The guy in today’s Second Date MIGHT have been over-served during his date and after a few too many he thinks he might have done something regrettable!
Second, d Brooke, if you were single and on the dating apps right now, some of them ask you to be kind of punchy and fun on your profile. Yea, So give me a couple of sentences for your bio that you think would attract a man. I don't know, it's just it's also generic that comes to my head like adventuress, lame after a lot of food, feed me. I don't know, that's my number one thing. Maybe your sarcasm and pessimism in the bio would be attractive to a guy. I would say optimistic wink wink, Oh sarcasm, I'm optimistic, and I say I'm pessimistic. Yeah. I bring it up because one of our listeners, Dan says he met a woman online and Dan, I'm curious, what was in her bio that drew your attention? Well? Yeah, so, first of all, she was very attractive, and she just had a very inviting vibe. Okay, and she was funny too, Like she said she was into good stories, the outdoors, and sour dough bread art. What's the part, Well, she said that she she's tsa pre checked I think so, I mean I got it too. But she was very demanding and said, I can't go out with anybody that's not. But it also says about you that you're well traveled, right, it's a pity well traveled but also impatient about travel. Yeah, we never got her name. What is she called? Her name is Covina. Sounds exotic. Yeah, what did you say to her to get her attention? Well? I said that my passport only has two pages left on it. A cool, I'm still looking to find my next adventure. A little cheesy, but she liked it. Hey, she went for it. What can I say? Yeah, there you go. So what did you end up doing for your date? We matched and we went to a bark She recommended the place It was was a nice place and keep it simple, keeping it simple that there was some food there, or so I thought. Well, when she first arrived, she walked in and her hair was different than the pictures that she had online. How dare I would have left? I want to marry one hairstyle for the rest of my life. It's an issue you guys? Did you just did you not recognize her or something? Because of it? It took me a second. And also, like her hair was her hair was shorter, She had like a short kind of cry haircut. Yeah, she looked really good. And I just never thought in a million years that I would I would be into a woman with short hair, mainly because my mom has short hair, but totally different from my mom. And it was, you know, it's like really good. That turns out to be the case usually, So please don't tell me you told her that, like, dang, you look good, way different than my mom. I kept that to myself. Okay, good, everything sounds great so far. How was the bar? Oh, it was good. They were actually doing a charity night. You know, why do you say, oh like that, Jeffrey like down, Oh, no, charity just doesn't sound like that's sexy. Come on, charity, jeff That's what it is. This was definitely a good cause. They were doing half of the proceeds going to kids in need shots. Let's do that very generic cause. But I like, you know, eat a lots. It doesn't sound like you knew that was even happening when you went down. No, but Covina and I actually kind of had a little inside joke out of it, like as we got each round, we would say it like, oh, we better get wasted for the kids. Yeah, you have an inside jokes already. It sounds like you guys are really vibing on this date. It was. Now, I will say that we did get a little out of hand. I mean, we definitely both had a few drinks. See, I almost asked, because now you feel like you need to drink more in a sense to help as many kids as you can. Yeah, otherwise it looks like you don't like kids exactly. You It just seemed like the right thing to do. And then after about four drinks, I called the bartender over and started demanding that they serve us sour dough bread, you know, like a medieval night. I shall bring the lady the bread made of sour dough. Yeah, which was thoughtful right. The voice, though, I think, is what Alexis is over the bartender. I don't know. She just she started saying like, yes, unhand these she was on the same renaissance sour dough bread jokes as you, like I said it was. It was a little goofy like you called it. Yea, So did security throw you out? Then? No? No, we we overall we had a great time. We ended the night responsibly, started getting some waters and sobering up. Yeah, a little little something to coat it all, and walked her out to her uber and while we were standing there waiting, we had a nice conversation about just the mistakes that we made in life for drones. So you ended like with a three minute, super serious conversation. This is what happens when you sober up and bread. You should have gone harder on the drinks kind of, Jeff, did you not make out? No, there was a hug. So have you heard from her at all? A little bit? I mean a couple very short text responses and mainly try to make plans, but it's just kind of like, yeah, I'm busy. I'd like to know why she's brushing me off? Me too, Okay, Well I wonder if you didn't get wasted enough for the kids. Yeah, I don't feel wasted enough to do this call. Let's play a song and take some shots. But that doesn't help the kids, Brook, Let's get draw for the kids and get your second date update right after this second when a dark and handsome night is at a rectangular table, not a round table, rectangular because it's a bar, and he drinks too much grog and pounds his fists and demands sour dough bread be brought hither. You know, that's a man who commands respect and delicious gluten for his fair maiden. Yeah, kicked out of the bar, which he didn't do luckily. But that is what happens when you drink too much. You start to sound like you're from the Middle Ages, and what happens to you. I don't think that's very common. It's what happens to him. But yeah, but maybe I haven't drank as much as as Dan did. Maybe they were doubles, but he realized that something weird was happening. That's why towards the end of the night, both Dan and Covin are sobered up before grabbing their ubers. Now we will command her, in an English accent, to go out with Dan once more. I don't think that's what women respected America, going to go with an ask politely and respect your boundaries. Yeah, that's that's actually what we're gonna do. Jeff, Oh, really, I guess King Arthur should have asked politely to storm the castle and take over the kingdom. Yeah, is that what he should have done? I think Gwenevere was probably in charge then, so it's fine. Oh this is Dan's second. So Dan, how would you like to handle this? I see what you guys are doing here. What are we doing? I don't you're you're trying to send me in on a trojan horse of sorts. We've gone from the Middle Ages to ancient Greece. Yeah. I'm going in under the guise of this radio station. Yeah. And as soon as we get into the conversation, I'm going to first out on the scene. Yeah. I like your plan better than our plan. Let's trojan horse this girl. Just don't pull out your don't don't google search that don't alright, or at least if you do, put parental restrictions on the Let's just call her on the on the cell phone. All right. We're bringing it back to the modern time. We're dialing a phone number and see what you has to say. Let's do it. Hello. Hello? Is this Covina? I? Yes? Who is Hey? My name is Jeff from a radio show you've definitely heard of before. It's called Brooke and Jeffrey in the Morning. Get you demanding? Hi Covina? Hi? Um, what's going on? What's going on is we're doing a radio segment called a Second date update that Oh okay, okay, because we're trying to help out one of our listeners who you went out with the other night named Dan. Oh wow, okay, um, oh wow, it's right. Dan is quite good dance, sounds like a cutie. You guys had a good time. Uh yeah, we yeah, we had a really good time. Great, Well, we'd like to set you up on another date. This short and simple, like well, she said she had a good time, no problems whatsoever? Am I right? Covina? Yeah, at the beginning, like he was chill and funny, but at the end of the night was a little bit weird for me. Okay, what part of the end of the night. But I guess when we were waiting for our uber, we were just kind of talking about how crazy dating is and like sharing some of our experiences, and he said that he had actually cheated on one of his previous girlfriends. Oh no, yeah, I mean right at the end, with an impression to leave you with. I mean, well, why why was that bad? I'm just curious. I guess, like I know, everybody has their stuff. But he mentioned that he was like really drunk when it happened, So that is a red flash for me, because I feel like I don't know. I just like one seater always happened, which seems that I'm not actually responsible for it. Okay, well, Covin, if you couldn't tell that that's Dan who's been listening politely on the other line, Yeah, I was. I was glad to hear that you had a good time, and really don't. I'm really sorry that if I may, if I give the impression that I intend on repeating that behavior in any way, I just you know, something's just happened when alcohol is involved. What. Yeah, but for him, like I do agree with that it happened a long long time ago in a galaxy. Now I don't know it happened. Don't go in Star Wars. I'm some mixed messages from Daniyeah, I can't tell Dan. I feel like I just need to ask you this question. Are you drinking right now? No? No? Okay, I have not had a drink since earlier this morning. I don't know when I had my coffee, Kavina, is this helping or hurting or where are you? I'm pretty like I feel like it's worse if you're drunk, because at least if you are sober and it happens, you know, that could be like an issue that we could work through. There's like some underlying stuff. But if you're drunk, you cheat, Like I'm always going to worry that every time you have a drink it could happen. Yet wait, wait, wait, Covina, you prefer sober cheating to cheating? I do you think? I mean, none of it's better? Like all cheating is bad. I don't want anyone to cheap. But if I had a preference, I think I would rather you have been sober, because then we could like work through it. Dan, can you agree to stay sober when you're unfaithful? That's what she's talking about why she had a problem with Dan's story, Right, yeah, Dan, what do you think of that? Yeah? I agree that it is never okay to cheat. If you commit to someone, you should you should honor that commitment. And and unless you're drunk and you can't help it, is that what it is? Sometimes you're just impaired in You're you know, not in control. Have you, Covina? Have you have you never lost your inhibitions around alcohol? Has? I mean? I have? But I've never cheated on anyone, So I don't. I don't know, like what you're trying to do here? Yea, yeah like that. I mean some people lose their inhibitions. They have like one too many desserts and they're like, yeah, I'm McDonald's on the way. You jump into a pool fully closed, crazy, Like you don't jump into bed with somebody else because you can't control pol women. Yeah, I mean it feels like Dan that you can't take it. What it sounds like I'm guessing for Cavina, I could be wrong. Cavina is that you can't take responsibility for your actions. I don't see it that way. Yeah, see that's the issue. I mean, if he's drunk, of course he's not going to see it that way. But if he's sober, he probably could. Starting to see her point. Okay, well then Colvina, can you make your friendless visible on Facebook? Make your way? That's an interesting question. You so we think just saying if you want me to cheat sober, you know, Funny will be with people that you know. She says she's not. It's not that she wants it, it's just her philosophy and cheating it would be better, I would. This is why you don't do what ifs on a first date, like what if you cheated? Like? How are we already there? We're not doing what if it's on the first day. We're doing what IF's for the second day that we will send you on and pay for if you're up for it. Covina, what do you say, sober or drunk? That's up to you. Just no cheating, listen to anything else? Can I say anything else? Before she answered, well, hasn't. I don't think it's gonna help you, dude. No, no, no, I think it will. I think it will. I really enjoyed talking to you. I felt like opening up telling you the truth about my past because I felt comfortable around you. You felt drunk is what you felt? Okay? I would like to get to know you better in a more lucid setting where we don't have to keep kids alive by drinking shot after shot. The kid's charity for the boy. All right, Yeah, are you sold now, Covina. Yeah, that's a weird invitation. It is, But I did enjoy talking to you too, and I'm in a good mood today, so I think it's so. Yes, great, Covina's drunk too. You guys are perfect for each other, brooking Jeffrey in the morning. You know, I really wasn't kidding when I said she must be drunk when she agreed to the second date. I know you all laughed, but no, I'm actually shocked. Yeah. Had that guy have been any more bizarre with us during the call? Yeah, asking for the Facebook for ends to be released, and I mean I get it, he was trying to be funny and joking. Dude in the Renaissance accent. Yeah, we should have known that was star. But just two people with kind of unique views on life and unique senses of humor. Sometimes they end up just being perfect for each other like that, but they end up going on another day. Yeah, yeah, you call it that, jeff Meanwhile, her take on who that she prefers to get cheated on by a sober person then by a drunk person. Does anybody in the room agree with that? We really didn't get to talk about it because we were so stunned. Alexis No, absolutely not. I'd rather like a drunken random hookup happens, like I feel like that would be easier for me to forgive, but only if the guy doesn't blame it on alcohol like that. Guy's excuse was so lame. Yeah, exactly, I just don't cheat ever. But that's a tall assa if you ever slip up in your dating life, if not necessarily cheating, but you want a little help emails the show. We can call that person who wasn't calling you back. It's Brooke and Jeffrey in the Morning, Broke and Jeffrey in the Morning. Morning,