Second Date Update: Give Him The Golden

Published Mar 5, 2025, 5:05 PM

One of our listeners made a BIG ASK, a request we never heard before… telling a guy if he wanted any shot at dating her he had to do THIS first. Find out what it is in your Second Date Update podcast!!

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Oh you all lit us up yesterday and I love it than.

Yes so much.

It's Brook and Jeffrey in the morning, the home of the Second Date update, and we do have a brand new second date to get to. But yesterday's awkward Tuesday phone call really hit a nerd.

Yeah, yeah, oh my gosh.


We got so many comments on our socials Afrik and Jeffrey up on the Spotify is just so many. I'm going to love to hear your guys reactions a couple. This one says sweet Joseph, husband of Mary, I'm not father of Jesus. What the question remains? If her future husband knew about Jacob, maybe he would change his mind about it, But like, I'm sorry.

Even me, I was like, when were you going to tell him?

Luiso leave Us wrote us and said, I feel so bad for Jacob. You're better than her Jacob. Yeah yeah, and I love this one from Danny. I'm so sorry for Jacob. Maybe want to get there and drink with him. I live in Colombia. It's going to be a trip, but I think you get here we can now party. Hey, thanks for being with us, Thanks for subscribing, for liking, for doing all the things for sharing the show and definitely for commenting. All right, let's get you to your brand new second date update. It starts right.

Now, Second Date Update date. Is it okay to request something on a first.

Date, like what like a restaurant you like or like some girls may want to request you pay for the uber home or guys might request that you split the bill with them.


I always request complete and total anonymity. That's why I wear a Lucha libre mask when I meet them at the gas station, because I will not be sharing my real identity with you, and you have to be okay.

With you, mysterio.

Yeah, you really need to change up that mask because everybody knows it now.

The thing is with everybody, everybody has their thing and our listener, Natella not Nutella. Natella says she has a request in her dating profile and isn't sure if maybe it caused a problem with her getting another hangout.

So let's welcome to the show. Natella.

Hi, guys, it seems like if it was in your dating profile, it'd be hard to get the first hangout, not a second one literally spelled out.

Well, yeah, there's a part there that you can put your voice prompt and you can record your answers.

Yeah, instead of just like typing it out, they can actually hear what you.

Sound like time they're bad.

But I'm sure that's not the case with not to.

I'm sure not.

I mean, you guys tell me. The prop says, all I ask is that you And then my answer is all I ask is that you don't have a beard.

Don't have a beard?

No beard?

A beard?

Why even if a guy did have a beer to be liked you?

And is there a reason? It's very specific.

I just don't like the beard. I mean kissing a guy with the beard. I've done it before.

And what about Jeff is literally playing with his beard as he's talking to and just for my roommate right now has a like a breakout from making out the guy with a beard. How hard does she push against somebody's face? It's not good.

Okay, So you don't like being stabbed in the mouth with somebody's facial hair?

Okay, super uncomfortable. It's not something I'm into. So you know, I asked that the guy who responded please don't have a beard, And of course the guy who responded has a beard and it goes to.

Show we don't always read. We just say she's wait.

That's on you then to not go out with them if you don't like the beard, because you can see his picture right.


But I did ask him if he wanted to go out with me if he could shave it off, and he actually shaved it off.

WHOA wow. When I wrote that hip, I was kidding.

Most guys ticked forever to grow a beard.

So that was the request that you made of him before your date started, is you cannot have a beard when we meet up.

And he actually did it.

He did.

Were you able to recognize him?

You know, what's his name?



I was actually pretty impressed that he even did it.

Yeah, I know, women usually don't get to say over a man's entire like look and appearance and wardrobe until like a year or two into the relationship earlier.

Yeah, yeah, do it a little bit more subtly than he realized. Fact that a year later, you're like, wait, everything's changed everybody now.

But the fact that he did that before the date even started, that that speaks.

A lot right for him liking you.

So what else happened on the.

Day, Yes, we continue to talk about my profile, because he did mention another part that I have on there, and what.

It says is dating me is like having a.

Human version of a Golden retriever.

I'm only happy to see you.

I will smother you with attention and affection, and once in a while I nimble.

I guess all right, So I guess a lot of the date was talking about your dating profile.


Yeah, yeah, we did talk a lot about my profile, and he didn't really get to see a lot of pictures of me because you're allowed to put six pictures, and I actually ended up putting five of the same exact picture.

I would think if I saw that on a dating app, I'd be like, oh, why do you do that? Yeah?

I do like a little mystery.

Sometimes girls say a little too much on their profiles.

Okay, so did he contliment you on how you looked when he met you?

Yeah? He said he really liked my dress and he was really impressed with how long my hair was. I guess you couldn't tell him the one picture.

Okay, please tell me you were the same output from that picture. Well, he just shaved his beard, so hair length is very type of He's like, so long you got to keep yours off, just take forever to grow that.


So aside from all the physical stuff that we've been talking about, did you have a good.

Personal connection with Michael?


What did you guy actually do? So?

Yeah, we went to grabbed some wine that the really nice spot I know about, and we talked about paddle boarding and pharmacies. Pharmacies, We talked about our favorite ones, because not all of them are nice.

That's true, you know that's true. The one by my house. The shelves are generally empty.

It's so weird this place.

It's really weird. It's more of a conversation starter than people.

All the guys are buying up all the shaving equipment, so there's nothing less so that that can go out with Mattella here. I'm surprised he's not calling you back because most of our pharmacy centric dates that we've had before on the show, they always work out.

It is.

So, how did you and Michael leave it?

Well, I asked him.

I said, Hey, like, you don't want to let me give you my golden retriever a little nibble? Is that what you meant when I brought my nose on his cheek and he didn't like it.

He didn't like, what what's wrong with this guy?

Did you really do that? I thought she was joking.

Well, I asked him. I said, do you want me to give you the Golden Retriever? And I thought you would like it? But he didn't think he was cute at all.

I shared him.

I guess you were like trying to do an inside joke thing. It just fell Ye. Was that the only like awkward moment.

Not that I could think of, but there could have been.

Well, let's see what he has to say when we call him. I don't know if he's going to pick up, but if he does, we're going to ask him some very important questions.

A Golden Retriever, Yeah.

Yeah, I kind of like I can't do a Golden Retriever though in my Lucha Libre masks, so I have to figure out.

A different Golden Retriever move I can roll.

Let's figure that out when we come back and call Michael for your second date update. Right after this second date update, it's the question every man is dying to hear at the end of a first date.

What's that?

So you want me to give you the Golden Retriever. She rubs her wet nose all over your soft beards.

But I wanted to get labbordood o.

But that's what our listener Natella actually did on her first date with a guy named Michael. It was supposed to be like a playful, humorous thing because in her dating profile she describes herself as a human Golden Retriever.

And I mean, when you said it like that, it sounds funny. It sounds like a funny moment. It kind of sucks that he didn't take it very well.

We don't know.

The nose rubbed move could be the reason Michael's been a little avoidant. But Brooke, you're usually rubbing stuff in the first five minutes of meeting your guy.

Is there anything else stand out to you?

I don't know. I mean, it could honestly be that you only put one picture up on your hinge account and so I mean it could backfire. Yeah, maybe you just weren't what he was expecting. Yeah, he's expecting a black lab and got a Golden Retriever.

What do you think of that?

And I, Tella, I don't know.

I think I really, uh scared him a little bit.

With my nose kids.

Okay, I think that that should be fine. I think if a man you would actually you would never mind. I mean, maybe this doesn't have a good sense of humor, and then you don't want to date him.

It would be like you're a dog, I'm a wall.

Maybe he has intimacy issues and that was too fast, but he doesn't kiss till the third date.

It went a little bit quick. There are guys that do not get there.

There's no base for nose rubbing.

It was maybe in his mind.

It's like a bunt to me if we're going to do a baseball And now I.

Think it's weird.

Everybody has different standards when it comes to physical touch and intimacy. So let's call him. We'll see if he answers and will pick his brain a little bit. Okay, and I don't mean that sexually brooked, So get that out of.


Right. Here we go. Hello.

Hey, is this Michael Yeah speaking? Hey man.

My name is jeff from a radio show called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning, and the whole show is here.

What's Michael, Good morning.

We heard a little bit about a date you went on.

Oh uh, this is kind of weird.

Yeah, Brook, coming on a little bit strong, already scaring. We heard about your dating life, so we hunted you down.

Yeah you're supposed to say how are you?

Yeah, like normal people. But look, Michael, we're doing a segment on our show. It's called a second Date Update. I don't know if you've ever heard of that before.

Actually I think I have heard of that. But so like a podcast or something.

Really popular, we have a good podcast.

Well, if you know who's doing that podcast, let us know so we can do a see some desist because that's not okay.

That's yeah, I.

Probably talking about.

Our one point. Okay, but I'm calling you because one of our listeners said that she went out on a date with you and hasn't had a follow up since then, and she's kind of bummed about it. Wants to know if there's a reason I'm talking about Natella.

Oh okay, I see where this is gone.

Yeah, I remember. It's going to where you explain why you haven't called her, hopefully.

Well look, I'm not sure how much she told you, guys, but it got a little weird.

Oh the dog thing what yeah? What what about?

It was weird to you because when we heard it. It all sounded very, very.

Normal, and there was some humor mixed in, like, I guess I just heard someone say about the dog thing, so I need very a little bit of I'm sure.

Yeah, I mean she told us that she likes to joke about herself as being like a human version of a Golden retriever.

Oh yeah, because.

She's had.

Yeah, you guys have no idea we're talking about the Golden Retrievers in general. Because it was on a profile and out of nowhere. She puts her nose on the edge of her wine glass and starts lapping her wine like like if it was like a dog.

She was putting her tongue in the wine, reached the wine in the glass if they filled it a good bill. I mean, that's a nice bar.

There's more though, So after that I was already a little weirded out, and she's like, I want to play a game, So I was like, sure, why not. She's like, you have to guess how much I like you, And she starts panting, like panting like a dog.

And that was the indicator of how much she liked you, is how much she was panting.

I'm not sure what the answer was, but she just like panted harder, So I don't know, maybe that means she liked me more.

It was her tail wagging too behind her, like I don't understand, Like how far did this golden retriever joke go?

Well, there was another weird part, which was basically, she like put her wet nose into my cheek and I don't even know how it knows got wet.

See that that was the part that we had heard, and we thought it was good.

That's good though, because the wet nose, it does indicate she's healthy.

Yes, she's in good health.

She told us that she knew that was a regrettable.

Moment for her.

I thought she was going to pull out a leash.

Okay, so she took the golden retriever joke a little bit too far. But I don't think that should take away from the connection that you guys had, because.

Well, I mean, yeah, I was she a good girl. She said that she liked him.

I can't hear her painting on the other line, so I don't know how much exactly, But she is waiting to talk to you.

Right now.

No, I forgot to tell you. She's listening on the other on the other phone. Now tell her you there, Hi, coming in pretty normal.

Yeah, I bet you're a little embarrassed.

She doesn't, Nattella.

He's saying that you maybe took the Golden Retriever stuff a little bit too far for his liking.

Yeah, but he also didn't tell you that we had a really good connection.

We talked about paddleboarding a lot. And remember our conversation about the pharmacies.

Michael, it's not great.

Yeah, I mean, look, there was good parts of our conversation. It's just other parts were like significantly weirder.

I don't know what you.

Thought was weird.

I'm guessing from what I'm listening is.

That you thought the doc thing was weird.

But you have to understand, like where I'm coming from, Golden Retrievers they're like sweet and they're loyal, and you know they're playful.

Nobody ever says, may I look at that hot gold Retriever?

Yeah, okay, we'll think about this, like, you can't have a Golden Retriever without the girl.

You can't have a girl without the Golden Retriever.

You see?

Are you saying that you're always a dog?

It's my profile, Michael it's what it says on there.

I have to live it up.

You didn't memory profile, so you're not willing to back down on the dog stuff.

I wouldn't even know how to back down. I am the golden Retriever. That's who I am.

She's learned sit, stay, but not back down as one of the commands yet, so okay, she takes she takes it very, very seriously.

Maybe it's like kindy convenience. It's like a girlfriend and a pet all wrapped up in one y.

You can eat peanut butter together on the couch.

Is that something that would be appealing to you, Michael in a relationship, because if it is, we would offer to pay for another date with Natella. Or actually, maybe I should ask her first, Natella, is is that something that you'd be up for?


I would, Jesus girl.

That is not.

Public. Do we have a gift cartoon? I don't know what's going where you can bring your.

Oh wow, Natella, are you a furry?

Do you do that? Oh? I'm very well groomed.

If you're asking, that's not close to the question.

But I'm afraid to ask you anything else. Michael. We'll pay for this control right now. Yeah, we will fund this new date if you want to do it. Michael, would you care to bark back your approval to her?

Yes, guys, I guess, to be really honest, I don't know if our weirds are matching up.

Oh that's a good way to put it.

A get you. I'm just gonna make her want to chase after him even more.

Hey, Michael, I'm like so turned on right now.

Oh God, God, because I think we.

All got to go. So that tell I think it's a no this time.

It might be a no right now, but wait till he sees me tomorrow, it's going to be a yesorrow.

Was gonna have a newspaper in her mouth, Jeffrey in the morning.

Man, they say that there's somebody out there for everyone, and this call just makes me wonder, is there really?

I don't know, are you sure? Because I'm scared for what guy matches perfectly with that? Oh there's a dogcatcher out there.

That was strange, Like I don't want to be a judge because everybody's into their own things and stuff, but it's just like, maybe you stick within that community. That's also I think the same date within the community that understands what.

You like behaving like a dog most of the time.

Yeah, I just know I've never recoiled more than when she said I'm well groomed.

If that's what you're I know, not even close to the question that I was asking.

It's something I could never actually say, Yeah, I love you want him to be into it because I want to hear an argument between them when they start growling at each other.

Oh God, that's way too much. Just it's calls like these that made.

Me think God is going to do another biblical flood soon and start the human race over from scratch. We're getting to that point, all right, just about the dogs, so.

We're right, which was a dog.

But you know, if you ever want some help with your dating life, with your love situation, email the show. We can call that person who's not calling you back and go check out all of our second dates.

They're up on podcasts where you get yours at Brook and

Jeffrey Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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