Second Date Update: Dating Is Like A Box Of Chocolates

Published May 10, 2023, 3:17 PM

The guy on the phone today was vulnerable on his first date...But after he shared his hopes and dreams the evening went downhill quick...

The second date of.

Once in a while, we like to ask our listeners to read the Tinder bios of the person that they're interested in, but this time they got ahead of it.

And just sent it directly to us.

Oh okay, because one of our listeners, James, met a woman online with these things written on her profile. It said love cats and the color purple, the actual color, not the movie.

The movie amazing. You not love the movie?

Maybe she doesn't see it harsh ready to get my heart broken again?

She said. I mean, that's not the goal, but it's the likely outcome.

Oh more than a little very jaded realistic.

She says, if you let me spend the night, I'll stay in your closet and never leave.

That's funny if you read.

That on a profile. If you let me spend the night, I'll stay in your closet, never leave. How are you swiping?

Just regardless?

I didn't think it was left, left or right, just like go straight up on that sweat. James, our listener, read that, and apparently he was immediately hooked. So, James, what does that sentence mean to you? Let me spend the night, I'll stay in your closet and never leave.

That means there's a possibility I might be getting some action.

Yeah all right, I thought.

You were just hoping somebody would hang up your clothes in your closet.

Finally, you're the.

Type of guy that either ignores red flags or just doesn't see them at all in the first place.

Run towards him, manh Yeah, I see a project of this project that you met. Her name is Whitney.

Whitney. Okay, are you? I mean it sounds just I know you're joking with us, but were you looking for just a hookup or are you looking for something more serious?

So I think the old me is looking up for the hookup, but the new me, who's like getting older and stuff, I'm thinking more long term.


Okay, so the new you is the one who reached out to her online.

Yeah, okay, what did new you say?

I joked around with her and was like, hey, I cleaned out my closet for you.

Yeah, yeah, that's funny, Yeah for her joke.

Yeah, literally literally, I thought it was funny and she laughed and we just started chatting.

All right, all right, so did you meet up for a date?


Yeah, we met up at this local bar. She was familiar with it. I go there every now and.

Then, so oh wow, So you guys could have been there at the same time. So I always think that's so crazy. You know, like you meet online, but you could have easily met in person at some point.

Right, what was it like when you first saw you know, it was happy hour. I was like, not feeling cheap, but like she was totally down to drink. She wasn't like snooty about drinking beer, which was awesome.

It sounds like you're like an old frat guy who wanted to challenge her to a contest she's an alcoholic and she's not.



It sounds like you've had a bad running with girls who were kind of snooty.

About their beers.

Yeah yeah, you know some of them they want their martinis with a twist and some nineteen forty two, and I'm like, come on, man, I don't want to take a loan out. Okay, right, let's just go with the well Drakes today, low maintenance, you like that, exactly, Keep it low?


How is your time together?

You know, we talked about our goals and dreams, and I told her about me wanting to be a Hollywood actor because that's kind of been a dream of mine.

Oh what are you doing to make that happen?

Well, I've been taking a lot of classes stuff with casting directors and people like that.

Was she excited about this for you or was it like, oh god, this is a guy who's never going.

To have a job.

Well, it's kind of judgy broke.

That's how my parents felt when I went to art school.

So I'm not like, you know exactly Whitney react.

Yeah, she's like kind of a realist in a sense where she's like, gave you that me that look when I mentioned that where I could tell and eyes or it was like okay, buddy, you know, what are you really going to do with your life kind of stuff. But you know, I'm serious about this and I believe in it.

So that's cool.

That's cool. And you were okay with her reaction. I didn't.

I was okay with it because I don't expect anyone to if you tell them you're going to be an actor, that they're going to go, oh, yeah, that's a great idea.

Yeah, you said what your dream was. Did she ever tell you what her dream job was?

Well, I know she said something about like she was already an executive chef.

Oh cool. Oh yeah, she'd be like a vet or something because of her love a cat. But that's amazing.

No, it's probably.


So she basically was like saying, she's like living her dream already.

Did you give her the same, like, well, you know it's not all that great, but on restaurant.

No, I'm trying to be supportive.

All right, you guys.

Got into some deep conversation, no doubt.

How did it end it?

Well, I mean we had a few more drinks, so you know, got a little more friendlier. We kind of held hands and just like, oh shoot, this is like almost first base or something.

Almost not the body part that I usually get excited about touching.

But that's okay.

But yeah, So she came over to my place and I was kind of trying to be funny, so I pushed her in the closet and I was like, you're staying here forever, so settle in.

Did she la?

No, she didn't remember, and she looked a little frightened.


Anytime you say I pushed her, it's never like, let's not do that.

It was a light nudge, you know, but.

Say she actually left, but it didn't end bad, like we ended up talking and texting, but she only texted me back once.

The joke a little too far.

Well, there was another girl already in your closet and then.

She's no, my closet cleaned out.


Just like in any Hollywood movie, you have to have that low point in the movie before you can have the comeback at the climax.

Yeah, yeah, he takes the class. Are we going to be the climax for him?


We're gonna try and make the climax happen right here on a second date all night.

All right, we're gonna do it right after this.

Hold on cool?

Can you believe we may be talking to the future Tom Hanks right now?


I didn't think of that.

What a career?

Or if he's lucky the future Polly Shore, google that name, the joke will be funny.

On your.

Yeah, his name is James and his big dream is to move to Hollywood one day to become an actor. And that topic actually came up during his date the other night with Whitney. Turned out to be good enough to get her back to his place, but not quite good enough to have her stay the entire night.

Yeah, well, I think his timing is off, which may be something that he needs to work on if he wants to be an actor. Yeah, because that joke was definitely not received.

Wealthy you think, yeah, you think he has a problem with the timing.

Well, when he pushed her into the closet, it wasn't a good look.

Well, let's hold on because for people just tuning in that might sound a little bit weird, there is some context to it. She had a joke on her dating bio that said, if you let me stay the night, I'll move into your closet forever.

But she happened to forget that when she got shoved in the close. Yeah.

Yeah, a little bit of an awkward moment.

But we're hoping to get things back on track when we call her right now. So, James, any final thoughts.

Life's like a botch of chocolates.

You're delivery man, that's right, That's why you're in the classes.

I expect you to be famous right now.

All right, you keep practicing those lines and we'll talk to Whitney for you.

But we'll call you in when we feel like it's time for you.

Kay, you got it?

Here we go, Hellolse Hey.

We're looking for Whitney.

This is sorry, I said we'd because you're actually talking to an entire morning show called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning Hit. There's a Lexus, There's Brooke, Jose and the star Jeffrey.

Big Shooting Star.

What is this about, I'm i Americ cons.

Well, this is something called a second date update, and we're trying to pry into your dating life a little bit to ask about a guy you went out with the other day named James.

Okay, how do you know about that?

Well, we know because we read the email that James sent us telling us about your date and how you guys met, which.

May sound weird. He's just trying to get help, like he really liked you and wants to see you again.

Well, if he told you all about our date, I'm assuming he explained what had happened on the date, right.

Well, here's a snapshot of what happened. He said, you guys met online, you went out to a bar, shared a lot about your personal lives there and hopes.

And dreams, and he said it was a really great conversation.

And then you ended up back over at his place and he did mention making kind of a bad joke or a joke that you didn't quite understand at first about you living in his closet.

He said he pushed you in there and that you didn't understand the context.

That did happen.

That was weird, But believe it or not, that's not even the reason why, like you.

Didn't call him back. Oh really, okay, let me start everything. I thought he was charming.

Okay, we had a nice time. I mean I wouldn't have gone back to his place if I didn't think that he was charming.

Well, Brookwood, so that does something between You have an option, just not.

Just kidding.

Okay, the vibes were good before you got back to his place.

Yes, and even when we got back to his place, you know, we were flirting and everything.

We had another drink and he told you that he wants to be an actor, right, Yeah, so we decided that we wanted to act out a scene from a movie.

You can download some.

Certain that's funny.

Idea for a date night. So question if you're drunk.

He didn't mention any of that to us, that you guys read through a script.

What did you guys do?

Yeah, well, we signed that forty year old virgin?

Who did you play?

I played the main girl part in it?

Okay, okay, he played probably Steve the virgin?

Yeah yeah, was it funny?


I don't want to be mean, but he's not good.

He's not good.

So he just said at all like awful Actually, oh no, not awful, awful too young.

I don't want to say that. I could see it as like a supporting character, but he doesn't have like the main man.

You know, well, hold on, I'm an extra to be fair, like, not only were the two of you drinking a lot that night, but your job is an executive chef from what.

We heard, Like what would you know?

Yeah, like what's your expertise in acting?

Yeah, well you know about acting?

Not gonna go well some attitude there that Whitney, that's James.

He's been on the other line, Whitney.

He's on the phone right now.

Yeah, that's how the segment works.

We let him know that he w here's something he doesn't like.

But you can talk to him, James, meow.

That's how you're coming.

Is is that a line from the movie that was my cat, My cat?

And remember from the other night like cats? Never mind.

The time you literally set me up on the radio to like hear me talk about you. What.

No, I'm just I was just needing some help because you weren't responding to my text you text me back one time, so I didn't know what to do.

Okay, I guess, But like, well then you obviously heard what I said.

So there's your answer.

Like, I'm sorry, I'm really not trying to be rude, but right now I can't support you in your endeavors the way I think you want me to.

You don't think I'm a good actor?

Is that what you're saying?

Because we read a forty year old virgin script?

Did you not believe his performance enough? Like he didn't believe he was really a virgin in that moment.

Yeah, maybe he's just too sexy and that's why he can't pull off virgin. You know, have you ever thought about that, Whitney?

I mean, it was just kind of the way. Have you guys ever seen Friends, the TV show Friends?


You know Joey, Yeah, how they have that vibe. Just like I'm trying to start, I can't deliver my lines. I'm reading them instead of acting them.

Oh, Joey was such a good actor. He was an actor playing a bad actor.

I don't think calling him Joey from Friends was as much of a diss as you.

Thought it was.

I'm not trying to like this hand I, Like I said, I'm telling you, like, I think you should keep taking your classes, but right now I think you should stick to those like single person.

Shows on YouTube and see if you get like a light or followers. No, maybe go from there.

Look, I've had enough for this. I bet you're not even a good chef. You probably burn water.

Oh actually no, I have plenty of reviews that say otherwise, I'm not fantastic stuff, and I actually have proof that I can prove.

What are you gonna do?

How do you have an Academy awards?

Yeah, I don't want to know about all those yells you paid to give you three stars on your enough flaming.

This is getting petty.

Yeah, no, I'm really enjoying it.

Let's yeah, okay, yeah, if you like cat hair and your top ramen, oh.

Oh that was a good one.

That's not really Yeah.

I'm not a twelve year old like, oh, you remember you're glue?

Like listen, I.

Explained to you what my thoughts were and if you can't be even sure about it, I don't know what to tell you.

Yeah, it's not her fault. She didn't even know you were listening.

You know, it's not like and honestly, I probably did you a favor, Like you're gonna get told no a lot, trust me.

So it's probably good that I didn't at first, before.

You get into this profession so deeply that you're probably never going to make it.

In No, she does have a point.

My parents told me I was never going to make it as a radio host, and I'm glad that they told me that early so that when this fails, I'm not going to be as devastated.

But well, yeah, not according to my parents.

Okay, Well look, you might not think my acting is good, but I think you're cooking is horrible.

Ever had Instagram post?

Okay, puppy listen. I mean, she does have a good point. You need to have a little bit thicker skin if you're going to try to get into the acting business.

Yeah, well you're gonna have to have thicker skin if you're gonna want to get into my closet.

I don't even think we're gonna offer you can just room.

No, I want to go on another day with her. I'm gonna I want to reread a different script, and I want to prove to you, Whitney that I'm a good actor.


I would almost want to take him up on that if I you Whitney, And yeah, it's a kissing scene. You know, I don't think they're there. It's gonna be a fighting scene.

Mattress, Little Mattress Marathon at the end, you know what I mean.

Oh my god, I was in that movie.

Mattress Marathon.

It's a sort of a movie.

He was just a weird extra in the back.

James, I'm gonna see you in Hollywood, buddy.

We'll walk the red carpet together.

Yeah, you are.


Jeffrey in the morning.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Ghosted after a first date? We call the person who isn't calling you back to find out the real reaso 
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