Our listener spent a good portion of his night watching his date dance with another man! Is he a 3rd wheel or will he get another shot at love?
Second day, should you actually listen to what people write for hobbies on their dating profiles? Good question, because they all say they love hiking. And next thing you know, you're out on a mountain trail, face to face with a grizzly and you realize you forgot your bear mace next to your six pack of pineapple truly, and in your head you're thinking, well, maybe they're not really into hiking. Did forget the truly? Well, both of them? What was I thinking? Yeah? And one of our listeners, Corey, picked an activity for his date based on her dating profile. Okay, no matter what you ended up doing, I hope that you didn't forget to bring the bear mace. You know I did not. I should have trust me. Oh well, not for her, but the bears. Okay, there was there was some sort of danger apparently on your day. Why some some you could have? First, before we get to that, tell us about the girl. What's her name? Oh, Adrian? Okay? And Jeff had mentioned that you designed the data around one of her hobbies or interests on her profile? What did her profile say? Hold on for a second, let me let me let me pull it up here. I didn't know you guys want to ask me that. Yeah, like it says, uh, good cologne and holding hands or my cryp tonight. And then like she goes, I'll kick your butt on the dance floor. Ok, Okay, that's aggressive. It doesn't mean she danced better than you. Will literally fights you. I'm worried for him. I think it sounds fun. So like I found a country bar that has dancing. Okay, not my specialty, but I'm like, I want to impress. That's awesome. We're to show like interest in herb. Yeah. Yeah. So like we get there, I got us some drinks. I sit at the table with my beer, and before I could even get one word in, some older dude comes and say, hey, will you dance with me? Oh that's quick? Yeah. So is it a same situation you line dancing or they're just out there dancing? May you have both? So they'll start out with line dancing, then they'll go to swing. So at this time it was swing and that's when you can like rotate partners and stuff, right, yeah exactly. And I'm like, really, dude, I'm just trying to start a date here. So she looks at me and she goes, oh, well you snooze you lose. I'm like, really, dang, that hurts fight. Did you take it as rude? It could be. It was like playful, But the point is why even said And then she has a dancing to get up and leaves. See that's when you need the bear me. Anytime a god comes over, just holds them down. You're the hero. Yea. So did you ever? I mean your next move you had to go cut in, like that's what you do, right, I'm glad you said that. So I go by myself. I'm dancing every time I go to cut in where you're dancing by yourself, I'm dancing by myself. Yeah, I'm getting ready to cut in. But guess what. I turned my head. I go back. They're like four or five people away from you. I can't cut in. Oh I feel like dancing away from you, like trying to avoid you. I don't know if it was her him, I don't know, if it was both of them, I don't know. But to me, I think it was obvious that I was trying to cut in like two three different occasions. So eventually the music just stopped. But I'm like, are you serious right now? Oh? Man? So wait so the music stopped and then you guys met back up or she's still hanging out with that. Yeah, so we met back up. I didn't want to appear desperate, so I was like, nah, I'm cool, you know, let's just take a break. So okay, I don't know. You didn't get to dance at all. Now, I mean we danced a little bit, but you know, it was the tail end because I had like a long day tomorrow, like the next day, I should say, oh yeah, But the date went well, it was cool. We had big dialogue, so it was all right. Well, I think the question is who was the better dancer, you or the older guy who got your date first? Oh? Sure? The older guy? Really? Yeah? Regular yeah at those bars, like these people come and they'll come every week and they dance with everybody and it's not a date thing. It's like just dancing. Okay, whose cologne was better? Older guy smells musty. Yeah, it's got the expensive stuff. I don't know. Mine was pretty good though. You got close enough to the guy, you know. Did you enjoy the night with her at all? Aren't you? Yeah? It was it was a good evening. I mean, it could have been a great evening. But being that I didn't have my bear mace, and you know that in happening, it wasn't the best. So you know it was okay, Okay, your whole night wasn't ruined. Yeah, it wasn't ruined. Ruined. I should say we we hugged at the end, you know, a little little kiss on the cheek, nothing real serious, okay, but I mean, heck, it could have been a whole heck of a lot better. Yeah, because you know, chemistry on the dance floor or that is, that's a different type of chemistry. It's awesome if you can. And that's my whole point exactly. Have you been trying to contact her since then, like with texts or calls or anything. Yeah. I reached out with one call and a couple of texs. Has been like about a week. I'm going on a week and a half now, but she's been doing the emoji stuff. You know, if I say something she'll like, Oh I like it, But nothing like further than the dialogue. So we can talk and so we can hang out again. Interesting, you were ignoring her, but she was having too much fun. I don't know. We're gonna find out we're gonna give you a chance to go put on some more Minions cologne by Justin Bieber, and then when you come back, we're gonna call Adrian. It should be we're gonna do your second day at update right after this second date. Corey's damn night with Adrian had everything a first date should ye cold beer, warm, hugs, good dancing. The problem is not all that happened with Corey because some other older guy at the bar, possibly a regular there, asked to dance with his date, and Corey obliged, which was probably the worst mistake of his entire dating life. It doesn't sound like he actually had a decision in it, nor should he have a choice. It sounds like she just men shouldn't be allowed to choose anything good, point Broke. I mean they choose what women decide to do. Yeah, that's true, Corey. How are you feeling right now after that intro? You want to hit me? No? I mean that's pretty much it. And I didn't have a face though. It was like she said, I snooze, I lose. I tell you what. Though, if it was in any other circumstances, I knew it would have been different. Okay, So it would have been a different outcom Are you wishing that you didn't go dancing? Is that what you're saying? Yeah? I probably would have chose something different looking back now, Yeah, what what hobby would you have chosen off of your dating profile to do? Totally would have went indoor put Okay, a different Okay, you can't have a man swoop in on your date during put putt. You maybe a little, but that's when you bust out the bear mace you that I'm not done with whole seventeen yet. Hey, where doing the clown? No? Very aggressive to Jeffrey. So maybe we'll offer that for your next date if we can get Adrian on the phone. Here, I'm gonna dial her number and see what she has to say. Ready to do this? Yeah, let's do it? All right, let's go right? Hello? Hey is this Adrian? This is she? Who's this? Hey? Adrian? My name is jeff from a morning radio show called Brooke and Jeffrey in the Morning. I'm sorry, I'm sorry too, Yeah, I'm really I'm just kind of confused. If you're on the radio, are you calling me? Well? One of our listeners asked us to call you because he went on a date with him the other night. His name's Corey. Wait, Corey asked you to call me because we went on a date because he really liked you. He's bummed because he's been trying to text you and you haven't really been responding back to him much. I just wanted to him a little bit. Yeah, but it sounded like a courtesy response. You guys weren't like talking back and forth and having fun. I mean, what do you think of Corey? Um? I mean, I'm not gonna get into it, but I just I mean, I don't think I'm really interested. Like, I don't think it's gonna work out. Well. When you guys first met up, was it like initially you knew that or did it take a minute for you to say no? Um, I don't just don't think it's a good fit. But I mean, okay, I'm like, why, Well, so like I feel like when we met on a dating app, and I feel like I make my dating app very clear that like, I'm looking for a real man and I don't really think they exist anymore. What does that mean? What's your definition of a real man? I'm looking for somebody to like. Where a good cobone and have his stuff together and we'll stand up for his woman like a real man. You want someone to fight for you. Well, I mean, like, did we stand up? You know, don't let anybody say anything to the person that you're with, Like, you got to stand up for your woman. I did someone insult you that night and he didn't? Like, I don't get it. I'll be god all right, Well I'm just gonna be honest, and we're putting this all out there. Um So I do this thing sometimes on dates and I have my uncle show up and he'll come and ask to talk to me or something like that. Oh it was the older guy that we heard about. We heard we heard a guy came up to the table and asked you to dance. Oh yeah, so much less sexy bea. That was actually my uncle doing it right at the country bar Brooks all too familiar with that movie. Yeah, I mean, what is he supposed to do? Like a guy comes up and asks you to dance? You say yes, you wanted Corey to step in and be like that's my woman, Like I don't get it, like a real man, right, Yeah, I want someone that can like defend me and speak up and like not be a great accommodation, Like what did you need defending from? Though? It sounds like the guy just want your uncle wanted to dance? Like what said you told him something? Right? Yeah, what's the defense? Well I waited a second to see what he was going to do, and he didn't do anything. He just like looked at me, and so I was like, okay, well and then I like joking I wouldn't dance with him because he literally didn't do anything. He didn't say anything, He just like looked at me. So you that like you should have gone to a club with this test, not like a country bar. He didn't do nothing. He went and danced by himself in your facility. That's something. Oh look, if you were there then I think you would get it. Like you had the opportunity to step up and say I'm here with her. These of me were together like anything. Okay, Okay, it's not something you could have said. You couldn't have said him on a day, Adrian. I get you didn't think he was very manly then, but how's this for a man? Because he Corey reached out to a radio show to call you on his behalf and ask for him why you're not going out on another day. Ye, mister masculine is on the other line wants to talk to you. Really, I mean, I had no idea if that man. Now I know it's your uncle new Hat, Willie Nelson, Rascal Flats and Brooks and Dunns in the in the bag. I've never been there before. Who. I don't know what's going on boot Scoop Buggy. I was nervous. I don't even that's so wrong. Shipbrey's not dead with me, but come on, I'm respecting your boundary. Yes, I just met you. I'm not gonna be a jerk and be like, hey, that's my caveman style. Yeah, it's not even you know, I'm not asking to be a cave in. I'm just looking for somebody that can step up and say to somebody know she's with me, like, I don't care, I don't need to like it. Sounds like you're not being assertive enough. Core. You got to be more assertive when hey, I'll tell you what under different circumstances. I have no problem with that. I was just totally respecting you from talk to bottom. Yeah. Yeah, she doesn't want that. She doesn't want respect. She wants a dose of like unhealthy jealousy. It sounds like to me, right, let me tell you this is miscommunication, that's all it is. Yeah, I was not going to be a creeper. Come to your job, come to your house. Yeah, I got too much respect for you. I think under different circumstances, you and I can jail. I'm willing to put forth that effort. You have two completely different like opinions on this. She wants you to step in, but if you, if you're on a date with a girl like Brooke Brook, would think that's obnoxious, Like, dude, let me make my own desist. I think I step in. I think what happened Adrian is if you want someone to not let you, like if you don't want to dance with other men. You needed to have told Corey as you're walking into the place, like, Hey, if someone approaches me, will you just tell them that we're on a date. Yeah, Like why why couldn't you communicate that to him? Because all right, show me who he is, Like, I'm not trying to change him. And honestly, Corey, like, if you want me to think differently, if you want me to think okay, it was just a circumstance like you're gonna step up somewhere else. Thing you need to prove it right now. You need to show me, blink, how much of the man you are, because that's what I want to Cory. This is your chance. What are we gonna do? Throw your man card down right now? Three one on the radio. We'll talk about this between you and I. I'm good he's gonna find you because he already looked up your home address and your work address, but respected you enough not to go there. Now he's actually going to show up to hear it. Is that what she wants? Is that what you want? I just asked him to like prove to me just now, and he's like, oh yeah, another time, another place, Like I just feel like he's all hot. What do you want him to do? You want him to do it right now? Corey? You got to prove yourself. Now. What's something you want? Do you want me to sing you a song? You want me to wrap what you want? So you got her name was eight oh she left the other dance floor at me and it sounds like kind of a whiny song. Come on, Adrian, look Adrian, he's trying. He he was trying as hard as you can here to get another day with you. Why why don't you just give him one more shot and we would pay for it. I don't know. I just really I think, Corey, I think that you're a really nice guy. You don't want to see Mace a kid at a put putt golf course. He would do that for you. He said that. Oh, man, I think I'm just gonna have to pass on this. Tell her what she wants? So much masculinity in this room. Okay, she brings her uncle on dates. Yeah, I don't think you really want another date, Corey. Yeah, I mean not now, I mean too bad. She had to pass because Corey was trying to tap that, oh, trying to be the man that she wanted. Yea broke and Jeffrey in the morning. We kind of got locked up in the minutia of manliness as one does, as she is is so locked up in we were so focused on that that we didn't really get to the point that Alexis brought up, which was a good point, that she has her uncle go out on dates with her to test out how manly her guys are. Yeah, weird, and he still wanted to go out with her. I know, yeah, I think concerned at all. Did you dance with her uncle? All right? Probably very hot? Well, and as soon as somebody questions your manliness, that's all that matters. You have to prove that you are a man. Yeah, well, when your uncle is the manliest man, you know, it might be a good strategy. Alexis. In the same spirit, would you be willing to have Jose tag along on your next romantic encounter just to prove how manly he really is? I will show up with a lot yes, out manly Jose. Can they do it? I think I can do it. I'm just saying we'll keep you updated on Alexis. But test into seven eight five nine two. If you ever have a person you want us to call, we'll call that person. Wasn't calling back