The couple in today’s Second Date split a mozzarella stick and the MENTAL IMAGE of how they did it will give us nightmares forever… Hear how their date transpired in the podcast!
The second data day. Brook. When it comes to mice, how big of a fan are you? You love them? Are you kind of man? Not so much? Put down the road and poison.
It depends on where they're living, Like am I inviting them into my home? Or they're there as uninvited casts.
I don't okay, we don't need like a big scenario for this. It's just like a do you like mice or no?
I don't know what to tell you. I've never thought about my feelings on mice.
Wow, you heard it here. Brook not a huge fan of Mickey and Minnie Mouse, which honestly not surprised because Brook has gone on record saying small World isn't small enough in her opinion, and she even tried to purchase Cinderella's Castle once to use it as a headquarters for her sweatshop operations.
The kids would be happy working there.
Luckily that sale didn't go through. But not everybody is as anti Disney as our own Brook Fox.
I love Disney.
She'll say whatever, get the sale of that castle to go through. Some people are truly fans, though, like our listener on the phone who's asking us for help with a second date update Okay, his name is Evan Evan. Welcome to the show, Prince Evan, Hi, thanks for having me.
Okay, Evan, are you a Disney adult? Is that what you consider yourself?
I'm a Disney fan. Yes, I'm a Disney adult.
Okay, okay, you know you have to be a super fan to consider yourself that.
So how did that come into play on your date?
Well, I mean I saw her profile. Is her at Disneyland, so like that was great?
Okay? And who is she? What's her name?
Her name is Naa Nadia?
Okakay, so that's what you connected over on the dating app.
Yeah, I commented on it. I said a fellow Disney fan like, call me Olf because you're worth melting for.
It's so dumb Disney the one time I will approve of that.
Ever, ask Alexis. Seems like she would totally be turned off by it, but.
Since it does too, I think.
Okay, you got the approval from the room on that. What did Nadya think about your pickup line?
Well, she sent like twenty ha haas and a smiley face.
Okay, that's cute.
So already you guys are getting off on the right start. There's so much to talk about, and someone as.
We were talking, I guess I made myself vulnerable and I told her like, I actually own more than two dozen different types of Nickey ears.
That's a big deal too.
Wow we lost you now again for them? It works, okay, all right, answer super courteous to you. So you actually told Nadya that?
Yeah? I told her I owned all these ears and she said that she owns a big collection too.
Engaging each other's fanhood and it's working out great, and it's such a good segue into I want to see your collection, invite me over. Is that what happened?
We agreed that we were gonna wear the ones we love and then we're gonna trade them on our first date.
So which ones did you bring for her?
There's like a Lilo and Stitch one. Yeah, yeah, I was wearing those. She had Captain America Mickey.
Ears, And you didn't feel weird being the only two grown ups in this nice restaurant wearing Mickey ears. The one that thinks that's a little odd, Everyone's like, oh wow, magic.
Part isn't even the top for me. It's the strap that gives your neck the weird double chin straps. Those are their children ones?
Are you only sorry about that? Yeah, let's go back to your grown up Disney days. So how did it go? You guys exchanged ears and what else happened?
It went really well, and we were just talking about stuff we like, like the theme parks and our favorite films. And I asked, like, if you could be a Disney character, what would you be? And she said sleeping Beauty because because she likes to take me now, because she wants.
To take naps.
Okay, I mean it's good to talk about like all this Disney stuff. Did you guys actually connect on anything besides Disney though?
Oh yeah, yeah No. We talked about real life stuff too, like our jobs and hobbies and things. But we're both like really into Disney, Like we're into.
It, so, I mean it's part of their personality, Jeffrey, Like, these things become who you are.
Yeah, I mean some relationships are built on trust and things, others are built on Disney headbands.
That's right, that's right, jeff You're on board. Down, you're on board.
I like that.
I'm with you.
You can have both.
I mean I think it's one or the other, but that's okay. Do you want to try to have both them fine?
That it felt like for her like she hit the lottery. I can't imagine too many Disney men are available right now on the dating app.
If that's the case, and you guys were bonding so much over this, why wouldn't she be calling you back?
I mean it came up that neither of us had actually done like a Lady of the Trump kiss.
Oh that even came up. Huh, you're losing me.
I'm forging do you did that?
We did it we like a You did it with what I like, a monzarella stick.
Was it good for you?
I mean it wasn't like a real kiss. We just kind of like faked it for a little bit.
But they just pulled it up.
The whole point is to kiss each other from it. Now, you're just too weird. I was splitting a mazzarella stick in a weird way.
I so wish I was in that restaurant.
Are you are you banned from that place forever? Can we just assume that?
I mean we're not banned, But like after that, she's been tough to reach.
It's gonna be one of those hardcore things where it's like oh Molefficent was his favorite evil characters.
I never Maybe she's stuck on a ride.
It isn't he her phone died the way she.
Whatever it is, we're gonna try and figure out that reason when we come back to your second Date update and attempt to make this the happiest place in the entire world right here in this studio. We're gonna do it right after this second update. Welcome back to your second Date updates, Brook and Jeffrey. In the morning, we've got some Disney music playing, not only because it rocks super hard, but because our listener, Evan, who is a self described Disney fan, had a date with a fellow mouse maniac named Naughty, and they even traded mickey ears during their dinner date Lady in the Tramp to Fried Cheese Stick. At the end. Their lips did not touch, though, and maybe that's one of the problems. Not enough PG. Thirteen action on this g rated Disney date.
I could see that, but we're gonna.
Find out once and for all. Brooke, what are your thoughts before we call?
Not you here man? You know, I just really hope that it works out for you.
I mean, every Disney person deserves their happy ending.
Jeff what do you think about that? Evan?
I mean, yeah, I hope I get to go on another date. I really hope it happened.
Okay, Well, Brook was hoping for a happy ending, not necessarily a date.
I met happily ever after, maybe I should have worked.
Words, but yeah, for either one. Right, Yeah, so let's just call Nadia. Maybe she's down for a happy ending too. You're the one who brought it up.
I'm just using your words, and I'm apologizing.
All right, I won't use those when we talked her. Let's just style our number.
Here we go.
Hello, Hi, we're looking to speak with Nadia.
Yeah, this is her.
Hey, Nadia, your day is going well. You're on the radio right now with Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning.
Welcome to the show.
Oh okay, Hi, what is this about?
This is actually a segment all about you and your dating life because it's called Second Date Update, and we're trying to get you back in touch with someone you've already went on one date with before, named Evan.
Oh uh okay, all right, do you remember Evan? Yeah, yeah, of course I remember him.
She has his ears. You guys, switched ears at the date.
We even heard, Yeah, we've heard a little bit about about your date from him, and we heard you guys have so much in common with your love of Disney, and I'm sure there was more. I heard a lot about Disney.
Yeah, I don't know. I'm I'm really torn about saying. I feel really bad. I haven't gotten back to him. I wanted to text him, but I'm.
Not sure we are you not sure about?
Well, there's another guy I've been talking to and he's also a big Disney fan.
What you found too?
Yeah, I know.
Wait, have you been on a date with the other Disney guy too, or have you just been talking to him?
We just went out last night for the first time.
Some options. He's not as good as Evan though, I mean, Evan's great.
Oh we don't know that, Brooke. Maybe we should get this other guy on the phone.
Yeah Evans our listeners, I.
Thought, we're just trying to figure out who the biggest Disney fan is, or whoever is heart.
Did you do a mouse ear swap with the other guy.
Too, No, we didn't.
It was different than my day with Evan.
Okay, what you lady in the tramp to celery stick instead of a Marella sick.
Oh my god, he told you that.
Yeah, he told us like a lot about the date because he had such a good time with you.
What was like with this other guy?
What'd you guys do?
Well? We we also went out to dinner, so it wasn't crazy different, but like he's different. He's super into Aladdin and actually kind of looks like him.
Oh okay, is a good look.
Well, who would Evan look like on like the Disney Spectrum if you had to compare?
I don't know. He's tall, he has really big feet, so I guess goofy okay.
The teeth though we've got Aladdin versus goofy. Here, we're not doing any favorite. What else about this other guy? And made you like?
And he was like, okay, I don't know if Evan told you about this part, but we disagreed on our favorite dwarf from snow White. I said, Dopey, he's my favorite, and like snow White is my thing? Okay, but he likes Doc, Like whose favorite is Doc? Okay?
Wait, that was like a red flag for you that he liked the wrong dwarf.
I can see that.
I mean, I feel like it tells you a lot about someone's personality.
Yeah, well, wouldn't it just mean that he has big aspirations and he likes to follow rules?
You like Doc, she's defending.
I like Sleepy. Wait, who didn't? Who did the other guy?
Like he agreed with me on Doby?
He disagreed with you to agree with you.
You know who doesn't just play by the rules is Evan who's actually on the other line listening to this conversation. Yeah, his dwarf name is Sneaky. Sneaky talk to her?
Who is just a Latin guy?
She can hear you say, Hi.
I have it.
There's another guy and you like Dopey.
Dopey's pretty lovable.
I love Dope.
Yeahs no personality.
Is this an argument?
Sorry, this isn't between me. I'm not going to step in. You go ahead and defend your stance. You like Doc Evan, I mean.
Dope for like a little bit, Like he's good for a night, But Doc's the stable one without you don't have six other dwarves.
What do you want?
You want a one night with Dope or you want a life with Doc?
That is what you Yeah, that's where it is.
Okay, I can't have a life with dopey so.
Fun you get a dope?
Can we agree to just disagree on who our favorite dwarf is? I don't think that really should define whether or not you have a relationship in the real world right now? Is that it is that the only issues because that's the only thing we've heard, is that you guys disagree on one dwarf.
I mean, obviously I'm nitpicking there because like they're both great guys. But this other guy has like a year long past disney World and goes like five or six times a year the memories.
You're not going to tell me you're just using him for a pass?
No, of course not. But I mean that's a pretty good selling point, Kevin.
Do you have a year long pass?
I can't.
I can't make it the Disney World that often. So it sounds like you're leaning towards this guy.
Don't give up for her annual pass?
Now, Yeah, Evan, what do you have to say to Nadia, like you have one last chance here to change her mind and can pick you?
All right?
Well, I mean, would would that other guy come on the radio and would he would he?
Would he do this for you so many things to tell her, how to make her see the truth about my past? Impossible? She turned away from me, But it happens.
Are you really doing this?
I mean maybe, I don't know.
He's holding back, he's hiding.
I can't beside.
I can't he be the king?
I know he is the King. I be inside the world on.
Okay, do you need it? Yes?
Or did we just end it?
Got to admit that was kind of sweet. So, uh, Nadia, would you be willing to go out with Evan one more time and we would pay for it?
Yeah? Yeah?
Man, Okay, suck it. Aladdin's right, take your magic carpet and fly the hell out of here.
I just went from Goofy to Simba in a matter of three minutes.
And I could not be just captured everybody, all right, right, I guess I did it.
I knew there'd be a happy ending.
Well, I'm not the type that you wanted, but we'll see about that. Good luck you guys, Jeffrey in the morning. After what we just heard, it would be hard not to root for these two going forward in the relationship.
Seriously, that was the cutest. I may be a sucker, right, now, but I loved it.
Yeah, that's singing at the end.
Yes, Yes, it's.
Definitely a first.
Life is so much better when it's a musical, it really is.
I like how they just all found middle ground though Disney it was like the main conversation point. But we did get a fair amount of text in at seven eight, five nine two from people asking for Aladdin's phone number. They're saying she should have gone with Prince a Lee. He wasn't on the show. Guys, that was some other dude that she went out with one time and she wasn't sure like Disney girls, like a bad boy who owns a monkey.
I know.
Can't we just be happy for Evan and Nadia, goofy and dopey, the two of them.
Yeah, people are happy. They just want to jump on that Aladdin bandwagon.
Yeah, but make sure to listen to all of our second dates at Brook and Jeffrey wherever you get your podcasts. Yeah, happy to have you listen
Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.