One of our listeners failed miserably when trying to come up with an excuse for WHY he missed his date… You’re gonna want to hear it and why TELLING THE TRUTH wasn’t an option.. in your Second Date podcast!
Second date up date. Women. Women are always saying that they want to stand up guy, and then a man gives them exactly that stands them up and suddenly.
All upset.
What is it, ladies? You want a stand up guy?
Or don't you not a stand me up guy?
You clearly don't know what you want. That's why obvious Nick stood his date up and now suddenly she's being all weird about it. He just can't win, can we?
Man? Apparently not? Yeah?
Right, you're calling because you feel bad, right, Nicko?
Yeah? I think you hit the nail on the head, like I on this one, Bro, why did you stand her up?
Okay, well yeah we'll get to why. First tell us about this needy lady? Who is she?
She just wants someone to actually be there when she has a date and attention to her.
She didn't even say that, Yeah, just show up? I think was.
The what's her name?
Sally on the valley? And how did you meet?
We met on on an app? Like how do people meet otherwise? These days?
I mean, every once in a while, it's like Instagram.
Yeah, yeah, that's a different, But even when you meet people in real life, you're like, Okay, now talk to me on Instagram. You know, what did you like about Sally?
Well, I don't mean this in a shallow way, but like, there was this picture she had of her in a red dress, and there's something about a girl in a red dress and the way that Sally looked at it.
I was like, I need to talk to this girl.
I don't think that's shallow.
I mean that's how it's all done, right, especially when you only have a picture really to go on.
It's nice what I expected. Yeah, I thought he was going to say boobs.
Those were in so much. From reading your email, Nick, it sounds like you went on one day, but you stood her up on date two. Oh my gosh, Nick, Well what happened on date one?
Well, the one was pretty cool because we went to like an old school rap concert.
I thought it was a good choice to be fun, you know.
I thought we had a great time. We actually kissed while we were dancing. It went really, it went really well.
You had a great time the first date. Obviously, she thought so too. What did you plan for the second?
Well, a more traditional date. I thought, okay, well, hey, let's let's get a place where we could talk more proper. Date.
That was her idea, huh said I thought, I said, I thought, okay, sure, but a gentleman, you want to talk to her. That's nice.
So you guys are going to meet at the restaurant.
Yeah, we were going to meet at the restaurant. And then I fully admit this was my fault.
What happened.
So I had to go by my ex's house and I had to pick up the cable box because I had to turn in the cable box because we're no longer, you know, together in that way, okay, And I ended up spending a little more time there than expected.
It sounds like you were hooking up with your ex.
Truth be told, we did hook up.
It it was kind of like a farewell, we're not getting back together.
But literally you're on the way to meet Sally. Yeah, you couldn't have done it the night before?
Yeah, for real, I don't want to tell I'm just being honest about it.
But does it really matter if it happened the night before? Does that make a difference to you? Okay? So what didn't What are your appropriate time period, like an hour before the date would have been okay?
Yeah, I mean, just so he can be clean and not be thinking of the last person.
I mean he was.
Never though he never met up with Yeah, it sounds like he never even met her. So he did her a favor by not showing up. Okay, that's a gentleman, moved, very gentleman.
Did we hear the excuse that he used? Like, what did you say? Would you say to Sally?
Yeah, oh I can't. I couldn't think of something.
And I told her that I took a nap and my arm stalls sleep and I wasn't comfortable driving because my arms were so kind of asleep.
So I played on them, said took a nap.
I was like, that's not bad and there dude.
No, because they're not be awake and I'd.
Have to go.
You didn't want to go at that point? I see, I didn't get that.
Because of what you said from one to another with classic coma arms exceed I think that was a solid choice.
And what did she reply? I mean she's already sitting at the restaurant at that point.
Yeah she didn't.
Yeah, she knows you're excuse. That's obvious.
You're made that up.
That's rude that she didn't respond back to you.
She's true, not trude. Oh geez man.
Okay, so you got what you had coming to you, which is getting ghosted, and now you want us to salvage it.
I'm guessing, Okay, Well Brook, Yeah, I always say, Hey, the best way is just be honest about it.
Yeah, like what I got to lose at this point?
You're happy, Brook? It is true, Brooke doesn't. Brook does say if you have to be one hundred percent honest with whoever your days.
Say that a lot.
She doesn't need this information. This isn't going to make her feel better.
I like her, and I want to continue this, and I think it's better to have, like to start out with the honesty. I hopefully she'll respect that. And but like I'm leaning that way, but I'm suggestions.
If you guys think there's a better.
Tragedy is the one that's gonna guide you.
I mean, I you know, I was like hooking back up with my ex when I met my husband.
The truth comes in.
I know that.
I mean he knew that my ex was coming into town at one.
Because I mean he knew, but then like the X came and I was like, ah, he sucks.
I really like this other guy better.
But We've been doing the show for a really long time, and I did not know that there was overlap with your husband and your own.
I mean, we weren't together like the other side Michael as to this, I was coming out of a relationship to you know, things are messy.
Other got married. Okay, Well, we'll be back with Brooks stories and also getting a second date update for Nick. Sore arms too terribly Right after this hold on Nick second date update, we just heard an admission of guilt. Yeah we did not from Brook I mean, yeah, we did hear about some weird stuff going on there. I was talking about from our listener Nick, who says he wants to come clean about the real reason that he didn't show up to his second date with Sally. And look, I don't feel comfortable saying this, Like, even if you wanted to happen, Nick, that's gonna be your choice and it has to come from you and your mouth. I agree, because we were joking a lot. So you should probably think really hard if this is honestly the best way to go about it, because I know you're telling us you think honesty is important, but for you to admit that you blew off Sally that night to hook up with your ex one final time. You know that sounds bad, right?
Yeah? Yeah, I do.
Okay, maybe you just say I was spending time with my ex.
That sounds like you're trying to get back together. But I think that's what the whole relationship will be like.
I mean, I think you just try to leave that part out as much as possible. Move forward, talk about what you want to happen, not what happened.
I mean, we never know how these calls are going to go before you make them, so Nick, you have to pick the right time if you want to do it. But I'm not going to say it. No one in this room is going to say it has to come from you.
Oh yeah, I totally agree.
You go with that, Nick, Yeah, I'll just play it. I'll see how the conversation goes.
Just don't play it by your arms. We can't count on those boys.
He said that they were dead and that's why I couldn't drive.
All right, man, we're wishing you luck. I'm wishing myself. We're going to make this call right now here we go. Hello, Hey is it Sally?
What's up, Sally? My name is Jeff from the radio show called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning. How you doing.
Oh, I'm good, Okay, what's up?
Hi, Sally whole show is here. We all want to talk to you about a guy that you went on a date with the other night. Well, you went on one day with him and then not another date with him. His name's Nick.
Oh, doesn't sound like a surprise to you at all.
I'm surprised that he gets a colony about him. He should know I'm not responding to him, and I'm definitely Yeah.
Well, I think he understands that. He admits that he messed up by not showing up that night to dinner.
Okay, good for him.
Yeah, I mean I being were you already at the restaurant when he texted you that he wasn't going to make it?
I was already sitting there. First of all, he didn't even call. He texted first problem right there? Yeah, Oh, you're already late. You texted me after the fact that you're already late and sitting looking at this restaurant looking like an idiot, and then you text me this ridiculous excuse about your arms falling asleep and you're not being able to drive.
Yeah, that was pretty lame, super mad too.
I will say that does happen to me all the time.
Arms dead and you can't you can't drive.
Yeah, it's a problem. That doesn't mean that Nick feels good about that. He still is very, very very regretful of how that night played out.
So did he tell you that that was a true thing or like, was that a lie? Because that's an unbelievable story.
Well, I don't know what the truth is. Only Nick knows what the truth of that night is. We're just trying to help help him get back in touch with you.
He did.
I mean, he said he was an idiot for messing up the second date with you, and that he had a great time when you guys went to the concert the first day, and I think he really saw potential of you two together.
I mean that's why it's even more annoying because we did have such a great time. We even shared a kiss, Like I did want to see him again. Yeah, I'm hoping to hearing what he has to say, but I'm pretty just they were sated, right, that's understandable.
Yeah, And I mean you have to think about this. We understand how frustrating and disappointing. It must have been from your end, but from Nick's end, Like in order for him to organize this second date update, it's a lot of work to email us, to have to talk to our producers and arrange a time to come on the show and reach out to you. It shows that he really does care about you.
So, I mean, you guys can have him reach out to me. That's fine, but I'm not giving in the guarantees to anything.
Okay, okay, progress, Well what I can actually do you one better? And instead of having him reach out after, I'll have have him reach out Right now, he is on the other line and he wants to talk to you.
So he heard everything I just said.
Yeah, a lot worse things.
Yeah, I mean I would have unless he fell asleep on his ears and they're not working. He's got the tingles again.
Okay, Hi Sally, Hey, uh, I'm glad that we're talking.
That sweet all right?
Yeah, well, what do you even want to say to me?
What do you have to say for yourself?
Well, one, I want to say, I'm I'm sorry that and that I know I goofed up and like, yeah, I'm I'm the idiot here.
So this one's on me.
Okay, that's a big move.
I like you, Sally.
I think we had a great time, and I wouldn't keep pursuing this if it wasn't a genuine feeling I have for you.
Okay, Nick, listen, just just stop for a second.
Just tell me the truth.
What really happened?
Well, a good question.
There's a compliment. I think she's talking about the dead arms thing.
Yeah, yeah, let's let's start there.
Okay, my arms didn't fall asleep that day, so that text was not accurate.
I bet Sally's got such a shot face on the other line.
True, I like, I want I want to pursue this and be honest.
And I was debating like telling you, but if I do get to go out with you again, I don't want to be thinking about like what happened and how I goofed up.
I want to just say it in honesty.
Okay, Sally, can we agree to do that? If he tells you the truth, will you guarantee you go out on another date with him?
What, Sally, not what he.
Tells the truth and you give him another date.
I would listen to what he said and we'll go from there.
Well, Nick, this is your moment to come clean.
Now I'm nervous.
Okay, what happened is I went to go pick up a cable.
Box from my ex's place, and I inadvertently stayed there longer than I should have.
And it was like things happened and it meant nothing, and it was like the very last time, and it didn't feel right going to dinner with you right after. And then I'm like, you know how sometimes you like when you make a mistake like.
That and you realize, like why I shouldn't do that?
I really like this as a girl, Sally.
All I can say is wow, Yeah, who does that?
What do you mean, like, who does the hook up?
You did say anything about hookup?
Yeah you did, and.
They hooked up. I'm not an idiot.
Hello, Yes, I never heard those words. Okay, Jes you can said you stayed there longer and that you wanted.
Said I did stuff you shouldn't have. You said stuff happened, then you say stuff is. She's not a moron.
It's one thing to have a moment of weakness and hook up. That's fine. We weren't in no committed relationship. That's not the issue. The issue is you knew you were going on a date with me. If this would have happened on any other day whatever, But you knew you were going to come see me, and you still had the thought process to go and hook.
Up with your ex.
Well, no, I didn't go there to go hook up with her. I want there to get a cable box. Yeah, and you went there. Happened, And here's how I was thinking. And again, obviously bad move and my mistake.
But like what I was thinking was like, oh, well, okay, I just hooked.
Up with my ex. Now I'm going to go out to dinner with her. That seemed worse to me.
You don't get kudos for because you knew you were going on a date before he looked up.
I mean that's through herself.
It doesn't matter. I mean I can see her side too.
Like, like we said, you should have picked up the cable box the night before.
It would have made all the difference when you stop by your exes.
You know, exactly, whenever anybody touches a cable box, the mood just as set.
Is there anything he could do, sally to like get in your good graces.
Again, there's a million other idiots on those dating apps that I can talk to. I don't need to put up with this.
Okay, of all those other million other idiots on the dating apps, all those million other idiots probably have x'es with cable boxes too, and you're just gonna end up right back here in the same situation. Nick actually has gone through this entire process. You know, he's fallen on his sword just for the chance to see you one more time.
Good for him. Yeah, and let me say this, just because there's a possibility that I'm going to run into another idiot with a cable box and an ex girlfriend doesn't mean that I'm not going to continue to wead them out because I don't want to end up with someone like that.
You're Sally needs to be a dating coach. Yeah, that's good, Sally.
Yeah, it really didn't work out. No, I was open.
I wouldn't put it one hundred percent on you, Nick, I would put part of it on Brooke and her dumb one hundred percent honesty theory.
Not to tell all the details, Jeffery, I know.
I didn't know the details.
Yeah, let's actually get some of those details.
What really happened, Jeffrey in the morning,