If we could give any advice to the average dater today it would be: BE PREPARED FOR ANYTHING IF YOU COME TO US FOR HELP. You’ll hear what we mean in the Second Date Update podcast!
We have tracked the most listened to Second Date updates across all of our podcast platforms, and.
We are terrible at math.
Yes, this is very tricky computers.
Somehow we figured out the top ten Second Date updates for you, counting them down, and right now we're at number four on the countdown. It's got four streams. That means something on the record for us, featuring Alexis's favorite things, coffee and dogs she doesn't own. I think we're gonna make a joke.
No way better when it's not your dog.
That's why we called it. Coffee and caneines enjoy second d They say dogs are a man's best friend. Why because they're great wingmen?
Oh god, they really are very true.
You have a cute dog with you, even a really ugly dog. Gorgeous women will stop mid marathon to walk over in penfe.
It is true. And it's like sometimes the uglier dog, the more attractive it.
Is, Like you chok it.
An ugly dog.
She doesn't even have a face.
You're just looking at it.
Sticking out.
And apparently that's how William met his date with the help of a burn a doodle or is it a doodle? Burn? Noodler.
What is it?
I can't keep up with all the cross breeds. And when I say cross breeds, I mean my co host. But enough about this group, let's just talk to William. William, how you doing, man?
Hey, how's it going? Guys?
Oh, you have a cute pop. What's the dog's name?
Is it bad that I care about that more than your dates?
Right now, my dog's name is Bogie.
Wow, I know, buttons are coming loose already. Tell us about Bogie and how Bogie helped you meet your girl.
So, yeah, so I adopted Bogie like about a month ago or so, and I started going to the dog park and recently I met Rachelle and she has a burn adoodle as well, so naturally, yeah, dogs started like playing.
Together, same dog, right, Yeah, so yeah.
We started talking and we decided to end up getting coffee.
I'm so sorry I haven't listened to a single thing you said because I was looking at pictures of bern and doodles. A look at them.
They're really.
Like multi color. They're like white chest and like dark black fur up on the face like a movie.
Yeah, they're actually they're pretty awesome, like really great dogs.
Okay, so we're going to a cafe. Is that what we're doing?
Yes, to go back to meeting, I'll recap.
If they met, they have the same dog, and they agreed to go to a cafe right.
After the dog park, like same day, right.
Yeah, we ended up saying, oh, do you want to like grab some coffee of the cafe there? So we sat outside, we you know, we just kind of getting to know each other and turned out that Rochelle actually is really well well versed in coffee. I mean, you know, she used to work out a coffee plant, you know, everything that goes into the roasting and all of that.
And Brook he means a coffee factory. You know, he's not. He didn't work at just one plant.
Okay, So naturally she said she said, actually there's this coffee plant that does coffee toys.
Oh like a roasting place.
Yeah, so she's like, do you want to do that? Like we should go out there.
Sometimes those were required for my old job, and those people talk a lot.
I mean when I think hot, sexy, romantic date, I don't think let's go see some coffee beans be roasted.
I don't know, it's interesting.
I mean, I mean we met at the dog park, Like it was very till natural. It was just the vibe. It was kind of like, okay, cool, this is a great opportunity to hang out again.
Was it romantic, Like did it feel like there was chemistry between the chemistry?
Yeah for sure, okaystry Okay.
That's great. So did you actually end up going on the coffee tour?
Oh? Yeah, so we did. We actually went on the on the day.
How was it?
How was the tour and the interaction with her?
It was actually way better than I was expecting it was. There was just a lot of people on it, so that was the only part that was a bit frustrating. We naturally just kind of hung to the back most of it, and she kind of would also explain to me different things about the plant and whatnot. Hot, I mean, very very sexy.
Yeah, this is one of those things where you know she's excited to show you.
So, I mean, you know, even if it's not interesting, you bite the bullet, you let her go. You know, her eyes are probably big like oh in this, oh, in this at least she was having a good time. I didn't know there were so many different types of coffee beans. Wow, black and more.
It could be like really attractive to see somebody like nerd out on something that they're really into, even if you don't like it.
It's not I think.
I'm like falling asleep over here. Is there any action or anything?
Yeah? What?
What was the most exciting part of the coffee experience for you?
Well? So actually probably midway through we just kind of had a moment and then we actually just kissed, like was very there.
Like in the moment.
Is thisn't like the mandatory kissing part of they have you kissed in front of a giant coffee that.
No, haven't. Honestly, it's just it's just very natural and so okay. But this little ten year old kids, this little ten year old kid like was near us and we didn't see him, so it like totally called us out on it.
He's like, yes, it was exactly like that, and so it kind of like, you know, it was funny, but it also kind of like killed the Bible a little bit.
Yeah, anytime you got kids around when you're trying to make yeah, not fun, I can tell you from experience.
Kids watching.
So how did you leave things at the end of the day.
So from there just there was only probably ten minutes left of the date. Then it just like we took some coffee, said we had fun, looking forward to like hanging out again, and just went our separate ways and that was it. And then I actually I haven't heard from her again since then.
You like you've texted her and you've gotten nothing better.
Yeah, like she's just kind of gone m I A, oh no, it seems a bit weird.
It is weird.
I don't know. We're gonna We're gonna play a song. We'll come back. We'll call Rochelle and figure out why after your thrilling coffee tour, she is some for some reason not calling you back.
Coffee breath you guys, it was her idea and they kissed.
A child. We'll see what she has to say after this hold on.
The first step in coffee production is harvesting the beans a peak ripeness. Next, they process the beans accurate or the wet method. Then they drive.
After the wet part on large parchment sleeves the whole deep pulp.
Grade and sort the beans into one of seventeen categories.
Did you google concern?
Are you just reading?
We need to break guys, get off and we fall asleep.
He did not take the date with Bory.
I better stop before it gets too raunchy in the studio, because I'm just describing this, describing William's first date where he and Rochelle went to a coffee production plan and got the whole history about how coffee's made, and Jeffrey and Elesis think this is dumb and boring. Brooke and I seem to think it's cool that.
They were in and even yeah, they both enjoyed it. They made out in the middle.
Guys, I was skeptical that it could be a romantic experience, but there was a kiss in front of a ten year old, so I'm very hot. But now it's been a week and Rochelle isn't calling back. After the day, We're hoping to figure out why did we miss anything there, William?
I know, yeah, you guys, it sounds like you were a little.
Bit turned on there, William, Why do you we'd never heard? Why do you think she's not calling you back?
I don't really know.
I don't know if she's seeing someone else in thent you realize we did keep seeing each other with I don't know, I don't I don't really know, but like even if that was the case, it's just kind of like say that it's and it's not gonna have to be weird.
Well, maybe she has a totally reasonable explanation.
Maybe, And I'm sure we can bring your two beans together to make the perfect brew. Okay, yes, with some sort of medium blonde blend, more like a burn a blend because of their dogs. But let's just get we'll just stop with these puns. Get this over with here we go. Hell, Hey, is this Rachelle? Yeah?
Is this she?
Hey Rachelle, My name is jeff from the radio show Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning. Oh okay, I'm calling you for a second date update today. I'm not sure if you're familiar with that segment, but we're looking to reconnect you with one of our listeners using the dry or wet mes.
Stop second, Oh my god, I'm sorry, Rachelle. Sorry, I'm very sorry.
She's gonna hang up?
Is this am I in a radio right now?
Yes, you're on the sexiest morning show in North America right now in the morning.
Saying so much for radio?
Isn't it number one morning show for beans?
What's going on?
One of our listeners is trying to get a hold of you, named William that you went out with Oh.
My no, no, no, no, no.
Yeah, why that reaction.
It sounds like you had such a great time on the date.
It was so awkward.
I did not expect this.
I know, we were expecting a little bit of a better reaction from you after we heard about your day. William told us about the coffee plant factory and said he's been trying to get a hold of you for the last week, texting and asking you out again, but you're not responding.
Yeah. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to say right now.
You guys sounded like you could be so cute, like you had the same dog, you know.
Yeah, yet Bogie got along with Tanky really really good cute. Yeah. I mean, it's just it's it's really weird that he told you about our date.
Yeah. I thought it was weird too that he would tell us that. It doesn't help with how the segment works, because we want to know about what you guys did together and how the interaction was. And from our end, it seemed okay, minus the part where you made out in front of a ten year old.
Oh he told you that?
Oh my god, yeah he said, I mean it sounded cute and sweet. And then it got, of course interrupted when some kid called you guys out on the coffee tour.
Okay, so he told you, he told you a lot.
Yeah, So I'm just going to cut to the chase, like, what is the reason that you're not getting a hold of him again?
Okay? So okay. I mean when I first met him, it was like great, and you know what, there's like a spark with people when you meet him, and we got to know each other, we got coffee, we like hung out for like an hour and some change, and he's super cute, Like he's really he's really cute.
He's really attractive, but oh my god, what is mo?
Then it just like I realized when we were together with the dogs, he was like an eight, you know, but like without Bogie, he was like a five or six.
And I don't know why.
I don't know why you weren't attracted to him at the coffee tour when he didn't have his dog.
I mean, like physically he is very cute, but there is something about him not having his dog around that like really dulled his personality or something like, I've.
Never had this happen.
His dog's the hot one in the relationship.
Got the competition.
Is it like he ran out of things to talk to you about, because I mean maybe that was your similar shared thing, was the dogs.
Maybe. Yeah, that's a good point, Like I honestly because this has never happened me before, and I was like, I can't pinpoint what the heck it is. I think it's like I would hang out with him all the time if he was with his dog, because there was just something about him. And I was like, what's wrong with that?
I'm sure that's an option he can do with his dog twenty four to seven and then he'll never be unattractive to you.
Oh you you kissed on the tour.
Yeah, I mean like things weren't really going that good on my end, and I didn't quite like I couldn't figure out what was going on, why I wasn't into him anymore, So I just kind.
Of kiss him like spark something.
Yeah, It's just I didn't I didn't feel anything.
But if he would have had his dog, you would have been so into it.
Maybe maybe I would have been so weird.
Yeah, and this is this is a tough one to come back from, but not his fall. William does deserve to know the truth, and he heard it directly from you, now, Rachelle, because I didn't tell you this, but I forgot he was.
I don't know if it's going to raise or lower his rating in your mind, but he's been on the other line listening this whole.
Time, curious.
Yeah, he wants to talk to you.
Serious, Okay, it's just how you feel.
Hey, Yeah, no, I'm definitely surprised to hear that.
But sorry, buddy, are you okay?
I'm totally fine. I mean, I I just if you had just said that, like, we wouldn't I guess we wouldn't be here.
I thought you were into it. And if you had just said, hey, was it feeling it? Like no, no, okay, but I.
Did feel it like I felt it with you and Bogey, just not not just you. You know, like that's that tumble right there. That's what does it for me.
I mean, I don't know what kind of breaking Suger into.
It does sound strange, it makes sense to me.
It's like that man is only attractive if Robin is there with him. That's not true. Some people think that it adds a little bit of extra spice to him. That's Alfred has. Yeah, I'll take Alfred too. Let's get the whole family.
I mean, here's the thing.
Maybe you're not giving him enough chance because maybe the coffee thing was boring, like Jeff said, and the lighting was bad and like there just wasn't a place to be sparky.
What is boring about de hulling and grading and sorting coffee? Tell me one boring thing about that.
I thought it was interesting. But maybe that's why you got the vibe that things were dead.
Okay, I mean I like, think about like another date or.
Yeah, I think you should give it another chance.
I think so too. And he can promise to carry around a picture of his dog with him right next to his face so it's like they're both there all the time, and we'll pay for that date.
I mean, idea for hanging out again if it was like, that'sn't her dog?
Okay, to be honest, not to make it anymore awkward, like I really don't it's not, but I don't need to on a second date. Like I heard enough, Like I know how we are you stand, and I would actually just rather like, keep it cool. We see each other the dog parking, our dogs play like just have to be awkward, like you're into the dog, you know?
But wait, can we agree that like the kids seeing us kiss on our first kiss ever, like that's totally a sign that we shouldn't be together.
I feel like I just I thought it was funny.
I didn't really think about it that deeply.
But yeah, you guys agree to be Still a successful second day.
I think you've handled this really maturely.
Oh thank you, Brooke. I do think I did a really good job of handling. I came through in a big way. I appreciate recognizing you made it through.
A whole coffee Second date updates Jeff
In the morning,