Second Date Update: Forbidden Love

Published Mar 13, 2023, 3:21 PM

One of our listeners contacted us saying he risked one of his closest friendships in order to KISS someone he’s been pining after for a long time. Was it worth it?

Second. Most of the time, whenever we talk about forbidden love on the show, it's about Brooke and her insatiable thirst for her cousin Ron. Stop it. I do not like my cousin, not anymore, Oh my god. But alas, we're not dealing with that type of forbidden love, at least not today. One of our listeners, Mark says he dipped a toe into the forbidden pool of romance recently, and he's afraid the lifeguard won't let him cannonball all the way in, so he needs our he Mark, Welcome to the show, man. Hey, thank you, Oh man, I love a good, juicy story. I mean, I'm dying to know who you're talking about. Yeah, it's all us your situation. Okay, Well, so I have a best friend Stewart. I'm going by Stu. We've been really good friends since college. Oh, do you want to take it to the next level? No? Okay, well I thought forbid your best friend. Now I'm a straight sella and uh, you know and I have been really good buddies since college. You know, I know his family. I will go over his house all the time. He loves my family. That's the best. When you can just like walk in. Yeah, like you're the second son. Sometimes you prefer their family to your own family. Actually, most of the time, would take any family. Okay, that's cool. It's nice to have a close friend from college. Yeah, he's like a brother to me. And I'm just afraid it may have ruined everything because I low key had crushed on his younger sister Lisa for a while. You did you hook up with her already? Um? Yeah, something did happen, you know, but it's been one of those things where you know, I couldn't even ask because he wouldn't be cool with it. Oh really, he wouldn't be. Well, there's two different types. Like I have a friend who's literally always asked like, bro, you should date my sister. Would be so cool? Yeah, stay away. I asked my best friend from high school if I could date his little sister and he said yes. But then I asked the sister and she said no. So that was a super low moment. Yeah, legally we're supposed to. Yeah, that's rough. I think it's really weird too, Like it's just like a kind of aggressive on your bros part. It may be weird. I mean, how old's a little sister how much younger she's seen a few years younger. I mean, nothing crazy, all right, So what happened. I was recently single and I was at a bar and I saw Lisa there. I went over and started talking to her and we were laughing about something, and I said, it's just under different circumstances. You know, I wasn't friends with your brother. I would have asked you out a long time ago. That's a lot yea. Yeah, you had to have been drunk when he said that, a little buzz. Yeah, I got a little bit of that's confidence. Yeah. What did she say to that? She was like, well, maybe you should do it anyway. Oh god, this is why I always wanted an older brother. I never had one. I'm like, their friends would be so cute. Up. Yeah, I agree, like friends with older brothers always had hot guys. You'd like to salute around with everybody and your friends. Thank you, Alexa. Okay, we got it. So she wanted you to ask her out. Yeah. I took that as a go ahead. So I was like, what are you doing ten minutes from now? And she said, oh, she said, I'm busy, but I'm available five minutes from now. I like, Lisa. Actually, you guys do have a good banter. Was it fun? Yeah, She's like meeting me outside in five So we ended up walking around and grabbing food at a food truck and we kind of set up making out so fun and it probably felt like you know, it's always fun when it's a little dangerous. Yeah, what was good, because there's a whole build up to that moment. Was it as good as you had thought it would be? It was great, And I mean we had I mean, we have a connection. You know, we had a lot of fun to hang out, and you know, we had known each other for so long, so it was a little you know, weird kissing someone that you know that you've known for for that long. But yeah, I mean that's good news. How did it? How did that night end? Well? I was like, we can't tell your brother about this, he said, M a grown woman. I can make my own decisions. I was gonna say that you guys are both adults, and now, I mean that makes it feel really immature by by trying to keep a secret. But I get why you're worried about it. If you really think he'd be that upset, Well, it kind of changed my tune after that, and I said, if anybody's gonna tell him, if it's got to be me, and I kind of need some time to figure out how to do that. Okay, what'd you say to that? Well, we just kind of got into a disagreement and it really just ended sort of weird. Oh Oh, did she like immediately leave and text her brother? Does he know? I don't know. Everything seems to be okay with two. She's not treating me different and I haven't brought it up, so I don't think she said anything. Okay. I mean hopefully she did and he's cool with it, but doesn't sound likely. Do you want to date her or do you just wanted it to be with that one night? Everything except for the end was awesome, and I you know, I would love to keep hanging out with her. Okay, you would like to see her. Let's take a quick vote around the room. Do we think that this is a good idea for him to date his best friend's younger sister Alexis? Yeah? Why not? Yeah? Okay, Yeah, I'm into it. Yeah, the girls love Yeah. The worst thing that can happen you lose your best friend. Yeah. The romantic in me loves this because if you guys do I'm fast forwarding here, end up getting engaged or worried. You already have a family's blessing. You missed a lot of They kissed outside of a kill awesome truck, just saying the romantic in me things. This will go very well. Okay, And so I'm gonna I'm gonna vote no. This is probably not a good idea, but we're gonna that's all because you were rejected by a sister. If I can't have my best friends anyway, we're gonna call your best friend's sister, Lisa and try and get you a second date update right after this. All right, that's the awesome thing. All right? Hold on second, we're running a little bit short on time, so I'm gonna do a quick recap. A guy has a best friend from college, and he's had a crush on his friend's little sister for a few years now. One night, they ran into each other at a bar, ended up hanging out the rest of the evening, and even kissed outside of a food truck. Yeah, and Mark, here's my question, because I just want to make sure I heard it correctly. You definitely don't think her brother knows about this. No way, he would have freaked out on me by now for sure. Okay, so when do you want to tell him? Like a month in a year when you start popping out nieces and nephews. He when's the good time at the wedding? I don't know. I guess it depends on what happens. Really, just play it by a year. But today we're calling the little sister, right, we're not calling I mean, when was the last time you talked to her? Yeah? I haven't really talked to her since all this went down, Oh about three weeks? Oh oh wow, no checks. I have no idea what we're going to get on the other line when we call her, like we're a girl hopefully well I know she angry. Yeah, Okay, I'm going in with a positive attitude. Okay, Mark, you always do, jeff someone has to. Let's do it. Calling Lisa right now here we go. Okay, Hello, Hey is this Lisa? Yeah? This is she Lisa. How's it going? You're on the right now? Okay, wait, who is this? Well, we're a morning show called Brook and Jeffrey in the morning, and we are excited to talk to you. Yeah, we have a very interesting conversation looming here. I think I don't understand what's happening. I don't understand what you mean by a radio. Don't know what a radio. We have a lot of explaining to do here. We also do a podcast. Does that help? Probably? Okay? But why are you calling me? Yeah, we're calling becausin. We're doing a segment called a second Date Update, and we're trying to ask you a little bit about your interaction about three weeks ago with a guy named Mark, the family named Mark. I'm trying to label anything. Okay, what did he tell you? Like? What did he say? Yeah? Yeah, the whole have you guys met up randomly at a bar one night and ran into each other there, hung out the rest of the night. You guys went to a food truck. You remember this, right, Yeah, I very vividly remember this night. Okay, Okay, what did you think? Yeah? Yeah? I mean, can you start for the beginning, like when Mark said I want to ask you about on a date, Like, I mean, it's your brother's best friend. What were you thinking? So? At birth? I actually was like into it, just because I've always felt like Mark is kind of hot and fun and like, okay, it was exciting and felt this is gonna sound strange, but like a little bit dangerous and risky going behind my brother's back because yeah, I don't know how much you know, but like Mark is best friends with my older brothers too. Yeah, okay, Well because of that though, after we kind of had our and we like kind of made out whatever, um, And then immediately Mark was like, but you can't tell your brother and that felt really gross to me, like really controlling. Yeah, like that felt like a red flag. Well, I don't think he was like trying to kill the romance or anything. I think he was just honestly worried that he might be blowing up a good friendship for this who wants to keep the goods with everybody, I guess, but that's not attractive to me, Like you're making out with me and now you're you're acting scared. I don't tell anybody. He probably should have waited him in five minutes or something. I mean, we told him that sounded pretty immature when he retold that. I mean he told us that you guys got into an argument about it, and it sounded like he kind of realized that too. Honestly, it was a little too late because I decided for sure I was going to tell my brother. Oh so wait, when did you tell him that night? What was his response? Well, my brother was cool with it, and I was like, oh, that's not a big deal. Shirt Wait what seriously, hmmm, why was Mark so in his head about your brother being so weird about it? Then? Like yeah, he was like for certain that his best room be like deep, myst sister, she's mine, Yeah, weird. Well that's weird. Yeah, that's whatever. So your brother was actually fine exactly, he said, Mark the good guy. If you want to hang out with him, that's cool with me for someone. But the riskiness, the dangerous part of it was gone, which like, okay, that's fine, not all my relationships need to be that. But then it just started becoming weird for me, like, oh, I'm going to be like making out with my brother's best friend. This guy knows all my brother's deep secrets. Like that's not something. So it didn't freak your brother out, it freaked you out to think about the risk and the danger was gone, and then so that romance left. But like, what if I told you, if you're into risk in danger. There's been somebody secretly listening in on this conversation on the other line. What he wanted to talk to you? I just don't really know what this is. What do you mean? I mean Mark has been quietly listening, wanting to jump in and super creepy than risk. It's dangerous. He's a dangerous bay. Oh yeah either, bad boy. Wait, so Mark heard everything? I just said, Yes, you can ask them or do there? Mark? You told your brother, like right off the bath, that's what you did. Of course, I'm able to make my own decisions and I decided to do that. Yes, that's the first thing you have to say about all of this. I just I mean, I don't know why you would do that, Like that would be your first instinct when I was like, I'm worried about it, but whatever, I mean, he was cool with it, Mark, Yes, I mean that's unexpected. And I was just trying to be cautious about relationships. See that's the problem right there. Mark, You're trying to be cautious and she's into dangers. Got to be dangerous if that's true. I'm I'm still plenty dangerous. Really, Yeah, your your your family would hate it. If we hooked up. I don't think family, like, have you told your mom about it? No, believe it or not. I didn't call my mom. You're You're lucky you didn't tell your mom. She would have been super angry and pissed. Oh dangerous. Don't tell the dog either, family anymore? Your best friend und he's trying to make it sound dangerous. And if you think your parents would be up set, no, I think they'd be fine with it too, which makes it? Can you actually more lame? I mean Mark, I think not everyone approving of a healthy relationship. I think we need to play up Mark's good parts. Right. Everyone says he's a great guy in your family, he obviously likes you, and you guys know each other really well, like that can be a real foundation for something. Yeah, but I'm just saying I feel like with Mark specifically, i'd want it to feel more dangerous and it doesn't. And so that's just kind of where I'm at. Okay, so maybe that was the interact. I do other dangerous things, you know. I gamble until I have no money. That okay, So that's just irresponsible. But I'm not dangerous. He's like, I also have horrible credit. What do you think of that? Sometimes? I don't. I mean, what we would like to do, Lisa is send you and Mark out on another day and we would pay for it. You see that? Look at that a man who won't even pay for his own dates, oh because he ran out of money gamble. Isn't that naughty? What do you think, Lisa? Well, I hear that you want to do that, and Mark probably wants to do that, But I do not want to look at that. We finally found someone that doesn't approve of the relationship. Dating him would go against your own wishes. He doesn't get any more naughty and risky than that. I think that. Jeff Yeah, yeah, yeah, but listen, I do want to say I'm okay with us still being friends, but like, all of this is really awkward. So I think maybe let's shift have some distance for a bit and I'll see you when I think you okay, great, you have Thanksgiving? Okay, Wow, I definitely shouldn't have kids to you. Okay, maybe we can do. I'll laugh about this in the future and Thanksgiving Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning,

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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