The guy on the phone today hung out with his date until the sun came up but he’s still not getting a text back. Did she tire of him after just one night together? Check it out in your Second Date podcast!
The second date of day. If you're looking for the three hottest places to meet eligible singles.
Right now, taking notes, Number one.
Is your local Civil War reenactment. Okay, are things get spicy out on the battle? Number two is the SuDS and Studs Charity car wash fundraiser, your ladies, the five dollars gets you more than just a clean wash. And number three any high school graduation party. I'm not saying you're meeting the graduates there. I'm saying, like I mean, though, let's be honest, most of them are legal by that point. The older people at the party, the friends of family, the chaperone. Yeah, the families of the friends.
Okay, listen, they're probably related to you. I mean, like, I know you're fun.
Because that's where one of our listeners, Robert met a lovely lady recently, so let's talk to him about it. Robert, welcome to the show.
Hey guys, what's up?
Did you meet a grown person? We congrats grad.
I didn't meet an actual grown person at this party. It was my frat brother's daughter high school graduation, So perfect place to pick up a woman, you know, okay, is the.
Perfect I've never heard that saying before there's.
The first time for everything. What's this lovely woman's name?
Her name is Charlotte?
Okay, Robert and Charlotte, So your couple's name would be Roblett or Sharbert.
I hope it ends with the Sharbert.
Why why was Charlotte there?
She was friends with my buddy's wife, and I guess she just wanted to have some extra friends there, so she invited.
We've all tagged along with a friend to some.
Can you come and make my kid look popular?
There's like an open bar.
So how did you and Charlotte come to be?
Uh? And we were just hanging out by the cooler and I realized we were hitting it off. We're talking for a little bit. Actually, I noticed that there was going to be a little bit of an ice shortage. There's a lot of people drinking limeritas and everything.
Oh yeah, okay.
A lot of high schoolers sneaking on probably no comment.
So you know, I noticed that there was a nice shortage, and I told Charlte, was like, hey, do you mind coming with a ride grab some bags of ice with me?
She came, that's actually smooth.
Yeah, Because then you get a little Loane time with her, like, were you guys able to connect?
Oh yeah, we definitely connected.
That sounds like were you making out in a car somewhere, sir, Yeah.
No, no, no, no, we didn't start then. We were still feeling each other out.
You know.
It was like one of those parties that starts at two o'cock. So nothing got crazy that early. Okay, we got and brought it back. I made sure that the situation was thaking care of. Thank god I did, because they ran out of ice almost immediately by the time we got back, and the party would have been over. But if we saved the party.
And you guys are the heroes exactly.
And you know what, we made everyone feel good. She was impressed with my knowledge of ice.
Oh what.
Circular cubes? Way better than those little square ones.
It's important to know how many people come to your party because you need to know the correct people to ice ratio.
Those are the long form math questions.
It would have served us a lot better in life. You know, screw how fast the train is going?
Thank god she had you there to help calculate that. So how long did the party last?
So like with that type of part that would only go to like five. Yeah, but things got crazy and it went all the way to like twelve o'clock at night.
Whoa, I love what the parties like for grads are actually really the parties for parents.
Yeah, I wonder you needed so much ice? Geez?
Were you and her together all night?
We were hanging out, you know, I tried to mingle a little bit, but I kept coming back to her because we were really hitting it off. And then apparently now I don't know what's the deal with these high school kids, but they have these parties that they'll bring chaperones to, like adult chaperones. So they were all headed to this park by us, and they wanted some chaperones. Okay, so I thought, why the heck not, why don't we go?
I guess I remember that they would do like all nighters at my high school, where like you would go to a bowling alley and you literally were there all night, and it was like school sponsored. The idea was to like make sure that kids run out, you know, doing drugs.
I remember that very fun. Okay, so was it an all nighter situation?
Yeah, So we went to this park and we chaperoned the party, and we ended up going to five A.
M Oh my god, that's so cool. Was it fine or was it annoying?
You know, it was fun because charl and I had some alone time while we're making sure the kids were having and everything. But I'm not gonna lie. I had to crack down on some of the kids because I saw that all the kids were huddled around this one red four tours. It turned out someone brought in a ponykeg, but I busted them how to break up the fun.
But yeah, but then does that mean that you confiscated the ponykeg and you and Charlotte got to drink it?
No comment? No comment?
Oh my god. Okay, well this sounds like a pretty fun night for you and Charlotte that day.
I mean, that is a lot of time with a person.
I know. But like you know what, the conversation just kept coming easy. It wasn't really difficult to talk to her, you know what. It felt like we had a real connection.
Nic, How did you two leave it?
So at the end of the night, when everything was winding down, I drove her back to her car and we made it out before she got out of the car. So things went pretty well.
Yeah, she's just like delirious with sleep.
Yeah, it sounds shocking that she wouldn't be getting back to you.
Are you're not hearing from her at all?
No, I've texted her back a few times and she keeps saying, you know, I need to check my schedule. But now it's been too week, So now I'm feeling like he's just playing games, you know.
Yeah, definitely you didn't meet a younger man.
It's any of them are college bound. I know she's like, you took my keg away. We'll find out when we come back. We will call Charlotte for you and try to turn you into officially shar Bert when we're doing your second date update right after this.
Thanks guys, I appreciate it. Update.
If you're just joining us for the second date update, we're talking to the chaperone of an all night high school graduation party. Yeah, and he's available for hire, ladies if the second date doesn't work out well, so he'll chaperone your kid's birthday party, their winter form. And the best part, he won't forget the ice, never enough for the entire party all night long. That's what Robert brings to the table, and it's how he met Charlotte the other night. Now after they're awesome evening together, she's not responding to his text anymore. So we're going to find out what's up. Or, as the kids would say, Sam, you were so disconnected, that's what they say, Robert. Isn't that what the kids say at the party.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure they said that at the party.
Yeah, thank you, Robert. I garage you. Jeff googled that. I asked Jeeves, did Jeeves?
I think the important part is like she made out with you after spending God, you guys were together for almost twenty four no, twelve hours by over twelve hours?
Yeah, a lot of time.
Yeah. I had a whole day with her. It was like two dates rolled into one.
Yeah, for sure, you really need to know someone.
I think this is going to be successful.
Yeah, she just has some pretty awesome excuse to turn you down like this. So let's give her a call. We'll see if she answers and try and get you your second date update. Okay, all right, great?
Wish me luck you wish yeah, wish him well. I feel like I could use the luck too, but I.
Wish you luck if you wish me lucky all.
Right, I wish you This is gonna go on forever circle. Can we please get out?
Please leave your message for five seven Charlotte.
Come on now we're off.
Bro, I know you need to look more.
Hey is this Charlotte?
This is math Is Coolly.
Yes you may. We're a radio show called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.
H hye, uh hi. How can I help you? Guys?
We're doing a segment called the Second Date Update, and we're looking to pry a little bit into your dating life.
My dating m.
Charlotte, are you like from match dot com? I cancel that already.
No, just groups of people from Match dot com for you to resign up.
I mean, much less reputable than Match dot com or morning radio show. But we do this thing where we try and help out our listeners after they've gone out with someone and they're not getting a second date. We try and figure out why that's not happening.
And yours, I guess wasn't an official date.
You know, like it was more of a really really really long hangout.
Who are we talking about here?
We're talking about a guy named Robert. Have you chaperoned a high school graduation party with Oh yeah, okay, I heard side.
Now what do you think about him?
I mean, he's a lot of fun. I guess he was a nice guy.
I guess yeah, he knows his way around a bag of ice.
I mean he was getting along with the kids really well. Okay, I mean I a little too well. Maybe it's like he just was laughing and joking with him. They're having a good time. End they're running around. You know, I don't know, this is weird.
Was he having them push him on the swing set or what was going on?
Yeah, he had this like giant band aid on his knee, and when I asked him, you know, body, he kind of like blew it off. He wouldn't really talk about it. So I just figured the more drinks he had him that he would tell me.
Okay, because he did say that you guys were drinking like he was confiscated a like ponykeg or something for some of the high schoolers. It's a small one, ok yeah, a little tiny guy. Yeah.
So he finally told me what was going on with it, and he said that he skinned his knee really bad while mooning people from a moving car, said people, and he was laughing like he is right now?
Oh, like Jose, I'm sorry.
I've seen this before. Wait, it's not fun.
I don't get it. He was in a car.
How do you skin your knee if you're in a car and you're dropping your pants and showing people's butt.
Or one of your friends doors open my money. My Bundy tried this and our other buddy pushed him.
Out, push out of a moving cars going like five miles an hour.
It checks out that Jose is the.
One that.
Sorry, Okay, what does that say to you?
Yeah, he's too immature.
Wait, he was supposed to be chaperoning, but he was in the car mooning other high school students.
Like pretty sure that.
Before the graduation?
Yeah, no, I guess this happened before because he already had the band aid, so he was doing.
It with his adult friends. And I see and told you at the high school party it felt.
Like you were dating a high school kid in a grown man's Spoty.
I hope they were adult.
You're also questioning that it's good that he didn't want to tell you.
At least that means he wasn't proud initially of it.
And I will say that my instance also happened in high school. It wasn't an adult thing. So Charlotte, that's the main reason that you're not calling Robert back.
Yeah, I just don't want to date on this as childish? Is that, you know? I mean, I'm perfectly good being friends with him. You know, he is fun and I did laugh, but it's not something I.
Don't think he wants to be friends with you. Charlotte.
Oh no, I mean if he was really that childish, would he have been waiting quietly on the other line wanting to talk to you?
A lot of self restraint right there.
Yeah, that's a grown man move.
Yeah, I mean, I mean, come on, guys, I waited this whole time. I let her air her grievances. But I'm only hearing positives right now.
Okay, I loan someone.
Because I'm fun and you know what you want to say that what he likes about me.
I wasn't joking, Charlotte when I said he is on the other line, he actually wants to.
Go. If you think I'm childlike, I pay my car insurance all the time.
That is that the only bill you pay? But Jeff didn't have car insurance.
So he's more of a man than me. Yeah, somebody. You admit, Robert that you actually moon some people.
Yeah, you know what, listen moaning somebody's like the moment strikes you, you know, and you just got to take it sometimes.
You got to see him on that one.
You know.
It's not malicious. It's just in good fun, you know.
I mean, talk to Charlotte about it.
Charlotte, come on, you you've never done anything like silly.
No, no, no, no no. He said, you want a previous mustas competition in Mexico's It was a college spring break, but it was last year when he did it. It's not you.
He tagged onto somebody else's spring break. You were chaperoning that one too, Robert.
Yeah, I mean, come on, Thokes, need someone older to watch out for.
Okay, listen, Robert, it's going to be easy for you to win the previous mustache contest when you're twenty years older than contested.
However, you want find a cancuon in spring bread.
That was a legit competition. I even got a trophy too, And let me tell you something, I had the best flu manshew, there is okay, proud that's appropriate.
I mean, it's interest.
Those are interesting things to bring up on a first hangout, Robert, Like, usually you want to talk about cool things.
You did not or adult things. I think you're making You're kind of digging your own grave. You're making your sound more and more childish. Maybe he wants to get the porn across it. He's still fun just because he's in his thirties or forties. I don't think she has any question that he's fun. It's just is he grown up enough for her? She seems to want a more mature guy. Do you have any things that prove that you're mature?
Yeah? I mean, listen, I'm on weight Watchers right now. You know, like I'm trying to take care of myself.
You know, okay, okay, I'm very often weight Watchers is a selling point for why that's good for you, Robert, Listen.
It shows that I care about myself and I'm trying to take care of adult things.
I hear Charlotte laughing.
I mean, Charlotte, maybe you need a little bit more fun in your life.
I just worry about where our next date is going to be, Like, are we going to be cannonballing in the pool?
I don't know the fact that you're even thinking about the possibility of the next date is a good sign.
There we go, Charlotte, Come on, give him another chair.
Yeah, we would love to send you on that next day and pay for bumpers at the bowling alley. You're willing to go out with him one more time, Charlotte, what do you think?
I would love to hang out with you as friends.
I just drove away from you and into the sunset. I'm gonna find me a woman who lights the skinny dips and go do cannon balls.
That's quite the combination, all right.
Well, Robert, if you're out of here, then I guess I am too.
All right, you just crash your imaginary car forgot.
How to drive. Chaperone Brook Jeffrey in the morning. I like how he spent half of the call trying to prove how mature an adult he was and then left the call making car sounds. That's a good point. Yeah, I mean.
His maturity arguments weren't super strong, So it wasn't super strong.
Although he did have some of us beat as far as adulting ghosts.
Oh yeah, absolute, But we never claimed to be mature.
The reason why she didn't know our show.
They do say some people never grow up, and Robert might be the perfect example of that.
Yeah, he'll find somebody that is true, equally immature.
There is somebody out there for everybody.
I don't know.
They left really hard at his show.
Yeah, yeah, but I'm forever single. So but I did see we had some women texting in at seven eight five nine two saying he sounds hilarious and they'd love to meet him. Yeah, it is fun to be the fun guy.
It's always fun for a night or two.
Anyway, I didn't recognize one of the numbers, and Brook, next time you could just ask me directly. I'll give you the phone number.
You have that number two.
Yeah, to play got like that. But anyway, if you do want to get some help with your dating life, you can always email the show. We'll call that person who isn't calling you back. Go check out all of our Second Date podcast wherever you get yours at Brook and Jeffrey.
Get Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.