Second Date Update: Dopple-B

Published Mar 1, 2023, 4:14 PM

The couple in today’s Second Date had a perfectly normal time DURING their date, but it something that happened RIGHT AFTER that changed everything.

Second. You know, sometimes in order to find the right person, you have to kiss a few frogs first. Yeah, that's explains why I'm banned from the amphibian exhibit at the aquarium. But literally you have heard the phrase though, sometimes you gotta kiss a few frogs before you find your prince or your mister wright. Well, one of our listeners says that happened to her recently. Now she needs our help. So let's welcome to the show, Carolyn. What's up? You've been second faiths with some reptiles, Carolyn, Amphibians that's what they are. Huh. Yeah, the reptile is a different sorry, brushs kissing reptiles? Yeah, any small, slimy animal. Come on over. Yeah, what happened? Why? Why did you say that you were kissing frogs? So? I had a friend fixed me up and she said she had a great guy for me. She thought we'd been along great. Did that work out for you? Um? No, no, yeah, I don't think it ever? Does? I show up at the date first of all, looks from not everything, but wow, I walked over and I'm like, oh, this is who my friends six nipped with. Maybe he's got this amazing person's really funny, amazing personality. Okay, so you weren't initially attracted to him on first I was not, but I'm trying to keep an open mind because my friends sike me up for a reason. And then we start to date and I could not He did not say a word. Silent Yeah, like I would ask questions, it would be like one word answers. He was quiet and he listened to you. God, what a joke. He was not listening opposite talk at all. He didn't talk at all. It didn't ask me anything about myself. I'm like asking about him. He's giving me these one word answers. So uncomfortable. I've never eaten so fast in my life. Were you like texting your friend under the table like, what the hell's rude? Because I was too busy shoving food in my face because I wanted to get out of their true If I ever see a girl finish your food fast, now, I'm gonna be very selfish. She immediately asked for it to go. Okay, wait, why are you on for a second date update with a guy you didn't like? So here's the thing. So I had that horrible date with my friends that my friends kicked me up with it, and so I thought, I'm not gonna let my friends or anyone else kicking me up. I'm gonna try this on my own because nothing can be worse than that date. Okay, you've taken dating into your own hands now. Yeah. So then I went to online dating because at least then I can go by I find this person attractive at least in their Yeah. So there was this guy that we'd been texting and he seems really cool. Game was Scott, and we were Scott. Yeah, we're being like a fun s banter with the tech. Okay, yeah, hot, Scott. I like it, Josey, would you guys end up doing on a date? So we grabbed a by tea and it was, honestly like the universe was like, we know you had that crappy date, and now we are giving you Scot like it magical. Like the conversation was blowing. He was asking any questions. I was asking him questions like I kept ordering for food because I didn't want the day to end. Yeah, opposite, because that turned him off. Or maybe it was because your last day before set the bar so low for you. Oh yeah, that just an average to below average guy was good. Now, that's all dating in general. Yeah, asked one question and you're like, oh my god, what a charmer. That's sweet, though, I mean, how did the date end for you guys? You know, he walked me to my car, We had a sweet kiss. Yeah. So I was really hopeful. And now it's been over a week and I haven't heard anything that seems weird if it went as well as you said. I mean, looking back on the night, was there anything that was awkward or any any moment that could have stood out as something that could have been a red flag? Um? Okay maybe, but to me, it's like a little red flag. Okay, what I had ordered the chicken letuce wraps as an appetiser. We remember they're talking for so long, and then I ordered them again later forgetting that I had ordered them before. Oh my god, I know, so he might. I don't. I mean, that's the only thing I can think of. It feel like you said anything, and I tried to play it off like he didn't make fun of you in that moment. I would have probably made fun of you, like, man, you love these lettuce raps. He was kind of like, you know, you just had those and I was like, oh my, oh my gosh, I totally did, but having so much fun when you you forgot that, Like, how many things did you order in between them? Well? Not a lot, but I think the better question is how many drinks did you have between them? We'll just say a lot of time in the past. So to me, it wasn't weird because it it's weird, but it's not a reason not to call somebody back, right right. Yeah, I don't know. Maybe the lettuce wraps would like be a no go for you, You're like too healthy for me. It could be like a diet yea a dessert or something. You know. Honestly, it was probably adrenaline of like, oh my gosh, this guy's not a total dell lead. Maybe I was a little over anxious, yeah, or maybe you're over eager and that could be a turn ye but you might not think that. So Well, he's not calling her back, so he's thinking something. Yeah, let's find out what he is thinking. I wish that we had the power to just tap into his mind, but we have to call him first. SOD be a cool segment. I know we're working on that technology till then they'll just do it the old fashioned way with a second date update. Get it done right after this, Okay, okay, all right, hold on second d We're in the middle of your second date update with Carolyn, who, after being set up on a horrible date by her good friend, was relieved to match online with a great guy named Scott. Hot. Scott was good looking, he knew how to actually talk and ask questions, phenomenal kisser. And now we're in the middle of your second date update with Carolyn, who, after being set up on a terrible date by her good friend, was relieved to match online again. Oh did I say the exact same thing twice in the same segment, the same appetizer twice without realizing it? And thought maybe her memory could have come into question, or maybe Scott would have thought that was weird, or maybe her passion for lettuce Raps is just that strong. That's what he should have said to him, Carolyn, Right, Yeah, that's so funny. I can't believe he hasn't called you back at all. No, I would just do you feel like maybe it was too good to be true? No, I'm being optimistic. Okay, I like that you're holding on to hold I can't tell you how many people have come on the show and been like the date was too good. Yeah, there's got to be a reason for this. Let's find out. I'm gonna call them right now. Okay, okay, great, Hello, Hey is it Scott? It is who? Let's call it good questions, Scott. I heard that you were good at listening and asking questions. We're proud of you, man. Yeah, you tell them who we are. Yeah, all right, we're brooken Jeffrey in the morning. Not as good as listening. We're a radio show. Okay, all right, I'm sorry. Um, I'm a little confused. We want to make you the star of this segment called second Date Update. Congratulations, Second Date Update. Yeah no, And honestly, I don't really have time. Okay, well, well we'll make we'll make it really fast. We'll make it really fast. Okay. So you went you went out recently with one of our listeners named Carolyn. She told us she had a great time at dinner with you. And then okay, yeah, yeah, okay, cutting me off there that that's a little bit rude. But you know what, I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt because of the time thing, just sorry. This is just kind of super weird st I mean, she just really liked you and you weren't calling her back, so she just wanted to know if she did something wrong. Okay. Yeah, and she did tell us a little bit about your guys' night together, going to dinner and ordering a bunch of food and having a lot in common. Yeah, pretty vague, I know, but that's kind of what we knew. We had a good time. You know, we do have a lot of common. Okay. That was her review of the night too, was a kiss at the end of the night. Lovely. Yeah, yeah, we made out a little bit. It felt really nice and things are going great. Well, it sounds good. I mean usually when we do these, though, there is something that was a little bit off, something wrong. Yep, there was to answer on all of this. Mean, like during the date there was something off. No, it's just kind of embarrassing. It turned out that we had a little more in common than I would have liked to know. Um I, so we had a great time. We did have a great time. Okay, she's she's a wonderful girl. She was kind of naturally hilarious. She ordered the same rap twice without realizing it. Yea, she told us that, yeah, you let me have a bite. It was delicious, So I mean I totally get it, okay, but well, what's the part that weirded you out? So I got home and I was talking to my roommate about the date and how it went great, and he's like, oh, yeah, show me this girl. So I bring a profile and I showed him, and I mean it's like his eyes just went wide, his saucers and I was like, wow her, And I was like, dude, he knew her. No, you know, he didn't know her. It was kind of word I wish he had known her. But he was like, dude, do you not see it? Like she's your doppel banger and dope banger? Is that a doppelganger that you bang? Yeah? I was like, what what is a doubel banger? And he's like, bro, she looks exactly like you, like you'd be banging yourself if I know couples like that look like, yeah, you're telling me you're not attracted to yourself. That's kind of what weird to be out at first was that I put me in this self reflective mode, which was a little scary, but he was like, no, seriously, like put your your picture right next to hers, and I put him side by side in like a big stitchap and it was like a Twilight Zone episode and I was so freaked out. But she's so nice. I didn't know how to be, like, hey, so you're my long lost twin, so I can't date you. But I've heard that it's just like evolution, Like people want to be attracted to people who look like them simply because I want their babies to look like them, you know, like it's yeah, that's family's attracted. My husband does not look like me, but bro, if you think about it. She's also very big headed because she told us she thought you were hot. Oh she's beautiful. Oh so you would make a lovely woman then, Scott. I mean, I've been told that I have nice lashes. I think you can still make this work if you can get over the top. I don't know. It's one of those things. At first I would be like, no, you're wrong, it's fine, we're gonna keep dating. But after seeing us side by side, I cannot unsee it. It's like a psychological trip. Man. I'd sure you guys look alike. That's one obstacle. I'm curious if you guys sound alike and we can compare voices right now because she's on the other line wanting to talk to you. Hid me, you're talking, Scott some type of jokes like it's this is a joke. I don't I don't get it. It's not. I'm sorry. Look if you don't believe me, like, are you seriously take our pictures and right next to each other by I'm sorry, Huh. Here's the thing. I have friends that have that look alike and you've put in a picture and they look like, well, when you're actually in life, they don't look alike because there are personalities, they're animation. The way they talk, it's so different. And so I don't understand. I know, I know that once, like, maybe give it another chance to see and then maybe if we can't get past it. But I think when we're with each other in person, you'll see that the way that we act it's different. I mean, well, you have good chemistry. What are you really worried about, Scott? Like, what's the worst thing that could possibly happen if you go out with Carolyn? People are gonna think that I'm making out my sister, like, we'll be in the park now. That might be a treat for some people, though I don't think of only the people that aren't gonna like. I think of people that will like It depends on what area of the country you're in. Scott All you have to do, listen, all you have to do is change your hair color. Yeah, I mean honestly, like people always think my husband looks like Jeffrey, and they don't look anything alike when they're in person. Sometimes their pictures look similar, but if one of them were to dye their hair blood, nobody would know it's any different. I think this is the first time we've ever asked a listener to change their hair color on a date, just so that they could get another chance. Why stop there, Let's do cosmetic surgery too. How about a chin lift. We've paid a lot more people. Yeah, that's true, we have a plastic surgery. Sorry, you know, maybe maybe then. I just think it's shames the way that's good chemistry, because you just don't meet people you connect with like that, and if you're willing to just let that go because of a perceived doppuld bangers and maybe you're not the person I thought you were. Hold on, that's a challenge. I hear a challenge right there. I am happy to continue our relationship, but like on a family level. Oh you've never heard that before on the show. What does that mean? It's like, I would love to continue our relationship. I like its friends, so that I could just bring you home to meet my parents because it will blow their minds. Wow, he wants you to meet the parents on day two. That's gonna be a hard pass. So I'm just gonna say, I guess adopt a bullet and you're not the person I thought you were. Like, Scott, did you make a life decision and not tell it? Sounds like a sibling rivalry is happy. You are making it worse. Clearly, I'm not gonna come out on top on this, So I'm just gonna just scow out. Yeah, I'm sorry, Carolyn, that sucks. Yeah, thank you. Yeah, maybe next time, don't call the radio stations and figure things out. Oh but don't let your roommates dictates who you were out with based on a picture. Oh, thank you, thank you. Is it too late to ask if you guys want to go out on a second day? We'll pay for it. Is that too late? Yeah, rookie Jeffrey in the morning. You know, people always tell me this show is an educational People say, you don't learn anything. We learn. Well, we just learned a new word today, doppel bank. I could already apply it to a couple of couples that I know. It's a thing that actually happens where people hook up with someone because they look like the other gendered version of yourself, the same gendered version of yourself. Yeah, I wonder where female Jose looks like and how much they talk. I don't. I don't need two of you. But you know, it's kind of funny that he didn't realize it until his buddy hold him. He didn't He would never have noticed until somebody else pointed it out. Once you do, you can't get it out of your head. Yeah, And if you think about it, it actually is kind of good that his friend told him, because it's better to find out that now than later on down the road. Like as she's walking down the aisle and you're up on the all time, you're thinking, wait a second, if I walking towards myself in a dress and I look good, I could still be a magical moment. Yeah, he missed out. Well, bottom line, it didn't work out, but it doesn't mean it can't work out for you. You can always email the show. We'll call that person who hasn't calling you back. You can hear all of our second eight podcasts too, up online wherever you get your podcasts. Broke and Jeffrey in the Morning

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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