
Hold on man. Second date update. If you missed part one of today's call, here's what we know. Corey is our listener and Corey's normal dates are unlike any other normal date we've ever heard on this show, jeffs It started by meeting his date Brenda in a parking lot and playing flip cup with the back seat beer he had lying in his trunk.
Oh, he didn't say it was warm though.
Was warm?
I don't know.
I don't know why. I'm just assuming it had been there a while. It eventually moved inside of a restaurant, where he proceeded to hit on a waitress. Doesn't think he got caught because he lied and said that she was his cousin.
And the waitress went along with it, Yes.
While he rubbed her arm. Yeah. And then it ended with two chocolate desserts, both eaten by Corey because Brenda said she found a hair in hers. Now, it's unclear to me. Maybe he clarified this already, But Cory, you didn't eat the actual hair, did you.
One long hair is not going to kill you.
I think that's a good quote.
We should put that on the restaurant sign right there.
Female hair, Yeah long? Do you have any regret that?
Like, maybe she was telling you there was a hair so that you would speak up to the waitress and you again the dessert switched out.
I mean the waitress to her was your cousin. That's such a good plan.
Setting you up to be like the chivalrous hero.
Well, I didn't fall for that one.
It's a trick.
Alright, all right, not not Corey style. We get that. Now, Let's try and reach out to Brenda here and see if she answers.
And we're not going to out him on the cousin lie, right, No, okay, I just want to make it clear.
In the room.
Yeah, no, I'm not okay, even though I feel like as smooth as she says.
Yeah, let's make sure you all understand that I'm that smooth. Okay, you never.
Doubted you made actually make a note of it, Corey.
Right, let's style Brenda right out here we go.
Hey is this Brenda? Yes, hey Brenda, thanks for answering. We're a radio show. We're called Brooke and Jeffrey in the Morning.
Brenda, good morning, Hi, Hi, welcome the show. Brenda.
Thank you.
I didn't sign up for anything. I don't know.
No, you didn't sign up for anything. Somebody else kind of signed you up for this. It actually could be a really good thing for you. Yeah, okay, well, this is a segment we do called second Date Update because you were recently out with a guy who listens to our show. Apparently he thinks you too had a really nice time and he's been hoping to meet up with you again. His name is Corey.
Uh, I'm not sure I know who that is.
That is shocking that you would forget Corey.
You guys played like flip cup in a parking lot. You went to a restaurant, shared a dessert kind of yeah, we heard good.
This is really confusing.
Did it?
Did this happen at an Applebeet?
We don't know.
Maybe it did.
Memorable, I mean, honestly, Okay, we talked to him and he was he was a very impactful person to me, like somebody I wouldn't forget.
We're not going to forget even after this bed.
Okay, I'm just confused because I'm a waitress at Applebee's and.
Oh my god, did he give us?
Oh god, Okay, I don't know.
We got the wrong we're talking.
Yeah, stop, So Corey, please shed some light on this. What is going on? What happened?
I think listen, I got three names under Applebee's. I got Applebee's Brenda, Apple Bee, Rachel and Apple Kanya.
And I kind of okay, So one must be the waitress. One is his actual date at Applebee's. I don't even know who the third one is.
I think.
Rolled the dice. I wanted three chance to get it right.
But we're on the phone with Brenda, the waitress from Applebee's.
Yes, I'm Brenda. Are you the creepy guy that was like badgering me for my number? So you thought that you were calling like your gate from the other night.
But wait, but wait a minute. You feel like he was into it, So that's why I just went with it. Listen, I'm a nice guy. You're a nice lady, and maybe you know after my date with uh my other lady that may.
Well that that's what That's how strong of an impression that you made on him, Brenda, that Applebee's, that he's completely erased every other female's name from his All girls are now named the functioning brain he did.
I'm sorry I got the name wrong, but you know I thought we had.
No you didn't get the name wrong. I am Brenda. I was your waitress.
Okay, okay, my my Brenda.
Says a lot about a man Brenda, that can admit there, Yes, I made.
A mistake, but you still you made that impression on me, Brenda. So maybe Brenda, we can go out.
Trying to remember it. It's like a tool.
I just I can't believe that. Like when you were telling me about the day that he played slip cuff in a parking lot. That's not a day.
I gotta say.
It's better than a date.
No, it's not.
No, it's not.
It can't be that uncommon in the parking lot of Applebee's, Brenda.
It was just an activity that I thought, maybe we can have fun before you know, we're going into the dinner now with you and I. I would try something different. I will come up with a different activity if you.
Give me that Ten is all about like good vibes, good times with good people, and you say all of those criteria for him, that's why.
He remembers the people well, you know, I remember, Brenda.
I bet Brenda, if you gave him a shot and sweet talked him back, he'd be willing to play a different drinking game with you. Maybe case cut.
I think I'm I'm one that's kind, but you know, I feel like this guy just like doesn't think.
Guys that think, like do you really want that? Like, yeah, that's going to give you a headache. You want to be in charge?
I mean, Jeffrey actually has a point there.
Yeah, a lot more work.
I definitely want a guy that thinks.
Okay, well, Brenda, you're definitely the minority of women with that one. But I'd still like to offer to send you on a date with Corey and we would pay for it Applebee's gift card, anybody I want to discount. You can get a lot for that four brownie. Let him meat all of them.
Yeah, I'm okay though, but think you for the author?
Okay, Brenda, do you guys take orders over the phone right now? Because I'd like to put one in for lunch.
I don't take the orders, but someone else I'm sure can help you with that if you just call back.
Okay, Okay, Corey, you're right, she is a dud.
Yeah, the problem is me.
The one who doesn't eat it. We didn't even talk about the whole dessert tobacle with the hair in the brownie. Yeah, but we don't get to discuss.
It and him eating it.
I was there, I thought, how you will wait?
You certain to desert that you knew how to haird it.
I didn't know that there was a hair in it until his date sent something and we went to replace it and he.
Had already eate it.
It's a man who doesn't complain.
I don't complain, Grinda, you should complain about that. I know it was a very good brownie.
Okay, so you're not going to get a date out of this, clearly. But I don't see why Applebe's wouldn't use you to endorse their dessert menu. But if only we could come up with like a catchy slogan for them.
Here Today, Gone tomorrow, looking.
Jeffrey in the morning. Why do I feel like Corey is definitely going to be back on this show again? Somewhere down the road, I want to.
Call Applebee's Tanya. Does no one else?
I know we didn't get to the actual person. I mean there was two other Applebee's off I mean, it's.
A good reminder when you're putting the numbers of ladies into your phone, make sure you don't have more than one Applebee's girl.
Just describe them as Applebee's waitress, Applebee's hostess, Applebee's Day, Applebee's chef.
Us do like limbs peach, you know, yeah, physical descriptions. I mean I should have asked them how many Denny's girls you gotten there? Probably up in the twenties for that, I used to work in Denny's, right, he's got some talent in there. Make sure to clean up your phone every once in a while, though. It's a reminder do some housecaping, make yourself and make your dating life a little bit easier. It's a good point.
Got I have three people saved under ice.
On this no.
So yeah, if you ever need help with your dating life, we can try and make it easier for you by calling that person who isn't calling you back. You can go check out all of our second dates wherever you get your podcasts at
Brook and Jeffrey Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning