The woman in today’s Second Date was almost TOO EMBARRASSED to tell her the reason why she wasn’t calling a guy back. Hear what that reason was in an all new podcast!
Second date, up date.
A lot of places just naturally scream love and romance. Rustic wineries for sure, Rustic mini golf courses, Rustic bowling alleys.
Are so hot.
That's just because of the previous person, as.
Long as it's rustic inside.
Another place that oozes with sexual energy is your local convenience store.
Yeah, apparently we're one of our listeners.
Eddie met someone recently at let's talk to him about it.
You, Doug, welcome to the rustic studios of our morning show, How do you do?
Okay studio?
Oh my god?
Okay? Was it as romantic as Jeff is describing?
No, Actually it was kind of embarrassing.
Yeah, what happens?
Yeah, So I went through a convenience store. I kind of go there all the time. I was just picking up a couple of items. Yeah, and I get up to the counter put it up. They bring me up and I throw my wallet at home.
I hate that, dude.
That's why you gotta do the pay on Apple phone. Apple pay is where it's at. It saves you in a cent.
She's a rustic gentleman. He used to have a wallet that.
Old school pays with coins. I bet. Yeah.
I was wanting to play with cash, but that didn't matter. So I'm like in there like an idiot, like patting myself up and down.
Yeah, it's gonna miraculously show up.
It feels embarrassing when it happens, as if you did it on purpose for some reason.
Yeah, I swear I have money.
Yeah, so just snatch your items and run. What'd you do?
No? I all of a sudden I heard the girl's voice.
Then I turned around. She's like, hey, is that all you're getting? And I was like yeah, and she said, oh, I got you.
I'll pay for it, and I was like I was like no, no, no, like I was, I mean talking about him, Barrens.
It's probably just because she doesn't want you to hold up the line anymore.
Yeah, she wanted to get the hell out. Yeah.
Just the girl that you're talking about that.
You met, Yeah, Samantha.
Samantha's cute with money.
Huh wow.
A little bit of a shell off too, But that's cool.
She bought your stuff for you.
Yeah, so she bought my stuff.
So then I'm like, okay, you know what, She's cute, but I'm never going to see her again. So I'm like, cool, thanks, pay it forward, all that stuff, And what happens the next week?
I run into her again.
No way store wait at the story.
Yeah, clearly, yes.
And I had never seen her or like, never noticed her, but she's cute, so I definitely thought I would have noticed her if i'd seen her a lot before. So I'm like, oh my god, do you remember last week?
And she was like, of course I do. Again, embarrassing, Yeah.
You have only fourteen dollars by the way, yeah right there, Okay, there can sense a little bit of a flirtation though, happening just in that moment alone.
Please tell me you use the opportunity to pay for whatever.
She was fine, I did, that's exactly.
It was like, let me pay you back.
So then I just like took care of what she put up on that counter.
A total simp move, dude, that's what the simps do.
Yeah, Jeffrey, that's cute.
You definitely should have made her pay again, just to show who was in charge.
That's your move, your mood? Yeah all right, all right, but what did you do?
I was like, so, you know, what are you doing the rest of the day.
I figured I'd shoot my.
Shot and oh, the rest of the day like a date right then?
Well, I mean it was like, you know, it was like turning into evening. So I was like, I'm just gonna go home. I'm gonna watch some TV. I'm gonna like order some food. Why don't you like come and chill? And I thought she'd be like, oh, let me give you my number and stuff, but instead she was like, cool, I'm not doing anything, let's do it.
Whoaoa so rad and you guys are ing like you're both down to kick it out of nowhere, you're both helping.
Does she mean like right then?
Yeah, we walked back to my place right then, your rustic place.
I'm assuming it.
Was yeah, oh no, I definitely definitely clean. Yeah, how did that? It was great?
I mean the only thing that I think is not great is that I forgot to tell her or like I didn't even think about it. I didn't think it was a big deal that I have a small dogs are.
Cute unless yeah, a lot of people don't.
Like sorry, I'm speaking for myself.
As soon as she walked in, she was like, oh, okay, cool, but I'm scared of dogs.
Oh dude.
And I will say the little ones can be the most ferocious.
Yeah, my guy's super friendly, like he's a great dog.
But no, no, not at all, not at all.
He was like trying to cuddle up to her, And actually I was like giving her credit for like powering through.
We ordered some food, we watched TV, and then she left and I was like, oh, there was no real chance for me to like take it to that romantic level because she was very preoccupied with the dog.
Okay, so that's interesting.
I mean it is funny though, that you met her at a convenience store, because most of the people that meet there, like at least one of them doesn't have a working cell phone.
So is that like, are you sure that she a burner phone? Maybe for the month?
Yeah, we should wait the first to make this.
Yeah, yeah, no, she it was I thought it was going really, it was going well. I should say it was going well, but I did, like I've kept texting her and I'm not getting any respect.
Honestly. It could come down to that you have a dog, ye, Like if he's scared of them, you scared of dogs?
Yeah, get over that.
One day, she seemed like she tried, like you said, she powered through, So maybe she's uncomfortable, but the dog is.
Nine and she tried to leave.
Is what it sounds.
Are you mad at your dog for dog blocking you?
Jeffrey, the dog, he said.
You still hung on.
Usually, usually the girls are into the dog.
Okay, this is unusual, but let's come back. We're gonna call Samantha for you, and we'll try to convince her to look past your dog and give you a shot when we do a second date update right.
After this second date update.
Honestly, I didn't know what to label this segment for when we posted up on our podcast at Brook and Jeffrey. Feel like it's either gonna be convenience store cuties.
Uh, that's kind of it, or dog blocked Raise the Wolf.
So make sure to follow and subscribe and rate our podcast. Personally, I give it four stars if you ask me, did.
I bet a lot of people going to be searching where's the woof?
We should?
But I bring it up because our.
Listener, Eddie, met a girl recently at a convenience store twice on two separate occasions. The second time she ended up going home with him. Didn't know that he had a dog though, until she got there and she turns out to be a little bit afraid of dogs, but tried to tough it out and hang with him till she eventually had to leave Eddie.
I mean, like, did she ever say that she ended up liking the dog? What's a dog's name? Mod?
Okay, let's not do this, wondering if she ever said like, actually, that wasn't so bad with Mo or anything like that.
No, she really was pretty tense the whole time, and she was really sweet trying to cuddle with her and everything.
But said anything to you since we asked that part?
Yeah, no, nothing, he said.
She was trying her best to like hang and cuddle with mos. There any chance that we call her and find out that she's half wolf?
The dog?
Oh, the dog, it's a dog, he says.
I'm not saying he may have a vicious side. Do you mean mugging?
I'm gonna say no, that's not.
He's also questioning why he called in the show for questions like that.
Jeff, I would like to have Mo on this call as a character witness, but a person who can't.
So let's just call Samantha and see what she has to say.
Here we go, dollar number right now, Hello, Hey, we're looking for Samantha.
Are you driving a semi truck, Samantha.
I'm not what about a fighter airplane?
Maybe maybe we should just ask if she's busy?
Yeah, sorry, you don't even know who we are.
We're radio show called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning, Starry to interrupt your day.
Good morning, Hi, good morning.
Sorry, I know this is weird, but we're doing a segment called a second date update.
Okay, have you ever heard one of those before?
No? All right, Okay, Well this is gonna be kind of fun for you, hopefully, because there's a guy who reached out to us. He's a listener of our show. Seems like a really cool dude. His name's Eddie, and he says that he hung out with you the other day.
It was kind of a crazy story, like you guys had like an impromptu date.
Yeah, we heard a lot about it.
And Eddie said he's trying to figure out a way that you guys can meet up again, but that's not happening for some reason, and he's not sure why.
There's no way I see him again.
There's no way to see him why.
It seems like you guys had a chill time based on what we heard, and you obviously must have had interest because you went back with him to his house and after meeting at a convenience story.
Okay, don't say for so much judgment, geez.
The lead story at the top of the news at ten, missing girl.
Meets Rando at convenience store. More at eleven, strangled by slim gipsy.
You've always survived your convenience store meet up, so mine.
Are pre arranged.
I see, we're not talking about my whirlwind romances. We're trying to focus on Samantha's.
It's beyond embarrassing.
Wait, embarrassing for you.
Or because he didn't have money?
Yeah, and we love embarrassing things.
I can't even say it, like, I've literally only told one friend about this.
Really, what was their reaction?
She was mortified.
She was more.
Mortified again for you or for him or for both of you?
Good questions?
Oh my god, how nervous?
Oh my god?
I am dying to look.
Can we just say, Eddie seems like he really really likes you. He wouldn't be reaching out through a radio station unless he really felt a genuine connection.
He just wants to know what he didn't.
We promised we wouldn't judge you for it at all, no matter how embarrassing it is.
We've literally heard everything say.
Something more embarrassing after I've lived a very humiliating life.
Okay, but like you, guys have to promise you'll never tell him this.
Okay, tell him, Yeah, I promise we will not say anything nothing comes out.
About Yeah, all right, let's not lay it on toothick.
Okay, what's going on.
I didn't tell you about his dog.
Yeah that he hadds a little dog named Mo.
He mentioned that you were a little bit afraid of dogs.
Yeah, is that what you mean?
I was trying my best. We were hanging out and watching a TV show and then Moe jumped up on my lap. Yeah, okay, God, it's so embarrassing, and my body just reacted involuntarily.
What do you mean, like you got scared?
I peed a little bit.
O sweet girl.
Oh sorry, sorry, we don't mean to laugh. We don't mean to laugh.
I know it's horrible, and I was just like I was mortified.
How wet were you?
Well, that's not a question you ask, dude.
I have a best friend, Honest to god. She peees her pants.
From a dressing room. She was at a modeling thing one time. It was like, Brook, You'll never really this. I just wet myself. I don't know what to do. I'm stuck in the dressing room.
This is a thing. Okay. I know Brooke doesn't always keep the best company, so it might not be the best.
She's really great, she really is.
Okay that I could see you'd be a little bit embarrassed by that.
Did he know that?
I ended up asking any to like if I could have another drink, And once he went to the kitchen, I looked up. I saw there was a mark on the cushion.
I just like, I didn't know what to do, and I just slipped it over the drink the cushion.
O the couch cushion.
I totally would have spilled the drink and been like, oh no.
Okay for her embarrassment, so he tried to hide the evidence.
Yes, And I was just like, I'm sorry, I have to go, and I just I'm still felt embarrassed.
You didn't know that.
That is that you do not have to be embarrassed by.
If anybody should be embarrassed, it's me for forgetting to tell you that Eddie's on the other line listening to.
This conversation right now. That's that's my bad. I'm very, very embarrassed.
You could add a little bit remorse in your voice, Jeff.
But we live it up to our promise.
We didn't say anything, Dandy that that all came out of your mouth.
It's fine. I guarantee you he thinks this is funny.
Well, let's not guarantee anything.
Okay, make her feel better, are you there?
Hey, yeah, going, Eddie, make her feel better?
Eddie listen, so Imanta listen. You don't have to be embarrassed. I'm glad.
I know now that I have to go home and no, no, no, but seriously, like it wasn't fair of me to not tell you that I have a dog, so I like set.
You up to be in that situation.
So I feel bad because you obviously you shouldn't have been so embarrassed, Like you could have just told me.
We could have laughed about it, like it's not a big deal.
And like you probably couldn't tell thankfully, but.
Like that couch has so many days from other things. Okay, I'm just glad you didn't look at my dining room chairs. They are way worse.
Things like that. I think we've done no job. We made her feel bad.
It just impressed election. I don't know if you guys wait, do you feel better, Samantha?
I mean, I guess, I just I'm sorry. I didn't say anything.
It's really seriously, it's not a big deal. You should not be like dwelling on this.
Look at his pants just to make you feel better, right.
If that's an it'll take. If that's a little take.
Wow, I mean a guy who's willing to do that for you, Samantha.
You can't let him get away.
You gotta go out with him one more time, and we would pay for that second date. You can do it somewhere where there's no dogs anywhere around, or somewhere rustic.
That's the important thing. As long as it's a rustic location.
What do you think, Samantha, Well, I don't know about rustic.
Well I do, but go ahead.
I mean, Eddie, if we do end up picking out, my face is going to be beat red. If we hang out for like the first thirty.
Minutes, well, I'll think of my most embarrassing story and share with.
You, and then on your guys' first anniversary.
You can get her a set of depends.
So is that a yes, Samantha, You're going to see him one more time?
Oh, I just pete a little with excitement.
It's just old age broke. That's just what happens in the morning.
Brooking Jeffrey in the morning.
Man, that is the perfect example of what you want to hear at a wedding of how the bride and green first the.
Dude, I'll tell you by the time if they got married.
By the time they get married, they will totally share that story exactly.
Rabbit dog soggy couch cushions that was already apparently pretty soggy to begin with.
Apparently. I mean that's the stuff that dreams are made of it.
So you have an embarrassing meet up story Texas right now.
I will say, though, if they do start a relationship or something, that man needs to clean more.
Dude, that was a little she didn't even notice the station.
I do hope that they end up together, because you never know what these things. But that one is already on my wish list to get an update update for me. We got to check in in about six months to see where they're at.
What if they all pee with the dog?
Now that.
You just want to go fund me for a new couch. That's probably in the book, but you can.
You can go check out all of our second date updates up on our podcast Apro and Jeffrey River gets Yours And if you ever need help with your dating life, email the show.
We'll call the person who isn't
Calling you back Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.