One of our listeners decided to invent her own unique date night based entirely on their ASTROLOGICAL SIGNS? Find out what she did in a Second Date Update!
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Second Date, up Date. You know, for certain women, astrological signs play a huge part impossible matchmaking with a guy online. Yeah, yeah, okay, Like everybody knows libras are the most powerful lovers.
Is that what you are? Yeah, you're a nobody else.
That's weird and you're so powerful.
So is my dad and that grosses me out. O.
Sure, it makes a lot of sense. I drop just read that from like sixteen different experts. They all agree and slid into my dms at the same time. But I bring it up because one of our listeners puts a lot of emphasis on astrological signs and she says she's worried it might factor into the situation with her new guy. So her name is Emily. Emily, Welcome to the show.
Hello, Hi, thanks for having me.
You need to know your sign as soon as we know your name.
Exactly because that's how it goes. I'm a proud Gemini.
Yeah, there's four of us. You don't know what you're going again, I love you.
So we saw your email and we were interested because you said you're worried that your astrological sign may be playing against you. Why do you say that?
Right? So I was reading the survey and I was asking people who are the most datable signs and who are the least statable signs? Okay, we're the least statable.
With us, Gemini's over least stable.
What you're talking about? Crazy?
Yeah, we're a good time, We're deep, we connect on a lot of different levels.
Yeah, not hard headed, entertaining.
We're easy to get along with. I don't know what their problem is.
I mean, keep going about down our throats until we say yes, I'm just kidding. Okay. So that makes you feel insecure or something.
Well, it makes me feel insecure because it was also talking about the most datable sign.
Okay, what's that?
It happened to be Pisces, which is Darren Crits signed.
A sign from you.
Isn't that good?
Do you want to be with someone who's datable like I mean, if you're really putting a lot of emphasis into this stuff.
Well, have great attributions. They're romantic, they're mestical, they have a great imagination.
Okay, I'm going to back you up right there.
I'm married to Pisces and the Romances Gemini, and I will tell you he takes on everyone's emotions. He's very sensitive, very loving, very kind.
Is okay? Yeah, did you hear that? Emily proof that this relationship is totally going to work for you and you're going to end up in a very happy spot in ten to twelve years.
Marriage is like the healthiest one I know, You're hope. So so you know, me and Darren and a dating app and he is very attractive. So one thing that I really love about him is he has broad shoulders.
I guess you don't want to narrow shoulders, man, I never.
Thought of Yeah, they're so broad. I just want to jump up on them on this music festival. That's what I imagine myself doing.
Okay, well that's great, but did you go on a date to a music festival to fulfill your fantasy?
Well, so here's what we did. So after I read this survey, I was like Okay, I'm going to do some research online and it was like best dates for Ices and Jim and now I can google almost.
Anything and you can keep regogling at the answer. I mean it is you know it?
Sure? So what what did you find would be the perfect date for a Gemini pisces combo?
So since pics are super mystical, they maybe with like a tarot card reading.
Or reading, Brooke, you should set one of those up for Michael. He would read.
The only reading he'd love is a sports card reading, like if it was like.
Yes of NBA cards, No, he would hate that.
Does that match with the Gemini's perfect first date?
Well, here's the thing. Mine would be like singing. I love karaoke. Yeah, so I was thinking, Wow, how do I bring volcar and my singing skills together?
Is his name Zultar? Is that what he just said?
You know Voltar? That fortune teller.
The machine?
What's what's your date's name?
His name is Darren?
Okay, let's stick with Darren.
Darren is a cutie PATUITI So you know those karaoke bars where they have the room and you like rent it and you sing in there? Yeah?
Wa never heard of it.
No, jeffrenos all the time.
I had a genius idea of bringing them together.
Get it Tarot card readings and karaoke.
Oh is a Terot card reading going to sing you? You're reading because die's.
Terry ter Yeah, so we would sing a song and then we would pull a card after if he's.
Did you tell him this is what you were going to do or was this a surprise?
It was a surprise, was yeah. So here's what we learned though, this is what came about it. The terror card readers told us that Darren was going to get a cat a cat, yeah, okay, and that one of us would get a raised And I'm like, okay, which one hello, Like I want to raise? But she kind of like kept it broad, so I wasn't like to trussed with her.
Yeah, sometime in the next ten to twenty years, one of you will get a pay increase.
And now I'm kind of like questioning myself because Darren just looked like he was just there, like he wasn't like too excited.
Or he wasn't into the karaoke experience exactly.
He wasn't like enthusiastic, So you know, here's comes of my troubling mind making up all these assumptions.
I mean, those are two activities that a lot of people have super strong feelings against.
You know, you perform. If he doesn't like your idea, then he's not worth it anyway. But we should call him and ask.
Yeah, he'll feel bad for you no matter what exactly. They really take on other people's emotions a lot.
Okay, well, so we're gonna come back and we're gonna call Darren for you, not Voltar this time, Vultar, whatever it is. Darren, We're gonna call him and try and get you your second date update right after this.
Okay, okay, thank you?
All right, hold on second date update. We just learned about a brand new date idea called terry Oke, a combo of tarot card reading and karaoke, which is going to be the latest craze on TikTok am I right, alexis sure.
That's the spiritual I just done on me? How terrible it would have been for the tarot card reader.
Yeah, but our listener Emily set it up based on a survey she found online about the perfect dates for a Pisces and for a Gemini and she decided to mash them together into one super date. Yeah, because she's a Gemini, her date, Darren is a pisces. I have no idea why he wouldn't call you back after this, Emily.
Especially since it was a surprise yes.
Yes, sprung on him. It sounds like the date of the century, and even Brook is feeling mad jealous because she didn't think of it first.
I know, I will.
Say the first day I planned for my husband and I who's piss.
We did a brewery and go kart racing.
Drinking and driving.
That's a good point. Yeah, I know.
I think I went extra on this one. Maybe I did too much. I don't know.
It sounds so yeah, that's a good stuff. He doesn't appreciate you for the effort that you put in, then he doesn't deserve it.
Wanted that the.
Tarot card reader didn't have your back and tell him that he was obviously destined to be with you.
Well, you know, I think she was probably just about her money because she just left after four songs. That's why I wasn't impressed with her.
Maybe she like predicted the date was going to end poorly, so she didn't want to foresee that anyway, I'm predicting that this is going to go really really well. Let's call Darren and see what he has to say. Okay, all right, now, you be quiet now here we go. Don't interrupt my concentration. I have to really focus when I die. Please shut your mouth. Okay. Hello, hey, we're looking to speak with Darren.
Uh yeah, listen, Hey Darren.
Sorry to interrupt whatever you're doing right now, but hopefully you could take a break to be on the radio for a second with a show called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning. Yeah, hey, Darren, Okay, yep, oh, I can tell how impressed you.
That's right.
But we're doing a segment called a second Date Update because we're trying to help one of our listeners get in touch with you again. After you guys went on a little romantic first date at a karaoke bar the other night, there.
Was anything a little about it.
Big romantic date with a girl named Emily.
Oh yeah, okay, well what about it?
Okay, that's what we want to know. What did you think about it?
I have to know what you thought when you first got there and realized what you guys were.
Going to do.
What a unique experience bro karaoke and tarot cards.
Yeah, it was definitely a first for me.
Okay, I think it'd be a first for anybody in this room. Honestly, you've never heard of it before.
Was it fun?
Like what she obviously told you stuff like, I don't know what she told you.
Well, she just said that she planned this unique first date idea, brought the tarot card reader to the karaoke bar so that she could do readings in between songs.
And we heard that you could be getting a cat soon. Yeah, the predictions.
Okay, So here's the thing about all that stuff. So I'm not really into that sort of stuff, like the tarot card reading and the astrological signs and stuff like that, but I sort of went into it with like a kind of an open mind just to see what happened. But honestly, it kind of freaked me out a little bit.
Why huh?
So you mentioned the cat earlier?
Right? Yeah?
Right, So I didn't mention this at the time, but my neighbor is moving and they have a cat, and I agreed to adopt their cat.
And you didn't tell anyone, did she know? Did you?
I didn't say anything at the time. Wow, you know, I don't want to mess around with this astrological crap. I'm going to bring in no, no.
No, come on. One, it can be just a coincidence.
And two, even if it's not, these people are really good at like reading signs of things that are happening in your life.
Probably it's like cat hair on your sweater.
Wait, hold on, there's more. So. One of the terror readings I don't know if she told you about this, was that somebody was going to get a raise.
Few days after that, I get called into my boss's office and he tells me I get a promotion in a race wo freaking way.
But these are a good thing.
Yeah, it's awesome.
It's freaky, and honestly, like, I'm not that kind of person that I want to know what my future is or anything like that. I kind of like to go with the flow and just see how life kind of happens.
That's crazy, so wait wait, wait, Though it wasn't.
Her giving you the tarot card readings. Yeah, if she doesn't predict the future.
But he's into it though. Yeah, he seems like she's kind of that person that wants to know what's going on. I'm not, and like, honestly, I've been kind of struggling with I don't know how to bring this up to her.
So it's it's not necessarily an issue of like Gemini versus Pisces and incompatibility don't mix. It's just she's into the astrological stuff and you don't want anything to do with it.
And you're scared of it.
Yeah, exactly, Well, okay, I'm probably I mean, how is he ever going to bring this up to her? I'm I'm really sorry to freak you out even more than you already are, but I have a prediction that Emily is listening to this phone conversation and wants to jump in. I'm not a professional tarror.
Reader, so oh hey, what's up?
So wait, is that the reason why you're not calling me back?
I just didn't know how to tell you it, and I didn't want to disappoint you because you like went through so much effort to bring like this tarot card reader in and the karaoke night, and like, I just didn't want to hurt your feelings.
Right, So not callin her back is well, I just don't understand how you didn't and don't want to know the future and then look the tear card reader. She predicted everything I.
Know, and like, honestly, I'm a little bit kind of freaked out about the whole thing, and like, I don't know. I like to go with the flow with life. I think that's part of the beauty of life is just things happen and you react to them and it's unexpected.
Yeah, well, I don't know. You don't want to know like the next time that you're going to miss a rent payment?
What how do you not know that?
I mean, I just got a promotion, so I'm not worried about, like I'm doing all right with rent.
Emily, why did you bring up rent?
Because I like cano stuff and that's okay that you don't like canoe stuff. But you know, this could help build our future. Be ahead of the game.
I've heard that's how you play the stock market.
Like what if the next hair card reader tells us that you're about to get another cat? Like I would want to know that, don't you want to know that?
How many cats is he going to happen?
How often is this park pulled? I mean maybe he would just know when the cat.
Arrived, Yeah, exactly, And their cats. They're pretty much kind of self reliant, you know what I mean, It's not really that big of a deal.
I understand Darren doesn't really want to know anything about the future. Emily wants to know everything that's going to happen in the next forty years. There must be somewhere in the middle where you two can meet and we could send you on a date that we would pay for. That way, you guys could talk about it, worked this out, and nobody would miss any rent payments that way.
Yeah, it feels like it's worth a shot.
Yeah, I don't know. Emily, what does your tarot cards say that I'm gonna sit? Yeah?
Good that you're the perfect guy for me.
Oh question, it's a totally different card, but it's still works exactly how it works. So it's a definite yes from Emily. We know that. But Darren, the answer comes down to you do you want to see her one more time?
You know what? Honestly, this whole thing just really isn't for me. I'm sorry. You seem like a nice person and I wish you to bet.
Are you serious?
I mean, yeah, I'm serious.
Tell him how many cats he's going to get his punishment.
This is awful. I did not see this in the car. Oh can you please give me one more chance? And I'll never bring up the tarot cards again.
To give it totally now, how quickly she moved away.
God, those darny geminis. They're so finicky, Darren, She's asked twice. Now.
Yeah, no, I'm sorry, terrified.
Better luck next time.
Okay, Emily, I'm heartbroken.
I also feel like you're gonna be delivered and feral cats to his Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.