The couple in today’s Second Date tried to portray themselves as successful artists at a gallery opening, but all of their lies caught up with them!
Second date. You guys know this old old songay by Madonna. I figured Brook would probably it's Holiday by Madonna. My mom jams out to it a lot, so yeah, listen, it was before my time. Thank you very much. All right, sure, yes, I'm just more first in music history. I can't stop bobbing along to it for some reason. But for the longest time I thought that this was about like a vacation and partying with your friends. I was wrong. What is it about. It's actually a love song about one of our listeners whose name is Holiday. That's cool. We haven't had a Holiday on our show before, and Holiday wants our help getting her another date. So Holiday, welcome to the show. Hi. Hi, So were you like born on a holiday? Where? Why your parents on that one? Well, it was like they put a bunch of names into a hat and they just pulled it out. They're like, oh, that's a sweet store for you. At my parents they might have been they might have been inebriated. Yeah, but I get you. I bet your name gets you a lot of attention on like the dating apps. Yeah you can imagine. Yeah, I hear you met a guy on a dating app. Well, who is he? Did I match with this guy? Can I say his name? Yeah? Absolutely? Okay, all right. His aunt's Evan and name He's really fun. Anyway, So we met and like all the guys asked me on my dating app, they're like, what is with your hair? Because I have a different hairstyle and color and every picture. I love wigs. Okay, it sounded like a rude question at first. Yeah, so you have like a whole collection of wigs. I'm about twenty five wigs. Oh my god. I think it does adds flavor and fun and I've got to live up to my name. Okay, okay, So how do you choose what wig you're going to wear on the date? Whichever one speaks to me. They all have different names. You have talking wigs as well. They're all girls, and they all have different attitudes, and so it depends on how I feel that day. All right, So okay, who went out with you? To me? Evan? Who is your wing woman? Your wig woman? That is funny wig woman. I've got to use that, sure. So who was it? Launa? She has bangs and she's really cute. Okay, what type of hairstyle is Launay? Launa? It's kind of like a bob a little longer, but she's just cute and like spicy and future blonde burnette blondatum. And so what did Evan say when you first showed up? I mean you seemed to like it. He was a lot of We went to we outranged the date to go to an art gallery because I loved art. I'm kind of eccentric, if you could tell. And I just like kind of being in that vibe. And did he enjoy the art gallery? I know sometimes art can feel intimidating to people. I think he had a good time. But when we first met, like, you know, I'm very kind of gregarious, and I'm a hugger, so holidays a hugger. Yeah, and just going back, what does gregarious mean? Because we hear what I'm a little lost on it. You know, I'm going, okay, happy. I don't really never anyone but the SATs for a second. So okay, So you guys are in the art gallery together. Are you two like looking at paintings together? Are you talking? I told him, you know, we should eating the adventurous. I said, we should pretend that like we're one of the artists, you know, And he was like, oh okay, because it's like kind of contemporary art. Yeah, we could very well. It's not like a Rembrand or a Vano, you know, so we could very well be the artist there. So can you be alive? So that would be the first idea he would tell me up for it, and so I said, just let me take the weak you know. Oh wait, you pretended to other people that you were the artist. Oh yeah, oh you're like okay, that though, it's like, you know, playing a character, or it could be fraud or something. Yeah, I had an art gallery. It's not like she's charging people to sell her paintings. Right, Okay, first of all, you need to relax. It wasn't fraud. I was just having fun. So yeah, well what did you do? Like you told like others? There was like a nice couple there, and I like went over to them and I'm like, hey, you like my you like it? And when they said, oh, are you the artist, I'm like, oh yes, So I like pretended I was the artist. I asked you where I got my inspiration from? Andy? And with the wig, I just felt extra spicy that day. Oh yeah, I mean I could see where you could play up different personalities. When you have a different wig out hair makes such a difference on how you feel listing. Yes, I told me anyway, we throwed it for a while, you know, because in the end of our night, like take goodbye again, give me kiss on the cheek, and of course a holiday loved hug. So I gave him a big hugs to talk about herself with through person. Yeah, okay, well it sounds like it ended well. I'm not getting a good read though, Like about your guys's connection on the date, it sounds like you you just pretended to be other people and connected with strangers, and so we connected, and like he was saying, oh, we should go here, we should go try this coffeehouse or whatever. He was like saying all these things like we should do this, we should do that. So I clearly he was interested. Yeah, I haven't heard from him, and I don't know what's wrong. Oh interesting from him? Yeah, maybe that was the problem. A bunch of voice message in text for Lana. I haven't thought of that. But what hair are you wearing right now? I'm wearing Bethany and she's like long, curly, dark hair, okay different, Yeah, okay, we might need her, but we might need Lana too, so have her at the ready just in case we need to switch in the middle. But we're gonna call Evan for you and try and get you your second date update right after this. All right, thank you? Okay, hold on second, if you're just joining us, We've been talking to a woman named Holiday about her first date with Evan, and Holiday just talking to you. It's clear that you have a lot of personality. Yes, and some guys might be a little bit intimidated by that. Well, I mean it was almost like he was on a date with two people, right, because was there too? Because you own twenty wigs with different names and personas for each one. Yes, are you funny? Are you paying attention? They? Yeah, I'm here. Who are you talking to one of the wigs? Maybe to keep quiet? Yeah, Fiona, leave us alone. We're trying to help Holiday with her dating life. Okay, but Holiday, I mean you're an art lover who sometimes lies to rangers and takes credit for paintings you didn't. Really these are things that certain men, weaker minded men might shy away from. Do you think that might be a possibility here with Evan? I hope not. I mean we were totally vibing, and he matched my energy. That's why I was kind of upset that I haven't heard of him. Well that's a good I really also pretended, right, It wasn't just you. You said that you both pretended to be artists. Yeah, I mean that's what he said you wanted to do and said we pretended we were the artist. It was so much fun. Yeah, did you just put on a different wig just now because he sound a little bit different, you know, I'm just trying them on, just trying to feel the vibes for today. Well, I think we need to stick with Lana for now. I was wearing Bethany. But yeah, okay, okay, Well maybe we'll talk to Bethany in a little bit. She's the same person, Okay, A little bit, you know, brings out one personality of hers more than the other. Yeah. So we're just going to call Evan and see what he thought about your day. You're ready to do this holiday? Call him. I'm going to see what's that. Oh, you got a little more assassin there. Now, let's just do this. Hello, Hey, is this even? Yeah? It was this? Hey. I mean my name is Jeff from the radio show Broken Jeffrey in the morning. Okay, and I didn't never heard you, guys. Oh well, my name is jeff but some people call me three day vacation, not a full Oh my god, like holiday. Are you joking? Do you know my friend Holiday? That was the worst joke in the whole world. Let's see what Evan thought about it. Yeah, yeah, he loved it. Um so No, seriously, you went on a date with one of our listeners named Holiday recently. We want to ask you about it. You want to ask you about a date that went on with Holiday. Yeah. Yeah, it sounds like a really interesting night because it's a very interesting person. Yeah, oh, that's funny. It's all part of us. I mean that we do on on our show called a second Date Update. So we're trying to help Holiday out and figure out if something went wrong on the date or if something's going on in your life, because she doesn't know why you're not calling her back. Yeah, she said, you guys were vibe in Yeah, howl they She's fun and I'm a fun person too. That's the reason why I kind of thought that we would actually really do good together. Okay, Oh so you liked her, that's great, as It was something where we had went to an art gallery and for the first part it was it was great, and uh, there was a moment where we were just looking at art and everything was cool, and then he was like, well, let's pretend to be artists. Like yeah, she mentioned that to us, and she said that you were into the idea and you played along. Yeah. Well, see, the thing is that I was played around with it because I thought we were just like pretending to be artists to each other. You know. I didn't know like maybe like you were just being artists, like, oh, look at this work. Can you believe the long time my paint stroke was here or whatever it was. You didn't know that it was going to be a public presentation that she seemed to be. Yeah, let me tell you it was awkward because I had just turned for a second and she was talking to a couple and I thought nothing of it, and then uh, she kind of like waved me over there, and I started walking over there, and then he introduced me as the co artist. Oh wow, she just put you down like that, a co artist. I hope the little plaquead two names on it pretty quick. But that was to me. I was like kind of shocked. That was what it got kind of weird for me, and I didn't know to do, so I did go along with it, but she was talking to him for a while that okay, it looked like she gave him a card, like a card, like I don't know, I don't know. It looks like she gave a card or something. But to me, that was kind of strange. I didn't I didn't want to, Like my mind immediately started thinking of like I don't want to say this. I don't want to, like, yeah, up to something weird, but it gave me identity, set vibe or something like that, like how would she have a card? It seemed like it was like this impromptu thing, like a funny idea. And then you're saying, maybe maybe she revealed to them who she really was and gave them a real business card. But it's not funny, though, is that what you think? I don't know, But to me it was kind of weird. It's like I don't want to get involved in anything. It was like kind of sketchy, like the whole thing, like I could see with her wigs and then every wig as a name, and then she goes to the artist, identity, theft stuff because of the different Oh, oh my god, that is an interesting thought. Did you ask her what was on the card? At that point? I was so weird it out about it and I didn't even want to be a part of it. Was like autumn pilot from there, like I would. Well, we're getting into some like serious talks here, some almost accusations being thrown around, and I don't think you should speculate and talk about it anymore. Let's just ask Holiday directly, because I need to tell you, Evan, she's been on the other line listening this whole time, and she wants to talk to you. Oh, then Holiday, there, I'm here, Hi, Evan, Hey, how you doing? How are you? Oh? I was I was better until this phone call. Oh oh, I didn't know. I didn't want to assume An. I'm just I wish I would have just been brave enough to tell you what I was thinking. But man, I feel I feel kind of weird right now, kind of awkward. Yeah, but that's not You're bad. I mean you could understand Holiday like that does look pretty questionable. What was happening? Well, I mean, I don't say anything wrong with it. I wasn't I'm gonna you know, I make jewelry, okay, And when I go to these things, I to pass out my card. And there's a lot of rich people that buy these crazy art pieces and it's my way of building my network. And I sell jewelry and I want to sell to those people. So your card has a real information on it, like it says holiday artist. It doesn't have a bunch of fake names. No, maybe a couple, but like nicknames, but I don't see anything. What does that mean? It doesn't okay, a couple Like it depends on like what I'm selling, Like what kind of jewelry I'm selling. If it's kind of like wacky crazy, right, that's when Sapphire comes out and her name's on the card. But if it's like Lana, it's more scurious, like you know, sterling silver. So each wig has a different type of jewelry. That yeah, I mean, I'm up to like six different types. There's like a surfer tide, there's like an earth girl tide. Okay, okay, Evan that sounds like the type of woman that you want to date. Oh I think that I think she said enough that kind of like just put ice on a cake for the reason why I didn't even call you back. That's great because one of her personality sells cakes to rich people too. I feel like women already have seven personalities. But you can tell now she has a wig on which then you're getting yea yeah, And Evan, I would think of it more as like a branding thing for her, right, Like she's so jewelry and it's got different vibe, different energy to each one, and so she's just put it a name to that, like she wasn't lying to you, right well, I think her she has so much energy that is just overwhelming to me. The kind of thing you know, like her energy is she is a genius. I thought your energy matched mine. I thought we like vibe so good. Yeah, at a point, but then once we started doing the role plane and taking credit for other people's artwork, and then like looking kind of sketchy with the car passing out what you didn't tell me what you were doing. I think Evan needs some wigs so that he can match his energy with some of her energy, Like you need some more names to Evan. Yeah, yeah, Evan, I think you should give it another chance. I mean, if anything, you get a great story out of another date with this with this lady. Yeah, worried about holiday? Sounds fun? You know what? I am kind of texted to say yes because this has been just turned out to be actually more lighthearted than I thought it would be. And to give you a little bit more intensive you do, say yes, We're gonna pay for your next date. How would you want to go on another day? Because I mean, wow, you're taking my job, bro, That's what I'm supposed to do. I like it. Take charge guy to die holiday. Wow, I want to go on another day and I'll bring strawberry. He's paying. Oh, I don't know. I don't know if Evan can handle strawberry. If we go back to like a Delilah or something that maybe I could added Delila to my collection. Evan, let's go out o all right? All right? Well that would scare me? Why does he sounds scared? Terrified? I don't know who you're going to be going out with soon, And please keep us updated. We want to hear this story because I know it's going to be a good one. Yeah, regardless, got it, Thank you talk, It doesn't matter. Sorry, Jeffrey in the morning, Well time it worked. Oh my god, we have to get an update from them. Yeah, we really need to get an update. Because Brook used her classic good old girl next door line where she tilts her head to the side and shrugs her shoulders and raises her voice a little and says, you know, I'd give her another chance. Yeah, she's got eighteen wigs and eighteen personalities and lies about who she is for her own financial gain. But you know what, it could be fun. It's just a business move. Listen. As a woman, everybody knows how you just change when you have a different hair. Well, yeah, like I've gone brunette, I've gone red each time different Brook. Yeah. Yeah, Well, whenever brook says that, the guys are always like oh yeah, okay, Brook, And next thing you know, you're being trafficked in the cargo hold of an oil tanker over to Kazakhstan. All because Brooks said, no, just give it a chance. It sounds like a cruise to me, Jeff, that is you have a lot of pull here, Brook, And maybe you shouldn't say that to every single person that we have on the phone. Fun. Gosh, people take life so seriously. She's just having a good time living life to her fullest. Man. Yeah, I'm just saying how many of our listeners go missing just because brook goes just try in work go wrong. That's why we don't do so many update updates. Definitely come back, but if you would like to be one of those people that Brooks strong arms for, then email the show right. We'll call that person who wasn't calling you back Brook and Jeffrey in the morning