We guarantee once you hear today’s Second Date that you’ll be cheering for single school teacher Marianne to find her true love!
The second. It's funny.
People in dating apps are just like Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Some people are very hot and use them all the time, like most of the kids in the promo department here. Others they're a little more medium, like someone in this room who only goes on when her husband's out of town.
And I just said someone.
I guess medium is a compliment coming from you.
And some are very very new to it, like one of our listeners, Mary Anne, who said she's just dipping her toe into the online dating scene. Mary Anne, you haven't matched with Jose or anybody yet.
No, not yet.
Okay, I'm shocked, you kids. I put my zip code to every zip code.
What's it like jumping into the online dating scene.
It's interesting.
I don't know.
I'm a little cautious about it. I guess you should be.
That's a good way to do it.
Your attitude sounds good, though, like you look like your hope. You sound hopeful.
How are you cautious with online dating?
Well, I'm a teacher of like younger kids, or like I just I don't want the parents to find me. I don't want like any weird pictures of me out there you know, to make anything awkward. So I only really have like a few pictures in my profile, and like a couple of them I'm like wearing sunglasses. So it's just there's nothing crazy there.
It's like you're a celebrity.
It's like you're so like toy of I mean, but seriously though, like my kids, teachers are very edited on their social Media's interesting, the.
Book has seen their dating profiles pages.
Whatever you want to say.
But I couldn't even tell you only posted two photos on here?
What a te Okay, what Marianna? So who did you match with online?
So not a lot of people actually, So I actually only go by one initial. I just go by M for Mary Anne.
Okay, which may make people more cautious about you. I mean, yeah, backfire, is that true, marian Yeah?
No, I really don't get like a lot of messages.
So who is brave enough to swipe right on you?
So I did? Finally the sky Cordon actually reached out to me.
Gordon masculine name.
It is masculine, very masculine.
I don't know.
I had a pet lizard.
Named I bet that lizard had a six pat lizards.
Masculine pets what's Gordon?
Like? He's really nice. It was just nice. He was one of the few people that actually wanted to get to know me and talk to me and like actually go out in real life, not just you know, message me online.
Okay, what did it feel like going into an actual date?
I mean I was a little nervous, but I mean I was hopeful. I was excited. He seemed really nice. So we were going to go to a music festival. We decided, Oh that's cute. Yeah, yeah, it was his pick. I didn't really know a lot of the bands, but you know, I tried to listen and like get to know some of them before we went. And there's a couple that are.
Pretty good three songs from somebody's YouTube channels, just to make sure to participate.
Did it turned out to be fun?
It was fun. He's here a positive attitude and he's like no pressure, like you know, and I just I liked being around him, honestly.
Like, so it sounds like it turned out even better than you expected.
Yeah, it was actually like worried for nothing. But when we went to leave, like it was getting late and so like we made sure to head out, but I noticed, like once we got closted like the exit I did on my phone. Oh no, and I was like, oh my god, like I lost my phone somewhere.
And what a nightmare.
So he also looked for it, and he eventually found it under these like tables where you could like stand around and drink.
Oh my god. So he's nice an he's a hero.
Yeah, exactly like everything.
Did you give him a big kiss as a thank you?
Get to it?
Okay, sorry to jump forward.
Anyway. So he takes me home and we just have a good night hug. Actually weird, you.
Sound so cute and giggly about it, though I love it. It was it felt good, it felt right.
Yeah, I thought we clicked and like, I don't know, I'm surprised we aren't going out again. Like I texted him being like I really enjoyed seeing you, Like I got a lot of fun, Like I love to hang out again, Like I was really looking forward to, like, you know, hanging out with him again.
It's like a long hug or was it like a quick like I want to know, hands.
Rubbing your back.
It wasn't. Yeah, I mean it wasn't like a side church hug. I mean like there was, you know, it was like a full hog.
Okay, wait, you haven't heard from him at all?
No, and I don't know what to do. It's weird hopeful, and now I'm like, I'm bad.
I'm still caught up on a church hug.
Because the hugs that I've had from people in church, they go, they get pretty intense.
I'll tell you, wow, but God, bless you, bless you.
I've had therapy from some of those church. So it's been how long since? I don't know, people do it different. So so how long has it been since you and Gordon hung out?
It was a few weeks ago.
Now, okay, so you've waited. Wait now you have your phone back. Have you guys been texting since then?
Not really. I've tried to get him to hang out, but he's not really super responsive.
I guess we need this to work out because it's like your first time in online dating and it's going to be bad.
That's pretty typical, I know.
And you had fun like normally it's like, oh my god, I'm never gonna online.
Again like you had to experience.
They want you to have another date.
I will want more church hugs for you, so we'll try and get some of that done. When we play a song, come back and call Gordon and try and get your second date update right after this.
Okay, cool, thank you.
Hold on, Maryanne the school teacher is on the phone with us for a second date.
And she just sounds so innocent when you say that.
She does.
And her very first online dating experience went just about as well as it possibly could because she went to a music festival, lost her phone but found it before they left, and ended the night with a steamy church hug.
Jeff that it was better than.
That church or not.
God was watching and God was liking. But now it's been weeks and her date Gordon has been kind of distant, and I know Brooke was surprised that Marianne left a music festival with her top still on.
I mean, everybody has different vibes.
Alexis was shocked that she remembered the music festival of all at all. Yeah, but we're going to do our best here. How are you feeling, Marianne, I'm feeling Okay.
You're brave because not only were you trying dating apps for the first time, you're reaching out to.
Us to help like this. This is this is a broad move your phone. Very traumatic experience.
Some would say that you're at an all time low being on the show with us, but that that only the only way we could go from here is up.
Okay, back for its compliments, kind of see that.
Okay, I thought that was a positive thing to say.
It's interesting.
I'll apologize with a church hug to you.
Okay, Mary, don't take Jeff's church hugs.
I think I'll pass. We should just call him a good idea your loss.
But let's just do that. We're gonna call Gordon right now here we go. Hello, Hello, is this Gordon?
This is Gordon? Who's this?
Sorry? Did we call you in the bathroom or something? I wait over there?
Are you wanting that to be the truth?
I didn't want to interrupt you.
No, I'm good.
Who am I talking to?
Who is this?
You're talking to?
Esteemed radio host Jeffrey Dubou from award winning morning Showbrook and Jeffrey in the Morning. Yes, why great question we're calling to Did we.
Win the award because our mom's made us one?
No, we're calling because we're doing a segment called a second Date Update, hoping to get some answers for one of our listeners named mary Anne. You remember going out with Marianna a couple of weeks ago.
Oh yeah, I remember that.
Yes I did not.
I'm sorry, Gordon to interrupt, but I didn't expect that type of reaction. She sounds bubbly and lovely and she's a school teacher.
That's that's what she says.
I guess, Oh wow, you're clearly not very fond of Marianne.
But she felt like the date with you went really well?
Did you have fun at the music festival?
I had fun at the music festival. It started out fun, it started out great.
Well, okay, what's going on? What's with the coldness?
I mean, I don't know. I don't know what she told you guys, but she she lost her phone at one point, and you know, I was trying to help her find it.
That is hate irresponsible people. Is that what you're saying?
Well, I wound up actually finding her phone.
Yeah, you were, you were her hero, that was what she said.
Well, I when I picked up her phone, her home screen came on and what I saw kind of broke me.
WHOA, ok you what she's a school teacher. I can't imagine it being.
I don't know how I have to say it. When I looked at her screen, it was a picture of her kissing another guy.
What kind of guy?
That doesn't matter?
Like her father.
Maybe it definitely was not the way you kiss your father.
I don't know. You don't know how I kiss my father. So how dare you jump to that sort of conclusion?
I mean, that could have been, like I don't know, we didn't get her last relationship status, Like maybe she just broke up with somebody.
Maybe she's there could be other reason the photo.
You're on a date with somebody else.
I don't know. I mean, it kind of all started to make sense to me.
What what do you mean?
I'm not what do you what's going on in your mind when you see that picture?
I mean, her her profile is just m and all of her photos are her with sunglasses on. And then I see this and it snapped in the clear focus for me. She's she's cheated.
She acted so innocent, like she she.
Totally played up the innocent school teacher.
And I mean she told us that she just did m and the sunglasses and stuff because she didn't want parents of her students to find her.
Yeah, she told me the same thing.
WHOA, okay, your stances. You're not cool with her cheating.
That's always like two steps. I just want to be clear.
Why didn't you Why didn't you address her when you saw the phone and you picked it up and handed it back to her, Why didn't you say something?
I just, honestly, I wanted nothing to do with her at that point.
I guess that makes sense. Why at the end there was no kiss? Yeah, just a church hug.
That's what you call church hug? Sure, yeah, it was.
We don't know what to call it at this point.
Yeah, Okay, that's all I mean.
I guess I'd be surprised if she was still there on the line after this whole thing.
But why would she call us if she was cheating?
I don't know what.
Let's ask Mary Anne, because she's been listening to this the entire time, Gordon, Mary Anne. What, Yeah, she's been there the whole time.
Mary You there, Yeah, I'm here, Mary Anne?
What do you have to say? I mean, this is it's.
Not what you think.
Yeah, what do you mean?
You had you had a picture of you kissing another guy on your phone screen?
Yeah? That that was my husband. He passed away last year, and I just have a memory of him on my phone.
Oh my god, you were.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
I didn't know you well enough yet to really talk about it, so I didn't want to bring it up on our first date.
You know, Are you okay?
I mean I am honestly a little taken aback just listening to what you said and jumping so soon to conclusions about me with that, you could have just confronted me.
That night, Gordon, mean, how do you feel right now? You must kind of feel like a boob?
I mean, right now, I'm really sorry to hear that. I just I've been down this road before, and so I didn't think. I didn't think. I feel like I had it all figured out already.
Yeah, hopefully his whole heartbreaking.
Yeah sides, though, I feel like the understanding needs to be there.
Like and I mean, Marianne, he's obviously been on dating apps a lot longer because he's jaded and jumps to conclusions.
Which is what we did when he explained it.
I mean, when you connect that to just your m profile and everything and that secrecy.
It makes sense.
Oh yeah, we didn't know you lost your husband, like I mean, yeah.
But if the good news is if Marianne is on the dating apps, it must mean that she's feeling ready to put herself back out there.
Yeah, so that's encouraging.
It took me a while, but I mean, yeah, I finally did it.
I mean it makes sense why it's your first time ever on dating apps because you were married.
Yeah, Brooke doesn't play by the same rules as that, But that's.
Good for you.
Oh man, that's hard. But wow, I'm glad we got closure.
A little clarity in this situation.
And Gordon, now that you know that she's not cheating and what the situation is, we'd like to offer to send the two of you out on another date, and we would pay for it.
I do feel terrible about the assumption, and obviously about what happened to your husband and to you, and.
Other than that, nothing else bad happened. Correct.
You guys are really cute.
Yeah, I honestly really did have a good time on the date, and until I saw that total, I would be open to it.
If you are, okay, that is fair because based on this I don't know that Marianne is still interested.
Marianne, and are you willing to give him another chance after he jumped to conclusions, I'll.
Give another shot. We can talk it out. We'll see where we get from there. I guess all right.
So it sounds she's the most brilliant ever.
No, I'm kidding. I'm happy for you guys.
It sounds like we're sending you out on another day.
Congratulations you two.
Thank you.
Jeff Church.
I don't know about that, but we could celebrate by ending this with an entire show church hugg Yeah, if everybody bring it in close.
It off to your church, Jeff.
Looking Jeffrey in the morning man.
Legit tears coming from the text board from a lot of people who are all pulling for Charlotte and her love story.
I mean, it was beautiful.
God, this is a couple that I definitely hope that we get an update from, even if it doesn't work out.
I just want to hear that everybody's doing okay.
Yeah, and obviously she didn't go into much detail about what happened with the passing of her late husband because we didn't want to pry into that.
Good work, team, Well, why would you ask that?
On your mind? Just want to know what is a true crime.
Podcast I'm giving us props for not going there, That's what I'm saying. But you do have to you have to give her credit for being courageous and being brave, not just by putting herself out in the dating world again, but also staying on the phone while this guy accuses her of cheating.
For sure, that must have been so emotionous for her.
One of the most intense cases of like assuming.
Is never a good Either that or she's on the other line thinking, oh my god, this idiot, you know, he.
Felt bad after.
Maybe it's a good rule of thumb.
If you ever see somebody else with a phone screen picture of I'm kissing somebody, just assume that it's a relative that's passed away.
I don't even know that.
That's really that's not the lesson. Yeah, maybe just no mora open communication.
Yeah, different lessons apparently. But here's a good lesson.
If you ever want to get in touch with somebody that you went on a date with that's not calling you back, you can email the show and we'll call that person.
Yeastick to that.
That's a good lesson anyway. It's Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.
Brook and Jeffrey in the morning,