Second Date Update: Double Kiss Surprise

Published Sep 6, 2023, 3:07 PM

One of our listeners was trying to walk a thin line in trying to get a man to notice her, and pulled a move that maybe went a little too far… 

Second date, up date. Making a friendly bet during a first date it could be a good move. It's kind of flirty a little bit, have a little excitement to the night, like, for example, beer chugging contest loser has to do the other person's taxes for the next five years. Ready go, you suck at chugging beer. Okay, So here's my W four and a list of my assets. So if you can follow those guys tomorrow, they're already overdue. That not working for you, Brook.

This weird W two W four good good thing.

You know how to do it, because I certainly don't. But one of our listeners had a friendly wager going during her first date and apparently didn't go quite the way she planned. So let's talk to Tricia about it. Tricia, welcome to the show.

Hi, thank you.

You owe more to the irs than you too?

Is that what happened? Not exactly?

Okay, you didn't do the tax bad thing?

No, I didn't.

Look now he's not calling you back.

Who is it? Who did you go out with?


I met this guy named Gino, you know, and we met online and he really seemed like very kind of happy. He's like a very chill guy.

Okay, those are good qualities in a person.

Yeah, he's super cute, So I was like, why not? So, like, I know by his profile that he's like a sporty guy, and I'm pretty sporty myself. Okay, So I thought we would do a game of pickup basketball.

Oh okay, that's a great day.

Thought you'd go to a game, not be in a game. That sound as fun, But that's not like a sporty thing to do. Watching sports is not an athletic thing. But that's not acause I thought I was because.

I watched so many sports that doesn't on my couch.

Downing two plates of nachos and under twenty seconds is technically it is kind of athletics competitive food, but I don't think that's what Tricia had in mind. Okay, so you guys wanted to do something sporty. What was your bet?

So the loser had to buy the drink?

Oh did you?

Okay, it's good to play basketball before drinking.

Yeah, pertably don't want to do that the other way round.

I mean you could make its tummy cramp.

Okay, So, uh who won?

Well he was pretty good and I'm not bad at all, so it was close, but I guess he just called it a tie because when I made the last shot, it hit the rim, and when he turned around to make the rebound, it hit him in the nose.

Oh oh oh did it bleed?

No, but it looks like it hurt.


No, so his pride is hurt. He has it, like really dominated the game. And then he just got an awi.

Yeah he had an alley. And then but he bought drinks.

Anyhow, Okay, hit him in the face with the ball.

You didn't pay for the id do it purposely hit the rim? Wasn't my flock and she.

Didn't lose Jeffrey.

Okay, she's a stickler for the rules. Yeah, okay, the drinks go good.

Drinks were great. We have like really good conversation too.

Okay, this all sounds so good. You're getting doesn't What is there any bad things that happened?


I mean he was talking about like what he is looking for in a relationship and how he wants an active person, which is awesome because I do too. And he talks a little bit about, uh he loves fantasy football, which I don't understand at all, but whatever, okay, yeah, okay, And then he talked about like how he had a big party for his family for their anniversary for his parents.

Oh that's cute and.

There's like fifty people, so like he's really family oriented, which I thought was great.

Okay, sorry, this is all cute.

How did you end that date?


I kissed him on my car?

Oh, you initiated the kiss?

I did? Yeah, kisses?

No, so it felt better. Did you kiss him on the mouth?

Oh? No, I kiss him on the mouth.

Okay, well it was great.

And then I went to get my car and he started walking towards his car, So then I figured I was going to try and be really cute. And then I ran up to him by his car and I gave him another kiss.

Oh wow, why did you be so excited?

If you were a guy, i'd love that. I don't know you're saying, no.

Jeffery, is there any chance that maybe he thought you were going to attack him and try and knock him down again to finish the job.

No, No, I'm just kidding.

So I mean all that sounds okay, two kisses.

Rather than one, It sounds really romantic.


How's the conversation been after the date? Or has there been conversation.

Yeah, Like I've texted him like quite a few times and he does respond, but it's like spotty, so like he'll do on like every three texts or something. So that kind of makes me feel like, oh, maybe I did something wrong.

Any texting from the same number every time?

Yes, okay, I mean from the same three Burder phones that she has.

Yeah, okay, she seems like to do the sneak attack things.

All right, do you have any ideas?

I have no clue. Did he not like me kiss him? Is he like afraid because of the ball mayes? I'm not sure what's going on. Like it's been a few weeks now too, so sometimes.

A woman can seem a little bit too overeager with things too.

Maybe I walked forward. I don't know.

Yeah, I love an eager woman.

But all right, well, we'll come back. We'll call Geno for you, and we'll try not to like sneak attack him too much, but we'll politely ask if he's willing to see you another time and try and get your second date update right after this. Okay, okay, second date update.

Out in the parking lot, she lurks dum ducking between cars, applying her blueberry lip bomber watching waiting for her moment, okay, to.

Run up and strike.

It hurts.

Her name is Tricia.

She is the notorious South Side surprise smoocher.

Why did that guy get sick? I thought her date liked it?

Not to be fair, it was her second kiss of the night with Gino, and she was just trying to be cute and flirty about it.

But puke sound for her.

The sneak kiss may have scared him away to the point where he's avoiding her now.

If she's ducking behind cars, maybe.

Maybe he's just waiting for her to surprise him again and she hasn't done it.

I can really hope that it wasn't the second kiss. I mean, that's insane.

Okay, Let's call Geno and try and get some answers from him. Maybe it's just a big misunderstanding, Okay, Okay.

Maybe he's a way on business or something and hasn't told you.

Getting his nose reconstructed after you shattered it into a little piece of.

Rhinopla I've heard takes a while.

So maybe he's just trying to get himself pretty again for you. Let's see what he has to say here we go. Hello, Hey, is this Gino?

Yes, this is Geno who's calling?

Doesn't sound No, we're we're.

We're radio show man. We're uh, it's called it's called Broken Jeffrey in the Morning.

Oh, that's I mean, I've.

Heard of you guys.

That's kind of cool.

I think it's cool that you've heard of us. We're doing something on our show called the Second Date Update. You know that.

No, yeah, I mean i've heard of that.

I didn't.

I didn't actually think that happens.

That's kind of yeah, a lot.

So you're the lucky guy that we're calling today because you recently went out with somebody named Tricia.

Oh yeah, it was kind of a minute ago, right, like a couple of weeks ago.

Yeah, it's been a two and a half week.

Okay, So you're one of those guys who likes to just take it slow.

Oh I guess.

I mean what you guys are asking about how the date went or well, it's.

Just like you just give us a nutshell, like your take on that date big picture.

Yeah, I mean, I don't know.

I got hit in the face with a like a basketball, But.

Was that good for you?


Was it embarrassing. I bet it was embarrassing.

I mean I got to say that the reason I'm not reaching out is because of like not the date, but because of like some of her texts after.

They gave me some red flag.

Oh, we didn't hear about any of the texts that you had. She just said you guys were kind of in spotty communication and you weren't responding to her.

What'd she say? Was it clinging or something?


You could say that.

Like after I got home later that night, I got like a one sentence text that said, what's the best case scenario for us?




And I was like, how do I answer this? I I literally was like, football in the face and more drinks.

That's pretty funny. That's a fait tastic response.

I was like, Okay, maybe she's drunk or something, and that was that.

Okay, but that's funny. But there was more than just that.

The thing is, the next day she texts me it was like, if we got married someday, would you consider ditching your fantasy football league to spend time with me?

It was something like that, And the.

Media answer is no, Alex question right?



I mean it gives you a good gauge. I guess.


That would she try to be funny?

I don't know that was too serious.

Questions like that's a big picture question.

That's two in a row. How did you respond to that one?

I totally ditched my friends in my interest.

Just for you.

You know, I just got to a point where I thought, Okay, this is just a lot off of one date. I I don't want to be planning out my future with this person.

A lot for anything.

Doesn't sound like you asked her her any deep introspective questions about her life. And now is actually your chance, gino, because she's on the other line right now, waiting to tell you what she wants out of your future together.

This is going to be cute.

Oh great, so she planned this too, of course she did.

This doesn't make it less.

Question is what would you do if I surprisingly put you on a radio? Patricia?

You there, I'm here.

You know you didn't mention any of those texts that you sent to him.

Well, I didn't think that they were really like that important.

Who so he hearing what he just said, have you changed your mind about.

That mom issue? It's like I would like to know I am a planner.

I could understand you wanting to like plan out your week or your month, planning out your entire rest of your life. That's a lot to ask a guy after one date.

No, we're not getting any younger. And my deal is, I'm not even gonna bother wasting a minute if he's not going to tell me honestly what's going on with us, or I'm not going to waste a minute if he's gonna be like, no, I'm totally keeping my fantasy football and then I lose them like every Friday night. No, I don't think so, it's actually really on Friday give up his stuff for you, Gina.

Yeah, we don't know that. Gino. Are you willing to give up your stuff?

I mean, like I said, this is one day, like I have to go on a few more dates, Like you can't.

You can't just corner.

Someone like that. I don't think anybody's gonna.

That could have been your answer to the first question I asked you, what's the best case, Maria? Okay, maybe yeah, let's go out a few more times. Okay. Maybe that wouldn't have led me to the next question. You're thinking me that I'm so psycho or something.

Okay, I don't think you're psycho. I just I just want I did remember another thing you asked, which is, would your parents ever let us stay in their house.

So we can say for our future?

That was like another one that's kind of a sweet little image.

Met my parents and I hadn't met her parents or anything.

Well, yeah, because you're being selfish and you're keeping them all to yourself, you should spread the wealth of this wonderful family that you have.

You also said you had fifty people in there, so it was big enough for all of us.

Wait, you actually responded, and it was.

Okay, I didn't.

I didn't respond.

I already told you guys, and we talked about this. He told me about mann versary party first parents, where he had fifty people.

I can move in with.

I mean, she's a planner, she's got help for every bad case scenario that might play out.

It's just a little too much, you know. I know you want to know everything right now, but there's just no way to know.

I made it this far in life with knowing everything, and I think I'm gonna be fine, you know what I mean, I'll be fine without him. But he could have just been honest and said, hey, a few more dates and I would been like, okay, and then I would have chilled out. But then it led me into this big spiral and wanting to know more and more more.

Gino, we could just mooth this whole thing over. If you're just willing to admit right now it was all your fault.

Go ahead, Yes, this is all my Fault's.

Move forward, and since Tricia is such a planner, I would love to help her plan your next date, which we will pay for out of the generosity of our hearts.

Are we asking, Gino? Are you asking?

Well, Actually, that's a good point I do I should ask Tricia for permission. Tricia, is it okay if I co plan your next date with you?

It is? It is fine with me for you to co plan.

Yeah, okay, seth that you're still up for it. So, Gino, would you like to meet up with Tricia one more time on our bill? Your future bride wants to know?

Oh oh wow.

Yes, if we can just kind of take it a little.

Slower what you're saying.

Yes, yeah, I mean, like I said, I had a fun time. I just if you're really serious about just moving really fast.

That's not me.

But if you're willing to just like go out and have fun.

Then I'm down to go out for another day.

But what we never heard was about that fantasy league willing to give it up.

This is a good start to the communication, a little bit of honesty and transparency. It never happens on our show. I'm proud of us like it.

I don't.

It just feel kind of but it's what you want.

Is that okay with you? Tricia to move slower?

Yeah, I promise I'll slow it down. I won't ask any future questions like about our children's names or anything. I will I will reel it in.

Yeah, because you already have those planned out and he doesn't really.

Yeah. Yeah, there we go again.

Welcome to the rest of your life, Gino freaking Jeffrey in the morning, Brook, I'm just gonna ask, Okay, where do you see the show going. What's the best case scenario for us here?

I feel like it's too soon to ask, and that makes me feel kind of uncomfortable. I mean, we've only been together for over a decade and I'm not ready for this level of commitment.

Well, I'm scared because from what I just heard I don't think we're heading to a very good place.

What they're going out again, Jeff, exactly.

Suddenly we have people on the phone communicating, listening to each other. That's taking a breath and respecting boundaries.

No, not very funny, say that.

We need to get this train back on track.

Okay, if your life is a wreck, that's who we need to have.

If you want to scream cry at someone for taking a cruton off of your salad without asking first, you're just the type of person we need. Yeah, email the show and help us write this sinking ship. We'll call the person who isn't calling you back

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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